DeathTooMasons ago

Vindicator " You have no proof!"...You can't prove it!

HennyPenny ago

Take a look at the DC Capital board of directors: The first 3: Armitrage, Crumpton and Hagee all have CIA experience:,, I stopped researching after the third one: the story is plain enough.

When the picture gets too hot, the CIA front "private" enterprise gets sold to another crop of willing ex military, ex CIA, ex government "patriots" that will find it easier to circumvent the law than if the operating entity was official government or military.

Take a look at what John P.DeBlasio did with the proceeds of the sale of Sallyport: per linkedin "funded

The Leadership Development Program for the Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos orphanages in Central and South America (" (what better way to recruit people than pluck grateful orphans from their dire situation and bring them here and give them "leadership") and

"The Center for Middle East Studies at the Denver University - Korbel School of International Studies ((" Named after Josef Korbel the father of Bill Clinton's Secty of State Madeleine Albright who per Wikipedia:

"Madeleine Albright is a co-investor with Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild, and George Soros in a $350 million investment vehicle called Helios Towers Africa, which intends to buy or build thousands of mobile phone towers in Africa "

The CIA money goes round and round.

Freemasonsrus ago

Contractors, NGO's, NATO troops, white helmets, and on and on. A bunch of animals posing as the "good guys".

carmencita ago

A hint to De Blasio is that he was born with the last name of Willhelm and took his Mother's last name of De Blasio (due to the divorce). I still think there might be a relation. Cousins maybe? There is a John Willhelm also, did he take the last name of De Blasio also? IDK, this could lead nowhere, but what a find it would be to connect them. Hope this is not a dead end, but I have researched a lot of those as I am sure you have too.

Solentgreenispeople ago

carmencita ago

I have to leave this soon for today but can get back to it later. Here is something I found that is a lawsuit against the De Blasio Assoc. I have a sneaky feeling Bill, the mayor of NY is a relative and I can't prove it yet, although I think that is something I found before. I will keep on this a short time then I am gone til tonight.

carmencita ago

Just found this in the Search Bar: Did not even know I had a connection to this, although I remember it was covered before. There is probably useful info in there for there are 24 comments. Hope it helps out.

independenceday ago Sally=military maneuver....interesting.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Excellent find Sir.