SearchVoatBot ago

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Quicktor ago

Righteous...this is right up there with the Velvet Mafia post... ...Ellen Brody from 'Jaws'...she was looking after the children, you know?...

the only thing worse than a male pederast are the female consenters and suppliers of children... written by Roald Dahl, directed by Jim Henson (died 9 days before the premiere) and is being currently remade by Robert Zemeckis, Steven Spielberg's USC protégé...

U....S....C.... (George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, Zemeckis, Michael Eisner's son, Judd Apatow, Richard Kelly of Donnie Darko, Ron Howard, Jerry Lewis taught there...

oh and this guy....

U....S....C.... and never forget the UCLA connections as well...(Francis Ford Coppola, Geffen, Iovine, MK Ultra, etc.)

great job dude...

darkknight111 ago

So your saying that Lorraine could very well be an accomplice in the Jaws the Revenge incident (the Judith Barsi case). Given the person who quit Hollywood out of disgust at what she saw was a conpletely different person (didn’t catch that until recently), this doesn’t surprise me.

To think that digging into the death of one child actress would end up uncovering such a massive interconnected web (the CAA and Velvet Mafia posts were derived from that case but were big enough for their own leads).

carmencita ago

WOW. The chair of the HRW is Peter Osnos who is the publisher for George Soros who is also a member. Also there are quite a few members of the CFR and one has connections with Madeleine Albright. This stuff can still surprise me. Amazing.

carmencita ago

Jonathan J. Sheinberg, 34, an agent with the William Morris Agency, and three associates were charged in a civil complaint filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission on Thursday. They immediately settled without admitting guilt.

Ex-MCA Chief Rejected Offer to Help at MGM, Sources Say

Sources said Sheinberg, 63, indicated that he might agree to serve in a broader advisory role--perhaps sitting on the board--but his main interest was in securing an overall deal with a studio where he can make a small number of films each year through the Bubble Factory, the production company he runs with his two sons. Sheinberg declined to comment.

The Bubble Factory is an independent film production company founded in 1995 by former MCA Inc. (then-parent company of Universal Pictures) president/COO Sid Sheinberg with his sons, Jon and Bill. The company was formed after MCA was taken over by Seagram in June 1995. The Bubble Factory would be financed by Seagram and would produce films for release by Universal, with budgets in the $30–50 million range. Sheinberg, however, could take a film to another studio if Universal passed.[1]


Toward the end of its independent existence, it also controlled various entertainment and other business ventures, with its purchase of MCA Inc., whose assets included Universal Studios and its theme parks, financed through the sale of Seagram's 25% holding of chemical company DuPont, a position it acquired in 1981. Following this, the company imploded, with its beverage assets wholesaled off to various industry titans, notably The Coca-Cola Company, Diageo, and Pernod Ricard. Universal's television holdings were sold off to media entrepreneur Barry Diller, and the balance of the Universal entertainment empire and what was Seagram was sold to French conglomerate Vivendi in 2000.

Seagram's House, the former Seagram's headquarters in Montreal, was donated to McGill University by Vivendi Universal in 2002, then renamed Martlet House.[2] The Seagram Building, once the company's American headquarters in New York City, was commissioned by Phyllis Lambert, daughter of Seagram CEO Samuel Bronfman, and designed by architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe with Philip Johnson. Regarded as one of the most notable examples of the functionalist aesthetic and a prominent instance of corporate modern architecture, it set the trend for the city's skyline for decades to follow, and has been featured in several Hollywood films. On completion, the innovative and luxuriously appointed 38-story tower's construction costs made it the world's most expensive skyscraper.[3] The Bronfman family sold the Seagram building to the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association for $70.5 million in 1979.[4]

From the 1950s, most of the family holdings of Distillers-Seagram was held through holding company Cemp Investments, which was owned by the four children of Samuel Bronfman. The three most popular Seagram distilled products in the 1960s through 1990s were Seven Crown, VO, and Crown Royal.

