19711276? ago

What do the other videos by the kids claim? Did you watch them? Did you watch the retraction videos? Did you go to the site with the judge's remarks? Nope. If we're the news now, why are you posting 1/2 a story? CNN is your new home.

19712484? ago

Why did Trump post the Tweet? Why did Q post the link. Fakes or someone covering their ass with a forced retraction? You are just making an assumption based on nothing, and ignoring the message from Q and Trump. Why? Because you are here to sow disinformation?

19712638? ago

Do the research, and you'll see why it was posted. They post topics, and we're supposed to research them. They don't tell us WHY, they tell us WHAT.

19702313? ago

There is a very easy way to determine if these children are telling the truth. The little girl says the head master at the school has a tatoo on her privates. Haul her ass in and make her show she doesn't. If she does the story rings true. If she doesn't start digging into who put these kids up to this bullshit and send them to prison.

19702065? ago

Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) tweeted at 4:14 am on Fri, Jul 12, 2019: Thank you! (https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1149517347805253633?s=03)

Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download?s=13

19696669? ago

opposite is needed which is healing

papa had similar childhood probably

how do we as society deal with damaged people

pain and cruelty is dark side method

19702246? ago

You rehab the kids, and keep an eye on them to make sure they don't fall into the same path. You write off the adults. They have likely have spent a lifetime in that evil and will not change. You golden rule shit is why we are in the mess we are dealing with today. Evil has to be eliminated not coddled.

19707419? ago

well i believe killing is evil so how you want to eliminate evil by killing ?

19708477? ago

Is God evil? He taught his people to kill their enemies even to the point of genocide.
You would allow evil to continue to live among the righteous.
Your attitude is why we have perverts getting out of prison that are not reformed and the next victim dies in their attempt to not get caught again. Your kind is why many many unnecessary innocents have died; many of them under horrific circumstances and pain.
The world doesn't need you kind of justice. The bleeding hearts have done enough damage with their virtue signaling. I want to see an eye for a eye and tooth for a tooth. That was the justice God gave to his people, and the horseshit SJW has brought to the world only promotes more evil and the death and torture of more innocents. You cure a deadly disease by sticking a bandaid on it.

19708840? ago

you realize we are living on planetary sized concentration camp with religions given by and modified multiple times

what you are talking about is mental virus of violence

and even if you are referring to vatican cult version of jesus story you should forgive

19709178? ago

No actually what I'm talking about is protection of innocents. In you view the ones committing the torture and murders should be treated as though they are innocent. I'll go with if you don't want the punishment don't do the crime, and if you are to stupid to know it is a crime then you are even more dangerous to the rest of humanity.

19712104? ago

Well I believe we are all one and killing others is like really really stupid

Are you vegan or are making some excuses for killing too ?

19712544? ago

What the fuck would vegan have to do with capital punishment?

Why don't you take a fucking hike. You have exactly zero chance of changing my mind, and I doubt you have a shot at changing anyone's mind that believes in justice.

19712670? ago

well if you believe you must kill animals to live, you are eating their trauma then it affects how your body mind and spirit work anon so maybe get a fucking broccoli or a salad

19712978? ago

You are an idiot, and there is zero point in engaging your stupid shit again.

19713535? ago

apart from name calling and personal attacks do you have actual arguments anon ?

19697938? ago

You must also not discount the 5% of the population that are born without Conscience. They feel no shame, no guilt and no empathy for others. They can be taught the rules of a society, but even among those, there are some who simply will not adapt to the greater society. The Shamans of old knew this; what can we do with them? They will not respect natural law and so are a danger to All.

19698274? ago

Brain damage can be reversed

Autism is caused by brain damage coming from toxins aluminum and vaccines

Can be reversed as well

Are you victim of childhood trauma?

19696172? ago

https://youtu.be/cAvgk_02fwc some anon dug this video clip up on the kids.....it doesn't show much but that they are with their father and alive

19702269? ago

I guess you think Potus and Q don't know what they are talking about. You'd rather believe some anonymous on the internet. Have you learned nothing yet?

19696180? ago

I have not verified that this is the same two kids...sorry I just realized that...I'm tired and I plainly just forgot....

