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ASolo ago


Rockefeller and Castro

"The plan for the Caribbean Islands drug trade came from David Rockefeller and was called the Caribbean Basin Initiative.

"Members of the consortium were Fidel Castro, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and the IMF, plus a number of major banks and the US State Department.

"Fidel Castro got a dope empire worth more than $35 billion a year."

'The shameful opium trade in China, into which the easily corrupted Brits were drawn by Rothschild money, was in fact the brainchild of a British sephardic Jew, Elias David Sassoon.'

"The British East India Company ... had the monopoly on the opium trade to China...

"During Queen Victoria's reign, 15 Members of Parliament in England controlled the drugs trade; they included Lord Chamberlain, Sir Charles Barry and Lord Palmerston."

The Russell Trust was another big contender in the Chinese Opium Trade, in fact, the elites favorite sport, YACHTING and SAILING, is a direct antecedent to the opium trade, the Clipper ships ever changing design allowed for the three principalities of Britain, Portugal and the US to facilitate its plan to get a foothold in the Chinese economy through Hong Kong by DESTABILIZING IT POPULACE WITH DRUG ADDICTION.

The Russell Trust is the entity that props up Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University which we all know is well connected to the Bush Crime Syndicate.

They have done this before folks, subverted entire societies with VICE using SEX TRAFFICKING AND EXTORTION, DRUGS and GUNS.

Mitch McConnell's wife, Elaine Chao, who is Trump's transportation secretary

"The trail of drugs trafficking ... leads to Elaine L. Chao and back to Donald Trump, George Bush and the Clintons."

more... DRUGS, GANGS, SPOOKS - PART 2 -Aangirfan