YogSoggoth ago

First link was 404 like, meaning the site could not be reached. Second link the same. 15th on the East Coast.

MemeAmericaGreat ago

Symbolism will be their downfall, or our advertising campaign is killing us!

hg74rhyd9 ago

I don't see the naked female on any of the links, but I did notice a naked looking witch flying on a broom in the top left logo spot of their webpage: https://animusassociation.org/en/

Imnotshocked ago

I can’t access either link.

Omnicopy ago

First link is saying serving not being found

septimasexta ago

I had to break the link. Copy it to browser and remove space. Should work.

think- ago


Hi @septimasexta, could you please put a 'PDF warning' before the link, or break the link, please? Otherwise the mods might flair the post.

Thanks! :-)

septimasexta ago

How do I do that? What is PDF?

think- ago

I saw you already broke the link:

http://lastrada international.org/lsidocs/3234-Justice-at-last.pdf

You can just write PDF warning before a pdf link.

PDF is a file format, it means that when you click on a link, a file will directly open, and show a text. Many people don't like to click on these links, since pdfs might contain a virus, therefore the warning, so that people will be able to decide for themselves.

Hope this helped.

septimasexta ago

Thanks. Didn't know that.

Aasb ago

Naked woman flying on a broom. You mean a witch?

septimasexta ago

Well, she didn't have a pointy hat. Didn't want to make assumptions.

think- ago

Yes. Lol.

carmencita ago

One of those listed under Directors for La Strafa is Doug Band who has huge Clinton Ties.

septimasexta ago

Good catch!

carmencita ago

YW. The outcome on this can only be horrible for those Little Babies. Doug Band and the Clinton’s are a lethal combination imo.

Are_we_sure ago


EricKaliberhall ago

How is the Russian collusion investigation going? :)


Are_we_sure ago

It's going pretty well, always stronger since the last time you asked.

Manafort was just found by the judge handling his case to have lied to the prosecutors AFTER he agreed to cooperate, so his cooperation agreement is ripped up. Why does he keep lying? What is he hiding? One of his lies was about sharing Trump campaign polling data with Konstantine Kilimnik who the US government is connected to Russian intelligence. Another of his lies was discussing a way lifting sanctions on Russia with Kilimnik. So, you know, collusion.

He is now the fourth Trumper to have lied about his contacts with Russia.

letsdothis3 ago

Kathleen Cravero (President of Oak Foundation) held or holds positions in the European Climate Foundation; PeaceNexus Foundation; Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) Board of Directors https://cep.org/pressreleases/kathleen-cravero-kelvin-taketa-elected-center-effective-philanthropy-cep-board-directors/

Prior to joining the foundation, Cravero worked in international development for more than two decades in roles at UNICEF, the World Health Organization, and the United Nations, including as part of the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Advancing gender equality has been a focus of her work, and her past positions have included stations in Burundi, Uganda, and Chad. Cravero holds a Ph.D. in political science from Fordham University and a masters in public health from Columbia University.

Here she is issuing - ahem- a call to action to the international community on the global child abuse and trafficking issue citing the words of Queen Silvia of Sweden: The Oak Foundation's Kathleen Cravero on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation ..

in the video description a link https://outoftheshadows.eiu.com/ with connections to the Un and Ashton Kutcher's THORN

Uh huh. THORN. I'm not going to bother to link to all our posts on Kutcher and THORN

Re Queen Silvia:

TIL - ICMEC was officially launched by Hillary Clinton & Cherie Blair + more

Queen Silvia of Sweden ICMEC Honorary Board Member

NCMEC, Ark of Hope and pedophiles

She's also on the Board of Trustees of HERE Geneva (an independent think-tank which has as its mission to contribute to closing the gap between policy and humanitarian practice) http://here-geneva.org/who-we-are/board-of-trustees/

Niels Dabelstein, Chair

Niels Dabelstein was Head of the Evaluation Department of Danida, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark from 1988 to 2007. He was Chairman of the OECD/DAC Working Party on Aid Evaluation from 1997 to 2002.

David Noguera

David Noguera is the president of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Spain since October 2016.

