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Piscina ago

Who the hell names a boys' home after Lucifer, the morning star? Oh that's right: Satanists.

Here is Morning Star's newsletter, aptly named The Harvester

EricKaliberhall ago

@twistedmac11 is an alt used by ESOTERICshade that is a proven disinformation whore. @Piscina likewise. THIS SUBMISSION WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEDIA MATTERS!

twistedmac11 ago

No I'm not, and everything in the submission is verifiable.

The_Raven ago

The mods here are sus. Seriously. Why bother REEing about somebody being an alt when the info they're presenting is important with links? Somebody suggested posting everything PG related into v/QRV because there are more people there and the info will get more exposure since there are usually around 1500 people there compared to only 100 here. I agree and think it's time to abandon the v/Pizzagate ship cause it's sinking fast. Even if you don't believe in Q the PG topic will reach more people there.

Crensch ago

4 months. 100ccp


The_Raven ago

Yeah, because I usually post in anon subs, genius.

Crensch ago

Maybe you should continue that Trend instead of pretending that you belong here.

The_Raven ago

Members can judge by my submissions and comments if you're correct.

Crensch ago

I am.

EricKaliberhall ago

Crensch ago

Carmencuntress and fagdryer responding to it? Kek.

EricKaliberhall ago

Same M.O. as ESOTERICshade.