I apologize for violating pizzagate rules in posting last week. It was my attempts to remain anonymous & not get removed from yet another platform (http://mixlr.com/peleg) that caused me to post a too-cryptic hint at what I was trying to share. I cannot, in good conscience, let my own fears keep this quiet any longer. I have started & deleted several times...trying to decide what can be shared here.
I have found, in publicly available audio, underlying communication that they don't know is being picked up. (or they wouldn't be talking this way).
Here are some quotes. From "alice", at Oxford interview Oct 9 2018 (air date). She said dems couldn't be civil..if that helps. The interviewer delivered a message at that start. "Poor Ms. Weeza (Louisa), establishment closed. Ms. Elgoonie..Ms "eldy"...stashed loosh for you. Ms. eldy's guests are human. That's who you need". Alice vividly describes: ____ served an 8 yr old for the Feast of "Whelps" (what I'm hearing) and it was awful" Mark's _____ passed her out, and I ate. It was dry and needed sous" (had to look up sous...cooking method for tough meat)..and loosh sent by a sultan, but had arsenic on it (i think as a preservative)...Alice says "I alone would not suck it. Nasty loosh". (I didn't know they "suck it"). And some one named mary jo fernandez, who served jon bennet (I know it sounds insane)..."sooo rich, there was actually one left" then alice cackles like a goul. They remember this child so often, I don't know what to think about it. Alice has some preserved with salt to suck on that "got me through Christmas". I couldn't make this stuff up. I knew where to go back and look for talk about loosh of the past...I watched video to see when alice paused and swallowed. "so there I was, with 8 yr old loosh, that's number one." She - & others - talk about knicklebockers. Alot. "every night the knicklebockers eat". Or there's DF. "need a little loosh everynight"...or threatening another sen. "I warn you...the wolf...earring left at my house..dna...I searched & found .....ferral are we....where your wife is at night...that girl of yours...fleece around her neck"...That's playing tonight here http://mixlr.com/peleg.
I'm not trying to get followers, numbers..I'm trying to keep my head low & get the info out, especially since I can hear the words right away, which is about 10 - 30 % of ppl...(hough everyone can "tune" their ears to it...just takes more time) I've listened to hundreds of hours..repeating & hearing more...it actually made me ill. I had to adjust the frequency to keep doing it.
There are so many ppl in this..or at least with this communication ability..and it involved dna implant. "initiation" as they call it. Done by those "viscious knicklebockers", whoever they are.
I can't find any info about the particular occult practice they are doing, but they have seen..with their own eyes..a giant owl. Not all would bow to it, and it seems their memory of it is gone. 2 "good guys" that I've heard remember now, only recently, and because of what I've heard, I believe QAnon involved in recovering those memories. Anymore on that would expose innocent ppl.
These ppl so "sacraments"..serving loosh..and many used to serve. Alice says "remember that girl Brittany? Now that she's all fat & famous..went to her birthday..asked "where you putting it"..she showed me a dessert table, ..but that's not loosh though! Loosh, loosh (actually sounds like she's sobbing when she says this part)...and " i keep thinking maybe Nick will serve this or serve for that, and I'll go get me some loosh. Nick used to serve a lot." Everyone is "so nervous" - this may be what they say the most - that no one is serving anymore...as alice says "that damn QAnon". Alice says "who knew the illegals and the Arabs would fail" at the same time she's saying "who knew about wikileaks, and Comey".
I came here b/c this is where I found out what loosh was...DF is asking "praying" actually.."please send more of your wolf dna"...for more initiates. She's saying the need to have "the next knicklebocker thing". The caravan is getting closer...I know what that's about, & now so do you. Any price will be paid to keep them coming for the few that can be picked off, or are being "delivered".
I explain alot more as I go through the clips ...there's too much. For the 2 "podcasts" out, I have so much more, & hours more I'm listening to.
They don't consider themselves human...and we are cattle to them. Even a mid-eastern Gov official remarked on the "how" these ppl do..viscious, shocking,...that there, they make it easy as they kill them for loosh.
I'm going to put up DF now. I need people aware..not their numbers...it's more dangerous being the only one. BTW..God showed me where to look..an answer to a prayer..to reveal to us what they say & do in secret, as Elisha did for Israel. How literally He answered that prayer.
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I really want your info shared, but the link you posted isn't broadcasting. You need to post a live audio link
Message me if you're too paranoid to post, I believe you, but we need to be able to listen and verify it too
ESOTERICshade ago
I am just now catching catching wind of this NOMOCHOMO and I am sorry you got caught up in this. Ignore crensch and tell your story. crensch is a little overbearing and tends to alienate people. I have pretty much been off the internet for a couple of weeks ago and this is a travesty. If you have something to say IGNORE CRENSCH and don't take it pesonally because crensch is about as smart as a bucket of salt beans.
Just make sure you read the rules in the sidebar and try to follow them. If you that you should be ok. @think- and @vindicator can have you making good posts in no time but you HAVE TO pay attention to the rules in the sidebar. It is necessary for a lot of good reasons.
Fuck you dude. You're shilling and brigading has poisoned the well and forced everyone to doubt each other's credibility.
Having multiple accounts is dirty as hell and utterly dishonest. Even if you "meant well". Fuck shady tactics.
Unlike you I refuse to participate in psyops.
The Truth stands on its own, and needs no counter brigading
I want nothing to do with you. Leave me alone.
Just by responding to me and tagging moderators gives them more reason to doubt my credibility you piece of garbage.
ESOTERICshade ago
Live and learn bro this is a dirty place as long as the crensch lives in its gutters. I saved this sub from becoming v/pizzQanon which is what onw mod around here would have wanted to turn it into. With pure tenacity, and care, and hundreds of hours of paying attention, I AM THE REASON this sub is still simply v/pizzagate instead of some weird Frankenstein hybrid of pizzagate and Qanon. Nobody truly knows what all I did and how much sleep I lost to make that happen. I don't need medals and applause, but I can promise you that I did save this sub from doom
This sub was doomed to be mixed with the world of Qanon speculation and guesses and I made it my mission for that not to happen to v/pizzagate. I wanted v/pizzagate to remain pure and stay on it's mission.
Guessing Qanon riddles IS NOT THE MISSSION OF THIS SUB.
This mission of this sub is to save children. I kept Qanon out of this place according to @vindicator and I am damn proud of that. Fuck, as many hours as that took me to do, I could have built another house. I don't feel bad about what I did. I did a good thing. I don't expect any gratitude, and I hope people learned a valuable lesson which is this>>>>DON'T MIX BULLSHIT WITH PIZZAGATE, LET PIZZAGATE BE PIZZAGATE and slowly morph into INSTITUTIONAL CHILD ABUSE........siggghhh..........I won't always be here to do this.
Fuck dude. You are a self-obsessed POS. I said leave me alone
The board has already devolved to Q anon. You didn't do shit but get caught brigading.
Fuck you.