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Hey @Vindicator, is there a post I can look at that links Q to pizzagate/explains why it fits submission rules?

Seriously looking for info, I've seen a lot of good information from Q, but I don't understand how seemingly unsourced (or speculative: "vindication may be coming") claims relate to how ya'll define "pizzagate"

Thanks in advance, and sorry if this question offends anyone

Vindicator ago

I always enjoy the opportunity to explain this. :-)

This subverse was founded to research the speculative meaning of John Podesta's nonsensical emails. We've investigated the claims of FBIAnon, Steve Piesczenik, Hollywood Renegade, Crazy Days and Nights and numerous people claiming to be victims of SRA. Next to 4chan, long before r/greatawakening or even /Qresearch/ we were the first board to dig into Q's claims.

Of all the whistleblowers who have revealed leads about the cabal of elite child rapists who keep themselves in power by abusing kids, QAnon is one of the most well-sourced phenomena we've studied. He has proven himself to either BE Trump or Trump plus a group of people working closely with him, and he has spread research originally produced on this board about Laura Silsby and Rachel Chandler to millions of Americans. Q has affirmed Voat was taken down because of that research. The same Cabal MSM outlets who know exactly what's going on and invented the term "fake news" to silence us immediately attempted to paint Q with the same brush, calling him "Pizzagate on steroids". Whenever anyone attempts to discuss Q's pizzagate-related references on our board, the Shareblue subverters go apeshit to try to silence it.

We even had one truly retarded shill completely jump the shark and claim our mod @think- is Q!

We don't allow baseless speculation. QAnon is not baseless.


Thank you for the links! Checking it out.

Vindicator ago

Also, are the referenced indictments of Podesta & Huma sealed?

Just this afternoon, QAnon confirmed there are sealed indictments against the Podestas.

@Vindicator do you think the "martial law" bit is necessary/believe it? That's the part of the Q narrative that scares me the most.

I have always felt a large part of this was Q and the whitehats showing the Cabal the size weapon they have fully loaded and ready to use. If everything we've documented about MKUltra, false flags, NPC zombies and compromised players at every level of government, banking, law enforcement, media, Hollywood, universities, churches, unions, the judiciary, charities, tech, agro and big pharma is true, they would have to be prepared to use this option if they were going to drain the swamp. You don't go hunting bear with a butterfly net.

I also think that they may be able to avoid declaring martial law and will if they can, since Trump wants to go down in history as the greatest American president, ever.



"In addition, he claims that 11.3 will see Podesta indicted, and on 11.6, Huma."


"just this afternoon Qanon confirmed there are sealed indictments against the Podestas"

very interesting. i do see where you're coming from.