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letsdothis2 ago

Elaine Chao and United Way of America

The country was shocked when the Washington Post began reporting on the financial improprieties, mismanagement and abuse under United Way’s then President in late 1991. In the ensuing months, the organization had become the unwitting symbol of an erstwhile venerable nonprofit organization whose reputation became tarnished by scandal and controversy. By summer of 1992, the organization’s president was forced to resign amid charges of using donor funds to support a lavish personal lifestyle. 64% of Americans had heard of the organization’s problems. Public outrage caused contributions to plummet.

The United way of America’s Board of Governors launched a nationwide search for a new leader. Out of more than 600 candidates, one name rose to the top: Peace Corps Director Elaine Chao. She had a reputation for integrity, proven skill in leading large, complex organizations, and a seemingly boundless reservoir of energetic, can-do optimism and determination.

The United Way of America is the national umbrella organization for local United Ways around the country that fund health and human service agencies like the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, food banks, homeless shelters, and hundreds of others, providing a web of support for people in need.

Voat posts on United Way include:

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

The United Way of Western Connecticut, which established the Sandy Hook School Fund shortly after the shootings, has received many such calls in the past week, according to a statement released Tuesday by the organization.

Officials with the United Way said a Google technical error made it appear that the online form created to accept donations for the Sandy Hook fund was posted three days before the shootings occurred.

The future of philanthropy is here. United Way and have partnered to introduce a revolutionary new platform that inspires, connects and empowers employees and organizations to maximize their giving power.

Salesforce is CIA : ; ;

A list of child abuse organisations that might require our attention.


The Girls Shelter is a residential program for females 12 – 17 years that have been court ordered out of their homes. Sub-contractor: United Way...

...United Nations Global Sustainability Impact Institute Foundation & United Way Announce Partnership JANUARY 30 2018

Victoria's Secrets, NXIVM, a Trump tweet, and the New World Order

[Leselie] Wexler was Epstein's "mentor... He is a generous supporter of the United Way

You're just noticing this? Every place I've worked they distribute forms to every employee to payroll-deduct ten bucks a month or so for the scammers of United Way. The pressure is pervasive; every department head is "encouraged" to have 100% participation.

Vindicator ago

1600 traffickers arrest by ICE. Nice!

letsdothis2 ago

In the comments:

“Several FBI employees, stationed in cities across Asia, have been recalled to Washington in recent months while the agency investigates allegations related to parties and interactions with prostitutes” according to a report in the WSJ. (Behind a paywall)

Anyone know more about this?

carmencita ago

I’d like to just introduce a few of the people that have worked so hard: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Secretary Nielsen. Secretary, thank you. Good job. I know you’re working very hard on this. Ryan Zinke. Ryan, thank you. Thank you. Alex Acosta. Thank you very much. Rod Rosenstein. Thank you, Rod. Alex Azar. Thank you very much. Great job you’re doing. Thank you, Alex. Elaine Chao. Thank you, Elaine. And Betsy DeVos. Thank you. Thank you very much.

Why is Elaine Chao working on this? Why? She is the wife of Mitch McConnell and they inherited her father's fleet of ships that travel all over the world. They were cited with drug trafficking 90 lbs of cocaine.

Before the Ping May, a rusty cargo vessel, could disembark from the port of Santa Marta en route to the Netherlands in late August, Colombian inspectors boarded the boat and made a discovery. Hidden in the ship’s chain locker, amidst its load of coal bound for Europe, were approximately 40 kilograms, or about 90 pounds, of cocaine. A Colombian Coast Guard official told The Nation that there is an ongoing investigation.

The seizure of the narcotics shipment in the Caribbean port occurred far away from Kentucky, the state in which Senator Mitch McConnell is now facing a career-defining election. But the Republican Senate minority leader has the closest of ties to the owner of the Ping May, the vessel containing the illicit materials: the Foremost Maritime Corporation, a firm founded and owned by McConnell’s in-laws, the Chao family.

Though Foremost has played a pivotal role in McConnell’s life, bestowing the senator with most of his personal wealth and generating thousands in donations to his campaign committees, the drug bust went unnoticed in Kentucky, where every bit of McConnell-related news has generated fodder for the campaign trail. That’s because, like many international shipping companies, Chao’s firm is shrouded from public view, concealing its identity and limiting its legal liability through an array of tax shelters and foreign registrations. Registered through a limited liability company in the Marshall Islands, the Ping May flies the Liberian flag.

