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The_Raven ago

I know I'll get down voted for this, but I really wish you'd have done more than just SKIM it before presenting it here. For example, how does Fiona's stories replicate those of ACTUAL victims? Most times, yes, victims stories are the same because the RITUALS do not change. This outline reads just like the Satanic Panic saying that the children's statements were coerced and they were trained to say what happened at the daycare.

It's really bad form to throw info out there expecting everyone else to dig into it when you haven't put any energy into examining or verifying it as truth or fiction yourself.

Vindicator ago

I'm not primarily a researcher on this forum, Raven (except if I'm busting shills, or trying to help people scour the archives for information they can't find). When I see things on Twitter or elsewhere I know folks here have an interest in and I see they haven't been posted, I occasionally submit them. Modding this subverse takes hours and hours of every day. Few are willing to help, and I've been doing it for over two years. I do not have the time to read a 115 page pdf. Also, I am not familiar enough with all of the various folks who claim to be SRA survivors to necessarily be able to spot inconsistencies. This is a crowdsourced investigation for a reason. Please dig in, and post your findings here. Perhaps the community will debunk this? If so, I will give it the flair.

The_Raven ago

Thanks for replying, but I'm seeing all sorts of red flags right away.

1) Fiona has already stated that the CIA was involved with her abuse

2) The Russia narrative is being brought up here. So called conspiracy theorists (CIA coined this term as you well know) are the ones who are seriously doubting that Trump has anything to do with Russia, so if the deep state can get pedo investigators to believe that Fiona is in bed with Russia, well that's a start in the right direction for them.

3) Many on Voat are very pro-Nazi and push the racial divide narrative, so it seems as though this story is not only being used to discredit an SRA victim, but to smear Russia and restore the image of the Nazi regime

4) See this article I found by searching helena and peter holowczak

EricKaliberhall ago

Yep! -2 pts already. Go ahead and down vote me,

You poor thing...

The_Raven ago

Did I ask for pity? No. Fuck off.

EricKaliberhall ago

The_Raven ago

Why are you and everyone here so obsessed about EsotericShade?

EricKaliberhall ago

I wouldn't call it obsessed... ESOTERICshade is not that interesting, intelligent or funny...

Why the fuck do you care, faggot?

The_Raven ago

I care that the mods here are more concerned with finding alts of users than investigating Pizzagate. This sub used to be great, but it's now become a joke. It's as if all the mods are so paranoid these days. Just the fact that the ES sticky is still up is a red flag to any new users that they will most likely be scrutinized if they even remotely step out of line. That's not a very nice 'Welcome' mat.

think- ago

This sub used to be great, but it's now become a joke.

You've been a member for five months, the Esoteric sticky has been up for about four months. So when exactly was the time 'the sub was great' before the 'paranoid mods' stickied the Esoteric post?

Just wonderin', you know.


Vindicator ago

I think I know who this person is. Check out the title of this submission: Massive Red Pill: Steven D. Kelley: The Getty Musem, Pizzagate, Hillary is a Caver, etc. + code words, and much more.

Then look at the titles of these submissions.

That user is likely someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder. She self-doxxed multiple times and when I tried to help her, seemed to not remember our conversations and then went a bit nuts. She escalated into mod-attack mode instead of going after those trying to dox her. As I recall, she posted on Protect Voat about it and wouldn't give evidence and got the typical rough handling as a result and deleted her thread there, which would explain this.

During the doxing bruhaha with that user, she claimed not to care and to only be worried about Gothamgirl...which is interesting given this. Possibly both Raven and GG are alters of that same person. I suggest deescalation may be the best approach for this.

SrayzieHazScabies ago

I think I know who this person is

Oh great, now it is FACT based off your thinking.

argosciv ago

Possibly both Raven and GG are alters of that same person.

I suggest deescalation may be the best approach for this.

Vindicator ago

Added some interesting links the parent thread, including the archive showing the original content. Still recommend deescalating.

argosciv ago

Deescalating re: Raven or the whole submission?

