maggiethatcher ago

I'm still here! :-)

Are_we__sure ago

Why did you get some many things wrong? Like the false claim code is used in the Podesta emails and the false claim that Hillary Clinton knew about Laura Silsby before she was arrested?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Excuse me, but Pizzathrowaway777? 777 again? Really? 777 is Aleister Crowley cabalistic writings. Occultist infested on youtube and message boards use handles and channel names with 777. Jem777. Dahboo777. TruthUnveiled777. Iam777. You need to please explain why somebody against pizzagate would use a screen name pizzathrowaway777. Insults and ridicule will not be accepted as a straight ansewer. By the way, Vpizzagate is subverted just as reddit was, and if you brought your 777 friend with you from Reddit, I suppose the control moved from reddit to voat. Thank you for the evidence.

cestboncestpas ago

This was so cool to read. I was not a mod but a very active contributor. (u/cestboncestpas) I posted a final sign-off at 7:59pm the night it shut down. Hit refresh and it was gone. So weird. Depressing too.

But truth has a way of persevering. Thanks to the 1000s of patriots who have kept the truth alive.

The clock is ticking. Soon.

Vindicator ago

I think we will have to make a fresh thread. Everything is so old it's been Voat-archived and can't be edited, I'm pretty sure.

Vindicator ago

Well, we are literally loaded to the word. I'd have to take something out.

What we really need is a master thread linking all of the history posts of relevance that I could put in the sidebar.

Quicktor ago













(((AND ON AND ON AND ON>>>>)))

urbanmoving ago


OoLaLaFrenchGirl ago

You researchers are my hero’s! I’ve known about “Pizzagate” well before the Podesta emails dropped (it’s been 15-20 years now). I had stopped attempting to tell anyone about it years ago because I just came off as a lunatic. If it weren’t for you guys (and gals) researching this & spreading the info, I would still look like an insane person to everyone & I probably would’ve believed I were losing my mind by now. What you all have done is nothing short of amazing! Thank you for your hard work & dedication to this concerning topic.

LockHerUpPls ago

Watching r.kelly ep 6, Azriel Clary’s mother states that her sister in looking for azriel noticed several girls isolated in different rooms with a bucket! She said the buckets were being used as bathrooms. Which triggered my memory to pizzagate when Podesta emails revealed a suspect surveillance view of several cameras on one screen, one of the rooms displayed was off a group of kids all sitting on buckets. Ugh!

kazza64 ago

pizzagate was a wet dream for me and still is since i started researching pedophilia at uni 15 years ago i havent stopped digging for information to share on social media and hopefully wake the masses to the massive problem it poses all over the world

sensitive2 ago

Muchas gracias for sharing this important piece of history. At the beginning, I was naive enough to think the whole thing could be solved within a relatively short time-frame. After that, I was naive enough to think that it will never be solved. And after that, I became aware of how complex and complicated and dangerous the whole thing is. Yes, it will be solved. Some day. And the people of v/pizzagate (and elsewhere) will have an important share in that.

darkknight111 ago

We found the bastard responsible for the shutdown.

Pablolove ago

What's the point of it all though if no ones getting prosecuted?

Vindicator ago

Never forget /u/pizzathrowaway777 - the person who really launched the whole thing.

Thank you for the history, LGH. We have PT777's very detailed account in the sidebar, if you haven't read it yet. You might want to append it to the bottom of your post so people see it. I've been here just about every day since the Reddit ban, and it's been amazing to see new hands pick up the torch each time a great researcher leaves the battlefield.

Despite the anti-Reddit culture clash at the beginning, Voat has been an outstanding host -- weathering severe financial persecution and DDoS attacks which I have no doubt are directly related to our research here. The last time the site was shut down, QAnon even affirmed it was because of our Rachel Chandler/Epstein Island research.

Here is my Two Year anniversary research roundup post:

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

PT777'? Yet another 777 occultist handle? Hahah. Whats with that, aye vindy?

