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letsdothis3 ago

Animus Association funding page indicates lots of work with children's foundations, for example in Sofia:

They get funding from:

The Oak Foundation

Voat threads:

Soros donating $100k+ to National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Oak Foundation is funded through Soros' open Society

Board Chairman for Child Right's International Network (CRIN), works for SOROS Open Society, and advocates for legalization of SEX WORKERS

About Oak Foundation:

The resources of Oak Foundation originated from an interest in the Duty Free Shoppers business which Alan Parker helped to build. Today, the Foundation comprises a group of philanthropic organisations based in various countries around the world.

Oak Foundation was formally established in 1983. Early grants were made in Denmark to organisations supporting single mothers and torture victims (1983) and in Zimbabwe to groups supporting vulnerable children and families, primarily at community levels (1984). Grants continued to be made annually in several countries until a new phase for Oak Foundation began in the early 1990s, when annual grant-making increased and staff were hired to run substantive programmes.

Since then we have been growing steadily and today we have 11 programmes, through which we have made more than 4,000 grants to organisations around the world. Our six main programmes are: Environment, Prevent Child Sexual Abuse, Housing and Homelessness, International Human Rights, Issues Affecting Women and Learning Differences. In addition our Trustees support causes that fall outside the remits of the other programmes through the Special Interest Programme. There are also four national programmes: Brazil, Denmark, India and Zimbabwe.

Oak Foundation has its main administrative office in Geneva, Switzerland and a presence in seven other countries: Bulgaria, Denmark, India, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, the United States and Zimbabwe.

Edit: Meet the team of the Oak Foundation

Oak Foundation is governed by a six-member Board of Trustees - Caroline Turner, Chair; Kristian Parker, Vice Chair; Natalie Shipton, Vice Chair; Christopher Parker, Jette Parker and Alan Parker. An Advisory Panel also supports the Foundation’s work on a range of grant-making issues. Current members are Kathleen Cravero (President of Oak Foundation), William Norris, Julie Sandorf and Barbara Rothschild.

YogSoggoth ago

Caroline Turner - Michigan State University. Stop the mad scientists. She does not even try to pretend she is curing anything.

septimasexta ago

Wow. Good work!

letsdothis3 ago

Just to show how everything connects..

There are also four national programmes: Brazil, Denmark, India and Zimbabwe.

Thought I'd do a google search on the Oak Foundation and Brazil and got this:


Just check out the list of foundations all scrambling for a piece of the Pi pie:

Oak Foundatio, Rockefeller Foundation; Guggenheim; Bill and Melinda Gates; the list goes on..