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I really want your info shared, but the link you posted isn't broadcasting. You need to post a live audio link

Message me if you're too paranoid to post, I believe you, but we need to be able to listen and verify it too

ESOTERICshade ago

I am just now catching catching wind of this NOMOCHOMO and I am sorry you got caught up in this. Ignore crensch and tell your story. crensch is a little overbearing and tends to alienate people. I have pretty much been off the internet for a couple of weeks ago and this is a travesty. If you have something to say IGNORE CRENSCH and don't take it pesonally because crensch is about as smart as a bucket of salt beans.

Just make sure you read the rules in the sidebar and try to follow them. If you that you should be ok. @think- and @vindicator can have you making good posts in no time but you HAVE TO pay attention to the rules in the sidebar. It is necessary for a lot of good reasons.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#17394) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#17245) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

"As you can see, I talk to myself a lot. That's my username! @NOMOCHOMO is me! It looks TOTALLY like I'm two different people, doesn't it? I even attack myself on NOMOCHOMO to make it seem TOTALLY legit! Maybe that's why I admit to going to rehab from my own meth addiction. If only my mother would go back to rehab, maybe she could become human instead of something that kinda looks like a human that just needs to DIE."

MolochHunter ago

now tell him how u rly feel ;)


Also that's my downvote. Fuck you forever.


Fuck you dude. You're shilling and brigading has poisoned the well and forced everyone to doubt each other's credibility.

Having multiple accounts is dirty as hell and utterly dishonest. Even if you "meant well". Fuck shady tactics.

Unlike you I refuse to participate in psyops.

The Truth stands on its own, and needs no counter brigading

I want nothing to do with you. Leave me alone.

Just by responding to me and tagging moderators gives them more reason to doubt my credibility you piece of garbage.

ESOTERICshade ago

Live and learn bro this is a dirty place as long as the crensch lives in its gutters. I saved this sub from becoming v/pizzQanon which is what onw mod around here would have wanted to turn it into. With pure tenacity, and care, and hundreds of hours of paying attention, I AM THE REASON this sub is still simply v/pizzagate instead of some weird Frankenstein hybrid of pizzagate and Qanon. Nobody truly knows what all I did and how much sleep I lost to make that happen. I don't need medals and applause, but I can promise you that I did save this sub from doom

This sub was doomed to be mixed with the world of Qanon speculation and guesses and I made it my mission for that not to happen to v/pizzagate. I wanted v/pizzagate to remain pure and stay on it's mission.

Guessing Qanon riddles IS NOT THE MISSSION OF THIS SUB.

This mission of this sub is to save children. I kept Qanon out of this place according to @vindicator and I am damn proud of that. Fuck, as many hours as that took me to do, I could have built another house. I don't feel bad about what I did. I did a good thing. I don't expect any gratitude, and I hope people learned a valuable lesson which is this>>>>DON'T MIX BULLSHIT WITH PIZZAGATE, LET PIZZAGATE BE PIZZAGATE and slowly morph into INSTITUTIONAL CHILD ABUSE........siggghhh..........I won't always be here to do this.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#18121) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#17396) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#17247) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

MolochHunter ago

just skulk off in embarrassment and die, EpilepticSpade

the fact that you would persist when your ass is laid bare is just plain mental illness

For real.

Get help.

ESOTERICshade ago

You should probably read Sun Tzu Art Of War.

I like you. You mean well. You work hard. You learn fast. You have a lot to learn...............yet.

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @Vindicator @think- @kevdude @srayzie

"Hi, my name is ESOTERIC, and I'm a half ass shade tree Talmud scholar. This is part 1 of my introduction. This is part 2. Please keep in mind that my heart aches when I think about meth, so try not to bring it up around me."

"This place, Voat, is TOTALLY fucked, and I did EVERYTHING I could do to make voice heard above the rest with sock puppet accounts. I pulled out all the morality-based stops that HUMANS would have, because I'm a meth head Jew. You'll see, without JEWS, this place will dissolve!"

"I like talking myself up with my alt, @ridleychozo, and pretending as if he knows @DeathToMasosASAP isn't me. I try to mock legitimate users by claiming all they say is "nigger faggot kike shill", but it's obviously a joke because everyone laughs at me when I do it; I know this, but I continue to try to make that one stick, because I'm a JEW. Jews just don't have the capacity to understand why our lies don't work, so we just keep doubling down on the same tired cliches."

"Smart people will jump ship, and THIS is TOTALLY my LAST COMMENT... until it isn't! I'm going to blame @migratorypatterns' leaving on Q, because obviously the goyim leaving had NOTHING to do with me and my antics. Also, I'm TOTALLY 'moving to greener pastures' where I can sock puppet and not get caught like a Scooby-Doo villain."

"Since I figured out my alt, @NOMOCHOMO wasn't going to make it, I came back... AGAIN on my main meth head username to respond to my alt, @PrepareForWar that I used to threaten the mods with. (see username - I am SO clever!)"

"Hey guize, my half ass shade tree Talmud scholar thing was TOTALLY a Sun Tzu ploy, (I am SO clever - this meth really does wonders for my head.) For this comment, my mod of choice is @Vindicator; for this comment I think he MEANS well, but is a sheep being led to the slaughter."

"My favorite fallacies are "tone fallacy" and "relative privation". I also like LARPing as being the nephew of a senator since it makes me sound important."

"I also like psychologically projecting my own faults onto others; like not getting enough sleep and doing meth. Did you all notice that direct accusations of meth use don't seem to work anymore? I wonder why that is."

"I often pretend that I am unperturbed by mentions of my loved one's meth addiction. I make up fanfiction for my enemies and attempt to make my narratives stick. It's t funny how I LARP as a senator's nephew, but CONSTANTLY attack Q for LARPing?"

"@think- now YOU are the smart one!. Also, I totally try to explain away my "shade tree" meaning "half ass" even though it would suggest that I called myself a "half ass half ass Talmud scholar". I finish this comment with other horseshit nobody cares about. Do you love me yet, meth-addled daddy?"

"I also think Orange Man Bad and I add Plato's allegory in to make myself looks smart. @think- you are now crazy, not smart. No longer my favorite mod! I randomly bash all goats and other users here, too, by saying they'll "Jew it up" when I, myself, am Jewish."

"Listen to old grampa ESOTERIC and I will show you the way, (of the Jew!) See, I can even attack people without links supporting my accusations, and pretending to hate Jews when my earliest comments were telling goats NOT to attack races like the Jews!"

"I don't care anymore, and I barely log in here anymore, but now you, @Blacksmith21, are my favorite Voat user! Watch me randomly mention winter and tell you like a good grampa ESOTERIC to get a coat. Totally not gay of me, though!"

"Here I am, thirteen days ago trying to act out my "Grampa PizzaGate" persona to @darkknight111. Listen to me, goy! I know what's best for you!"

"I like talking about putting muddy boots on my coffee table, because it makes me feel more like a human, you know, like those Zuckerberg memes! Also, my sister is sadly back in rehab with her meth addiction. It's SO sad, but I'll keep acting like CRENSCH has the meth problem because it makes me think that people won't believe I have a meth addict in the family ."

"I like to accuse others of scaring off good users, because it TOTALLY wasn't already proved that I did exactly that, constantly. I don't like the fact that the mods don't take my alt accounts seriously when they push the same narrative I was pushing!"

"As you can see, I talk to myself a lot. That's my username! @NOMOCHOMO is me! It looks TOTALLY like I'm two different people, doesn't it? I even attack myself on NOMOCHOMO to make it seem TOTALLY legit! Maybe that's why I admit to going to rehab from my own meth addiction. If only my mother would go back to rehab, maybe she could become human instead of something that kinda looks like a human that just needs to DIE."

"Applaud me more, goyim, for running off good users here! I saved the children from being rescued from their rapists! Don't applaud me, I don't want your applause... seriously... don't applaud... not even a little... anyone? Anyone? NOTICE ME, SENPAI."

Vindicator ago

Nobody truly knows what all I did and how much sleep I lost to make that happen.

Indeed, Esoteric. Running a dozen alts must be a very time consuming process, since they have to each have a separate machine id.

I find it telling that you take pride in lying, LARPing, abusing the voting system to try to fake consensus since you couldn't get your way in any other manner, and now you are pretending you somehow made it so we don't talk about Q here. People can make submissions about Q any time they want, just like they have always been able to. The only thing you did was convince @srayzie to create a fantastic QAnon subverse. That completely backfired though, because she's got so many thousands of subscribers, and they are all free to post about Q without having to comply with this subverse's stringent ruleset or horrific subject matter! Your bullshit also bonded the mod team with old goats in a way that never happened prior to your astroturfing with fake accounts. Prior to your lying, gaslighting and vote brigading, we did not work together very smoothly. But you forged us into a battle-hardened team MUCH more savvy at shill-spotting and working together.

Yours is one of the most SPECTACULAR failures I have ever witnessed. It's so epic, I can't wipe the grin off of my face every time you come slinking back to have a conversation here with one of your silly sock puppets.

ESOTERICshade ago

And by the way genius, I read @srayzie sub more than I read v/pizzagate because there is a lot of interesting shit going on in in @srayzie sub. More interesting than v/pizzagate.

You ain't near as smart as you think. Wipe the smug off because I could not be happier. Q and pizzagate are a different deal. That was my goal. I accomplished that. I am happy.

NOW, I hardly even log into Voat, at all, because I have bigger shit to do than keep you from fucking up that last place on the internet that saves children.

Thank me later, when you come out of your coma.

ESOTERICshade ago

Its a win all the way around then huh? My goal was to keep you from turning this sub into Q, @srayzie created a cool sub where people can speculate and guess all day. I would say it turned out EXACTLY like I wanted it to. Everybody is happy, and you are still a blind mother fucker.

srayzie ago


srayzie created a cool sub where people can speculate and guess all day. I would say it turned out EXACTLY like I wanted it to.

You have me inspiration to make a 3 Part Post. You can start on PART 1

I don’t know if I ever told you this, but you are the reason why I started that sub. I was not the type that would have ever taken on some type of leadership role. I was still really sensitive by shills hateful comments. During that time, not just paid shills, but Goats attacked Q followers ruthlessly. I can understand why they would think Q was a LARP at the time. But more than anyone on pizzagate, you went after the ones that posted about Q, in every thread.

You were much more patient before Q. We became friends. You taught me a lot about Jews and secret societies. You would share links, PDFs, videos, etc... When Q came along, you became harsh, and even mean to anyone that would post something that included Q. Even if the post was helpful and lead to something we hadn’t know yet. It honestly made people not want to post because they knew you would attack them.

I, honest to God, started thinking about making my own sub because of you. You made me nervous. I remember telling @Bopper at the time that I was thinking about it. Then you went off on someone really bad one day and I thought fuck this, you didn’t want pizzagate turning into a Q sub, I’m going for it and starting my own, so that us from pizzagate could have a place to post about Q, and and not worry about your attacks. Since you were my friend and complained about it being discussed in pizzagate, we agreed that you would stay away from that sub, and I would leave you along about your bashing Trump.

I figured at most, a couple of hundred would join. It would be laid back and no big deal. But, Q continued proving that he (they) were working right alongside our president. No matter how many attempts to discredit Q, even by you, the Q movement grew. You would say nothing was happening. You told me that a post I made about a child trafficking ring being busted, where there were a lot of arrests, was fake news. I kept telling you that things ARE happening. You would continuously tell us that Trump was a Freemason and a Globalist. But Trump and Q kept proving themselves.

You, among others, complained that there were no arrests. Where are the arrests?! That’s why I made these posts. The 3rd one is Pizzagate and Q.

We agreed as friends we wouldn’t attack the other for the others beliefs. You’ve been pretty respectful on Great Awakening. But, this was a little fucked up. A cool sub where people can speculate and guess all day?

I try to stay out of the drama when it comes to you. But I am seeing this and just tripping out. Why are you taking credit for any of this? Pizzagate is not ruined, Q didn’t ruin pizzagate. Read my posts and then you tell me how Q has been bad for pizzagate. GA turned out EXACTLY as you wanted it? You didn’t have any hand in how it turned out. No matter what you, or anyone says, Q took pizzagate main stream. Q is no longer a conspiracy.

Read my posts and prove to me that Q is a conspiracy and that this movement has not woke people up like never before? If anything, you helped make the Q movement grow because you’re why I made that sub.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t know if I ever told you this, but you are the reason why I started that sub.

I am responsible for a lot of stuff. If my influence spawned your sub I am glad.

We became friends.

We still are friends. I am not so shallow that I would let Q get between our friendship.

ESOTERICshade ago

you didn’t want pizzagate turning into a Q sub

Exactly. They are two different things.

You would continuously tell us that Trump was a Freemason and a Globalist.

He is both of those, but, if he will keep us from becoming like France and Sweden I will be grateful to him. These migrants need to stay the fuck out of our country. If he will do that I will be grateful for his efforts.

A cool sub where people can speculate and guess all day?

We all do it every single day. Its how we learn.

We agreed as friends we wouldn’t attack the other for the others beliefs.

I consider you to be trusted friend. I got your back sista.

GA turned out EXACTLY as you wanted it?

Yep. And your sub gets better every day. I read your sub regularly. The longer it goes the smarter it gets.

you helped make the Q movement grow because you’re why I made that sub.

I'm happy with the way it turned out. It helped grow a movement of awake people. You did a good job. I am grateful for your tireless efforts. I would say its a win for everybody.

Vindicator ago

@EsotericShade likes to get his ass paddled. It's why he keeps coming back. Like all those with a guilty conscience, deep down, he believes he should be punished. :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

I barely even keep up with what goes on around here. Sometimes I go several days without even reading Voat.

Vindicator ago

You should do the kids a solid and delete all of your accounts.

ESOTERICshade ago

You should do the kids a solid and delete all of your accounts.

You remind me of this dude, I swear to God, you do.

Shizy ago

Well said!

ESOTERICQizzagate ago

Aww, gee, you mean posts like this? Or maybe this one?

I like this post as well.

I've just made it my mission to turn Pizzagate in to ESOTERICQizzagate! I'm almost certain I can find PLENTY of info to post that follows all the rules.

@Vindicator @think- @shizy @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge

All of you will help me make Grampa ESOTERIC's dream come true, won't you?

ESOTERICshade ago

crensch, I have smarter people in this world I can talk to, other than you and your alts. Signing out now. I am not entertained and I am deeply sorry that v/pizzagate is under the rule of a 19 year old punk like you. It is what it is, I will cast pearls upon swine because my knowledge IS UTILIZED upon better platforms than what you have turned this little shit storm of a platform into. fucked up the last repository of child saving forums on the internet. That is your legacy. All the old timers with the real knowledge left this place. That is your legacy asshole.

ESOTERICQizzagate ago

The crusade continues until your alts have tombstones. All of them.

ESOTERICshade ago

What you fail to' understand is that I don't even login to this site very often anymore. You can continue to chase my ghosts, that don't exist, if it gives you something to do. Stop accusing innocent members of being me. That is wrong and you have alienated a lot of innocent users on this site. Don't be cancer, which is what you are. Stop being cancer. My mission was to split Qanon into it's own sub so that pizzagate could survive. It was something that had to be done that you were not smart enough to do. Now @srayzie has one of the most popular subs on Voat, pizzagate is still alive, and everybody should be happy about that. You were too stupid to do it, so I did it for you. You almost got credit for destroying pizzagate, You and @vindicator, but I decided to step in and save pizzagate. I did it. Its done. Everybody got benefits from my tireless efforts. I won't do this again. I will never step in here again and save this place. Maintain what I did and learn from it.

