kestrel9 ago

Monica sounded like a motivated person in her life goals, which makes the suicide story still suspect, assuming there wasn't an underlying condition she had, such as depression. So once I thought about her motivation from a different perspective than I had before, there opened up new lines of inquiry as to her death (in the event that it wasn't suicide).

Could she have angered the wrong people while trying to empower sex-workers? Or did she find out something about the political and resource exploitation of Haiti in general (think of the George Webb videos), that implicated CF, CGI, or other foundations that may be working under the auspices of helping the poor?

An example of that POV: 'Hillary Clinton and Quiet Genocide in Haiti Hides behind Humanitarian Front'

10/16/16 (I haven't explored the veracity of this blog but am posting it as an opposing voice to the subject at hand, that of the suspicion over the global explosion of NGOs. Are they the vehicle for imposing world governance and natural resource exploitation? That last question is mostly rhetorical as I believe they are.)

"It’s difficult to tell people about evil because folks don’t want to know. The US-EU propaganda is that the psychopaths that rule these nations are good. To know that all you’ve been told is a lie is painful to absorb. That’s why evil conquers. The US is in Haiti to depopulate the island of Haitians. Instead of bringing heavy equipment to help with flood waters, evacuating people in areas, like Baladeres Haiti that are flooded or using their helicopters to fly Haitians in these bad areas to other areas in Haiti where the people may get medical help and to safety, they’ll drop off a few bags of emergency supplies, take pictures of the devastation and fly off. They’ll be back, later, with the NGO crisis caravan vultures once the death count mounts. See the photo album titled The Quiet Genocide in Haiti."

"This author wrote many years ago, before the Wikileaks and Hillary Clinton release emails vindicated our research with further hard proof, that the humanitarian occupation in Haiti was: “..blithely focused on establishing luxury hotels, tourist resorts, mining infrastructure to drill and dig up Haiti’s vast minerals and oil for its own coffers. While claiming it’s providing aid to Haiti, the U.S. is stealing Haiti’s gold, copper, marble, iridium, uranium and oil wealth. The U.S. genocidal plans for Haitians continues to displace Haiti’s farmers and fishermen as they battle cholera.”

Same person, but another damning statement on the issues we've seen discussed here, and in the public discourse over the cancerous ideology of Soros' style 'Open Borders', see this FB page:ò-179960898687046/photos/?tab=album&album_id=946777938672001

Edit: okay broken link...pasting it in a new post.

kestrel9 ago

Here's what I was referring to on the FB of Ezili Danto, I know it's long sorry, couldn't get the link to work, and I've had to edit out links.. "Ezili Danto's To-Tell-the-Truth-About-Haiti-Forum, 2016 AlbumsEzili Danto's To-Tell-the-Truth-About-Haiti-Forum, 2016

Support Haiti sovereignty Book an Ezili Dantò presentation *** Human rights attorney, Ezili Dantò to discuss "The Quiet Genocide in Haiti. How it is wielded from FDR to Obama; The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide" * ...The Quiet Genocide in Haiti/How is it wielded From Franklin Delano Roosevelt to Barack Obama.

The UN is a Criminal Organization, from Lumumba to Aristide. MINUSTAH in Haiti is the AFRICOM of the Western Hemisphere * “We must constantly provoke the division of the barefoot masses against the Oligarchy (or, those living better) and push the Oligarchs to tear each other apart.

This is the only way for us to continue to dominate this Black country that gained its independence in combat, which is a bad example for the 28 million Blacks in America.” — Franklin Delano Roosevelt, US President, Declaration on Haiti **** "Deceive, Divide, Dominate.

Use a colonial narrative to defame, criminalize Haiti people to easier plunder, bring death and destruction with little public opposition.

Point 1- Washington controls the UN and the International Financial Institutions in Haiti. The UN is in Haiti to serve US-Euro imperial interests. US-Euro governments serve corporate interests and the few families that control them.

Point 2– UN and private military and security companies replaced the traditional role of the bloody Haiti army and right-wing paramilitaries. The UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti is the AFRICOM of the Western Hemisphere training Caribbean and Latin American soldiers to service US-Canadian-European interests in the hemisphere.

