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WalnutSauceGoat ago

I give up. You guys are hopeless. Have you ever configured your own website? The fact that those names resolve at all instead of kicking the user back an error with name resolution implies that the idiot CPP webmaster left the default in place and thus configured a wildcard in their DNS zone (* If they want lookups to bogus subdomains to fail, they neet to get rid of that. Until then, (or anything else you can come up with) will resolve back to main domain.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hehe, the lowest man on the totem-pole at Media Matters decided to grace us with its presence... @WalnutSauceGoat is an alt used by ESOTERICshade that sucks Brock's dick for a living... Don't mid the shill.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

If there was an error in anything I said above, I apologize. But then address the specific issue instead of engaging in these delusional ramblings and character assassinations that you always resort to. You are the plant, the shill. Not I. The other mods, while not perfect, at least contribute to a polite and welcoming environment. You, on the other have, tend to behave like a rabid dog.

EricKaliberhall ago

Sug min kuk din jävla hora.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

That still doesn’t address the DNS issue, Eric. What’s wrong with you?

EricKaliberhall ago

Let's address the 'manufacture of consensus' and the vote brigading first you disgusting whore... How many alts are you currently operating?

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