Vindicator ago

Stop accusing innocent members of being me. That is wrong and you have alienated a lot of innocent users on this site.

If you have two shits about this, Esoteric, you wouldn't have created a dozen sock puppets and worked them so hard vote brigading, attacking innocent users so you could defend them, and undermining everyone's trust in the motives of these accounts.

YOU created this situation.

YOU can end it by deleting all of your accounts. Anything short of that is just more lies and gaslighting from you. More LARPing as someone good. More recycling of the same old bullshit.

ESOTERICshade ago

@ridleychozo went all the way to the desert to give us first hand knowledge and you stupid fucks accused him of being me. You guys are like the Gestapo and you are out of line.

Shizy ago

😂 whoever this is, I love you!!!!

ESOTERICQizzagate ago

Invite your friends to join in the fun! Once I can make submissions, they'll coat this subverse until GRAMPA child-rapist-protector has a tombstone badge on each of his known usernames.

Remember, I exist because ESOTERICshade protects child-fuckers and grooms new, naive users on this site to help push his narrative that mods are pedos, and to attack the narratives his handlers don't want discussed. Also, he REALLY likes meth, it seems.

ESOTERICshade ago

You lack style points @crensch.

Shizy ago

You know, I heard from someone else that he loves meth and likes to groom women with compliments and cash.

I can't wait for the submissions to start rolling out

think- ago forged us into a battle-hardened team MUCH more savvy at shill-spotting and working together.

I agree. My heart-felt thanks for that as well, @EsotericShade! You're attempt to divide the mod team has been an epic failure. grin

@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

Your attempt to divide the mod team has been an epic failure. grin

You take your position on the "mod team" too seriously. Its not a "team" its two or three independent thinkers doing the best they can to hold this thing together and make it work. It is not a TEAM its a couple of dedicated people trying to make sure people follow the rules in the sidebar. I would not do what you do. I fought HARD for you to get here. You and @vindicator are pretty much what is left of the scuffle that happened in getting rid of MilFalcon. I am damn happy with the way you guys mod this forum. I have no complaints.

After kicking Mil Falcon out of this place I had one thing left that I wanted to do, and that was to kick Qanon out of this place BECAUSE Qanon would have bleached out, washed out, discredited, and overcome pizzagate if it were allowed in this sub.

I don't understand why that is so hard to understand. I fought hard against it being allowed in this sub. This sub is supposed to be about facts, and its NOT SUPPOSED TO BE ABOUT SOME ANONYMOUS SOURCE of wut? on the internet.

That was my mission. @vindicator says I drove it out of this sub. Well, good on me. I did good. Yall wore me out though. I don't even log in here much anymore. Yall do a good job. Just carry on doing what you do. Q was a weird blip on the radar and I fought like hell to keep it OUT OF HERE and according to @vindicator I did that. I"m happy.

Yall should be happy too because this place didn't get fucked up. Yall have a good day. I have other shit to do :)

ESOTERICshade ago

Wake up chic. All I did was split Q from pizzagate because those are two different things.

Q is politics

Pizzagate specializes in saving our children.

You are smart. You get it. Don't make it complicated.

I won't do it again. I have more stuff I plan to do and it does not involve Voat. I dropped into this little boat in the ocean to save v/pizzagate because a dumbass (not you) was about to fuck it all up. I did my job and i'm out of here. Take care of it.

MolochHunter ago

and as an additional beneficial side effect, I've learnt to juggle flaming torches while farting Bohemian Rhapsody

you're an all-round GENIUS FAILURE, Epileptic Spade

sorry, @EsotericShade

ESOTERICshade ago

I like you. You mean well, you work hard. Carry on good man.

MolochHunter ago

so you think Im going to ignore your established history of sucking up to moderators so that you can then chew them up and spit them out while driving wedges between people ?

take a gun. Put it n your mouth. Contemplate your sociopathic failure of a life

then put the gun down, and go and get some serious counselling

think- ago

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall: please see parent.

