SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Vindicator.

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TinyURL ago

#PizzaGate is REAL, we've heard about the Getty for decades.

The_Raven ago

I appreciate your comment and wish people would realize the full extent of its deprivation - no matter how unbelievable. Glad you get it.

OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

Fascinating videos! Thanks

The_Raven ago

You're welcome and I'm glad you appreciated them!

angelafogo ago

I am absolutely 100% certain they use veggies, potatoes, etc as code words for babies, fetuses, etc. Remember that odd amateurish Comet Pizza Promo Video? Also i have seen the character "Potato Head" Being used in pedo instagrams A LOT.

The_Raven ago

Thanks for validating the last part of my thread. If you've ever done a thread about what you've seen, please reply with the link because it would help strengthen the argument.

angelafogo ago

This is the video i speak about. Nevertheless what you are stating is common knowledge for most researchers.

pizzaboss ago

You are welcome to post this in v/pizzagatewhatever (v/pizzagate has more narrow focus, which isnt a bad thing)

The_Raven ago

Thanks and I appreciate the offer, but these mods need to stop deciding what people should and shouldn't believe. The proper thing for mods to do is leave it up and let the readers decide through their comments and votes how they feel about the info presented. I know this sub's mods are notorious for treating members as thoguh they need to be handled with kid gloves and protected from info that strays too far from the accepted fringe narrative. I remember when any thread mentioning adrenochrome was deleted and members were banned. Now, people don't think it's that far fetched of a theory. I've been a fringe researcher for a long time and Kelley's lecture truly ties in everything about all teh pieces I've been hearing about for so long that made no sense such as loosh. Pizzagate truly is the end all be all of everything from Satanism to underground bases to psychic energy vampires to real vampires. Pizzagate encompasses every so called conspiracy theory that has been ridiculed for years.

pizzaboss ago

Pizzagate makes claims that become called Pizzagate. I think you belong in the pizzagate community, and it is insulting to be flagged. Please don't be discouraged. Please post in v/Pizzagatewhatever this other chan we are in wants to pretend they are in a court room and would be embarrassed to bring up Space aliens in a Seth Rich murder trial. for good reason. or Monica Petersen, Gary Webb, Andrew Brietbart . ? on the subject of Space Aliens: as a rep of v/pizzagatewhatever and to any who may be listening: a classification of pro-human-slavery with result in your space-alien race being registered as an earth sex offender. (and there is detailed lists of offenses and unsealed indictments on many of u)

The_Raven ago

Thanks, and yes, there are topics that should be open to discussion no matter how crazy they appear to sound. After all, truth is stranger than fiction.

Regarding what one mod here said about Kelley's stance being disinfo and "getting ahead of the curve," I present this article that certainly appears to be doing just that:



Here is some background info on Steven. I've been trying to verify his NSA/CIA claims for about a year:

He has appeared on Iran's Press TV re: Boston bombing and San Bernadino

He is a proponent of Billy Meier a wacky ufologist

However his company is/was S.K. Industries and it definitely makes optical/laser sights for multiple weapons systems (especially glocks). His laser sights are the only brand used by the Secret Service.

Company went bankrupt in 2000

California Tax certificate for S.K. industries:

The_Raven ago

Thanks for doing all that digging for this info! He's obviously a very intelligent guy and, above everything, I truly appreciate his message of living life doing service to others and especially animals. When he says at the end of his lecture that if people aren't providing 51% of their energy to helping others, they need to do more. Call me crazy, but I just don't think a malicious disinfo agent bent on confusing everyone is going to be pushing Jesus and telling everyone to use the majority of their energy to help others.


I dont call you crazy! I'm just reserving my judgement until I have more evidence either way :)

I def agree with him about helping others and focusing energy on good

The_Raven ago

Hey, no worries! I know we're on the same team. :)

There are some things we won't ever know until we aren't on this plane of existence anymore, and I'm OK with that. We aren't supposed to know everything. I laugh at the ones who want to live forever because they fear what's beyond. I don't. I have a feeling it's beautiful - if you've lived your life unselfishly that is, which is why our enemies are frightened and don't want to leave their current existence.

Trousersnake1488 ago

I used to go to the Getty. I always thought it was full of faghots art.

Actually, I'd like to see the Egyptian stuff they have again tho

The_Raven ago

I"m sure it's an interesting place to visit. Although I'm not surprised that the original building is based on Roman architecture. All roads lead to Rome.

think- ago

Imo he pushes this stuff in order to distract from the real activities that might be going on there.

So that everyone who talks about children being possibly held under the Getty is being associated with him and his outlandish claims.

Lansing-Michigan ago

As I wrote in a comment upthread ..Liz Crokin also believed there were children under the Getty museum during the california wild fires.


This video was posted in 2013. 5 years ago.

This is well before CDAN, or Pizzagate broke.

So to say that it's a distraction attempt, means the Getty's pre-empted pizzagate by admitting to far worse?