Vindicator ago

Why are you trying to smear the creator of the original pizzagate subreddit, Death? Is it because you are the same guy who tried to discredit him and a lot of other researchers by making this subverse?

jodieann ago

A few years ago a story came out about two gals that had been on Eppstein Island and became too old (18 or 19 I believe), so went back to NY. They brought tons of pics with them and showed them to NYPD. They also put them on the net, and I remember Bill Clinton sitting in a hot tub with two very young girls on either side of him with his arms around them. They didn't look older than 13 or 14. Totally disgusting lecherous old man. There were tons of other pics with other well known people as well.

NYPD wanted to investigate, but Loretta Lynch threatened shutting them down with Eric Garner lawsuits and violations. So it never went anywhere. But the pics were already online. Someone used a pic of a slice of pizza to cover certain body parts so it wouldn't be considered porn as they went around the net.

Two policemen decided to make it public knowledge against Lynch's order, but after doing so they both committed "suicide". Don't remember their names, and of course the internet has pretty much been scrubbed clean of much of pizzagate info.

I'm glad more people are coming forward to expose these sick people in politics and Hollywood. Can't even imagine what kind of an animal would harm a child.

YouDontSay ago

Do you have a link to the “suicide” NYPD story or link to pic of BC in the hot tub?

jodieann ago

I have tried to find the pics of BC, but the internet has been scrubbed. There were also several Hollywood actors, including Bob Saget I believe. I will try to find info on the two NYPD "suicides", if it hasn't been scrubbed as well. Listened to both several times, and then their wives after their deaths.

Someone on Voat suggested a way to get to more sites is to go to DuckDuckGo and turn off Safe Surfing. I wasn't able to do that on my computer for some reason, but you may have better luck.

Ovrcmr ago

Thank you. You are Fighting the good fight. I believe lives are being saved with this horror being exposed.

kneo24 ago

This doesn't actually tell us anything. It's just fluff as part of a larger story. It's funny how you still run around going, "I was on Voat all this time and never went back to Reddit, but I went back to Reddit despite solely being on Voat!" You still can't keep this one story straight after all of this time, how are we to trust anything else about you?

What exactly is your aim? To gather SCP to look legitimate? Because that's exactly what it looks like you're doing here.

Pizzagate started on the Chans, that's where it begun. It became a big hit over on r/the_donald until the mods were forced to limit discussion of it, so r/pizzagate was created. When that was banned, people came over to Voat for the discussion and research. You didn't mention anything about the "very beginnings" - no in depth details. You're telling you part of the tale for self aggrandizement.

@Crensch @sryazie @shizy

kneo24 ago

@srayzie spelled your handle wrong.

Lillah ago

Everyone who has contributed to this sub and the research around it has my eternal deepest gratitude.

There are things I can do and still retain my sanity. There are horrible things I can see and still be an intact person. ...But this is not one. Although I have followed you from the beginning, I have never been able to contribute. I cannot tell you how incredibly grateful I am for all of you!

I have seen a guy go through a lathe (online). Only his lower body and eyes left. But the things that I know some of you have seen just from descriptions, would break me.

You should not underestimate how much your work has helped. They are being exposed. Their symbols. Their days. They are running out of darkness to hide in and that is thanks to you! I had no idea about Alice's day. I no longer take my children out that day. I know now some of the language, the symbols to watch out for now but only because of you and your work! So even for the children who have not fallen prey, you have made the world safer for them. Please know what you do matters!

PepsiCamel44 ago

New to researching pizzagate...Alice's day???

Lillah ago

April 25th. Basically national pedo day, holiday.

It is a day that they try to spend in places where children will be. Parks, playgrounds, etc. They try to get pictures of theirself with children so that they can share in their pedo friend group. It is a day for them to celebrate by being around children. Aka, stalking unsuspecting children day.

Nwpa ago

Weird, in Miss Congeniality, William Shatner asks Miss Rhode Island describe your favorite date? It's April 25th because it's not too hot and it's not too cold. All you need is a light jacket.

TippyHome ago

Been following this site since Nov 2016. You are right-everything they could throw at it about debunking. Watching Pres Trump right now reiterating that big money on the border is running human adult/child trafficking. He knows and therefore, we know it is true.


never forget /r/operation_berenstein, banned for discussing pedophiles in government but never doxxed a soul

Anyone from the riot chat here?