Point 3.- The US/United Nations are in Haiti to destabilize and to stop the masses from exercising their human and civil rights. The US funds the UN "stabilization" mission in Haiti and funds the Duvalierist (neocolonial)-opposition to democracy and stability in Haiti. US uses drugs, opiates, vaccines, "medicine," germ warfare, imprisonment for control and profit in Haiti as in Africa. The US invasion of Haiti uses the UN and the Dominican Republic, as military and economic proxies to push Desalin's Haiti into the Caribbean sea.

While the UN, the Catholic pedophiles and NGO charity degenerates, destroy Haiti's internal biological connection to the Haitian revolution with homosexuality, rape, corruption and degeneracy. The DR military is US military.

The aim is to take over Haiti resources the way Dominican Republic mineral resources were taken long ago by the US-Euro oligarchs and make Haiti, all DR. That's Martelly/Lamothe/Villedrouin "DEVELOPMENT" for Desalin's lands. (Michelle Alexander - The System of Mass Incarceration in the United States -

Point 4. US reconstruction in Haiti is about privatizing Haiti resources, making Haiti a home, not for Haitians, but a “home for international business and the destination for world travelers.”

Point 5. Haiti oil, gold, iridium, uranium, strategic location, offshore islands, deep water ports… and US-Euro greed and racism are the reason for the US occupation behind UN mercenary guns, humanitarian imperialism, rigged elections and the Martelly dictatorship in Haiti.

Point 6. The international establishment is lawless, racist, tyrannical, depraved and amoral - that includes the OAS, World Bank, the UN and the 11 Latin American countries in MINUSTAH, the 52 total at MINUSTA/UN masturbating on Black pain who remain silent about the penal colony made out of Haiti for its Black and non-assimilated inhabitants. If the international establishment is lawless, racist, tyrannical, depraved and amoral - what do people of conscience worldwide, do?

Answer: Never began a conversation about Haiti without acknowledging the US occupation of Haiti behind UN mercenary gun, rigged elections and fake NGO humanitarian aid.

Support the Free Haiti Movement; support local Haiti agriculture, local Haiti production, local manufacturing, local infrastructure that serves the Haiti public not foreigners or tourists and especially, support local Haiti economics, indigenous African culture, human rights and local Haiti rule. --- Ezili Dantò, HLLN 's 2015 To-tell-the-Truth-About-Haiti-Forum *** Manman Doudou -Support local Haiti agriculture - *** Listen to Africa live with Dedan Sankara on the Quiet Genocide in Haiti/ Ezili Dantò interview, Oct. 12, 2004 Listen to Diaspora Music on Uhuru Radio - Ezili Dantò talks to Norman Otis Richmond about how UN-MINUSTAH mission in Haiti is America's AFRICOM in the Western Hemisphere, Oct 26, 2014 - Listen to Ezili on Haiti resistance-5yrs after the quake -

kestrel9 ago

Remaining of the FB face " In this Jan 7, 2015 interview Ezili discusses #Haiti's fight against US imperialism. Ezili Dantò discusses the eleven-year US occupation of Haiti, outsourced to the UN military, the charitable industrial complex fronts, the 5th year anniversary of the earthquake, the squandering of $9 billion collected in the name of Haiti earthquake victims, the coming dissolution of Parliament on January 12, 2015, the new generation of revolutionary forces that's arisen since the occupation began to resist state tyranny, foreign occupation.

A Charles Boylan radio broadcast from Vancouver, Canada. Go to: Excerpt from Ezili (Jan 7, 2015) interview printed in TML Weekly - US Slow Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in Haiti Erasing the BLACK out of Haiti continues as the DR armies (DR army=US army) moves physically further Westward into Haiti under the guise of adding more Processing Centers for Denationalized Haitians, Free Trade Zones and with the UN proxy army already in Haiti for 11-years, raping and providing military cover for the pillage and plunder of Haiti lands and riches.

The Bigio and Vicini "mixed" families continue to gorge themselves on Haitian lands, labor and ports (Port Lafito, Fort Liberte, Ilavach expulsions, et al). Haiti is a US naval base to be further depopulated and transformed more into oil transshipment centers, for more CIA drug trafficking and more NGO money laundering.

