think- ago

@letsdothis3: I am dropping the links here, since the other thread got pulled:

Israeli Asi Moshe files suit to return to Colombia after being extradited for human trafficking (posted a year ago)

Stay tuned, going to edit the comment, and add more links.

thewebofslime ago

Who does this tie to? Anyone? Or is this just the Colombians eliminating the competition?

YogSoggoth ago

It never really went away in the 30's, it just shifted shape. Case of The Zwi Migdal Society - The Awareness Center

letsdothis3 ago

Sorry @new4now, I didn't see your post when I posted the same article. Thought I'd link them as I've included more information in my comments section

YogSoggoth ago

Mor Zohar. You Don't Mess with the Zohan. Adam Sandler was on my list way before I ever got on the internet. Download The Zohar | Download The Zohar Original Text and Translations Throughout the centuries The Zohar was the primary and often the only book used by Kabbalists, and today it is available to everyone. Search domain

auralsects ago




new4now ago

Thank You, once again :)

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


YogSoggoth ago

Well, just thank us, since there is no one here, but the church mice, and it being close to Christmas time, and all.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago
