ESOTERICshade ago

Israel is their criminal safe haven. Israel is a cess pit of criminals, organ harvesters, pedophile child traffickers, and genocidal killers that are exterminating people that have been living there for thousands of years.

JesusRules ago

"There has never been a more wretched hive of scum, and villainy" Ob wan Kanoby

Jobew1 ago

Only punishment is deported to israel?

FuckReddit69 ago

dont forget he isnt allowed to return to Colombia....LOL

So... not only did he and his israhell peers avoid jail time for running a child and drug ring out of a small village... but they get deported to israhell where they can plot their next operation in peace.

I mean i get the USA doing it during 9/11 with the dancing israelis but Colombia ??