Balthasar Staehelin

Balthasar Staehelin is deputy director-general at the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Daniel Toole

Daniel Toole is currently a private consultant helping companies and organisations with strategic and management issues. He previously worked for over 30 years with the UNICEF, most recently as UNICEF Regional Director for East Asia and the Pacific and previously for South Asia. He also served as Director of Emergency Programmes at UNICEF, as Chief of Staff to the UNICEF Executive Director, and as Country Representative in Mali and in Rwanda immediately following the genocide. His work in UNICEF and previously with USAID and Peace Corps included extended periods in Asia, Africa and New York, as well as numerous missions in South American and the Middle East. From 2001-2003, he was Chief Operating Officer of the start-up team of Acumen Fund, now Acumen, the first venture philanthropy fund supporting international private social enterprises. Daniel continues to serve as an Advisor to Acumen. Daniel Toole holds a Masters in Public Policy from the Institute of Social Studies in the Hague, now part of Eramus University.

Really inspires confidence in the 'humanitarian' community, doesn't it?

YogSoggoth ago

Leslie Spring founded Cognitive Code in 2007 and is the inventor and architect of Cognitive Code’s SILVIA Platform. Silvia Rhea was the mother of Romulus and Remus. Depictions were of the twins suckling on a giant wolf's teat. Comforting?

letsdothis3 ago

I'm having a 'slow' day. How is Leslie Spring connected?

YogSoggoth ago

Not sure she is connected to anything except the creepy platform used by Northrop Grumman, and the military in general. They also are using it in toys. The point is that Sylvia may be a fairly common name now, but the original was a goddess associated with the Oak just like Innanna, Ishtar, and the rest of the huntress gods with male alter egos. Molech represented the male principle of life and reproduction while Ashtoreth represented the female principle of fertility. The Oak Foundation was not named for the first thing someone saw when they looked out the window that day. These people are really into the old gods, and too track them, you have to be too.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you. Yes,it was clear that the name Oak Foundation was no coincidence or chosen randomly. The Sylvia platform is new to me and I saw their involvement with toys.. definitely warrants a closer look.

Kahlypso79 ago

humanitarian community....?? Its horrible.. They are all corrupt.

letsdothis3 ago

The video is on the YT channel of the World Childhood Foundation: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2546442/12771894 ::

So thanks to @swordfish69 the first mention of the Child Mind Institute on this forum had to do with a wikileaks email: BREAKING: Secret Wikileaks invitation places John Podesta, David Brock and James Alefantis together at Rothschild home

But it gets weirder. Tijuana Picnic has hosted parties with familiar faces mentioned in the Pizza investigation, including Walis Ahluwalia. Dan Neidich, who hosted the first reception, is on the board of directors of The Child Mind Institute and MoMA. You can connect the dots if you like. Also pictured is Lucali Pizza owner Mark Iacono, whose pizza place became extra popular after Jay-Z called it his favorite in Brooklyn.

Dan Niedich with Hillary Clinton at CMI https://imgur.com/a/tO7VvXp

with Christine Mack https://imgur.com/a/VyjxCfC

Christine Mack is also on the board of World Childhood Foundation http://www.childhood-usa.org/christine-mack/

NCMEC, Ark of Hope and pedophiles https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1685537

Strongbow's most recent post talks about a Workshop on Child Sexual Abuse funded by Darkness to Light. Darkness to Light is partnered with the Beau Biden Foundation http://www.d2l.org/about/partners/ and with Sweden's Queen Silvia's World Childhood Foundation. This is an article on Sweden purportedly being run by right wing pedophile rings.

Sajid Javid is the UK's new Home Secretary. So which children's foundation board is he connected with? It's the London Early Years Foundation. Let's take a look...

Bain & Company is a global management consultancy headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. It is one of the 'Big Three' management consultancies. Bain & Company provides management consulting services primarily to Fortune 500 CEOs [including strong ties with Sweden].

In 2000, The Bridgespan Group was created to work with non-profits and to facilitate pro-bono work for staff. [Looking at their funders I would say that they are another organisation that needs further scrutiny.]

Bain & Company also maintains an in-house social impact practice, and pleaded in 2015 to invest $1 billion in pro bono consulting by 2025.[36][37] This practice is built upon different pillars, including social and economic development, climate change, education, and local community development. Organizations that Bain has supported through pro-bono work include UNHCR, the World Childhood Foundation and Teach for America.

Bain & Company is known for being secretive. The firm is sometimes referred to as the "KGB of Consulting." Clients are given codenames. Employees must sign nondisclosure contracts, promising not to reveal client names, and are required to adhere to a "code of confidentiality."

YogSoggoth ago

LATEST TRENDING VIDEOS FUNNY10 hours agoDomino’s Sends Cheesy V-Day Surprise to Pizza Hut Along with Cheeky Love Letter

Read more at WOB: https://www.worldofbuzz.com/msian-uses-toilet-at-immigration-checkpoint-gets-accused-of-illegally-entering-singapore/ Seems to be some kind of pro china site, but whatever. I think it's code.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

Posted automatically (#23284) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

letsdothis3 ago

Nine National Foundations Join to Address Nationwide Housing Instability - Conrad Hilton Foundation https://www.hiltonfoundation.org/news/248-nine-national-foundations-join-to-address-nationwide-housing-instability

Understanding that stable homes provide an important platform for individual success and thriving communities, nine of the nation’s largest private foundations have joined forces to create the Funders for Housing and Opportunity collaborative with the goal of ensuring individuals and families across America who spend more than half of their income on rent – or have no homes at all – will be able to afford safe, stable rentals in thriving communities.

Members of the new collaborative include: The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, Ford Foundation, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, The JPB Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, Melville Charitable Trust, and Oak Foundation.

..Partnership for Children & Youth will provide training, coaching and capacity-building work to housing developments, with the aim of increasing the expanded learning program quality through gains in student health and wellness, academic achievement and family economic and housing stability. California and Washington; $400,000 award over two years.

septimasexta ago

One of the Hilton daughters is married to a Rothschild. "Nicky Hilton Weds James Rothschild" https://people.com/tv/nicky-hilton-wedding-heiress-weds-james-rothschild-in-valentino-couture/

"James may not personally be worth so much, but the Rothschild family’s net worth is valued at $700 trillion, so, he does not really have to worry about expanding the value of his personal riches. After all, he’s heir to the family’s banking dynasty and all the property that the family owns."

"It is very well known that Jame’s father was Amschel Mayor James Rothschild, executive chairman of Rothschild Asset Management of the Rothschild banking family of England. Sometime in July 1996, Amschel was found hanging in a Paris hotel room. This happened after a meeting where plans were made for a merger of asset management companies." https://justrichest.com/james-rothschild-net-worth/

Are_we_sure ago

but the Rothschild family’s net worth is valued at $700 trillion

good lord, I can't believe people believe this. Are you fucking kidding?

Here's the 10 richest people in the world according to Forbes

Jeff Bezos | Amazon | $112 billion Bill Gates | Microsoft | $90 billion Warren Buffett | Berkshire Hathaway | $84 billion Bernard Arnault & family | LVMH | $72 billion Mark Zuckerberg | Facebook | $71 billion Amancio Ortega | Zara | $70 billion Carlos Slim Helu & family | telecom |$67.1 billion Charles Koch | Koch Industries |$60 billion David Koch | Koch Industries | $60 billion Larry Ellison | software | $58.5 billion

These ten people do not have a trillion dollars combined. If you found another 100 people like them, you would be 691.5 trillion short of 700 trillion.

Come on, now, think this one through.

letsdothis3 ago

More about the Oak Foundation: https://www.riteon.org.au/get-up-their-socialist-left-connections/

To understand the culture and intent of a group, first we start with the creators, and then look at the company they keep...

Oak has a 6-member board of trustees, 4 members including Barbara Rothschild, and a staff of approx. 75 people. Oak champions ‘global social and environmental issues’ with a focus on women and children. Oak features 11 programmes and has donated more than 4,000 grants to like-minded socially-progressive groups around the world.

