witch_doctor1 ago

Those were an amazing few weeks..nice to hear the Reddit backstory. We were leading the charge for sure at that time..even over the chans IMO. This, IMO, was due to Reddit's more user-friendly format and the fact the raw info was given to us...we just had to digest it. The chans take an enormous amount of organizational skill to keep an investigation going due to the bump limit and the necessity of having skilled bakers on the job 24/7 to keep the threads coherent. They have done an incredibly amazing job with the Q team though. It will be studied in history books.

I do feel like FBI Anon's AMA's deserve a mention in there somewhere in this article though. He is the one that pointed us in the right direction.

Also, here lately, I have been thinking more and more about the Dennis Montgomery hard drives dumped on the Cold Case Posse...the ones that demonstrated the extent of domestic surveillance and also included a "child porn drive". Arpaio and Trump were in communication then over the Birther investigation...so not a big jump to think Arpaio let future Pres. Trump know he was being surveilled and also about the hard drive contents. That might have been the true beginning of pizzagate. Think about it, Trump is running for real in 2016 and FBI Anon is an authorized leak to the chans. Pres. Trump is draining the swamp in 2017 and Q is an authorized leak to the chans. I'm seeing a pattern here...and we now know there are no coincidences....and just let me state for the record as an OG pizzagater...I hate the term pedogate...

Immelda ago

Thank you for the red pill!

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

The Legacy Media has worked relentlessly to spin the truth on what the Pizzagate investigation actually is, but the /r/Pizzagate subreddit and Pizzagate/Pedogate movement have ALWAYS been about investigating the existence of an international human/child sex trafficking operation that is perpetuated by the elites and covered up by various government agencies throughout the world.

And the reason for the cover up isn't even because of the sex trafficking of kids, they could litigate their way out of those with all their money. It's the SATANISM they are covering up for.

Yuke ago

Banned on the 22nd and I joined up here on the 24th, never to return. Best move ever.

Marfa-Lights ago

Excellent post, how much more proof is needed??

Vindicator ago

I'm changing the flair on this post to "Share!" and restickying it, cause it's great. Also, if you check out trends.google.com, you'll see Pizzagate has recently had an upsurge in interest on Google, so we should have this around.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Thank you for all you do sir :)

Vindicator ago

Back at ya rfsy :-)

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Currently showing up as the 7th result when you google "pizzagate truth"

Vindicator ago

Fantastic. I'll be tweeting this article as part of tomorrow's Fake News Awards meme offensive. :-)

I wonder when Part 2 will be available...looking forward to it.

redditfuckingsucksyo ago

Gonna get started on it soon hopefully :) may need some help with editing/making sure the timeline is correct.

vivaviva ago

Alefantis' movie Automatic at Sea is online now - coincidence? https://vimeo.com/ondemand/automaticatsea www.automaticatsea.com

Lrusc ago

This may be helpful to some now.


Lrusc ago

Hoping some people might find this helpful:


Vindicator ago

anonOpenPress, is that you? Been wondering where he went! Miss that guy!

QuoteUnquoteArt ago

To me, the truth of Pizzagate struck with the sudden confluence of Spirit Cooking, Silsby, Djurdjevic, and Comet's Instagram and concert posters. Even if they're larping as a satanic pedophile clique, who in the fucking hell does that? Unthinkably warped people. And if they're NOT just larping? Christ almighty.

rockpapersissors ago

I have always been an alt news lurker so the whisperings have always been there. Also earned the tin foil hat title. When Pizzagate first started, I was pulling stuff from everywhere. Wasn't really a fan of Reddit. A bit of a cluster fuk. Voat on the other hand, nicely done!

VIrginiaPerson ago

Thank you for posting this story. Pleadingtheyiff's posts were what clued me in to PG in its recent form. I dropped my casual (fake) friendships, committed myself to daily CC, prepped my basement, and have stopped ignoring my instincts when it comes to protecting my child. What hit home for me was when the online citizen journalism started matching my own experience both as a child abuse survivor of a near-elite family and as heavy lifetime reader. I can't tell you guys how horrified I was to see Tony's Podesta's Dahmer victim sculpture and recognize it instantly from the serial killer books I used to read in the 1990s. Some of us oldies were once black t-shirt wearing underground catalog ordering "conspiracy" people from way back when and still remember stuff that we've long since thrown away. We've gotten old and complicit. Tried to fit in for too long, gotten used to not calling out wrong things when we see them.

I admire the bravery of people who take the time to "red pill" others who are new to this kind of knowledge. I have always felt that you can't ask someone to take the burden of knowledge that is terrible. You can experience too much, read too much, see things you should not see. Everyone has their right to blissful ignorance. But I have been proven wrong in the past year, watching the force of overwhelming good overtake the world. Neckbeards, oldfags, bros, nerdgirls, soldiers, and all the other groups have found out that we are on the same side, which is the side of impending victory.

Vindicator ago

Nice. Upvoat!

Bornforbattle74 ago

Excellent rundown of last years 2 crazy weeks when we collectively stood on the head of the serpent.

darkknight111 ago

Is there anyway to get in contact with the guy who created r/pizzagate. I have important information for him.

The identity of the mastermind of the banning of r/pizzagate. Sean Li, a former reddit employee from San Francisco. Cryptically BRAGS about it on his Linkdin page.

Its time we got our LONG overdue revenge and start digging the hell out of him, for he is lawfully an accomplice to every single crime this investigation is looking at.

witch_doctor1 ago

How about we just all get fake Twitter accounts and use the chans Twitter tactics against him. They are masters at it and were kind enough to publicly post the guerrilla twitter tactics they use in the /cbts/ breads. The chans literally convinced people to dunk their new Iphones because a software upgrade made them waterproof and then put them in the microwave for a quick charge.

