think- ago

@EffYouJohnPodesta: Please review rule 1 before doing new posts.

I will flair the post '24 hours Grace' per Rule 1, so that you'll have time to research whether the prostitutes were underage.

Pizzagate is about investigating elite pedophilia, not human trafficking of adults.

Thank you.

Also, I will issue a formal ban warning now, due to the high numbers of posts we had to flair 'Edit warning', pull, or flair 'Possible Disinformation'.

Should you submit another post that needs to be flaired, you will be banned from v/pizzagate.


@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I have no idea if they were under age, I assume that they would be dabbling in all of the stuff. I'll delete it. Thanks for your lovely comment! @carmencita @Cc1914 @ESOTERICshade

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @Vindicator:

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

I've archived this entire comment thread (above) in which EYJP is trying to convince users numerous false claims are true, including:

This notification (#225) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

carmencita ago

OK it is sad. There should be more looking into this, but hey. I get why.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm being banned from pizzagate for my last story about sex trafficking with Sallyport Global because the article did not specify whether they were sex trafficking children. The mods here are soooooooo mad that I said Q was fake. And that I proved Vindicator was an idiot for claiming my earlier post about the cops was disinformation.

Vindicator ago

EYJP, wtf are you talking about? If you're going to sling shit, you'd better provide links. Making unbased claims is the most transparent of shill tactics. Also, I see you are shit-talking me without the balls to ping me. Another shill move.

No one gives a shit whether you think Q is fake. Many people think so, and you thought the Derram bot was stalking you. Why would anyone care what you think about Q, or anything else? Get over yourself. You true colors are showing.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I always provide links when a link is required. I didn't think I was required to hyperlink to the thoughts in my brain based on your behavior. If you're going to sling shit about me, don't lie in your hyperlink about what was said in the supposed link, thinking nobody is going to ever see the other side.

Vindicator ago

don't lie in your hyperlink about what was said in the supposed link, thinking nobody is going to ever see the other side.

What a retarded argument. If I wanted to lie about what you said, why in hell would I link directly to what you said? FFS. I stand by my comment history, as I always have and always will.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You're deceiving people about what I said, clearly.

Vindicator ago

I am quite happy to let the community be the judge of that.

After seeing your lame attempt to push the idea Pizzagate mods are corrupt for enforcing the community-chosen rules and following Voat's sitewide rules on Twitter, I am now convinced you have been deliberately waging a campaign baiting mods to ban so you can play the victim by posting numerous rule-breaking posts which have to be edited.

carmencita ago

Sorry you are being banned. I don't know if it is about Q, but I am sorry to lose you. I thought we were still researching the age of the victim. Guess not.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I could still do that but they warned me that if I post something that has to be flared again, they will ban me. They flair every single post I make or make a sarcastic comment on it threatening to flair it so I can't make another post or they'll ban me. For now I'm just going to comment until the mods are removed as mods and new mods come in. Which is probably never, so I'll just be on my other forum categorizing all the good posts from this board to help newbies and real researchers out.

truthdemon ago that forum?

truthdemon ago


truthdemon ago

Who set up the moderators on that sub forum ?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm the only mod there right now. I created the forum recently. Hoping to make it useful for researchers through the categorizing of posts on master link threads.

truthdemon ago

Good job... Does this forum have a rolling rota of mods... .. Mods should not be able to vote..IMO or at least...a separate vote with a lower voting rate or score than tue forum tue forum can mod the mods' performance as well...

I.always get a negative vote when i talk on the remedy we have in the debt system to apply universal jurisdiction via the US treasury over tye pedo deep state ..who have obtained their power via the massive loophole created by our igmorance of this power we have as surety over the US treasury once we activate it... I hope u include and entertain this this the only way we can trump their jurisdiction..and gain control over the US machinaery When .one researches the legal side is only then we can see the protection offered to us...

When u receive online threats which can be tracked easily by the NSA ...the remedy to ur protection and instructing the US to act upon tuese threats is relaised only by one who the US recognises as surety ..till then we as debtor status dontnhave a chance againat the deep state axtors that use public office and its heirarchy

..anyway good work

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I do not have any other mods there at the moment. I don't anticipate there will be a need for any moderation since I'm the only one posting in it after 8 days, but maybe people will start using it. Either way, it's frustrating coming to the Voat forum day after day and seeing the same headlines on the pizzagate forum and nothing new, it seems like everyone has gone to great awakening and I don't go there because I don't feel like sifting through massive amounts of fake material. The mods on pizzagate have done a fantastic job making sure people back up their claims, with the exception of the Q anon watch. So I think it's a great time to start categorizing well-evidenced posts into basic themes.

