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think- ago

@EffYouJohnPodesta: Please review rule 1 before doing new posts.

I will flair the post '24 hours Grace' per Rule 1, so that you'll have time to research whether the prostitutes were underage.

Pizzagate is about investigating elite pedophilia, not human trafficking of adults.

Thank you.

Also, I will issue a formal ban warning now, due to the high numbers of posts we had to flair 'Edit warning', pull, or flair 'Possible Disinformation'.

Should you submit another post that needs to be flaired, you will be banned from v/pizzagate.


@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I have no idea if they were under age, I assume that they would be dabbling in all of the stuff. I'll delete it. Thanks for your lovely comment! @carmencita @Cc1914 @ESOTERICshade

carmencita ago

OK it is sad. There should be more looking into this, but hey. I get why.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm being banned from pizzagate for my last story about sex trafficking with Sallyport Global because the article did not specify whether they were sex trafficking children. The mods here are soooooooo mad that I said Q was fake. And that I proved Vindicator was an idiot for claiming my earlier post about the cops was disinformation.

carmencita ago

Sorry you are being banned. I don't know if it is about Q, but I am sorry to lose you. I thought we were still researching the age of the victim. Guess not.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I could still do that but they warned me that if I post something that has to be flared again, they will ban me. They flair every single post I make or make a sarcastic comment on it threatening to flair it so I can't make another post or they'll ban me. For now I'm just going to comment until the mods are removed as mods and new mods come in. Which is probably never, so I'll just be on my other forum categorizing all the good posts from this board to help newbies and real researchers out.

carmencita ago

That sounds like a plan to me. I remember that there was something to do with shipping containers involved with Sally. There was a ton of info in there. One of the articles they would not let me post today, but it was posted way back when. I could also not find anything like before on the net. Probably scrubbed.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah my network started getting attacked during my attempt to prove that the cop beating the 12 year old while attempting to abduct her story wasn't "disinformation."

carmencita ago

Wow! someone down voated you for this statement? So crude. Actually it totally verifies what you say, since only shills down voat. Hmm. Well, on second thought...............who else might do that? Yeah. I wonder.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I have screenshots & left the faulty archive links in the post as proof. Mods here must all be remedial undergrad pre-law professors bc they sure object to relevance all the time in a retarded way.

p.s. the old post you found of this same story on pizzagate forums should be flagged as a "rule 1" violation now

EricKaliberhall ago

I think that the mods are using a downvoat bot app to downvoat all my comments. nobody has that much free time.

You always got to make it about you... Shill or not, you are one self-centered whore. It takes a special "type" of person to make oneself the victim on a research subverse dedicated to exposing a global satanic pedophile cabal... That kidnap, torture, rape and sacrifice children on an industrial scale... But hey, it's all about you right? You are a fucking cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

you are also

EricKaliberhall ago

are you a cointelpro employee? if not, I am sorry that you feel the need to lash out at me, I've not done anything to you

Professional victim again I see... Lies and bullshit is all that you provide. I believe you want to get banned so you get some credibility to your victimhood, because it's all about you... In my opinion, you deserve to get banned permanently from v/pizzagate... Why you might ask; you use countless alts to fuck with regular users. Your submissions are never up to standard, when asked to edit you always make it about you. You lie about the mod team that "they" are targeting you or some shit like that... I've told you this before, if you act like a shill you will be treated like one. I've wasted too much time on you already... Seriously, just go fuck youself you fucking cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

is this you Eric?

EricKaliberhall ago

What the fuck are you on about... Is this you with a photo of what I just stated... Crazy fucking cunt, go to hell.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I posted about cointelpro and MKU earlier today. Must be the stalker just watching my network traffic or following on Voat.

Vindicator ago

@think- @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

I've archived this entire comment thread (above) in which EYJP is trying to convince users numerous false claims are true, including:

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hey Vindicator, I never said Kevdude was stalking my blog. Are you blind? I said someone claimed to be kevdude on my blog. Ask Kevdude, I pm'ed him asking him and he said no.

I do not know what a DDOS is so I can't claim mods are doing something to my network. I do know that someone is doing something to my network but there's no way for me to know which government person is looking at it or if it's a hacker / stalker. This has happened numerous times to me in the past.

I speculate that you guys probably Eric have a downvoat bot because after Eric attacked me for following ESOTERICshade every single one of my posts is being downloaded and every single comment instantly, within less than 5 minutes, which seems to be impossible without a bot because nobody has that much time.

Yes, you're trying to ban me out of spite and you've issued a formal ban warning. I posted screenshots of some of your stupid and baseless claims about me in the past. This started with mod Eric accusing me of being a shill for replying to a comment by ESOTERICshade and escalated after you attacked me personally when Jenny Moore died and I said I did not like how you were treating a dead woman and that it says a lot about you. Then after that Crensch attacked me and a list of other users calling us shills and accusing us of being on a Jem777 team that doesn't exist to my knowledge.

You guys are making tons of claims here that are objectively false. If you want to twist every single thing that happens to make yourself appear less guilty of the things that I just explained you are doing, that's your right to claim I suppose, but it's untrue.