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Vindicator ago

What Vampires have long known, Medicine has proven. Blood transfusions are more effective when they are transfused within hours from when the blood is drawn. This creates the imperative for literal human blood banks. UNDERGROUND MEDICINE IS HUMAN TRAFFICKING

@NOMOCHOMO, this is a very interesting theory, but you are taking several massive speculative leaps here that you haven't sufficiently supported. I'm sorry, but an emo vampire blog isn't sufficient evidence to support the theory that a cabal of anemic super-rich are behind global child trafficking for their blood supply.

The main problem you've got here is that vampires supposedly drink blood, not transfuse it -- which is a clear bastardization of the Catholic Mass dating back at least a millennia. You need to show some evidence of blood being stolen from trafficking victims. You also need to show evidence of this anemia being prevalent in Cabal families. I've seen reports of flesh stolen, spinal fluid stolen and organs stolen -- but I have yet to see blood stolen. The genetic vampire theory is something we're going to have to treat as disinfo until further evidence comes in supporting it.

Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding.

This would also need some linked evidence supporting it. I've seen families obsessed with blood lines. I've never heard of a religious order obsessed with it. Typically, religious orders require you to forgo all ties to your family line.

I will give this the 24 Hour Grace flair in the off chance real evidence exists to support these claims, but then you'll have to repost in our speculative subverse (which was made for stuff like this).

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall


Thank you for the notice. Adding requested information now. But to immediately clarify, I'm using Vampirism as a metaphor. Though I will demonstrate that the first attempts at blood transfusion were done orally.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for the additional links. Unfortunately, they do not help support the pizzagate thesis you appear to be trying to make here: that the elite are kidnapping and sexually abusing kids to take their blood. The links you provided do not give any evidence of this at all. You've added:

  • evidence of blood drinking as medicine from hundreds of years ago which is not relevant, since it is not actually efficacious for treatment
  • evidence of blood farming from adult men in India for local use

You have not edited your thread to make it clear you're "using Vampirism as a metaphor". Nor have you edited or removed the speculative claim from the vampire blog I already mentioned.

You provide no evidence whatsoever that

  • there is any connection between pedophilia among the elite (pizzagate) and this blood theory
  • the orphans that were brought from Greece were abused sexually or used for their blood
  • children anywhere are being abducted and raped for their blood

Therefore, I have to remove this thread per Rule 1.

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall: In your view, should we flair the rest of the threads in this "series" as Possible Disinfo?


@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall


  1. You're putting words in my mouth.

"Thank you for the additional links. Unfortunately, they do not help support the pizzagate thesis you appear to be trying to make here: that the elite are kidnapping and sexually abusing kids to take their blood."

I've never made that thesis. I've avoided pedophilia/sexual abuse in all of my posts so far. Pizzagate includes the trafficking/abuse of children by Elites for reasons besides just pedophilia/SRA. You were closer when you summarized it as

"the theory that a cabal of anemic super-rich are behind global child trafficking for their blood supply"

...Still dismissive hyperbole. But closer. I'm saying that child & organ donation/blood trafficking are a part of Pizzagate. My post meets Rule 1: as it addresses "Physical abuse" & "Trafficking" by elites.

  1. I've satisfied your requested edits. You 1st asked me to provide evidence for 4 points:

A. "Main problem Vampires supposedly drink blood, not transfuse...a clear bastardization of the Catholic Mass"

I provided 2 books referencing early medicine and its development of "Vampirism" & "Medical Cannibalism" by elites, scientists, royalty, and the Catholic Church itself. I next provided a book by two doctors on the history of blood transfusion, The book describes multiple historical child victims of these blood transfusion experiments.

B. "evidence of blood being stolen from trafficking victims"

I provided evidence of "blood-farming" in multiple cities in India from 2011-2015, A book entitled "The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers," and an official declaration from the government of Slovenia: Combating trafficking in human beings: Trafficking in human organs, tissues and BLOOD.

C. "evidence of this anemia being prevalent in Cabal families"

I provided multiple examples, you didn't address them, so I assume they were sufficient.

D. "evidence supporting...Religious orders have long been obsessed with Blood-Lines which led to inbreeding"

I provided examples of blood-line preservation in The Mormon Church, Shiite Islam, the Fundamentalist Mormon Church, Ancient Hawaiian Tribes, Ancient Incans, Ancient Egyptians, and American Anabaptist populations.

I completely answered all of your concerns. You then removed my post for issues you never asked me to clarify (moving the goalposts)

Crensch ago

"Thank you for the additional links. Unfortunately, they do not help support the pizzagate thesis you appear to be trying to make here: that the elite are kidnapping and sexually abusing kids to take their blood."

I've never made that thesis. I've avoided pedophilia/sexual abuse in all of my posts so far. Pizzagate includes the trafficking/abuse of children by Elites for reasons besides just pedophilia/SRA. You were closer when you summarized it as

I proved that blood was harvested from trafficking victims like you asked. You didn't ask for "children's blood" until after you deleted my post. Nonetheless, I'd already provided sources with multiple examples:

He doesn't need to ask for it to be "children's blood", it's in the fucking definition in the sidebar definition of pizzagate:

Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities.