Commencing with former AWU President Bill Shorten and the CFMEU, GetUp has its roots in progressive left-wing Labor policies, despite unconvincing attempts to present a non-partisan platform. Initially GetUp’s campaigns appeared neutral and not politically-aligned, they became however, increasingly hard-left, often focusing on conservatives with personally derogatory and defamatory accusations and perusing a relentless push for gender-based issues, renewable energy, faux environmental science, increased immigration and socialist style policies.

septimasexta ago

Looks like we've found a hornet's nest...

Are_we_sure ago

Of what?

septimasexta ago

Thanks for stopping by. Always lets us know if we're over the target.

Are_we_sure ago

Always lets us know if we're over the target.

Dude do you know how stupid this sounds?

A. Guy posts some dumb shit.

B. Guy gets called on his dumb shit.

C. Guy: See I'm so right.

anyway, did you figure out why they are using a witch yet?

septimasexta ago

You must be the night shift for AWS. Grammar/vocabulary usage and pay scale goes down. "Hey, how about doxxing yourself" LOL!

Naked lady flying on a broom.....perfect image for ANTI-TRAFFICKING...NOT!

Apologist for Carl Jung.....now I've heard everything.

think- ago

Haha, my thoughts exactly! :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Uh huh.

letsdothis3 ago

Animus Association funding page http://animusassociation.org/en/funding/ indicates lots of work with children's foundations, for example in Sofia: http://bezstrah.org/animus-association-foundation/

They get funding from:

The Oak Foundation http://www.oakfnd.org/

Voat threads:

Soros donating $100k+ to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Oak Foundation is funded through Soros' open Society https://www.opensocietyfoundations.org/sites/default/files/partners_20090720_0.pdf

Board Chairman for Child Right's International Network (CRIN), works for SOROS Open Society, and advocates for legalization of SEX WORKERS

About Oak Foundation: http://oakfnd.org/about-oak.html

The resources of Oak Foundation originated from an interest in the Duty Free Shoppers business which Alan Parker helped to build. Today, the Foundation comprises a group of philanthropic organisations based in various countries around the world.

Oak Foundation was formally established in 1983. Early grants were made in Denmark to organisations supporting single mothers and torture victims (1983) and in Zimbabwe to groups supporting vulnerable children and families, primarily at community levels (1984). Grants continued to be made annually in several countries until a new phase for Oak Foundation began in the early 1990s, when annual grant-making increased and staff were hired to run substantive programmes.

Since then we have been growing steadily and today we have 11 programmes, through which we have made more than 4,000 grants to organisations around the world. Our six main programmes are: Environment, Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, Housing and Homelessness, International Human Rights, Issues Affecting Women and Learning Differences. In addition our Trustees support causes that fall outside the remits of the other programmes through the Special Interest Programme. There are also four national programmes: Brazil, Denmark, India and Zimbabwe.

Oak Foundation has its main administrative office in Geneva, Switzerland and a presence in seven other countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, India, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, the United States and Zimbabwe.

Edit: Meet the team of the Oak Foundation http://oakfnd.org/meet-the-team.html

Oak Foundation is governed by a six-member Board of Trustees - Caroline Turner, Chair; Kristian Parker, Vice Chair; Natalie Shipton, Vice Chair; Christopher Parker, Jette Parker and Alan Parker. An Advisory Panel also supports the Foundation’s work on a range of grant-making issues. Current members are Kathleen Cravero (President of Oak Foundation), William Norris, Julie Sandorf and Barbara Rothschild.

YogSoggoth ago

Caroline Turner - Michigan State University. Stop the mad scientists. She does not even try to pretend she is curing anything.

septimasexta ago

Wow. Good work!

letsdothis3 ago

Just to show how everything connects..

There are also four national programmes: Brazil, Denmark, India and Zimbabwe.

Thought I'd do a google search on the Oak Foundation and Brazil and got this:

GETTING STARTED WITH GRANTMAKING IN BRAZIL - Council on Foundations https://www.cof.org/country-notes/getting-started-grantmaking-brazil

Just check out the list of foundations all scrambling for a piece of the Pi pie:

Oak Foundatio, Rockefeller Foundation; Guggenheim; Bill and Melinda Gates; the list goes on..