The1stLantern ago

I remember you, and the others who have been here since the beginning. PG woke me up. Salutes to your service to the cause.

a_quest_ion ago

Thank you

Deflo56 ago

My daughter had decided to major in criminology at her university. In one of her classes she had to go to the local state attorneys office and do a short internship. I noticed soon after she started that she was having trouble sleeping. I asked her what was going on and she brought up the subject of paedophilia. She informed me that a major case was working its way through the justice system. Being kind of news junkie I did think it was strange that I hadn’t heard about it. She stated that there were hundreds of thousands of actual pictures of children being molested. She said they were all different kids! This was back in the early 2000s. I kind of put it into the back of my head and didn’t think about it until the Podesta emails. The gravity of this fell upon me like a ton of bricks. It is the reason I joined this forum. The reason I joined VOAT. Lack of sleep is a small price to pay for being privy to the greatest evil. It has became crystal clear to me it is the base of all evil. When Trump says “You don’t know how sick these people are” I do and for that reason alone I have become a fan. Light is the only disinfectant. I’ve lost a lot of friends sharing what I now know. Hell, the way I look at it they were probably part of it to start with. I only have friends that don’t sleep now and I understand why Trump gets such little sleep. I’d like to thank the researchers and thanks for a great post.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Thank you for caring so deeply..I was sexually abused from infancy...when I told my mother at age 12, she did not believe me...nor anybody in my family. I became the problem, not my father. Every time I read a post like yours, it affects me very deeply and I can consciously see that it was just my family that didn't care....not that there was something wrong with me for talking about it....well, no. My father was in a pedophile ring out of , I think, Duke University, there had to be ripple effects. My father's was so close to Joe Ryan who started the parapsychology dept at Duke, they each knew when the other was going to call. Have read recently that the MKultra program was interested in extrasensory perception. ......which was what Joe Ryan's dept. was all about....don't think I was supposed to remember as much as I did.

Deflo56 ago

My condolences for what you went through. The thing that bothers me is how it is a taboo subject happening all around us. The twelve year old daughter of a woman I know was felt up by a church elder during bible study! She locked herself in the bathroom and called her mother. She rescued her from the situation and even told the mans daughter about it. The weird thing was they decided to let it drop. LEO was not notified. She wouldn’t tell me his name. He was a family friend was all she would tell me. I’ll never understand why people let them stay in the dark. Bringing them into the light is my first instinct. Why do people protect these perverts?

truthdemon ago

If the police and judges is on their side ...they can be locked up for false charges.. We r living in a cartoon world... I keep.posting the solution to getting out of their statutes and cartoon laws..but it falls on deaf ears.. People cannot undrrstand the simplicity with which we enslave our selves in this debt system.. All we have to do is reduce debt at the US tressury.. ..that will turn the US into our debtor slave corporatiin...and can turn it into our personal bully... Then these statutue and codes and the gremlins that hide behind them wont stand a chance ..

11-11 ago

Thanks for the story Deflo56 ----- did that group ever end up... ultimately prosecuted & jailed?

I wonder if they were foiled at the last minute by people higher up that protect these groups.

Deflo56 ago

I think he was found guilty and ended up getting ten years. He was a cop. I think it stayed a local story though.

Otto- ago

Oh my gosh, that's hard to hear. Can I ask does your daughter work for any agency or consultancy now? I recently took a big interest in criminology and tried following up what I could around my city's University and High Court, they happen to be next door to each other. Attended court hearings and trials of a paedophile for the first time in person, trying to learn anything I could about the proceedings. I never saw it go public, he was accused by 18 boys. I swear, no matter how loose you wear the suit, there was nothing comfortable about even walking through those rooms. Huge respect for prosecutors though.

Deflo56 ago

After a brief stint in the military (broken hip and ruptured vertebrae) she just finished up a masters degree in intelligence analytics with a 3.94 GPA. She’s looking for a job in some kind of public service. I think her experience fostered her desire to do something for society.