Now take your baffle-with-bullshit crap and fuck off to another subverse where @carmencita can suck your dick for writing a ton of complete nonsense whose only purpose is cause problems and detract from people serious about stopping child rapists and murderers.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy



"Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities."

"I proved that blood was harvested from trafficking victims like you asked. You didn't ask for "children's blood" until after you deleted my post. Nonetheless, I'd already provided sources with multiple examples:"

Both you and @Vindicator have still ignored my clarifying citation:

THE HISTORY OF BLOOD TRANSFUSION( by Dr. Abdul Nasser Kaadan, 2009 Chairman, History of Medicine Department, Aleppo University, Syria. The President of International Society for the History of Islamic Medicine ( MD, PhD & Dr. Mahmud Angrini, MD Master Degree Student, History of Medicine Department, Aleppo University, Syria. Master Degree in Laboratory Medicine

"it is reported that a physician (or mystic) of dubious reputation, named Abraham Meyre, appeared in the court and promised to save the Pope's life by transfusing him with the blood of young "donors". Apparently, THREE young 10-YEAR-OLD BOYS were selected as donors and Villari states that the blood of the dying Pope was passed into the veins of one of the boys, "... who gave him his own in exchange". The process was apparently repeated with the other two boys. All three boys apparently died shortly after the procedure, possibly as a result of air embolism, but there was no change to the Pope's condition. This story is however controversial and is open to interpretation, being based on translations from the original script. It is possible that this presumed transfusion‟ stems from an incorrect translation by Villari of an earlier account of the Pope's illness. If this is the case, what is likely to have happened is that the Pope was asked to drink the blood. In any event, all authors seem to agree that the three boys,"... costing one ducat a piece" died shortly after the procedure, as apparently did the Pope (presumably from his renal condition.

@Crensch, you and @Vindicator have still not addressed these instances of CHILDREN being drained of blood from the 2000s


"A total of ten victims, 7 under the age of 18"


" Three employees of the Kohli Blood Bank and Components...were booked on Friday for LURING CHILDREN — AS YOUNG AS 8 YEARS — into REPEATEDLY DONATING BLOOD. Allegedly run by Dr V K Kohli and his wife Dr Chitra Kohli, the Kohli Blood Bank and Components Pvt Ltd


"Police Commissioner Imohimi Edgal led his men to arrest the suspect in his 18 Kusa Bus Stop, Bariga one-room apartment where he operated from. He was said to have collected blood from children there for sale to some clinics.

I don't mind editing my post for clarity. But deleting it, and flagging me as "disinfo" because you've misrepresented my evidence isn't right.

Vindicator ago

"I'd already provided sources with multiple examples" of CHILDREN purchased and drained of blood by Royalty, Scientists, & the Catholic Church.

Both you and Vindicator have still ignored my clarifying citation:


You provided no edits to the body of the post that included this link, nor in the link you did add to the body of the post as an extended edit.. You left in the BS about "what vampires have long known" which you were told either needed to be proven or removed, waving it off as "just a metaphor".

@Crensch, you and Vindicator have still not addressed these instances of CHILDREN being drained of blood from the 2000s

You have not shown how any of these instances is directly connected to the people we are investigating in this sub or any of the global elite, for that matter. Rule 1 requires that.

I don't mind editing my post for clarity.

If you don't mind, then why didn't you do it during the 24 Hour Grace? None of the links you provided having to do with abuse of kids or blood harvesting of kids directly connect to to the people we are investigating in this sub. None.

But deleting it, and flagging me as "disinfo" because you've misrepresented my evidence isn't right.

It absolutely IS right when you refuse to edit, instead dump tons of baffle-with-bullshit ancient history into the post burying any relevant info, and then claim mods are "misrepresenting your evidence". That is why this subverse has moderators. We have a long history of disinfo pushers who try this tactic every month or two. You've chosen to present your information in as obscure, scattershot, indirect, throw-a-ton-of-shit-at-the-wall-and-see-what-sticks a way as possible and then blame moderators when it is removed. That is shillish behavior, Nomo. If you're not pushing disinfo, why are you doing it?

We've had many people who want to explore the ancient history of secret societies, SRA, adrenochrome, child sacrifice and the people and organizations from the far past who may have contributed to the current power structure. They all make their submissions in v/pizzagatewhatever when they can't establish a direct link to focus of v/pizzagate. Why should you be allowed to clutter the main board with indirectly related or speculative material when people like @argosciv or @3141592653 are not?

A furthermore, you were on Voat just 10 days before making this mess of a post. Do you really think it's appropriate to come into a community and start telling them how things should be run when you've done nothing to contribute to building it, protecting it from disinfo and disruption by its enemies, or otherwise earn the respect of it's members? Does that sound like the behavior of someone operating out of good will?

@think- @EricKaliberhall


"You provided no edits to the body of the post that included this this link [], nor in the link you did add to the body of the post as an extended edit."