Vindicator ago

Giving this an IMPORTANT flair because it accurately documents blow-by-blow how this community came into being. Many of you will remember reading the threads described in the article. I think the chain of events and the brutal cross-platform censorship they reveal are compelling evidence Pizzagate is real. I also think the time of our vindication is coming. :-)

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

yeah. Lets keep pushing the pizzagate NAME. you stupid fucks. Do you seriously not understand people Dont take you seriosuly because of the fucking name? everything else after that is irrelevant... the fucking name turns them off here you are, a year Later, Stickying shit that Fucked this in the first place. you fucking assholes are retarded.

argosciv ago

I also think the time of our vindication is coming.

Fuckin' better be. I've had just about enough of the fuckery, here and abroad.

9217 ago


Narcissism ago

The greatest thing for me is how many women its woken up. And they are great at Red Pilling other women and tend to get strident when they hear kids are being abused...

Voatwontletmesignin ago

WOW amazing post! This is exactly what I witnessed in real time. This is an extremely important post and I would love it to be stickied so newbies understand how all this came to be...'What happened' sounds like a good title for a book lol. Thank you SterlingJB and thank you to the unwavering Pizzagate/Pedogate community :-)

13Buddha ago



Thank you for your tireless work. If it wasn't for people like you I wouldn't have been able to concentrate on researching the extent of the Pizzagate conspiracy - because that's what it is, a conspiracy.

I too had grown tired of reddit in 2016, primarily because of the "brigaded" racism on the sub r/watchpeopledie when it came to videos of unarmed black men, women and children being killed by cops during the height of black lives matter. It was completely anomalous to the general pathos of the sub, which was a respect for the fragility of life with some gallows humour thrown in. I also discovered in the Podesta emails about Eric Garner and Jordan Davis that the Clinton team were boosting the "black on black crime" angle of this crisis and engendering a dependency culture among blacks to secure their votes in the election. It was all a human sacrifice psyop.

Then pizzagate broke and I knew hundreds of people were doing great work investigating the corrupt Clinton team, so I set about searching for usage of these codes.

I soon found out that not only were people in the Bernie Sanders campaign using pizzacode to arrange sex with kids, but there was a group of people using pizzacode innuendo to help them but also brownstone them at the same time.

I dug deeper and found pizzacode being used near me in the UK and by famous people and political operatives and also by complete nobodies and anons. I took hundreds of screenshots from twitter accounts. My search simply consisted of putting someones account @handle and the word pizza in the twitter search engine. Then I would order the tweets from the latest first, then scroll down to their first use of the word and read upwards. I began to build a picture of what the pizzagate conspiracy was about in both geography and time.

I also expanded the vocabulary of the pizzacode because I couldn't fail to notice the many terms that would constantly turn up in a 140 character innuendo.

We all know what pizzagate isn't because the legacy media have provided us with that false narrative of Hillary Clinton and a DC pizzeria. Don't get me wrong, they were big players but only a tiny fraction of the conspiracy - they were conspirators but also more than willing patrons.

So what is pizzagate really? I'll put it as best I can: It is the ultra rich global Zionist elite shoring up the compiance of the polit

0fsgivin ago

Ya know...I fucking can't stand some of the posters on this sub.

But ill tell ya this. People claim this shits a "right wing conspiracy" and from what I've seen most pizzagaters dont give a fuck if someone is liberal or conservative they just want to people to stop fucking raping and murdering children.

This shit got popular with clinton...but thats only because her cronies got caught first. Or not even really...just it finally started to hit the mainstream.

new4now ago

I wonder just how many of us had the same intro to Pizzagate?

THANKS for sharing this

9217 ago

This is SO EXTREMELY important. I almost want to suggest it gets stickied...

lifes-not-fair ago

This and Seth Rich. Any others?

mrohm ago

Thank you for this.

Vindicator ago

I am so stoked he finally published this!

argosciv ago


9217 ago

Me too!!!!

vahelper ago

This is important reading as the MSM continue to try painting the research as a right-wing conspiracy which it never was. The truth will win eventually.

lifes-not-fair ago

Like JFK? I want this to happen in the near future. In my lifetime at least.

hels ago

We beat the msm by deleting them. Don't pay for cable, visit their websites or read their newspapers. Social media is an msm tool but use them to get others away from the mainstream. Sure that is a double edged sword but alert others by pointing out how twitter is censoring stories, headlines and users.

I don't know if the truth of JFK will ever be known by the majority of the population but we need to focus on not having another JFK assassination in our lifetime.

SterlingJB ago

Yep, does a number on MSM's claim that pizzagate is simply right wingers claiming podesta and hillary run a child trafficking store out of a pizza shop.

SterlingJB ago

Best analysis I've seen of WTF happened last fall on the internet by creator of /r/Pizzagate. Posted this in Whatever but then realized this is actually, unlike most of my other links/posts (sorry), directly pizza related.

argosciv ago

Jeezuz fuckin Christ, just wanna point out... 50 unanswered upvoats for a single comment... cograts! xD

SterlingJB ago

Yeah, hope all know I am not fuckcensorship and did not have anything to do with this great rundown tho I certainly related to it. I just linked to the article since it hadn't been linked yet, and my participation on here has been mostly just reading and commenting on all y'alls posts.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Excellent!

ESOTERICshade ago

There ya go vindicator. You were asking that question last night. I asked God and he said you could have it. Ask and ye shall receive bro 😎👌

Vindicator ago

I noticed that coincidence, too. ;-)