Otto- ago

I couldn't imagine a more noble response. Thank you very much, there must be incredible pride, not just of her but you as a father.

ridleychozo ago

Good story, but stop taking the Trump bluepills. He's in the same cult as the rest of them.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Correct, But this sub is subverted like all the other subs on the net, so the agenda is to sell good guy government against bad guy government. Only factions are world government vs citizens. They have zero resistance.

ridleychozo ago

Yep. I wish everyone would wake up already, but it seems they'd rather believe the fantasy. It's hard to break the spell.

EricKaliberhall ago

Piss off, faggot.

ridleychozo ago

Are you actually investigating the worldwide child trafficking problem, or wasting time clinging to fantasies?

Vindicator ago

Great anecdote, Deflo56. Thank you for being here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

So why do you think they haven't bothered to control this sub, aye Vindy? Bad memory? Lazy to do it like they do to other sites? Don't feel like it? Mods here too righteous, refused offers?

Vindicator ago

Of course, they've tried, Death. Unfortunately for them, I busted @ArmySeer and he had to delete his account. Then their Esotericshade operation got blown to smitherenes. But of course you know all this already. Say Hi to David Brock for us!

Shizy ago

Good thing you're not lazy! It must take a lot of effort and energy to run so many accounts right?

pby1000 ago

What sub did it all start on? DNCLeaks? I recall we were all going through the Podesta emails being released by Wikileaks. It started on October 7, 2016 or so. It was a Friday. The following Monday or Tuesday is when I started to see posts about these strangely worded emails. It was the one between Podesta and Herb Sandler. I ignored it because I thought it was not important. Lol.

Anyone remember? I should have taken a screenshot, but I did not know at the time.

TippyHome ago

Oct 7 sounds right. Former LEO I knew on fb made a cryptic remark about the Podesta Wikileaks leak and then, the Weiner laptop was being talked about. I asked him on fb could all this info be true. My friend knew many NYPD and all had confirmed they had the goods on Clinton. Huma had either made the biggest mistake exposure or had her insurance program backfire on herself. But, still, all true.

pby1000 ago

I agree. I am just not sure what the holdup is with releasing it. Trump MUST be using it as leverage behind the scenes.

Someone I know went to high school with someone in the NYtPD. He called and asked him about it, and the conversation got cut off really quick. Very strange thing to do to someone you used to party with.

truthwoke33 ago

It didn't start on Reddit. I actually forgot where it started but actually r/conspiracy was one of the first to jump on it.

pby1000 ago

Ok. That is where I first saw it. The drops started Friday, October 2016. I believe I saw the first post on Monday the 10th or Tuesday the 11th. I personally am not aware of any posts before the... I was active on r/conspiracy, too. Maybe it was there...

Sumeriansister ago

David Seaman launched PIZZAGATE

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


pby1000 ago


Fsumom ago

I joined reddit for Pizzagate and The Donald and migrated to Voat as soon as you guys suggested that we should. Thank you for the work you did; it was my red pill!

paulf ago

Thanks for your hard work OP - was a subscriber from the beginning and can confirm. Also thanks for the proof that Reddit was actively undermining the mods.

153sdsd ago

Legendary, I wish there was a movie

truthdemon ago

This is the movie

153sdsd ago

I saw it all happen, reddit proved it, also all other media outlets simultaneously

SkyeVeritas ago

Someone downvoated all these comments. ....most of them.


So I just upvoated everyone's comments and downvoted the one at the bottom.

SkyeVeritas ago

I do my best to voat those puppies up!

FH_Rileys_MaitreD ago

Pizzagate was more of a joke/meme than anything. I really see no reason to rehash it. Sure, a lot of Dems and politicians are Luciferians and sexual deviants, but that man’s business was nearly ruined and people were almost killed over a dumb hoax. Start a subreddit about real pedo shit like Bryan singer and the DEN Network. At least that stuff is true.

Blacksmith21 ago

Thank you for documenting early r/Pizzagate and v/Pizzagate history.

survey_girl ago

Interesting info OP, I have been around since this stuff was breaking on pol. I dont have a ton of time to research like you guys do, but I try to lurk and keep up with the latest findings (everyone here is amazing, by the way!)... I give my input when I have knowledge of something, but I really dont post very often.