19696146? ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#53059) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

19695633? ago

Wtf. They seem very desensitized about what they are saying. Like they are describing something normal

19697924? ago

My mother used to get upset with me and my brothers with lines like "You only exist because your older brother wasn't my Girl". You grow to survive, no matter what life throws at you. Or, you crumble to dust beneath the incredible pressure. There is no middle ground, there can be no negotiation, you are a child and your parents are training you to suit their needs, whether they realize it or not. You, are a child, you will bend the knee to survive, you will do what you must and like it or not.

It WILL fuck with you. It will shape you. It will torment you. You can escape it, but that's the thing.

You can't fake this shit. When I "drop" myself out of my emotions and into the Survival mode, it's best not to fuck with me. For your own good. Not in the "I'm a badass sense", but rather in that "You're just in the way" sense, that you'd be considered little more than collateral damage. You'd be amazed what the mind will do in order to survive extreme trauma.

19699378? ago

Yikes. Scary stuff that they are that acclimated to this. Poor kids

19696615? ago

That's what happens to children who have been in cults since birth.

19695254? ago

Which tweet did DJT tweet that had their pictures in it? I am looking but can't see it?

19695297? ago

The Tweet that Q linked is not from Trump. It is from JohnJames02545194. John James is saying Trump retweeted an account from Q. This is the message. I do not see the retweet from Trump, but I have not checked.

"Trump just retweeted an account (dropped by #QAnon) who's name is "Save the Littles". Their cover photo is of two children from an interview (here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7_epvNbaPQ …) talking about secret pedo and human sacrifice rings being exposed. DARK > LIGHT."

19695551? ago

The retweet from Trump is there! I just dropped a comment on it!

19695619? ago

link please? I don't think it's showing for me.

19702077? ago

Link shared

19695445? ago

I know that. I just can't see the supposed account that DJT retweeted.

19695752? ago

Some are saying they had to try multiple times before seeing it. It is some fuckery from Twitter going on.

19695231? ago

So over the last few hours, 8chan has been in meltdown, just before Qs post tonight.

The impetus was the Board Owner (FastJack) changing the rules of breads to get rid of notables.

Anons were not at all happy about this, and have spent the last few hours demanding answers.

Pray voats. I don't know who is right, but there was a lot of fuckery going on before FastJack made the change, including posts like this:


Pointing out how the bakers were being weird. Then rather than fixing it, FastJack changes everything.

Shills are here too anons. Stay frosty.

19697121? ago

the Board Owner (FastJack) changing the rules of breads to get rid of notables.

say what??

the notables were essentially, in my view, the fulfillment of Q's comment / commission: You Are The News Now

19697789? ago

Correct me if I'm a Fake News faggot.

But this FastJack Nigger, he's new ye? Potential Comrpima?

More importantly, the fuck dis nigger doing trying to define the Movement?

19695153? ago

Did you do any research on the video? Children retracted, and now live with their father.

19695826? ago

Here’s the long video of the Hampstead kids account of their dad running a Satanic ritual abuse school/ church. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DtAuWQHgUvo

19698958? ago

I've followed the Hampstead kids. I've been to every site I could find on it. I've watched all of the vids. You haven't, or you would know they recanted, and are currently living with their father.

19706843? ago

Ok. Yeah I have not watched everything, never said I did. Congrats - you’re a faggot.

19710801? ago

Thank you. I'd rather be a faggot, than ignorant!

19695324? ago


19695740? ago

Na. Kids were telling the truth. I made a post about their leaked medical records. According to the records kids were telling the truth. Also their mom dissappeared shortly after feeding the kids differe narrative to tell the cops. Looks like anon above didnt do the proper research.

19695167? ago

No I didn't do any research on the video. It was taken straight out of the Q drop link.

19699019? ago

Do your fucking research. Search for the vids on the Hampstead kids.

19702318? ago

Fuck off

19710848? ago

hahahaha! You hate being wrong.

19712572? ago

Who says I was wrong? Trump didn't say I was wrong. Q didn't say I was wrong. Some fuckhead on the internet is trying to tell me I was wrong.

Has Trump said anything that didn't prove to be true?

19712625? ago

Do your research.

19694997? ago

I just cant! Can not even get past the title.


19694860? ago

No one knows if this is true, it's been debated and I'm not here to debunk anything.