Elaine Choa should be canned. She and her husband Mitch inherited the fleet of ships when her father died. She should not be involved in anything that has to do with trafficking.

carmencita ago

"The trail of drugs trafficking ... leads to Elaine L. Chao and back to Donald Trump, George Bush and the Clintons."

WOW. Well that is a mouthful. Yes, well if she is his transportation secy. Then she would have full control.

Dfens ago

Betsy DeVos is a real piece of work too. Amway is clearly a cult.

carmencita ago

Yes, I actually was going to include her name as well, but remember I was rushed that day. Her brother is Eric Prinz of Blackwater. Yes, I have heard that about Amway but have never dug into them. I was at an Amway meeting decades ago. Little did I know then. Great soap though. Another ponzi scheme used as a cover up.

Dfens ago

Yes, it seems very much like another Gnostic front organization, not that I have established any direct link, but it has that creepy feel to it.

On a different topic, I started yet another sub. When I heard about the influx of Q people from Reddit I thought, "it's too bad they don't have a decent alternative to r/the_donald here." Then it dawned on me that I could use v/realTheDonald and start one myself. I hope it can be useful to you if you have anything political you'd like to discuss.

carmencita ago

So many organizations are screwed up you don't know anymore. Could be another one.

Thanks for the heads up. I will keep it in mind. I am at the point where I don't begrudge anyone their views even if they are different from mine at this point. We have been so hoodwinked over the decades it makes me realize that we can still be lied to even though we have been woken up.

Dfens ago

I hear ya'. My take on what's happening is that I don't want to be part of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, because if Trump is doing things right then it will prevent things from getting a whole lot worse before they get better. As in the collapse of this nation, and major war(s) worse. Either way life will not be the same going forward. The battle lines have been drawn. I, for one, certainly did not realize the Satanism had gotten so bad around the world and here in particular.

The Satanic Mormons and Masons are growing. The Christian Church is dying and in many instances has been taken over by Satanists, such as the Jesuits who have openly taken over the Catholic Church. There is a lot to be concerned about right now.

carmencita ago

I know. All of sudden lately I feel the same. The Mormons are building more Churches and there are more Mosques popping up as well. If I bring up God, people look at me like I pushing drugs or something. They will realize what is happening when it is too late.

Dfens ago

I think we have the Pentecostals to thank for that "hide the children" reaction. Have you heard of the "duality" in Gnosticism? This is one of their favorite things. They control both sides of a topic of debate and thus win every time, because it never occurs to anyone that there are more than 2 options. They have done this with Republicans and Democrats and in the church with the hyper liberal leadership of the mainline Protestant denominations and the Pentecostals. The Catholic Church version is the Jesuits and Opus Dei.

The reason I mention this after a considerable time has passed is because I think I've figured out what Trump is doing with people like DeVos and Chau. He can only fight so many battles at one time, so he ties certain groups to himself that are unsavory but bring a large political base. I think -- I hope -- that's what he's doing with the defense contractors too. So crooked! I hope every day he gets a chance to clean that house. Maybe things are already in the works.

carmencita ago

If he is trying to clean house, there will be many keeping him from that task. They have bee at this for decades and maybe centuries. Yes, I hope you are right. So many ways this could be ended, but so many profiting from it that it will be one of the most difficult tasks ever.

Dfens ago

I can only hope that Trump is aware of the same things and has some greater purpose in mind. Politics is a nasty business at best.

carmencita ago

We can hope. Time will tell. We have been lied to so many times. It is hard to believe.

Mommyplayer571 ago

Thank you for responding. These issues are very serious. I don’t want to get ‘fooled’ yet I realize we don’t want to throw the baby out with the bath water either. Treating each other well seems a bit of a litmus test perhaps.

carmencita ago

I have wondered about her appointment for quite some time. Every once in a while I post about it. It just amazes me. I believe their ships are aiding in sex trafficking as well. They have the coordinated logistics and a huge fleet that travels all over the world. It scares me. I am sure that some of those people mentioned have their hearts in the right place, but Elaine and Mitch just don't seem to.

Mommyplayer571 ago

I’m guessing this is sincere. From a QVC post. Let’s hope this is real.