The US invasion of Haiti uses the UN and the Dominican Republic as military and economic proxies to push Desalin's Haiti into the Caribbean sea. While the UN, the Catholic pedophiles and NGO charity degenerates, destroy - ethnic cleanse- Haiti's internal biological connection to the Haiti revolution with homosexuality, rape, corruption and degeneracy. DR military is the same racist entity as the US military. The aim is to take over Haiti resources the way DR domestic resources were taken long ago by the US-Euro oligarchs and make Haiti, all DR.

That's Martelly/Lamothe/Villedrouin "DEVELOPMENT" for Desalin's lands. The Dominican nationalists are accusing Haitians of invading and have denationalized with law 168-13, but the invasion is just the opposite. The DR is pushing at the Haiti border, into Haiti. Haiti is under US occupation, the US already occupied and took over the DR and is pushing their domination Westward all over Haiti, until Black Haiti no longer exist.

Then when most Haitians at Ilavach, La Gonave, Fort Liberte, Grand Cayemite are HOMELESS, and these lands are OWNED by non-Blacks like the Vicinis, Bigios, Acras, Mervs, then, like the rest of the Caribbean, Haiti shall be deemed PROGRESSIVE and DEMOCRATIC by global white supremacy.

That is the "white pearl, again" vision of the Clintons, Bushes and their mulatto Barack Obomba, Juan Vicini, Gilbert Bigio! For Recommended HLLN Links on The Quiet Genocide in Haiti, how it is wielded from FDR to Obama -The United Nations, a criminal organization from Lumumba to Aristide, go to: - Photo Essay ; - MAAFA 21 - Erasing Black by Manipulating Women's Reproductive Rights and Tying State aid to Abortions for Eugenics Purposes -

Tetanus vaccines found spiked with sterilization chemical to carry out race-based genocide against Africans and Haitian child bearing women ages 14 to 49 - - - Vaccinate Haiti: Genocide by Vaccination/Haiti as a Laboratory for Medical Experimentation and organ trafficking -

  • Aids/HIV, Opium, Diamond and Empire by Dr. Nancy Banks at - Ezili Dantò on Rape of Haiti Children By UN Perpetrators Vastly Understated at

    • UN Peacekeepers in Haiti abhorrent violation of the fundamental of care: sexual abuse, rape, pedophilia, forced homosexual relations with starving children, forced prostitution, pregnancy and engaging in child sex trafficking in Haiti -

    • Civil genocide, DR denationalization, ethnic cleansing and the hundreds of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent - Recommended HLLN Links on how US "Free Trade" Fraud Promotes Famine in Haiti - Rich countries use trade deals to seize food from the world's hungriest people

Fake US aid and NGO benevolence and how US-Euro "private sector" investment in Haiti is about death, tyranny and destruction for Afrikans and -Michelle Alexander - The System of Mass Incarceration in the United States -

US Slow Genocide in Haiti News reports on the recent Nepal earthquake shared that "NASA Has Invented a Lightweight Machine That Can Detect a Human Heartbeat Under 30 Feet of Rubble, Apparently the NASA technology helped save four Nepal Victims.

The FINDER technology tracked heartbeats under feet of rubble / It's good that human life was saved with the help of this technology. I couldn't help, though, to hurt for the Haiti quake victims I heard under the rubble but we could not lift concrete to same them. Nor did we have access to high-tech instruments like these, just bare hands.

Knowing the US slow genocide in Haiti is terribly corrosive. US Slow Genocide in Haiti -The US actually had the technology, long ago, that could have found the thousands of the 2010 Haiti quake victims under the quake rubble. If they wanted to use it within 72 hours of the tragedy to save lives trapped under feet of rubble.

They used a similar technology and satellite instruments in Bosnia to unearth mass graves. Obama sent 20,000 soldiers to Haiti instead, and no real Seabee units so to let the people die and cover up their role in the earthquake while tunneling to build the US Embassy compound and digging in the ocean near the fault line.

