Vindicator ago

Hi @fogdryer. This is interesting stuff you've posted, but I need you to take a little more time with it. Some formatting (maybe subheads for each key point?) and paragraph breaks would be helpful, and we really need links for every major claim -- the pedo logo on the kids' home, the evidence for all points in your first few sentences, especially. Right now, it's impossible to vet this post. I have to remove it per Rule 2.

Please do take the time to add some formatting and clarity as well as links and repost so we can all dig into this further. :-) Let me know if you need help with how to do formatting or paragraph breaks. Tip: if you're on mobile, choose "view desktop site" in your browser settings. Also, it takes two carriage returns to make a new paragraph in Voat.

argosciv ago


But... but... farkin...

much love, hope the post can be brought up to standard

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

Great post!

Something to consider, in the 411 Missing kids phenomenon kids go missing just before storms. Wonder how many kids went missing in public parks before the hurricane(s). Storm drains etc wipe out any trail and bloodhound scents.

Also old forgotten underground railroads could have been co-opted. ISIS controls Saddam's old tunnel network in Iraq btw. Something not much talked about.

argosciv ago

It seems I may have misjudged you.

Also old forgotten underground railroads could have been co-opted. ISIS controls Saddam's old tunnel network in Iraq btw. Something not much talked about.

Cheers, I didn't consider that network.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago worries. Also, a consideration, the huge tunnel network built during Vietnam War. As a country it is accross the sea of the Phillipeans and connects to the South of China.

argosciv ago

jeezuz... have fun clearing that shit out :S

8pinkstars ago

Wow excellent post. Thank you for all your hard work and investigating!

10453696? ago

WHOA!! Great info all tied together!

argosciv ago

Golden Hammer:

Drop the hammer!
