EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @notdivided,

We appreciate you sharing this link, but unfortunately we no longer accept 'share a link' posts on this sub. please see the new Rule 6 in the sidebar.

Please repost this link as a 'discuss' post, along with a brief summary of how it is related to our investigation. Or repost in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thank you.

notdivided ago

Good grief. If i post a discuss link I get flagged for not including a link. If I post a link that isn't good enough either? I include a brief summary about how it's related to the investigation in the title.

think- ago

The community decided they didn't want to have direct links anymore - in the headline. When posting a link, please always add two or three sentences what the video or article is about - in addition to the info in the headline. Thanks.

letsdothis3 ago

I believe both women on that stage were there to distract from the child trafficking aspect of NXIVM. Raniere's so-called ex-girlfriend played the part of enabler and we should have sympathy for the women who got involved because many came from dysfunctional backgrounds while Catherine Oxenberg focuses on her adult daughter who is involved with the cult and who she says was 'brainwashed'. She was there to sell her book. The genuine ones were the mother and daughter who approached the lawyers and press after the talk to try and highlight the case of the young girl who has allegedly been taken. I don't trust Oxenberg...


comment by @ASolo

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

think- ago

I don't know whether Oxenberg has skeletons in her closet, but she pushed for an investigation of NXIVM, and seems to have been seriously pi**ed off that they had brainwashed her daughter.

think- ago

@notdivided: Have you seen the submission rules in the sidebar? (When on mobile, please switch to 'desktop view'.)

Directly linking articles or videos is not allowed anymore (see Rule 6).

You might want to self-delete this post, otherwise the mods are going to pull it. Please re-submit as 'Discuss post'. (Just copypaste the link into the submission sheet, and add a sentence or two about the content of the video.) Thanks.


Just like the girl who is suing the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints for blindfolded ritual sexual abuse in Arizona

Beaucephus ago

The actors we've seen associated with fake events have been pure and utter shyte. This lady is one hell of an actor or, as I personally believe, is completely legitimate in her allegations.

letsdothis3 ago

He says there was a lot of talk about cyber hacking. That's quite possible.. Check out my post:

Jeffrey Epstein is deeply embedded in the tech industry and government organisations.

letsdothis3 ago

@think- we should do a compilation post of all the organisations that Epstein is involved with. I think people would be shocked.

think- ago

Yes, good idea. Was he involved with NXIVM though? I don't recall that. looks confused

letsdothis3 ago

Just putting these notes here before I forget:

The USC is caught up in the university admissions scandal. Many believe that this leads to a bigger story...

Annenberg School of Communications, USC >> Gary Knell of Slow Food and Common Sense Media >> Booking Holdings >> Jeffrey Epstein

Then there's

This lead is derived from continued digging into the rape and murder of child actress Judith Barsi. More specifically, further digging into Sid Sheinberg, the mentor of Steven Spielberg and likely culprit in the Jaws the Revenge incident.

Sid Sheinberg is co-founder of The Children's Action Network. Some Supporters of CAN are: Armani, Bulgari, Lucy Dahl (daughter of Roald Dahl) David Geffen Ralph Lauren Stella McCartney Ron & Cheryl Howard Family Found. Saban Family Found. (Haim Saban) Lorraine and Sid Sheinberg Versace Linda Thompson (gf of Elvis and formerly married to Bruce Jenner now Caitlyn)

Co-founded by Kate Capshaw, Steven Spielberg, Robert A. Daly, Diana Meehan, Lezlie and Mark Johnson, Lorraine and Sid Sheinberg, and Stacey and Henry Winkler. One of his fellow commitee members of HRW has ties to BLACKSTONE and the Rothschilds. He himself is a member of the board for American Jewish Commitee, founded by Bolshevik Jacob Schiff. Sheinberg’s interest in human rights is bollocks. HRW was a key player in Clinton “interventionalism” (ie fuck up a country for profit and possibly trafficking children admist the chaos) The donors are a whos who of Pizzagate suspects (Rockefeller Foundation, Bronfmans, Epstein Philantropies, WaPo, Jesuit Refugee Service). HRW heavily involved in opposing the anti online sex trafficking FOSTA law. Bingo, they’re involved in sex trafficking while claiming to oppose it. The successor to Sheinberg at Universal was Ron Meyer, of CAA. One of his sons worked at WILLIAM MORRIS.

letsdothis3 ago

Jeffrey Epstein, Clintons, Sustainable Oceans Alliance, the United Nations, NXIVM and CHILD SEX TRAFFICKING

NXIVM cult , SARA & CLARE BRONFMAN and the links to PEDOPHILIA rampant among UK establishment

Victoria's Secrets, NXIVM, a Trump tweet, and the New World Order

3 voat posts enough to demonstrate the connection? ;-)

Uhm, btw, the whole sustainable oceans thing will take us to Paolo Zampolli, who is also involved in AI (though he has no tech background) . He is connected to Epstein. And you know who Zampolli leads to, right? I'll just leave that there for now.

An Epstein compilation thread LEAVING OUT LOLITA ISLAND and focusing on all his other connections would be a real eye opener for many people.

think- ago

An Epstein compilation thread LEAVING OUT LOLITA ISLAND and focusing on all his other connections would be a real eye opener for many people.

Agree. That would be a terrific project for the weekend, wouldn't it? ;-)

We shouldn't forget that he has managed part of the Queen's finances (still looking for the article where it was mentioned).

letsdothis3 ago

Yes, I forgot about the Queen connection. I'll try to search for that as well.

think- ago

@Factfinder2: Do you maybe remember the newspaper article about Epstein managing the Queen's finances? See convo above. Thanks.

Factfinder2 ago

Are you thinking of this from Vanity Fair?

The Talented Mr. Epstein: Archive:

Gell-Mann rather sweetly mentions that “there are always pretty ladies around” when he goes to dinner chez Epstein, and he’s under the impression that Epstein’s clients include the Queen of England.

think- ago

Yes!!! Thank you!!! :-)

@letsdothis3: @Factfinder found the article about Epstein managing the Queen's finances! :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you :-)

think- ago


Factfinder2 ago

You're very welcome.

derram ago :

Did The NXIVM Symposium Reveal Something Totally Unexpected? - YouTube

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