Factfinder2 ago

Google translation: http://archive.is/kojbS

"Under strict security measures is Assi Mosh at the Migración Colombia facilities in the capital of the country, where in the next few hours he will be accompanied by two Colombian officials to Madrid and from there to the capital of Israel, Tel-Aviv, where he will be handed over to the authorities of that country.

Mosh, aged 43, is accused of leading an international network of human trafficking, micro-trafficking and sex tourism plans. According to the authorities, his operation center was in Taganga, north of Santa Marta, where he had the Hostal Benjamín known as the 'bunker of evil' or 'little Israel', for the bacchanalia that was done and the exclusivity of receiving only guests from Israeli nationality.

In this place private parties were organized for their compatriots or foreigners, to whom they offered typical food of their country, sex and drugs without any type of control, because the Police could not enter the place.

Apparently, as reported by Caracol News, Mosh used his hotel as a failed and put them on behalf of third parties, to evade the operations of the authorities and offer sex tourism and drug plans that were mostly purchased by retired Israeli soldiers and were made through façade clubs or foundations.

In addition to Taganga, it had offices in Bogotá, Medellín, Cartagena, and outside of Colombia in Mexico, Ecuador, and Brazil. As has been known Assi Mosh is required by the authorities of his country for the same crimes."

Handing him over to Israel....hmm.

Samchay6 ago

Not surprising.

If there is money to be made, the Jews will slither in to get a percentage on the action.

GHDW ago

More people should see this, I am going to help out with that

Cheesebooger ago

Its what Israel does. They do child sex slave trafficking, organ trafficking, child porn....its ground zero for pizzagate

ESOTERICshade ago


Clinton-Warren_2020 ago

Oh Vey, That gentleman did not do anything! There must be a mistake and I have been hearing about a rise in systematic anti-semitism on the rise on Columbia lately. I think he was set up by some anti-semites..yes that is what has happened. Boycott Columbia!!!

Horizonprinter ago

America look how not free Colombia is you goys need to kill. Everyone there for freedom. Look at this picture of a tiny dead goy.

Narcissism ago

Will do..

angry_mob ago


fedevela ago

Catering to an exclusively Israeli clientele, many of his clients were ex military. Mossad non honey pot operation?