I would like to add to your post that Spez took the pizzagate stuff very personally, and even admitted to editing users' comments after the sub was shut down!. If it was just a stupid conspiracy, why get all emotional? He is the CEO of one of the most popular websites... but cant handle being called names? Ok.

Anyway, thanks for sharing, very interesting to see what is going on behind the scenes... and all the b.s. the mods have to deal with on the daily!

bb22 ago

The reason I signed up here in the first place was to investigate pizzagate without censorship. It was getting shut down everywhere else except here and 8chan. Eventually we realized even 4chan was compromised and censoring stuff. It still is I guess.

Some of the early mods here at Voat were questionable too but after enough bitching and moaning I guess you guys finally got everything straightened out. I wouldn’t know though, I finally got burned out on the whole subject. There’s only so much of it somebody can take at one time.

Thank you guys for doing what you’ve done.

Btw, pizzagate was the original “fake news” that the media swarmed all over. If not for this topic, that whole meme would have never emerged in the first place. Pretty fucking epic.

brandnewset ago

Fake news is not a meme, it's a deflection.

The left can't meme! Keep them on defence. The historical record of this censorship needs to be preserved,

bb22 ago

It’s been weappnized as a meme by both sides at this point, aside from the reality of the situation.

Joe10jo ago

Thank you. You’ve done even more to help the cause even with this post bc it’s somethjng I can share as a way to say “See!? If PG wasn’t true then why all the resistance for the OP within days of its emergence!??” Seriously, this is a useful post in and of itself!

brandnewset ago

The day this broke, the term Fake News was coined. Scared much? Imagine coming into work at cnn and seeing that as your new talking point.... And continuining to work there. Very sad.

I remember all the info that was wiped frm reddit. Keep pushing anons.

dundundunnnnn ago

Good post, OP.

I was banned everywhere from every platform for digging and sharing information about John and Tony Podesta. I was banned from Twitter for asking John about Heather Podesta and her PG&E, Jerry Brown and Disney connections.

I've never been more "attacked" in all of my life. This was in October 2017, so I was a bit late to the game. Thank you to everyone that stuck around before me and compiled information.

YouDontSay ago

Interesting. What are heather Podesta PGE connections? Especially as PGE has been much in news of late.

dundundunnnnn ago

Sincerest apologies. ALEXIS Podesta:

dundundunnnnn ago

Do a page search for "Heather Podesta"

I'll add more links as I come across them

dundundunnnnn ago

I can normally pull up a California government website that lists Heather Podesta's accomplishments to include something about Disney and PG&E. Naturally the page is no longer coming up. I'll keep looking for it and make a new reply if/when I find it.

Pablolove ago

Guess that's how u know ur on the right trail then

ReadPastHeadlines ago

there had never been such an attacked conspiracy theory. they threw every tactic they could manage at this theory and we still have lingering changes to the world, most notably the google and social media algorithms and pushes for shutting down "fake news".

the spam of misinformation and shutdown of entire communities off free speech platforms... this wasn't done for 9/11 truth, school shooting hoaxes or even claims of bill clinton rapes/pedophilia before the podesta email leaks. this was very eye opening and alarming for someone who has been following conspiracies for 20+ years now

mrohm ago

And with no effort to deal with the evidence. It was just dismissed out of hand. With 9/11, scientists examined the arguments and replied to them. Same with JFK, RFK, etc.

With pizzagate, it is always handwaved away as "HRC traffics kids in a pizza shop basement that doesn't exist."

That's not the argument. That's not what we think. That's the evidence that they don't want to look at the truth.

CowWithBeef ago

Blackmailing pedos and aiding their political careers is fundamental to the global power structure, and so is the secrecy of it. Other conspiracies implicate far fewer powerful people. So the response was bigger this time.