I've just spent the last few hours going over Fiona's stor(y/ies) again and there's several things which still cause her to fail the sniff test.

Vindicator ago

Raven. Definitely not the whole submission. We need to get to the bottom of this.

argosciv ago

Check yo inbox. Urgent.

MolochHunter ago

Ok so the core / key evidence is that the Holowczaks did indeed live at #14 - as shown in the census record

something to keep in mind. Its not uncommon for post war migrant families to arrive and move as close to the same vicinity as each other. You could well have a family of Holowczaks at # 14 AND #30

Vindicator ago

Argosciv was saying there is no #30, unless it was demolished at some point. I think...if I understood him correctly.

Vindicator ago

There was no #30 ever

Actually, you haven't proven that.

I went to the site you used and it's quite apparent the parcel lines are only the modern ones. Let's look at what the alleged Fiona debunking document actually claims on page 5:

"TO BE CLEAR: 30 McAlister Ave, where the Holowczaks actually lived, was torn down awhile back, along with 2 other homes Lots 26, 28 and 30 were all sold, and TLC Childcare Centre was built...By purchasing all 3 lots that sat on the corner of McAlister Ave. and Woronora Road, the address became 252 Woronora Road."

When you go to the parcel viewer site you used and look at the pictures for that address, it clearly shows a single family home there on McAlister Ave from 1943 through 1994. It looks like the home is actually sitting on the #26 area of the large corner lot, with no other buildings at #28 and #30, but the aerial photo does confirm the existence of a single family house on that corner at the time of the Holowczak Naturalization record in 1958.

There are no aerial views between 1994 and 2001, but that year, it shows the 30 McAlister home is gone and the larger childcare center building now covers the whole new 252 lot, lending credence to the explanation just quoted.

You can also see that #25 McAlister across the street from where the 30 McAlister home was, also fits this logic, with lot 250 across from 252 having been similarly created from combining #27 and #29.

I suggest an Aussie who knows how to access property tax records for NSW addresses try to see when the demolition of the single family home at 30 McAlister happened, and who the owners were.

@think- @Sandhog @New4now

xRav5a0r ago

Makes sense, thank you!

argosciv ago

Stellar work there, Vin. Thank you for helping me to understand whether #30 existed or not.

Vindicator ago

Thanks, Argo.

new4now ago

nice find, needs collaboration

maybe find something on day care date

definetly worth looking into

I feel the need to address what is happening

I been here bout 2 yrs and have seen this group split in two a number of times

theres always disagreements, but this one came hard and fast

Is there any thought that someone may be smearing both, blaming each other to cause this upheavel?

it has all the elements to get everyone involved

wasnt hard to do if that is whats happening

Vindicator ago

Is there any thought that someone may be smearing both, blaming each other to cause this upheavel?

it has all the elements to get everyone involved

wasnt hard to do if that is whats happening

Yep. I noticed the same thing. The last time this happened was Jem777 being reported dead. A lot of the same people were pushing the smears then, too.

new4now ago

also with an old mod at Pizzagate

also bothered with the amount of info coming out

I dont twitter, but who are these people?

sorry, but from a Pysch view, what has happened in such little time is amazing

EMOTIONAL..not good

Vindicator ago

That's why I keep trying to refocus on what can be factually or logically determined. Seems to be a bit like pushing on a string around here lately, though. :-)

new4now ago

keep going

I dont like being confused :)

I believed Fiona though, Wasnt sure on Sawyer

I would like the truth also

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you, again.

xRav5a0r ago


argosciv ago

Argosciv was saying there is no #30, unless it was demolished at some point. I think...if I understood him correctly.

You did.

Checked google maps.

argosciv ago

As I mentioned elsewhere, there is no #30, at least, not anymore; was there ever? If not, why was a Peter H. listed as living there? If so, are we looking at a lie, an error, an extended family or a house move? Also if there was a #30, what happened to it? What was it replaced by?