HLLN wrote, back then, immediately about how that technology could have helped save lives under the rubble. It was not deployed neither were the Seabee construction forces of the US military who have the ability to build entire cities in a few days. (-NASA Has Invented a Lightweight Machine That Can Detect a Human Heartbeat Under 30 Feet of Rubble

  • How NASA Saved 4 Nepal Victims FINDER technology tracked heartbeats under feet of rubble - The Seabee unit is part of the United States Naval Construction Forces (NCF). "The word "Seabee" comes from initials "CB" which in turn comes from the term Construction Battalions. The Seabees have a history of building bases, bulldozing and paving thousands of miles of roadway and airstrips, and accomplishing myriad other construction projects in a wide variety of military theaters dating back to World War II." In Haiti, they only focused on taking over and reconstructing airport lanes to fly in their own soldiers, fly out their own people. Haitians did not benefit from US satellite, CB or Nasa surveillance equipment.

They let the people die, then sent in the Clintons to slowly kill off the 1.5 million who were made homeless through neglect, deprivation, formation of slum cities and funding Paul Farmer cholera vaccines instead of providing clean water with quake funds.

The US can build modern cities and gated communities for their staffs and expatriates overseas with every luxury, yet the Clintons, for instance, say they spent $93 million and could not built just 1,200 decent housing for Haiti quake victims with it in Caracol. The contractors build housing, for that money! where the drinking water lines are crossed with the sewage lines, the roofs leak, doors fall off, the area floods, there's no ventilation, inside is an inferno, the square footage is for mice to live in the homes are so small.

The genocide is deliberate. (Haiti: Foreign "Investment" means Death and Repression: A Historical Perspective Foreign Aid is Meant to Cripple People

Are_we_sure ago

She proceeded with one case. She lost that case. The second case was his defamation case against her. He won that case. She was found to have defamed him.

kestrel9 ago

I'm a bit confused about the Monica Peterson story...or perhaps just confused about her, and maybe her colleagues' use of the term 'human trafficking'...In an interview with Chris Sowa, Monica and Rex Hamaker down play government statistics on human sex trafficking and focus more on sex workers rights (audio interview link further down in post).

To some degree we can see what they are getting at when one wants to separate out statistics on voluntary prostitution from coerced sexual slavery. Or cases where, if one prostitute talks to another prostitute about finding a customer it could constitute a case of Human Trafficking.

I get that, but we've been, or at least I've been, under the impression that Monica was looking to address Sexual Trafficking in the same spirit that we are, and now I don't think that's the case. Perhaps underage sex workers wouldn't strike her as being the wrong thing to do if it was safe and voluntary (underage isn't an issue in countries with no age of consent restrictions).

I don't know, it's just that her interview with Chris Stowe sounded like her greatest peeve was people like Siddharth Kara overstating the occurrence and severity of human sexual trafficking and that her mission was to inform people how providing a save and legal venue for sex workers would naturally take care of what little problem really did exist.

So, given this, her NGO idea was not along the lines of what we thought in regards to sex trafficking and maybe, perhaps, her NGO idea ended up to have nothing to do with sex slavery at all, focusing instead on worker rights, fair wages etc. She was a SJW, and if there is one thing we know about the current SJW circles is that they promote sexualizing kids from early on, and in some circles, normalizing/legalizing sex with teens (((kids)))..."consensually" of course! /s

How did I get here? First there's this article: (which is refuted on some points by this article: )

"D’Estree said Petersen had gone to Haiti a number of times, but she was not there to research human trafficking and was not investigating the Clinton Foundation. He said she had been a “brilliant” research fellow, working the past two years to produce a still unpublished article that critiqued a controversial book on the business of sex trafficking by Siddharth Kara."

From Wikipedia: "Siddharth Kara is an author, activist and expert on modern day slavery and human trafficking. He is an Adjunct Lecturer in Public Policy and Director of the Program on Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and also a Visiting Scientist on Forced Labor at the Harvard School of Public Health. He is best known for his award-winning book, Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery (2009) and his most recent book, Bonded Labor: Tackling the System of Slavery in South Asia (2012)."

to continue from the first article: "Indeed, Petersen was active in promoting sex-worker rights. Her last interview before her death was for a two-hour podcast, which aired in September, hosted by Chris Sowa titled “Fighting the Trafficking Narrative from Alaska to Rhode Island.”

Before going on a 2015 trip to Haiti, Petersen asked for help locating pro-sex worker organizations. “I am a social anthropologist who wants do solid research on HT, rescuing people is not in my agenda (this is a stupid & imperialist concept),” she posted on a Facebook message board.

