Corninmypoop ago

At this point I'm convinced the world's full of James Bond type villiains. That's great, just fucking great.

The_War_Economy ago

Omidyar Network donated $100,001 to $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation. They donated to Hillary For America as well.

Eyezopen ago

Something needs to be done about George Soros and his son Alex. As Alex seems to be the one to keep his father's agenda alive. Alex was at the spirit cooking party Devil's Heaven and had on the red shoes.Red shoe pedo cult. Alex also was hanging out with Chuck Schumer there's pics floating around on web. So even if George Soros is out, I'm afraid his son will be just as vile.Pure evil

Arrvee ago

The Omidyar Foundation showed up in several places around Gamergate. We never found them directly involved in anything bad, but they were linked to the social network at multiple points. There are probably a few bad actors in the foundation, but we don't know who they are.

ReddittRefugee ago

Yes, Soros-funded organizations, and other SJW funding groups, were sniffing around GamerGate all the time, because the ajenda has always been to bring gaming under control of the SJWs/liberals/socialists just like other entertainment industries such as movies and music are.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Great post, among all the shill posts. Saved and will research more into this.

Jem777 ago

Excellent Post. George Soros is connected to all these groups including paying Al Gore millions in bribe money to lie About climate change which continued under obama. PayPal founder Peter Theil has long been a Deep state operative. He is also on the board of Facebook and founded Planitir the current CIA program being used.

He also founded Ambrosia which recieved a grant to study transplanting young blood into older people for longer iives and other issues.

He is fixated on living forever and has even infested in cryogenics where he will be frozen indefinitely believing relatively soon scientist will bring people back to life.

Oh and by the way he has a huge property in New Zealand and is suspected of leaving there.