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think- ago

Imo he pushes this stuff in order to distract from the real activities that might be going on there.

So that everyone who talks about children being possibly held under the Getty is being associated with him and his outlandish claims.


This video was posted in 2013. 5 years ago.

This is well before CDAN, or Pizzagate broke.

So to say that it's a distraction attempt, means the Getty's pre-empted pizzagate by admitting to far worse?

"outlandish claims"

Could you specify which claims are outlandish? How are we to "read [your] comment properly?"

The_Raven ago

Holy crap! Thanks so much for the link and pinging Kelley. That's so awesome that he's been here. How did I miss that thread? I hope voat's swamp thick shilling and downvote brigading hasn't pushed him away, but he doesn't seem like that kind of guy. Hoping he joins in the conversation here.


No idea if it was actually him, the account only posted one comment.

I do think he's involved in the intelligence community (see my comment about his laser weapons company)

But I also lean towards him being a disinfo plant due to the alien stuff. But who knows. Truth is very complex

The_Raven ago

I think the biggest part of Pizzagate that's being ignored and ridiculed is the extra dimensional creature/demon angle. I've experienced true paranormal activity and honestly tried to rationalize it to no avail. People, especially those who can't wrap their heads around this angle, need to start considering it. Physics already tells us that energy doesn't die; it just changes form. We already know that the occultists base all of their magick on energy. The funniest thing about this is that the people we are fighting believe in and worship demons and other ancient gods, and they may be winning because we refuse to admit that anything like that exists.


I believe in a spiritual dimension, it's the specifics that are elusive and can be used to distort truth as they are very intangible, and easily mis-defined

The_Raven ago

100% agree