“She was a sweetie, an amazing, wonderful girl,” said Elle, an activist in Colorado. “She really did care about sex-worker rights,” eager to do battle against anti-trafficking advocates such as Swanee Hunt, who want to end the sex trade entirely. Episode 26: Fighting the Trafficking Narrative from Alaska to Rhode Island Mainstream discussions of the sex industry have mostly revolved around human trafficking. In this episode we explore why that narrative is misleading and harmful. The interviews featured here were recorded in Nebraska, Rhode Island, Alaska, California, and Illinois. Guests include Terra Burns (Community United for Safety and Protection), Maxine Doogan (the Erotic Service Providers Legal, Educational and Research Project), Bella Robinson (COYOTE RI), Monica Peterson and Rex Hamaker (University of Denver's Human Trafficking Center), Hannah Marshall (Brown University), and Erin Black (The Sexual A-Team). Articles discussed in this episode include The Banks' War on Porn Stars by Richard Abowitz and Marlow Stern, The Case for Decriminalizing Prostitution by German Lopez, Washington Post fact checker Glenn Kessler's Why You Should be Wary About Statistics on 'Modern Slavery' and 'Trafficking' and The Biggest Pinocchios of 2015, Should Prostitution be a Crime? by Emily Bazelon. Also check out Bazelon's follow-up concerning Amnesty International's Policy on State Obligations to Respect, Protect and Fulfil the Human Rights of Sex Workers. Go here to help fund legal efforts to fully decriminalize sex work in the United States and here to listen to Keyana's full testimonial. Three quick corrections: Maxine (not Terra) interviewed Keyana; is maintained by Community United for Safety and Protection (not just Terra); Last (and in fact least), Chris began gathering audio for this episode in October of 2015 (not September of 2015). We regret these errors. Duration: 2 hours, 1 minute

kestrel9 ago

That was longer than expected, but a couple more points of info: Her close friend Bella Robinson's website: Her close friend in Denver, Domina Elle, is a dominatrix running a full service dungeon for Denver, and BDSM forum online (not accusing her of anything illegal obviously). I think both of them would agree, and have stated that if anything, Monica Peterson was more about combating Human Trafficking in terms of creating safe work spaces for sex workers.

Are_we_sure ago

Now you're just speculating.

Why rely on speculative possibilities when her charges were looked in and judged. Why do you doubt that people who are waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay closer to the actual incident than you are or I got it right? She lost two separate court cases and was forced to pay damages. That is, to say, he was the victim in this case, not her.

You also seem to be implying that the fact that her charges are outlandish and very bizarre makes them more likely to be true? A contradiction in terms, is it not?

carmencita ago

He is 90 and doing better. Will get evaluation today. I said it a hundred times yesterday, my Mother is an Angel 0-) Thank You. Must say this. Eyes Must Be on June 10th. Important Day.

AngB23 ago

Maybe CGI gets donations in from orgs like Free the Slaves for a cover never expecting them to actually donate time/help but just money. There are a ton of vids that are translated into English from those destroyed by Caracol in Haiti.

Land taken away that were their source of income (rice and they were paid hardly anything for their land) and those working in the textile/garment sweatshops for HRC friends Walmart, Gap, Target..for like $3.50/DAY.

Possibly, Free the Slaves were lied to and they went there to check it out for themselves and Monica found out too much. Posted before, but Monica's updates to a friend

Birdzeyeview ago

nothing mysterious about a suicide

fuck off with this BS

Are_we_sure ago

Did you not notice she lost her suit against him. And he won his defamation suit against her?

Are_we_sure ago

If you had investigated Monica Peterson's work, you would immediately see why the Josef Korbel School raises a red flag. What are these programs about? Training people to work in government agencies abroad.

That does not raise a red flag whatsoever for me. Also, you can study international relations and work in that field without living abroad and without working for the government.

Monica Peterson worked for the Human Trafficking Center which was an affiliate of the Josef Korbel School and ended up dead in Haiti which raises questions about the legitimacy of the program and whether it was a cover for something else.

This is a tremendous leap of logic.

whatonearth ago

I like how they keep calling it the Josef Korbel School when any normal person would say she went to the University of Denver and not even notice the deceased bigshot they decided to honor by slapping his name on that university department. Considering Josef Korbel's background, it's also a helpful reminder that Voat is at heart still a neo-Nazi website (I'm surprised they didn't add the (((echoes))) to it).