"outlandish claims"

Could you specify which claims are outlandish? How are we to "read [your] comment properly?"

The_Raven ago

Thanks again and I'm going to link that thread into my Op.


Np, copy paste it if you'd like, his qualifications give him some credibility

The_Raven ago

Holy crap! Thanks so much for the link and pinging Kelley. That's so awesome that he's been here. How did I miss that thread? I hope voat's swamp thick shilling and downvote brigading hasn't pushed him away, but he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Hoping he joins in the conversation here.


No idea if it was actually him, the account only posted one comment.

I do think he's involved in the intelligence community (see my comment about his laser weapons company)

But I also lean towards him being a disinfo plant due to the alien stuff. But who knows. Truth is very complex

The_Raven ago

I think the biggest part of Pizzagate that's being ignored and ridiculed is the extra dimensional creature/demon angle. I've experienced true paranormal activity and honestly tried to rationalize it to no avail. People, especially those who can't wrap their heads around this angle, need to start considering it. Physics already tells us that energy doesn't die; it just changes form. We already know that the occultists base all of their magick on energy. The funniest thing about this is that the people we are fighting believe in and worship demons and other ancient gods, and they may be winning because we refuse to admit that anything like that exists.


I believe in a spiritual dimension, it's the specifics that are elusive and can be used to distort truth as they are very intangible, and easily mis-defined

The_Raven ago

100% agree

The_Raven ago

All Pizzagate claims are outlandish or haven't you heard?

think- ago

Nice try. Read my comment properly, OP.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: please see parent.

The_Raven ago

I read it right the first time thx.

think- ago

@The_Raven: I am going to flair this post 'Possible Disinformation', since Kelley never presented any evidence for his claim that there are 100,000 children held under the Getty museum, apart from him being in touch with them via remote viewing.

He has been discussed here before.


Lansing-Michigan ago

Liz Crokin , who used to write on twitter about pedophiles in hollywood, was very concerned about the Getty museum during the California wild fires.......her concern was that there might be children underground. She is now banned on Twitter...but is respected as a truther on hollywood pedophilia. Think she might be on you tube now...

The_Raven ago

Go ahead and do whatever you feel you need to, but your flair will also make the connections I made look baseless. Is that what you want?

think- ago

Usually, we demand that OPs post speculative stuff to v/pizzagatewhatever, and give them 24 hours to back up speculative statements, like Kelley's '100,000 children' stuff. If they can't back it up, we pull the posts.

So I've been really nice just to flair 'Possible Disinformation', and not demand evidence for Kelley's claims.

I won't discuss straw man arguments.

Have a nice day.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie

The_Raven ago

Great! Understood. I'm not Kelley, so I can't speak for him, so all I can do is pass along his info for people to make up their own minds while providing my own digging for their contemplation. The last thing I want to do is sway people's opinion into thinking something is absolute truth or possible disinfo. I want people to take everything into consideration then dig on their own and come up with their own conclusion.

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: please see parent above. Thanks.

ASolo ago

Well, many stories and fables have been invented around The Getty Museum evidently because J. Paul Getty really was a monster. I've heard many stories proclaiming that there is some type of DUMB (Deep Underground Military Base) or Resident Evil style laboratory under the Getty but the more and more I look into these claims the more they seem like an exaggeration and stem from a much more plausible scenario that was revealed on Crazy Days and Nights just this summer. I believe that it is only the passage of time we are able to begin to see glimpses of the child sexual extortion rings and the proclivities of the rich and famous from incidences like this BECAUSE they are dead operations and only serve as examples of how much more organized and prolific they are today, but, from what we DO KNOW for now (at least in an unprovable circumstantial and hearsay way through a gossip website) is that there ar more than like at LEAST 50 dead former servants and sex slaves (from what I understand most likely Filipino) of J. Paul Getty and Son buried UNDER THE Fran and Ray Stark Sculpture Park and Visitors CenterLower Left part of the Picture

Henry Moore sculpture that looks alot like a Louise Bourgeois' of Podestas

THURSDAY, JULY 05, 2018 Blind Items Revealed #14 January 3, 2018

Slightly over three decades ago, there was a meeting on a yacht in the Med. A very important meeting. Things were dire and the whole escapade was crumbling and was going to leave some very important people with some very public egg on their face.

Attending the meeting were several world leaders, two of the richest people in the world, and several others, all of whom who were being catered to by a group of teens from the country of one of the world leaders.

The focus of their discussion was half a world away. To see what they were discussing, we need to take a step back.

In the late 1960's and early 1970's, G was one of the wealthiest men in the world. Although he could have any one in the world to have sex with, G enjoyed the company of young girls. Very very young girls. Under 10 was his preferred.

He imported the girls from a foreign country and housed them in the annex of his home which he reached via an underground tunnel. The girls were supplied by a very close friend of his who we will call M. It turns out M also had a love of young girls and provided them to other people like G all over the world.