Barry Diller and the Bronfman Family

William Morris Agency

William Morris Endeavor Entertainment LLC (WME or WME-IMG), also known as William Morris Endeavor, is an American talent agency with offices in Beverly Hills, California, United States. The company was founded in April 2009, after the merger of the William Morris Agency and the Endeavor Agency. WME represents artists across all media platforms, specifically movies, television, music, theatre, digital and publishing.[2] It also represents the NFL and NHL.[3] WME also owns the Ultimate Fighting Championship[4] and Miss Universe. The company is run by Co-CEOs Ari Emanuel and Patrick Whitesell.

Steven Spielberg Signs with WME William Morris Endeavor now run by Ari Emanuel

Steven Spielberg is splitting his representation, tapping William Morris Endeavor to rep him on the TV side, primarily through his DreamWorks Television, which had been at CAA for the past couple of years.

As usual these pervert honchos are always tied together somehow. Jon Sheinberg who has ties to WME and of course his dad and ties to Spielberg who has ties with WME as well and to, of course, Sid Sheinberg who May He Not RIP.

The internal WME memo announcing the signing Friday noted that the agency will represent all of Spielberg's entities in television.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

God damn, I smell the loches coming off that last name. Fuck me, could you get any more kiked with a name like that?

darkknight111 ago

Maybe if the guy is named Schlomo Shecklestein. XD

auralsects ago

so you now realize what a stupid faggot you looked like defending jews? you still look and write like one btw

Lansing-Michigan ago

I was going to post this link on my FB wall......but comments like yours are beneath me. Is this on purpose? To keep only the young and not easily shocked / appalled reading here?

darkknight111 ago

He’s one of those “White Sharia” losers. The type that believe that women need to be locked up in cages and raped. His post behaviour indicates he is a straight up psychopath (many of us agree on this).

Even most white supremicists/nationalists HATE the white sharia crowd. To the point where they consider WS people “psychopaths that need to be hunted down and killed preferably by impalement”.

He does this shit all the time. Auralsects is a pedophile who’s on the record defending Mohamad diddling a nine year old girl, defending Jeffery Epstein and Harvey Weinstein (he hates women more than he hates jews).

Do post the Pedowood stuff, as that is probably the best way to red pill people.

If you want to post on FB, screen shot the useful data, and post them as images. Get the good stuff, none of his useless commentary.

darkknight111 ago

I only care about criminal activity.

Only stupid faggots like you can’t see that’s the only thing that matters.

You still write like a filthy sand nigger. Hope someone plunges a bacon grease lubed saif into your wind pipe.

No one around here likes you. No one loves, not even your own mother, who wishes she aborted you. You should seriously consider suicide.

Vindicator ago

I think Donkey is the other kind of Semite. He bragged about it, here.

Here's a lovely contribution of his, claiming women have orgasms when raped, and a lot of other incendiary hogwash.

darkknight111 ago

@Vindicator @think- @Crensch @srayzie @Blacksmith21 You wanna know a cruel secret about our resident sand nigger psychopath?

He has shitty “blood flow”. Meaning he has a hard time getting it up. No wonder he’s such a pathetic incel loser that the only thing that can make him feel good about himself is trying to make others miserable. No wonder he’s so supportive of rape and pedophilia.

I bet 99% of the boomers he hates so much have better “blood flow than him”.

Him claiming to be so young yet having those problems means Donkey is a worthless genetic inferior only fit for the oven.

Ping everyone who hates Donkey so they too can know his embarassing secret.

Blacksmith21 ago

"I have slow blood circulation, so what. it will give you time to sweep away the spider webs" - That would explain so much. Most likely he doesn't have "slow circulation" aka "limp dick". He probably just has limp dick when it comes to women. Now, put a nice fresh, young boy in front of him and watch the magic happen.

"Women are for children, but boys are for pleasure", right @schlongkeyhole?

srayzie ago

Foolio is in his 50’s. He’s @Equineluvr

auralsects ago

Nope and i didnt get nicknamed donkey with a limp dick either

look how easy it is to bait that clown tho XD

srayzie ago

Please don’t talk about your uncut noodle. It gets old. 🙄