anonOpenPress ago

C1 Bribery

anonOpenPress ago

C2 Political/Juridicial/Governmental corruption

anonOpenPress ago

C3 Educational/Labor/Religion corruption

anonOpenPress ago

C4 Large scale systematic corruption

anonOpenPress ago

T1 Place of Origin

anonOpenPress ago

2017-03-29 Study on March 2017 claims that in trafficking, U.S.-born adults and children are most likely to be victims of sexual exploitation. Article by Reuters The original study, 80 page pdf Discussion /v/pizzagatejournalism/1807547

VieBleu ago

According to 2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine

For the Mexican girls abducted by Los Lenones, the process of breaking them in often begins on Calle Santo Tomas, a filthy narrow street in La Merced, a dangerous and raucous ghetto in Mexico City. Santo Tomas has been a place for low-end prostitution since before Spain's conquest of Mexico in the 16th century. But beginning in the early 90's, it became an important training ground for under-age girls and young women on their way into sexual bondage in the United States. When I first visited Santo Tomas, in late September, I found 150 young women walking a slow-motion parabola among 300 or 400 men.

anonOpenPress ago

T2 Origin harbour

VieBleu ago

According to 2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine

Kevin Bales, president of Free the Slaves, America's largest anti-slavery organization, says that the number (of trafficking vicitims) is at least 10,000 a year. John Miller, the State Department's director of the Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, conceded: ''That figure could be low. What we know is that the number is huge.'' Bales estimates that there are 30,000 to 50,000 sex slaves in captivity in the United States at any given time.

anonOpenPress ago

T3 Origin logistics

VieBleu ago

According to 2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine

Most of the girls on Santo Tomas would have sex with 20 to 30 men a day; they would do this seven days a week usually for weeks but sometimes for months before they were ''ready'' for the United States. If they refused, they would be beaten and sometimes killed. They would be told that if they tried to escape, one of their family members, who usually had no idea where they were, would be beaten or killed.

VieBleu ago

According to 2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine

Some of these young women are actually tricked into paying their own travel expenses -- typically around $3,000 -- as a down payment on what they expect to be bright, prosperous futures, only to find themselves kept prisoner in Mexico before being moved to the United States and sold into sexual bondage there.

Origin logistics - extrapolate hundreds of thousand of women and children being moved north from south america as well.

anonOpenPress ago

T4 Origin officials

anonOpenPress ago

T5 Origin ports

anonOpenPress ago

2017-05-06 according to a victim interviewed by New York Post, "Tenancingo [two hours from Mexico City] is the world capital of sex trafficking", "All of the houses are newly built and everyone seems to drive new cars. They have an Easter parade where the pimps march down the main street showing off their prostitutes." source

anonOpenPress ago

T6 International logistics

anonOpenPress ago

2017-05-06 Route from Mexico City to New York, crossing the border in Texas according to a victim interviewed by New York Post, "The coyotes left us stranded for days in Laredo until we could arrange for a van to take us to New York", "Alfredo paid a “coyote” $3,500 per person to get us across in a series of vans", "We arrived in Queens in February 2010" source

VieBleu ago

According to 2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine "The United States has become a major importer of sex slaves. Last year, the C.I.A. estimated that between 18,000 and 20,000 people are trafficked annually into the United States."

anonOpenPress ago

T7 International organizations

anonOpenPress ago

T8 Destination ports

anonOpenPress ago

T9 Destination officials

anonOpenPress ago

T10 Destination logistics

anonOpenPress ago

T11 Destination harbour

anonOpenPress ago

T12 Destination

anonOpenPress ago

between 1998 and 2007, Virginia Tong Leong School of Martial Arts, 696 Lonnie Burke Road, Madison, VA 22727 The alleged criminal activity involved two minor female victims who had contact with Deputy Sheriff Bruce A. Harvey while he worked as a karate instructor. source 1: Press Release Point source 2: Tong Leon locations Important: The School is not charged, only its former instructor Harvey who was arrested much later, on May 2017.

anonOpenPress ago

2017-03-29 March 2017 study caims that sexual exploitation is taking place in hotel rooms and private parties described in the report as escort services. There were also cases of personal sexual servitude where gang members hold someone basically in captivity in their house for purposes of their own sexual pleasure. Article by Reuters Discussion /v/pizzagatejournalism/1807547

anonOpenPress ago

M1 Seller

anonOpenPress ago

M2 money laundering

anonOpenPress ago

M3 International money transfers

anonOpenPress ago

2017-05-06 On route from Mexico City to New York, crossing the border in Texas, according to a victim interviewed by New York Post: "Alfredo paid a “coyote” $3,500 per person to get us across in a series of vans" source

anonOpenPress ago

M4 other money

VieBleu ago

2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine claims that victims are sold in cyberauctions for at least $300.000 Discussion /v/pizzagatejournalism/1787241

VieBleu ago

According to 2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine

Most of the girls on Santo Tomas would have sex with 20 to 30 men a day; they would do this seven days a week usually for weeks but sometimes for months before they were ''ready'' for the United States...Working at the brutalizing pace of 20 men per day, a girl could earn her captors as much as $2,000 a week. In the U.S., that same girl could bring in perhaps $30,000 per week.

anonOpenPress ago

A1 Social media advertising

anonOpenPress ago

A2 Business advertising

anonOpenPress ago

A3 News advertising

anonOpenPress ago

A4 Other advertisement

anonOpenPress ago

G1 Bust

anonOpenPress ago

2017-05-03 Madison County, VI. Deputy Sheriff Bruce A. Harvey, 40, of Reva, Virginia, has been charged with two counts of transporting minors across state lines with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and two counts of interstate travel with minors with the intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct. The alleged criminal conduct occurred between 1998 and 2007. source: Press Release Point

anonOpenPress ago

2017-04-07 LA, Norwalk, escort service "Bombshells". 1 suspect Omar Sanchez MH/37 rape, trafficking, weapons. At least one underaged victim. Police report Local news 2017-04-12

anonOpenPress ago

2017-04-06 Pasadena, San Gabriel, motel, child trafficking ring, 3 suspects James Thomas Gordley, 27, Tyrone Douglas Stevenson, 18, and a 17-year-old boy

anonOpenPress ago

G2 Plea deal

anonOpenPress ago

G3 Convicted

anonOpenPress ago

G4 Legistlation

anonOpenPress ago


VieBleu ago

The real DAMAGE done to these children - is physical, pyschological, spiritual. It is beyond horrifying, but must be faced. According to 2004-01-25 Peter Landesman, NYT Magazine

All the girls I spoke to said that their captors were both psychologically and physically abusive. Andrea told me that she and the other children she was held with were frequently beaten to keep them off-balance and obedient. Sometimes they were videotaped while being forced to have sex with adults or one another. Often, she said, she was asked to play roles: the therapist's patient or the obedient daughter. Her cell of sex traffickers offered three age ranges of sex partners -- toddler to age 4, 5 to 12 and teens -- as well as what she called a ''damage group.''''In the damage group they can hit you or do anything they wanted,'' she explained. ''Though sex always hurts when you are little, so it's always violent, everything was much more painful once you were placed in the damage group.