Are_we_sure ago

Well the Joseph Korbel School is a specific part of the University of Denver. This is not unusual to refer to the specific "school" with a college. It's probably a lot harder to get into that the University itself. The government "school" that is part of Harvard is the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. Northwestern has the Kellogg School of Management. Berkeley has the Haas School of Business.

I like how he keeps saying the school "trains interns for government agencies" as opposed to teaches international relations and awards degrees. A four Star General and a Secretary of State went there, for goodness sakes. Those must be some pretty good internships. And how he seems to be surprised that there is specialized education for folks going into international relations or public policy. It's the like the government should be staffed only by folks with degrees in communications and business adminstration.

Chronicallycurious ago

Necrophilia for hire? What the hell is that???

kestrel9 ago

Glad it was useful! I'm adding all the time to connect dots from all over the pizzascape. Sadly, computer is making things slow, hopefully fixed tomorrow.

AngB23 ago

WOW-thank you for this research. This is big. US Contracts always seem like shady deals. John DeBlasio related to Bill at all? Could explain his push of Sanctuary Cities and other crap

carmencita ago

I think I heard Bill took his Mother's name of DeBlasio. Maybe they are relatives but not brothers. Can't check Fam. Emerg. Keep digging guys.

jstayz44 ago

Prayers for you and fam @carmencita !

carmencita ago

Thank you. It is much appreciated and so far the outcome is good:-)

Dressage2 ago

Up voat! This needs more investigation as noted by several posters. Something tells me Wadhams needed a better attorney. I think there was meat to that story regarding DeBlasio's fetishes, but the Court (not red pilled) thought the claims were just too outrageous. If the Court only knew what we knew!

Are_we_sure ago

Yes, but this is an incredibly weak connection. Just because you attend a school doesn't mean you have anything to do with its donors. Do you have a connection with the donors to your school?

It's even weaker if she was not part of the program he funded.

Solentgreenispeople ago

Another thing i found interesting was that The Podesta Group held contracts in Iraq at the same time Sallyport had contracts interesting possible connection there.

AngB23 ago

Podesta Group also gets HUGE money to lobby for Pharma and bio tech companies. I wonder how many of these are in the business to "create" and harvest organs?

Solentgreenispeople ago

Also, Sallyport works with USAID and they are connected

kestrel9 ago

Having issues with computer, will do what I can to add info. I haven't read the following audit report in depth but it may include names/companies of interest.

Here's an audit of KSI by OIG in regards to USAID/Iraq

2013 Audit "The Mission appreciates the careful attention and hard work of the Regional Inspector General (RIG)/Cairo, and accepts the survey findings with great interest and concern. USAID/Iraq treats findings of potentially fraudulent overcharging of the U.S. Government with the highest level of seriousness. We are fully committed to ensuring the accountability of USAID contractors and subcontractors, and to protecting and potentially recovering USAID funds. In response, USAID has taken the following administrative and contract management actions to address immediately the survey recommendations, as well as the larger issues of whether Kasemen-Sallyport International (KSI) is presently a responsible organization, and whether any USAID implementing partners or KSI may have submitted false claims to USAID: ...

Recommendation 2. We recommend that USAID/Iraq’s contracting officer suspend all future security and life support payments for all prime contractors with Sallyport Global Services subcontracts until Sallyport Global Services implements an adequate cost accounting system. ...Sallyport’s Billing Practices Resulted in Overcharges and Unreasonable Costs

Recommendation 3: We recommend that USAID/Iraq’s contracting officer make a written determination about terminating all security and life support subcontracts with Sallyport Global Services and work with USAID’s Compliance and Oversight of Partner Performance division to start suspension and/or debarment procedures on Sallyport Global Services.

Are_we_sure ago

Graduating from the Joseph Korbel School does not mean you had anything to do with the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at the school as it is just one of many centers. I know she studied sex work and went to Haiti, is there any reason to believe she had anything to do with the Middle East?

She could have been involved with any of these centers at the school. Or none of them. One of them is a dead on match for her research in human trafficking.