Vindicator ago

Heh. :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

I have accomplished a lot of things in my life. Splitting off Qanon into it's own subverse is one of my greatest achievements and it took a lot of time out of my time to make it happen. v/pizzagate has to stay v/pizzagate and it CANNOT get mixed with Qanon because if that happens pizzagate will die and get bleached out. I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THAT

ESOTERICshade ago

so you think Im going to ignore your established history of sucking up to moderators so that you can then chew them up and spit them out

My mission was to split Qanon into it's own world and keep it out of the v/pizzagate sub. Why would I do that you ask? Because pizzagate is supposed to be a world of FACTS instead of world of guesses and hopeful bullshit. I suck up to nobody. Pizzagate needs to stand on it's own two feet and save our children. This ain't complicated.

What do you think would happen if v/pizzagate became something like v/pizzQanon? Huh? You tell me.....It would wash pizzagate off the map and make pizzagate a laughing stock of the world. Pizzagate is serious business and it needs to stay that way. You are a smart person.

v/pizzagate is the only place on planet earth, that I know of where this problem is seriously discussed. Do you seriously want it washed away by Qanon?

I didn't think so, and neither do I. I saw this coming a longgggggg time ago and I set up the fences to protect v/pizzagate against it because I wanted v/pizzagate to remain pure. v/pizzagate is precious and it deserves to be protected against dumbass thinking. Its really that simply so don't over think it.

think- ago

I find it telling that you take pride in lying, LARPing, abusing the voting system to try to fake consensus since you couldn't get your way in any other manner

You forgot to mention that @EsotericShade said he doesn't give a 'frickin' shit' that he hurt other users....


@Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Crensch ago

I always forget that. Did I put that in my novel yet?

think- ago

Not yet. I think Vin will have the archive.

Crensch ago

Ok, good. @Vindicator do you have the archive of ES saying he didn't care that he hurt people?

Vindicator ago

Haven't found that one, but I did just find this old comment in which ES tells VeryOffended it's easy to fool people because everyone is a malignant narcissist:

ESOTERICshade 0 points (+0|-0) 1.2 years ago

Most don't want to believe people are capable of this shit and that they themselves were/could ever be so blind to it.

It is usually easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fabulously fooled in a big way. Seems most people have just enough of a little touch of malignant type narcissism that makes them detest realizing that they have been fooled.

@think- @EricKaliberhall

think- ago

Interesting, thanks.

think- ago

In case he should have deleted this comment, you could ask @MadWorld, he has his whole comment history archived.

Apologies in advance: He might not have said 'frickin' shit', maybe it was 'damn shit' or something. But you'll get the idea.

MadWorld ago

Here is his comment history from 3/11/2018 onward This version includes versioned comments and should be search friendly. If he said it before that time, I was not able to archive it due to initial 20-page limit.

think- ago

Thank you so much, @MadWorld! You rock!! No, he made the comment about 4 weeks ago, so it should be included.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

MadWorld ago

Ok, you are most welcome! This dump does not include his alts. I can also combine them if necessary. Thanks!

Vindicator ago

I believe that was a comment he made when Cc1914 piped up about him after we showed he was rarepeeks and auralsects. I know I archived all of that, but I don't think I made a specific note that would make it easy to find. It was in the comments of one of @Crensch's threads outing him -- maybe this one that's stickied. Or maybe one made in shitlist or PV. I can't remember.

Your comment history for that time might be the fastest way to find it, think- because you repeatedly reminded him of it. ;-)

think- ago

Your comment history for that time might be the fastest way to find it, think- because you repeatedly reminded him of it. ;-)


Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @gabara @ExpertShitposter @heygeorge @MadWorld

Behold the beauty of the comment above.

Vindicator ago

Truth always rings with Beauty. There's even a Latin motto about it: Veritatis splendor


think- ago

Veritatis splendor

Hmm....maybe you should add that to your user page. ;-)

Epic comment, brother! :-)

@Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @MolochHunter



Fuck dude. You are a self-obsessed POS. I said leave me alone

The board has already devolved to Q anon. You didn't do shit but get caught brigading.

Fuck you.