In return, M was protected in power and also enriched himself personally from these men who gave him gifts of not only cash, but also paintings by the masters and so much more. They also arranged for other governments to prop his up in the face of rebellion.

When G died, things started to go downhill. Although one of his children (J) also was a fan of the young girls and availed himself frequently, he also ended up taking things too far and some of the girls ended up dead. J also had some big drug issues and was not of the same caliber connection wise that G had been. J was also under a great deal of pressure from siblings and bankers to do something with the annex to the house. The same annex where the young girls were located.

Fast forward a few years. The same men in power like G that had helped prop up M were all dying off. They were being replaced by other men who had their focus on other areas of the world. All too often they didn't care about young girls and had other vices that they could fulfill from other dictators. The problem was what to do about all the girls all over the world that were in place or dead? That was the purpose of the meeting on the yacht.

What was decided was everyone who had a girl in their possession could keep them in place but could never let them go. If they wanted them killed, they could send them to J and he would make arrangements to kill them. In total, about 50 of these girls were killed. They were dumped beneath the foundation of an addition to the annex which was built several miles from the original annex.

If you ever want to know why a hit was never put out on the spouse of M or any of his own kids it is because that meeting on the yacht was recorded both via audio and video and M made sure that everyone knows she has a copy of them. She also made it known that if she, or her kids were to die, that the recordings would be released. M's spouse is very old so people are worried that she has not made any plans to not release it when she dies. Apparently this recording discusses many world leaders and titans of industry who all had their own young boys or girls from this country they abused.

Oh, and just so you know, this will be revealed. This is too important to not be revealed.

G: J. Paul Getty M: Ferdinand Marcos (President of the Philippines) (art collection) Spouse: Imelda Marcos J: John Paul Getty Jr. "Getty Center"/"Getty Center Monorail"

wikipiques ago

great post, thank you

The_Raven ago

Here's Richard Meier's bio. He designed the Getty and was recently accused by 6 women of sexually attacking them.

Here's a short video of the Getty. Just look at that small mountain that it sits on!

And their blog is called The Iris (I'm thinking they don't mean the flower)

The_Raven ago

Very interesting! Thx for all that and possibly answering one of the questions Kelley brought forth in his lecture. He said the Skirball was also connected to the Getty, and when I saw this sentence in the blind... "They were dumped beneath the foundation of an addition to the annex which was built several miles from the original annex" ... I'm thinking that the Skirball is the additional annex its speaking about.

The Skirball seems like a really creepy place

If it's true that bodies of child sex slaves are buried under the Skirball, it would make sense because you know these creatures would get enjoyment thinking about all the families having a good time while completely oblivious to the dead bodies below them.

I can't wait for it all to be revealed!

ASolo ago

Not discounting the possibility that you could still be right, I just wanted to pass this on as a precautionary measure because sometimes the exaggeration makes it look so implausible that it detracts all attention away from the truth which in reality is seriously horrible by itself.

The_Raven ago

Fair enough, but I think our brains are still trying to rationalize that the worst things aren't possible when they actually are.

The_Raven ago

Huh, how strange. I had 103 CCP before I posted this, but within 5 minutes its now at 83. I can't even see what comments in my history has been attacked.

Guessing Ive struck a nerve with this thread

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @EricKaliberhall.

Posted automatically (#17722) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

carmencita ago

Yep, goes with the territory. Hitting a nerve is always good. Will upvoat you to help out. :)

fogdryer ago

hell on earth---------the ghetty museum

The_Raven ago

Thanks for adding those links and commenting. Valuable stuff

carmencita ago

Up Voat! Your Welcome.

The_Raven ago

Thx! The creatures' downvoat slaves are here in force today.

carmencita ago

Yep, I agree.

derram ago :

Steven D. Kelley - Underground City at the Getty Museum - YouTube :

Rob McConnell Interviews: Steven D Kelley - Pizzagate Beneath The Getty - YouTube :

Straight to HELLL! Pizza, Veggies, Fruit, Chicken SECRET CODE - YouTube :

"Veggies" are ped-oh code for "Children" CONFIRMED🥒B.L.A.Z.E = Boy Lovers And Zucchini Eaters... - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, in theology, the higher you go (mountain top) the closer to God one is. I assume the same is true in reverse. Tomato may be code. Hearing HRC and others' (females) talk about "yoga" makes me thing it is code for girl play stuff.

Tomatoes are also harvested and done by the time Halloween arrives.


What is yoga backwards? @auralsects ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

Vindicator ago

Noted. Thanks.

auralsects ago

LMAO what are you even snitching about you little bitch?


LMAO what are you even snitching about you little bitch?

Shockingly I agree with you.

I can't joke about our resident antisemite @blacksmith?

What are you trying to insinuate? Would you like to accuse me of something? Or just cry wolf?


Tilting at windmills.

The_Raven ago

Good summary and you're close to the target. Let me know what you think after you've watched everything.