As for the jurisdictional issues and sureties you are mentioning, I can't even grasp what you're saying exactly. I have heard mumblings about this theory in the past but nobody has ever satisfactorily explained it to my understanding and I have a law degree so I am just left completely clueless about it. Sometimes people have blinders on and they repeat stuff they've heard without knowing if it will be successful and IMO that's what that theory is. IMO we are almost all stuck in this system for the rest of our lives and should do our best to keep our families safe inside of it or quietly exit it by going off grid.

truthdemon ago

I'll check in ur pizzagate forum.. I'm in a different neck of the woods...where corruption is rife..there is no remedy within such a system..or the debt game to be precise.. I dont have a lawyers degree but have been around lawyers as friends and live less than 2 minutes away from the high court...mynchildhood friends are practising professors and commercial law consultants for banks...becuase law education has been compartmentalised ...and in the uk they actively encourage law students whilst revising a topic not to study the origins of the law and its evolution..

I am on the autistic side and have delved into the origins of legal systems and law merchant and commercial history ..and ecclesiastical law.. law , property law...etc...

Thenconclusion one comes up with is that all law is based on property law held in trust.. Marriage, corporate law, church law with the child held in trust..etc.. This realisation can only be attained by accessing and figuring out the foundational elements of law... Everything is based on christian code ...which has been translated into a secular code.. Eg: baptism = birth certificate Confirmation = social security card = agrreing to be surety First Holy communion = application for tax number Etc... This info is new to well..but every now and then i come across someone ..possibly a mason ...who knows the code... Inhave had a family friend end up biting her nails when i laid out the matrix for her if i caught her out with her hands in the cookie jar.. I have had a higher up police official...grin and tell me that his name tag is not written in latin but is in Roman..i looked up the defintion ...he was right ... But he was grinning with the confidence that i wouldnt know the difference

Hen, like all info.out therr does.not.give.the solution but uses correct verified defintions to divert away from the solution..

The solution is to reduce so called debt at the treasury... Till then all money is is a failure to pay ..recorded by the record keeper the bank , which includes court benches... One cannot pay with a promissory note...or bank credit...there is no money therfore no debt ...what u see as money is a rwcord of a. failure to pay..and the record.keepers need the surety to discharge charges.. All benches are banks ...templar banks.. the court when hearing a.charge ...its a secular confession chamber ....requires a agree to understand or stand under the charges.. ..

There is a lot to.inderstamd but the solution isndamn simple... Take.ur credits and use it to reduce debt at the trrasury..instead of increasing it and thus furthering the tiring game of debt.. If ur game is not working for u...there is remedy tp get out of this matrox game and make them work for u ...once u reduce their debt Google : surety rights

carmencita ago

That sounds like a plan to me. I remember that there was something to do with shipping containers involved with Sally. There was a ton of info in there. One of the articles they would not let me post today, but it was posted way back when. I could also not find anything like before on the net. Probably scrubbed.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah my network started getting attacked during my attempt to prove that the cop beating the 12 year old while attempting to abduct her story wasn't "disinformation."

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @Vindicator:

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

I've archived this entire comment thread (above) in which EYJP is trying to convince users numerous false claims are true, including:

This notification (#227) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

carmencita ago

Wow! someone down voated you for this statement? So crude. Actually it totally verifies what you say, since only shills down voat. Hmm. Well, on second thought...............who else might do that? Yeah. I wonder.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I have screenshots & left the faulty archive links in the post as proof. Mods here must all be remedial undergrad pre-law professors bc they sure object to relevance all the time in a retarded way.

p.s. the old post you found of this same story on pizzagate forums should be flagged as a "rule 1" violation now

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @Vindicator:

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

I've archived this entire comment thread (above) in which EYJP is trying to convince users numerous false claims are true, including:

This notification (#226) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

EricKaliberhall ago

I think that the mods are using a downvoat bot app to downvoat all my comments. nobody has that much free time.

You always got to make it about you... Shill or not, you are one self-centered whore. It takes a special "type" of person to make oneself the victim on a research subverse dedicated to exposing a global satanic pedophile cabal... That kidnap, torture, rape and sacrifice children on an industrial scale... But hey, it's all about you right? You are a fucking cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

you are also

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @Vindicator:

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

I've archived this entire comment thread (above) in which EYJP is trying to convince users numerous false claims are true, including:

This notification (#228) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

EricKaliberhall ago

are you a cointelpro employee? if not, I am sorry that you feel the need to lash out at me, I've not done anything to you

Professional victim again I see... Lies and bullshit is all that you provide. I believe you want to get banned so you get some credibility to your victimhood, because it's all about you... In my opinion, you deserve to get banned permanently from v/pizzagate... Why you might ask; you use countless alts to fuck with regular users. Your submissions are never up to standard, when asked to edit you always make it about you. You lie about the mod team that "they" are targeting you or some shit like that... I've told you this before, if you act like a shill you will be treated like one. I've wasted too much time on you already... Seriously, just go fuck youself you fucking cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

is this you Eric?

EricKaliberhall ago

What the fuck are you on about... Is this you with a photo of what I just stated... Crazy fucking cunt, go to hell.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I posted about cointelpro and MKU earlier today. Must be the stalker just watching my network traffic or following on Voat.

