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Factfinder2 ago

Thanks for your excellent and well-presented research.

I find it interesting that Morning Star Ranch has a connection to Cardinal Blase Cupich, one of those implicated in Archbishop Vigano's recent letter naming sexual predators in the Catholic Church and those who have faciliated them. Also note yet another person connected with the ranch with the last name Condon:

Thank you Caring for Kids Supporters! Posted on October 1, 2014 by lsimpson

Dear Friends ~

The 18th Annual Caring for Kids Luncheon to benefit St. Anne’s Children and Family Center and Morning Star Boys’ Ranch (held September 25th) was nothing short of fantastic thanks to all those who planned, sponsored, attended, and donated! Yes, it takes a community, a village, a team, a family…to pull off a wonderful event that supports these programs that in turn, support the well-being of children who need it most.

Special thanks to co-chairs Tina Condon and Staci Clary, Archbishop Blase Cupich for his remarks and blessing over the event, and Nada Stockton for her keynote address on the importance of support networks that are integral to raising healthy, happy children.

And of course, thank you to our sponsors ~ Avista, Bank of America, American On-Site Services, Barr-Tech, Garco Construction, Heylman-Martin Architects, Technical Resource Consultants, Catholic Charities Foundation, and Morning Star Foundation.

Cupich served as the bishop of the Diocese of Spokane, Washington from 2010 to 2014:

In 2016, church traditionalists were alarmed when the pope named him to serve with disgraced Cardinal Donald Wuerl in Washington, DC, where they played key roles in choosing future U.S. bishops:

Excerpt from the article:

In August 2015, in the wake of the Center for Medical Progress videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trafficking scandal, Cupich wrote that unemployment and hunger are just as appalling as killing children in the womb.

carmencita ago

Just saw your mention of Condon. Were you thinking of Gary Condon the one that they were investigating for the murder of Chandra Levy? I think they are still trying to stick that case on someone to take the rap for Condon.

Factfinder2 ago

You're thinking of Gary Condit. I mentioned the name Condon because that was the name of one of the accused in the OP, and because @twistedmac11 pointed out in a comment that the mayor's last name is also Condon.

carmencita ago

Oops yes. The Counselor Condon. I checked but could not find connection. But it was late and I stopped. Could be cousin etc.

carmencita ago

Wow. Great find. I saw Cupich on tv and I wanted to throw something at him He was born in Omaha Neb. of all places. Home of Buffet and stomping grounds of Lawrence King. Cupich was an altar boy. A Perfect Storm.

twistedmac11 ago

Good find, I hadn't come across Cupich yet!