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Piscina ago

Who the hell names a boys' home after Lucifer, the morning star? Oh that's right: Satanists.

Here is Morning Star's newsletter, aptly named The Harvester

EricKaliberhall ago

@twistedmac11 is an alt used by ESOTERICshade that is a proven disinformation whore. @Piscina likewise. THIS SUBMISSION WAS BROUGHT TO YOU BY MEDIA MATTERS!

twistedmac11 ago

@vindicator in the ESOTERICshade sticky, I asked multiple times how to prove I'm not an alt and didn't get a response. I posted a screenshot of my one username out of desperation. I haven't posted shit in months, and the only reason I posted this is because it directly related to a previous submission I made. Am I forever going to be trolled until I am off voat completely, even though I'm not an ESOTERICshade alt? How is this kind of behavior acceptable for mods?

Vindicator ago

In the ESOTERICshade sticky, I asked multiple times how to prove I'm not an alt and didn't get a response. I posted a screenshot of my one username out of desperation.

I am happy to review what you said there. We are trying to sort out who is doing the gaslighting and who has been gaslit, twisted. You'll have to link me directly, though. There are over 1,000 comments in that thread now. Individual tidbits are difficult to find.

Am I forever going to be trolled until I am off voat completely, even though I'm not an ESOTERICshade alt? How is this kind of behavior acceptable for mods?

The only reason this sub even has mods, TM, is to prevent the kind of consensus cracking and research suppression orchestrated by ES and his brigade. Our tools are either banning accounts or communicating about them. We have banned no one.

The only person who has access to IP/machine id information about users is @PuttItOut. I don't know if there is a way for him to confirm you are not part of the sock puppet vote manipulation group, but if he can and lets me know, @EricKaliberhall, @Crensch and I will be happy to proceed amicably.

Short of that possibility, I would recommend linking to and copypasting the comment you made where you apologized for whatever roll you played in helping ES or the Jem death psyop in response to Eric. The readers will have to decide for themselves.

Vindicator ago

Another suggestion would be to create a submission in v/pizzagatemods making your case for yourself, linking to the claims that have been made about you and addressing them. We can all look at the evidence and weigh in, as can those who appreciate your contributions. It will also give you a handy link to use in reply in circumstances such as this.

twistedmac11 ago

Thank you for your responses. I really appreciate it.

This is where I posted my screenshot.

The only reason this sub even has mods, TM, is to prevent the kind of consensus cracking and research suppression orchestrated by ES and his brigade. Our tools are either banning accounts or communicating about them. We have banned no one.

Totally agree. But trolling users, calling them names, making threats like I'm going to fuck you up (as can be seen all on this thread, although not directed at me, but at another "ES alt") goes beyond simply communicating about users.

Short of that possibility, I would recommend linking to and copypasting the comment you made where you apologized for whatever roll you played in helping ES or the Jem death psyop in response to Eric.

I will link to the comment where I directly said I will not apologize, if you would like. Your proof of my "help" was me saying I didn't see any serious evidence of vote brigading in the one specific link that you posted. See here and here. I will not apologize for something I didn't do. I also never discussed the Jem death thing, there was too much around it that seemed suspicious and it was such a shit show that I never wanted to get dragged into it.

Another suggestion would be to create a submission in v/pizzagatemods making your case for yourself, linking to the claims that have been made about you and addressing them. We can all look at the evidence and weigh in, as can those who appreciate your contributions.

No offense, but going into the lions den doesn't sound like such a good time. I saw how it went on the ES sticky. I don't see how a thread in v/pizzagatemods will go any differently.

Again, thank you for responding.

Vindicator ago

Well, TM, I reviewed this just now, and I'd have to say if you are unwilling to admit your participation in ES's fuckery and apologize, you're probably out of luck. Let's review...

Your proof of my "help" was me saying I didn't see any serious evidence of vote brigading in the one specific link that you posted. See here and here.

No, TM, my proof was me warning you six months ago that Esoteric was trying to astroturf and censor people, which directly contradicts your claim that:

I never supported anyone trying to destroy this sub. I never saw ESOTERICshade as attempting to do that until he/she was exposed for using rarepeeks as an alt.