Vindicator ago

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

I've archived this entire comment thread (above) in which EYJP is trying to convince users numerous false claims are true, including:

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hey Vindicator, I never said Kevdude was stalking my blog. Are you blind? I said someone claimed to be kevdude on my blog. Ask Kevdude, I pm'ed him asking him and he said no.

I do not know what a DDOS is so I can't claim mods are doing something to my network. I do know that someone is doing something to my network but there's no way for me to know which government person is looking at it or if it's a hacker / stalker. This has happened numerous times to me in the past.

I speculate that you guys probably Eric have a downvoat bot because after Eric attacked me for following ESOTERICshade every single one of my posts is being downloaded and every single comment instantly, within less than 5 minutes, which seems to be impossible without a bot because nobody has that much time.

Yes, you're trying to ban me out of spite and you've issued a formal ban warning. I posted screenshots of some of your stupid and baseless claims about me in the past. This started with mod Eric accusing me of being a shill for replying to a comment by ESOTERICshade and escalated after you attacked me personally when Jenny Moore died and I said I did not like how you were treating a dead woman and that it says a lot about you. Then after that Crensch attacked me and a list of other users calling us shills and accusing us of being on a Jem777 team that doesn't exist to my knowledge.

You guys are making tons of claims here that are objectively false. If you want to twist every single thing that happens to make yourself appear less guilty of the things that I just explained you are doing, that's your right to claim I suppose, but it's untrue.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

So it's not you then. The other day someone commented on my blog claiming to be kevdude. I didn't think you would do it because it would have been hard to make a profile with that name and that quickly. It only took them a couple of seconds to change whatever name they must have had.

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this post!

Another comment in this thread from @Vindicator:

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

I've archived this entire comment thread (above) in which EYJP is trying to convince users numerous false claims are true, including:

This notification (#229) was posted automatically by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I have not made countless alts. I named my prior accounts and explained I had to make new accounts, I no longer go to those accounts, you can literally create a timeline with them & see, since you are so bored.

I have not posted from one more than a couple of times since my charger arrived, those were new accounts on my phone and husband's laptop, and I never had made phone accounts until I lost the laptop for a few days,

I'm sorry you feel that way. Your attitude problem is huge. And you started this when I responded to ESOTERICshade, calling me a shill. You are literally the problem here, not me.

carmencita ago

Wow. All I can say to that is, Hmm.

Camera_Eye ago

Did they have a sub contract with known trafficker DynCorp...? Look def cons help to facilitate the off-the-books business lines or what is commonly referred to as black operations. Off-the-books operations run or organized by joe citizen will immediately land your ass in jail; when its the Feds or rogue opps within the alphabet agencies that run weapons, drugs, human-trafficking they are never held to account or if implicated hide everything behind national security until someone with enough power kills the cancer. Jenny Moore went to ICE and interviewed with their Human Trafficking division re no Bill Clinton the rapist but Bill Clinton the Pedo ...she's dead. George Webb (and whatever you might think of him) is connecting the dots of weapons & drugs and the other business line trafficking, Club K, and Oleg Deripaska, Uranium One & the Clinton Foundation. If your a whistleblower...(google: Sell-Game-Whistleblowing-Scott-Bennett) they'll either take your life or career. Personally, the Diocese Catholic scandal is an easy target...I want to see rouge aspects of the CIA shut down and individuals prosecuted and thrown in jail for crimes against humanity (MK Ultra) to include the CEOs of GovCons who facilitate off-the-books black ops business lines.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you haven't seen it, there's a website that allows you to look up all the Govt. spending by contractor. If anyone knows how to get more info on the contract or grant number and what the grant is for... that would be most helpful. The descriptions are pretty generic.

Currently DynCorp has 1,040 historical contracts listed in the database.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Personally I agree about shutting down rogue aspects of the CIA but I think that the entire CIA needs to go bye bye. JFK wanted to break it into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind. It looks more like what has happened is that we've broken it into a thousand govt funded contractors and planted them firmly into the ground.

Between that, and the agencies we don't even have public awareness of at all, including covert agencies we haven't been told exist (a la Scientology) and other black ops programs considered "national security" I think it's safe to say we're not living in a democracy or even a republic, but in a surveillance / therapeutic / MK Ultra / prison / plantation / slavery state.

carmencita ago

Had a feeling about this. Tons of Info in this former thread It's Loaded! Also this one Where I found this article that I had discovered before. See my other comments about DeBlasio and

his family. I could not include the link to the article for some reason Voat refuses to let me submit the comment. The link is in the thread.

think- ago

@Carmencita, thank you for helping out.

@EffYouJohnPodesta, I will remove the flair.

Please note that the ban warning is still valid, and study the rules carefully before doing a new post.

carmencita ago

TY. I had no idea, and then stuff just started coming back :)

think- ago


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

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twit - and

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