21yearsofdigging ago

So true

truthdemon ago

The stupidity with which they think they run the planet is their Achilles heel

Lansing-Michigan ago

Stupidity and arrogance from having too much power for too long.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Wrong, they are in 100% control with zero resistance. Agenda 21 is live and they are burning down california yearly for the next decade. Historic fires every year for no less than 10 years. You guys are not aware and wasting your time on this sub, nobody submits pizzagate evidence or threads here. Instead, so and so is a pedohpile. That is what this sub is now. Wake up.

truthwoke33 ago

I could if been in a high position of power and money but to do so I would have to torture a little kid until he died and then drink his blood.

I think we're dealing with creatures that only look human. I'm really starting to buy into the lizard people thing, not literally lizards but just, I mean they just aren't human. I am selfish and want power and money but to live with knowing what would be done to achieve it..... They just can't be human.

Zzzmmm333 ago

Here's a bit of reading about these lizards for you.. It's a crazy world.we live in.

truthwoke33 ago

Well, it's decent copy pasta but there's no source at all.

GetWoke ago

If you start to look at it not just as a perverse activity but rather an unholy sacrament of their pagan/lucifairian religion it starts to be easier to understand. Not to say many aren't possessed or familiar with demons or some other corrupt state of being, but maybe instead of thinking 'lizard people', think unhuman or demon-like

awildbanannaphone ago

I think you mean would not....

VicariousJambi ago

That's what adrenochrome is for

lets_get_hyyerr ago

nd we still have lingering changes to the world, most notably the google and social media algorithms and pushes for shutting down "fake news".

that's still one of the more baffling things to me. I certainly didn't expect it to change as much as it did and I'm sure if u/pizzathrowaway777 were here, they would say the same thing. none of us expected it but quickly realized it was going to blow up when we started getting 20,000 people on average visit just about every hour. till this day, I am extremely humbled to have been one of the people who got the snowball rolling, but humbled that so many people realized its importance and now, continue to look into it.

it was eye opening for me as well, especially when they shut us down so fast. I mean within a few days we even had articles trying to debunk the whole thing lol the friction against pizzagate was so strong so fast

Vindicator ago

Our timeline of Pizzagate censorship:

Our list of Pizzagate Deniers:

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Do a timeline of Vpizzagate censorship. Or did this one escape the control apparatus, aye Vindy?

Vindicator ago

You're welcome to make your case any time in v/pizzagatemods, or v/whatever Death.

followthedolla ago

good post, I was there digging from the beginning too but got totally exhausted with it after the election, it got so sick and satanic that I couldn't go on and it breaks me that it still hasn't been blown wide open cause all the evidence is there. We did win the first meme war tho so thank God all that horror wasn't for nothing.

truthwoke33 ago

I don't blame people. I went into the abyss and now there's a black hole in my heart and I have day terrors. You ever seen Daisy's destruction? Yeah, that is just the surface. To them, that's the normie stuff.

Nobody has any idea. This world is fuckded and god is scum shit.

Otto- ago

Dude, why would you do that to yourself? I've sunk 'fucking' further than I'd like, but I would never watch those tapes, knowing what they are. Mad respect to you, bro. I know why you do it, it was rhetorical. I no longer believe it's necessary. You can still come out of it intact, as a loving person, no different to kids who grew up in war-torn Sudan. Let me know if you ever want to talk anything, I would be interested.

11-11 ago

There is a way out. Read Blood on The Doorpost // from

truthwoke33 ago

Fuck off I'm not buying your books.

Joe10jo ago

Heard of it but never saw it.

truthdemon ago

Whaf if God is merely a reflection of our actions and state of mind.. We r ignorant of our power ...and so is He ..and is accountant , the US .. God rises only when we rise..

poptical-illusionist ago

Just to add to this: Satan was given control of all the earth until the Armageddon when they will be bound for 1000 years while Jesus reigns.

truthdemon ago

What happens after 1000 years.. Or is it 1000 3.5 years

poptical-illusionist ago

I picked up on it because I found the password protected files on the CPP server interesting. Because of their potential content, I never downloaded them myself. I wanted to try to open them to help, but I already have a record and couldn't risk it. So, I try to follow and comment when it will be helpful to the discussion.