WRONG DUDE. Its the 2nd link on my "supplementary" comment. You either missed it, or are lying.

Here is the link to the comment:

So yes. You still are misrepresenting my evidence. Maybe unintentionally. But that's why I'm flipping out. I'm not telling you how to do your job. I'm defending my arguments.

Vindicator ago

WRONG DUDE. Its the 2nd link on my "supplementary" comment. You either missed it, or are lying.

It was not there when I looked at your edit, NOMO. And I'd be careful who you claim is lying, since you edited that comment at some point, without noting what you changed.

It doesn't really matter, though, because the link doesn't prove anything. It's just more historical stuff you failed to directly connect to anything our rules require.

It does not solve the essential problem with this thread -- it still breaks the damn rules. You've established no direct connection between all these scattered bits of history and the people we are investigating. Your refusal to take responsibility for this fact, while continuing to insist I am the problem is quite telling.


"either/or" I accused you of nothing @vindicator. I gave you a polite out, by saying you could have "missed it"

Now you are accusing me of lying by saying "it was not there when I looked at your edit"

Well (and I'm trying to be civil) that's BS. You refuse to accept that you might have made a mistake. I edited for formatting. The content was always there.

"It doesn't really matter, though, because the link doesn't prove anything. It's just more historical stuff you failed to directly connect to anything our rules require."

Well why didn't you say that the first time, as opposed to doubling down on the FALSE CLAIM that I didn't link the evidence?

I'm fine with you criticizing structure , order of the post, and quality of the evidence. But you've accused me of not supporting my falsely stating I haven't provided evidence. Then you used that as an excuse to try to discredit the rest of my posts.

I post historical evidence of the POPE being transfused with 3 10-year-olds blood, Royal Society members transfusing childrens' blood, a history of animal blood treatments for Anemia, and It seems like you and @crensch are arbitrarily deciding historical info is "too old", "dusty old shit", or not "connected" to the "people we are investigating"

Does AHEPA not count? How old does a post have to be about Catholic Church abuse to not apply towards pizzagate? I've seen posts about St Louis, NY, and many other dioceses that extend 50+ years. I see posts about Ritual Abuse that don't have ANY direct connection to the Alefantis/Podesta/Washington clan.

Do posts about elite child trafficking have a "statute of limitations" if they aren't related to pedophilia? because you haven't made that clear at all.

Rule 1 says Elite. and it doesn't provide any relevant time periods. So your argument that my evidence doesn't apply seems arbitrary. My post demonstrates the motivation behind multiple historical trafficking networks for the purpose of life extending technologies. And the catholic church is one obvious example. The technology was developed and drives much of child orphan/organ trafficking.

What are the people you are investigating? Is there a list I can reference? I thought it was any/all elite?

And for historical child trafficking networks? How old is too old?

Crensch ago

Rule 1 says Elite. and it doesn't provide any relevant time periods.

The kinds of relevant time periods that fucking matter in order to expose current happenings, you stupid fuck. Nobody gives a fuck about your history lessons of shit nobody can do anything about.

OF COURSE it's current shit.

@Vindicator this fuckwad wants to argue about historical networks not linked to current activity, it seems.

Go visit your family rehab center, you fucking meth head.


History forms the present @Crensch

Those who don't know the past are doomed to repeat it. I've proven the elite care about bloodlines. Nobody has contested that. So the history matters, and leads us to the hidden elite of modernity.

Read my submissions. most have been about current activity. LIKE REFORMING ADOPTION and DONOR laws to prevent AHEPA from trafficking children, and exposing the people profiting from this repugnant industry.

Your ad-hominems are so tiring. I can't prove a negative. You'll keep calling me Esoteric Shade because he's evidently poisoned the well on this topic.

Crensch ago

You are truly one stupid motherfucker, did you know that?

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy @EricKaliberhall

Lookie what I found here!

You'll keep calling me Esoteric Shade because he's evidently poisoned the well on this topic.

I never called him Esoteric Shade. Not once. I wonder where he got that from?



"Go visit your family rehab center, you fucking meth head."

"Now you can stop arguing like a dishonest faggot on meth"


"@Crensch this is exactly the same tactic used by Esoteric Shade to get Falcon demodded. I'd say it's looking more clear by the minute that Nomo is a new ES alt, sadly" yeah, dude, ya'll have been. I read your stickied post like @Vindicator asked, got context, and can see your lack of subtlety in insulting me/accusing me of being Esoteric

keep tilting at windmills dude. And keep appealing to ridicule. I'm gonna keep posting my research and try to ignore your weak bait.

srayzie ago

"Go visit your family rehab center, you fucking meth head." "Now you can stop arguing like a dishonest faggot on meth"

Where is the link of @Crensch saying this to you?



"My referencing of meth is based on his sudden outburst accusing me of being a meth head; I can only conclude he has some kind of personal problems with a meth head in his life, so I make sure not to let him forget it."

really? Its not his pet insult. It's pointed.

Crensch ago

Anyone buying what you're selling yet, meth head?


Not selling anything dude. You keep proving my point.