Pisstubes0351 ago

SIAP: Those gigabyte sites are 404'd now.

nathanwblair ago

@erktheerk the links are all dead - return 404's - where's the torrent?

poxlox ago


erktheerk ago

Can you share the code and any related files? I would love to integrate that into my script and auto generate the website for every scan I do. Would save me a ton of work and the multiple pages will fix the issues I have with large subs breaking trying to load tens of thousands of entries at once.

Would like to okay with it and add threaded comments too

5PY_HUN73R ago

Just signaling that I've downloaded the and backedup the DB. I'm also a bit curious about your python script in there as well. Can you explain a little how to use it?

erktheerk ago

Man. That's a lot nicer than I've come up with. Maybe use bootstrap so it's responsive? It doesn't scale well on mobile and won't let me zoom. But that looms great.

Anson ago

What tool did you use to copy this stuff?

erktheerk ago

The script is included. It's called timesearch.py

erktheerk ago

Nice. I would definitely be interested in using your work in the future, especially if you add search and pages

OldShepThePirate ago

Saved. Just in case.

larry_b ago

Please forgive my ignorance, but since I'm a bit illiterate in this and I'd like to help, I have a couple of questions:

  1. Which file should I download?

  2. If something happened (e.g., /v/pizzagate dies or whatever), what could/should I do with the file I downloaded?

Thank you!

erktheerk ago


I have no experience with voat or the community.

erktheerk ago

If you look in the Redmash folder and view the HTML file it will have a link that says "comments". This will take you to the threaded view of that post.

Joseph-Guillotin ago

/u/erktheerk Thank you very much for doing this! We'll never know the extent, but you may have saved many children lives. One question: are you sure you crawled everything? It seems like we would have had a bigger db than 16M altogether. Did you backup all threads/comments that ever appeared on that sub, or only within a specific timestamp interval, or vote counts? Thanks for the info.

erktheerk ago

All of it. It's all essentially just .txt file so 16mb is about right for a little over 2000 posts and comments. About half of them only had 1-3 comments.

Retainedbylucifer ago

Shameless request for upvotes to spead the voting power

erktheerk ago

What are you trying to do? Have you looked at the timesearch.py script?

EDIT: Nevermind I just noticed you already made a comment on it.

If you PM me I might be able to help or at least ask the dev who wrote it for me. It's been a growing project for several years now and has gotten more and more complex. Even I need assistance most of the time when things go wrong.

RebelSkum ago

absolutely painful to download, but some still work

erktheerk ago

Thank you.

erktheerk ago

What do you mean can not save them?

zkqv5djz6rfifreq ago

Please release a torrent. If you need more people to have it.

erktheerk ago

Another user created one but is stalled. I will tomorrow if it does not complete, but I will delete it from my server either way. I do not want to be responsible for hosting this. Just doing this because I could and was at the right place at the right now.

Isis_Pizza ago

Good stuff, everybody keep this on hand. The more people that have it, the harder it will be to erase from the world.

erktheerk ago

That's exactly where it is hosted now. I am putting a limit on it because I have not personally vetted the info. I do not want to be responsible for hosting it permanently.

erktheerk ago

Awesome. Can you link me to that when you do. Here or on Reddit. Same username.

AugmentedDragon ago

You, sir, are a goddamn hero. While I remain hesitant about this whole pizzagate thing, the fact that the subreddit and a bunch of others just got banned like that is definitely bad for free speech in general. You having backed it all up proves to me that this is information that someone doesn't want us to see and that we need to keep it out there for the sake of everyone involved

redsunfex ago

2,294 posts, correct? Excellent job!

erktheerk ago

Yes. Or view the HTML files for the next 24 hours before I remove it.

erktheerk ago

Appriciate it.

SelfReferenceParadox ago

Gonna archive this, maybe make a torrent.

erktheerk ago

I have two seedboxes. Send me the magnet link if you do. I'll seed it.

SelfReferenceParadox ago


erktheerk ago

Huh...let me check the zip. Worked for me earlier.

Also I am only a hobbyist in webdev. It's hacked together. Any help is gladly accepted.

erktheerk ago

I know. It's a VPS paid for with bitcoin. If you actually see data please let me know but I do not think there is anything directly connected to my IRL info.

PerusingTheOoze ago

Bitcoin is used on the Deep DarkWeb for illegal purchases. Brock Pierce ( who was a business associate of Marc Collins-Rector and Bryan Singer) is on the board of directors for BitCoin.

WorldPeace ago

Do you all know the guy who invented Bitcoin is involved? https://youtu.be/Gi6ryNOg8z0

Millennial_Falcon ago

I tried to open a link on the date-sorted page, and it went to reddit "forbidden" page

erktheerk ago

Means it was a self post. You have to click on the comment link too see those.

BoycotReddit ago

Excellent job!!

P2 ago

Thanks. It was genius. I would like to see SPEZ's face and whoever paid the money

playzfahdayz ago

Epic, well done Sir.

MichaelWesten ago

Here is an archive copy that will run offline: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1428191

erktheerk ago

The zip I have on the page will also run offline. But thanks for sharing. I am only hosting it for a set time.

MichaelWesten ago

This version I linked preserves formatting. Not sure if that's important to folks, but hey.

erktheerk ago

Mine does too. Can sort in multiple ways. I have collected all comments as well in the orginial threaded format sorted by karma.

ThrowThisAwayPi ago

Wow! Stellar job! Thank you very VERY much!

justice4all ago

Thank you. We all appreciate your hard work.