The Center for China-U.S. Cooperation is the only institution in the Rocky Mountain region devoted to building mutual understanding, prudent policies and avenues of dispute resolution among the people of Greater China and the United States. Learn more


The Center on Human Rights Education (formerly the Center on Rights Development) contributes to universal recognition of all human rights with an emphasis on economic, social, and cultural rights through research and education. Learn more


The Center for Middle East Studies (CMES) is dedicated to promoting and strengthening the study and understanding of the societies, political systems, and international relations of the Middle East and broader Islamic world, both at DU and throughout the Mountain West. Learn more


The Colorado European Union Center of Excellence (CEUCE) aims to promote research, reflection and policy analysis on a series of EU and transatlantic relations issues. Learn more


The Collaborative Refugee and Rights Information Center (CRRIC) contains an annotated archive of bibliographic abstracts of films, articles and books highlighting the issues pertinent to and surrounding displaced and immigrant communities. Learn more


The Conflict Resolution Institute is dedicated to exploring central issues and mechanism of conflict de-escalation,peaceful solutions, and reconciliation between parties, whether in international or domestic politics, the professional workplace, or personal relations. Learn more


Established in 2012 through a gift from University of Denver Alumna Helen Crossley, the Crossley Center for Public Opinion Research is dedicated to expanding knowledge of public opinion and its uses. The Crossley Center offers graduate courses in public opinion research that enhance students' abilities to understand international issues within diverse cultures.


The Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures serves as a world source of research, analysis and education in the field of global forecasting. Learn more


The Human Trafficking Center provides professional research, writing, and educational outreach on human trafficking and all forms of modern day slavery. Learn more


Public policy is a highly disciplined, evidence-based approach to the analysis and solution of contemporary issues, such as fiscal policy and government spending, entitlement reform, health care, national security, regulation, criminal justice, education, and immigration. Learn more about the Institute for Public Policy Studies.


The International Career Advancement Program (ICAP) is a professional development and leadership program for mid-career professionals from groups underrepresented in international affairs in the United States, sponsored by the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and by the Aspen Institute. Learn more


The Latin America Center is the Josef Korbel School’s hub for scholarship and events on Latin America. The center supports and coordinates educational, research, policy, and cultural activities related to Latin America and international relations in the region. Learn more


The Sié Chéou-Kang Center for International Security and Diplomacy is a unique teaching and research center, providing training for future leaders and research on strategy and governance within a broad, cosmopolitan understanding of international security and diplomacy. Learn more

Are_we_sure ago

I am not doubting she is linked to the school. I am doubting she is linked the CEO of Sallyport Global, because the center he funded at the school was not her area of research.

Solentgreenispeople ago

here is the places they service

Since 2008, Sallyport has been providing comprehensive support services supporting the U.S. Air Force in various locations around the globe, under the Air Force Contingency Augmentation Program (AFCAP) contract vehicle. Services include: Fire & Emergency; Civil Engineering (Operations, Maintenance, and Repair); Training & Education; Logistics & Procurement; Environmental Response & Hazardous Waste. Sallyport has delivered almost $200 M worth of services to clients in the following locations: Afghanistan; Iraq; Kuwait; Kyrgyzstan; Oman, UAE; United States. Sallyport has managed more than 40 subcontractors and 800 full-time employees dedicated to AFCAP task orders.

PQhonest ago

That last link is a doozey. If true, DeBlasio has some scary fetishes. And for those who are in a hurry: the link between the CEO of Sallyport and Monica Peterson is the Joseph Korbel School at the University of Denver.

Solentgreenispeople ago

There is way more to the story here. keep digging this is the stuff we should be going after. We need to look and see what other contracts they have if we can and what other airfields or ports they have control of in other parts of the world. There has to be a way they are moving kids in and out of countrys and a company that is in charge of ports of entry into third world countries would make a lot of sense. This is huge people and should be flared new lead!

jstayz44 ago

Yes and remember the consulates of countries can play a role...I.e Mary Sue Conaway essentially had a faux position with our gov, and worked in Haiti, or the Dominican Republic. Not near my computer but definitely agree that this post should be flagged as an opportunity to develop new leads. Possibly start with lists of federal contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and additional African countries we've plundered and pillaged. Thank you for posting, OP!!