We just dont know, but I will say this, when you watch it, the gut doesnt feel nice and I dont know any children this graphic around adults or on testimony. I'm not an analyst, I dont know the official score.... but I dont like it. No sir.

19696284? ago

... and I dont know any children this graphic around adults or on testimony.

You can read about, or watch video recordings (if you can find them) of kids who have been rescued from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) crime environment's. You will find the same types of graphic descriptions of what they were witness to.

19696301? ago


as I said, I am certainly concerned, any tale of abuse needs thorough investigation.

The divorce angle works well, but should not cover this.

and if a pattern emerges like we see, time to call in angry men.

19696166? ago

Great description. There is something about this video that doesn’t sit right beyond the subject matter. My instincts tell me these kids were coached to repeat phrases like parrots. Not that these things don’t happen, but this smells funny.

19697832? ago

Your gut is a bad liar. These kids speak too easily about it for it to be something that they've been merely "Coached on", my kid caught wind of my Girlfriend and I discussing the HRC Face cutting video and the poor girl fucking ran off thinking we were discussing her.

You don't Blaze talk about shit like this unless you've become desensitized to it through exposure.

Source: I was badly abused as a child, my ACE score is something like 8 or 9. Trust me, these kids are being sincere, it's too blaze to be an act. No child actor is That good.

19703590? ago

Why do questions the adults ask the children always have the answer in the question? It’s called a leading question and these kids were obviously coached. Now that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. If these things did truly happen, the parents would have their kids in therapy and making videos.

19695137? ago

They claim they were put up to it by their mother, and stepfather, and retracted their statements. They live in the custody of their father.

19695290? ago


19695532? ago

He keeps repeating that but never provides a source.

19695598? ago

I've heard the same thing, like I said, we dont know.

19696148? ago

I have children, it's hard enough to get them to pose together for a still photo. To coordinate this level of acting and have it come off as genuine is near impossible. I consider myself an expert at knowing when a child is lying to me, because they all do it at some point, and they are all bad at it. Even coached by an adult this result would be difficult to acheive. I challenge anyone who reads this to reproduce it convincingly.

19696304? ago

I also have a child, and when she lies it's stupid obvious. They aren't good at it. You know what they are great at? Describing things as they genuinely percieved them and when they lie for effect, it's super clumsy, ie: not like this, this is red alert and always has been.

19697868? ago

Kids generally don't feel the need to lie to you unless you give em reason too. What we don't realize as adults is, the Observer Is also observed by the Universe. Meaning what YOU WANT TO SEE, affects what YOU CAN SEE. Kids don't have all the biases and deep programming us adults have, their eyes can still see things we've been trained to ignore.

Do you really think your "Imaginary friend" was 100% imaginary? Just a reflection of your psyche projected outward to give you a "Friend"? We know there are "demons" in this realm, what's to stop "Good Spirits" from also interacting with our Youth?

19716396? ago

Agreed, thats what I find disturbing, kids lie for profit but will tell the truth for free and unfettered.

19695685? ago

I agree with you. We don't know. But this same poster is replying to every single post about this claiming he/she does know. It's fake he claims but never provides a source. Kinda makes me think it's likely real. Over the target.

19696312? ago

Yea, I've never seen any source for it, imho, its just "the story" as we know it.

I dont think he knows anything and will simply never admit that his source is just someone else who has no source.

19694682? ago

https://invidio.us/watch?v=N7_epvNbaPQ :

Papa kills babies - Secret UK Pedophile ring is being exposed - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

19694864? ago

They scared of the truth

19694552? ago

That is what is going on here, pure Satanism.

And the power of Satan works through the secret connections that binds these people all together.

19694550? ago

They cut the babies’ heads off and drink the blood? For what gain? This is so wicked!

19695143? ago

The children retracted their stories, claiming their mother, and stepfather put them up to it. The children live with their father.

19695330? ago

Source for the third time ? Shill.

19698998? ago

There's several vids on youtube of them recanting, asshat. There's also vids of them with their father.
Do your fucking research.

19700004? ago


19700181? ago

You mean baaa baaa. Sheeple

19695020? ago

The life is in the blood. And Adrenochrome.

This Satanic ritual goes back thousands of years.