He tried to toxify and brigade a post made by @EricKaliberhall which met all submission rules, simply because he didn't like the topic, so I called him out on it and stickied it to prevent him from sliding it off the board. That made you pretty angry and you spent a lot of time in that thread claiming there was no sock puppet brigade and defending ES. I presented linked evidence to you in that thread six months ago that ES was vote brigading, but you just dismissed it. Then you claimed you didn't know, when you most certainly did. Now you are claiming there is no evidence you support ES and you are being unfairly targeted by mean mods (a narrative ES is also pushing, btw), when there is.

Now, while I don't endorse Eric's tone in dealing with you and believe he should use linked evidence in every such confrontation, I do agree with his assessment -- even more so now that you have reiterated your refusal take responsibility for your participation in undermining the board.

twistedmac11 ago

Alright, let's do this.

No, TM, my proof was me warning you six months ago that Esoteric was trying to astroturf and censor people, which directly contradicts your claim

Here you are gaslighting. You do not link any such "proof". You link to a comment on a post about Q that was stickied to v/pizzagate. The post had 31 downvotes total, so I was obviously not alone in my feelings, which were simply that Q BS shouldn't be stickied in this sub. In fact, the top commenters, none of which are ES alts as far as I know (unless you know otherwise, which is possible), all seem to have the same opinion. Actually, now that I'm looking, even if you ignore the ES comments (and his rarepeeks comment), you have to really do some scrolling to get to any comment that doesn't disagree with the video or having it stickied. You're telling me that that has nothing to do with the number of downvotes? People vote with who they agree with. In this case, I see people largely agreeing that the video shouldn't have been stickied. I did not, and still do not, see that as blatant proof of vote brigading. Now, I do see ES and his alt rarepeeks both commenting on that post, so that would probably account for a whopping 2 of each vote (up or down, depending on the comment), but that's hardly proof of a brigade (please don't take me as that excusing it or saying it's okay, I'm just saying it doesn't account for all of the votes you were mentioning as proof in your comment). I'm sorry that that is such a sore point for you, but that certainly does not make me an alt.

He tried to toxify and brigade a post made by @EricKaliberhall which met all submission rules, simply because he didn't like the topic, so I called him out on it and stickied it to prevent him from sliding it off the board. That made you pretty angry and you spent a lot of time in that thread claiming there was no sock puppet brigade and defending ES. I presented linked evidence to you in that thread claiming there was no sock puppet brigade and defending ES. I presented linked evidence to you in that thread six months ago that ES was vote brigading, but you just dismissed it. Then you claimed you didn't know, when you most certainly did.

Yes, he was all over the post. But so were a bunch of other users who also did not agree with the video. Are you saying you think all of those users are incapable of thinking for themselves and were duped into not liking the video because ES said so? I'm not sure I buy what you're selling.

ES is not the only user I've stuck up for. I have a tendency to say something when I see people being treated unfairly, which is probably why I feel such a connection to pizzagate. At the time, I was not aware of his manipulative tactics. Had I been aware I was going to get dragged into this shit, trust me, I wouldn't have stood up for him. But I would still have been open with you and whoever else if I didn't agree with something, just like I was in my comment on the Q video.

Now you are claiming there is no evidence you support ES and you are being unfairly targeted by mean mods (a narrative ES is also pushing, btw), when there is.

How about the idea that the mods, specifically Eric in this case, are being mean? So mods can run around saying whatever the hell they like and users can't say shit, or else risk being called an alt and accused of pushing the same narrative of someone else? Just because ES said something doesn't make it untrue. That's a logical fallacy. If ES said 2+2=4, and then you heard someone else say that, would they be an ES alt? Where do you draw the line? This is the only time I've pinged you for assistance with another mod (with the exception of once, back with millenialfalcon), and it was literally out of desperation, simply because I don't want to be trolled off of the board for something I am not.

Now, while I don't endorse Eric's tone in dealing with you and believe he should use linked evidence in every such confrontation, I do agree with his assessment -- even more so now that you have reiterated your refusal take responsibility for your participation in undermining the board.

I have hardly participated in "undermining the board". I spoke up when I didn't agree with things. I did not participate in vote brigading, and I have completely disassociated myself from ES (check if you like) since his alts were brought to light. Personally, I don't see there being any non-shady reasons to have alts, which is why I don't have any.

I've made it clear where I stand. I've always been straightforward and honest. You may not agree with me, you may not like me, but I am not an alt, and I don't deserve to be pushed off of the board or trolled when I post things. I would appreciate it if @puttitout would pull my IP and prove once and for all I am not ES so we can move past this shit.