bopper ago

Geffen back in the day, smack in the middle of the Laurel Canyon crowd, all or most of whom came from blueblood or military background.

Shizy ago

He is credited with working with Crosby, Stills, and Nash as a new talent agent. Didn't those hippies hang out in that same crowd?

bopper ago

Yeah they did, the whole thing, the whole 'movement,' appears to be anything but organic.

I have a facebook friend who hung with all these people (the guy in the back with glasses) and still lives in the area and is still in touch with Crosby but he dodges my questions (somewhat) about the Canyon conspiracies.

Wish I had more time I would check into all this more. It is astonishing how many whose parents were military, Zappa and Jackson Brown and Morrison, on and on, even Alice Cooper who was younger but was helped by Zappa after Alice moved out there.

Papa John, Crosby, etc etc.

Shizy ago

I read a lot a few years ago about Sharon Tate and those murders. Her dad was high up in the Navy and there were a lot of really weird inconsistencies and other things with that whole story. It completely ties in with this whole fake movement.

bopper ago

You may know of The Wonderland Murders that took place in Laurel Canyon, you can google them. The actual police video of the crime scene is available if you have the stomach for it. You can start with Wiki and then there's this link below. John Holmes was likely one of the killers.

Shizy ago

Yes I have read some on those murders. I didn't know the police footage is online. That would be interesting to see! Thanks for the tip.

bopper ago

Oh I forgot, Sharon Tate as well, yeah I hope one day I know what happened with those murders.

In Mackenzie Phillips' book High On Arrival she talks about how Sir Paul and her dad hung together at the time of the Monterrey Pop Festival, and in the book Memoirs of Billy Shears Sir Paul says he helped Papa John pass out acid there via intelligence people, he also talks about Tavistock.

Almost the entire song "Won't Get Fooled Again" is about the McCartney replacement and Tavistock ("the men who stirred us on, sit in judgement of all wrong, they decide and the shotgun sings the song").

The men of Tavistock make the calls and the bands and rock idols who are simply "riding shotgun" actually sing the songs.

Yes of course I know I sound nuts. I'll stop, this fascinates me and I could go on all day.

letsdothis2 ago

David Geffen School of Medicine and Haiti:

They are involved with stem cell research too:

The California stem cell agency has hired one of Washington's more influential lobbyists, The Podesta Group, to promote a $10 billion biomedical industry aid package being pushed by CIRM Chairman Robert Klein.

In response to an inquiry, Don Gibbons, CIRM communications chief, today said a contract had been signed with the firm, which was founded by Tony Podesta (see photo) in 1988

In addition to grabbing some cash right now, Podesta said, "Our strategy also positions CIRM to play a major role in shaping longer-term federal policies on biomedical research in general and stem cells in particular."

The firm said it is "the longest-tenured Washington representative of the pioneer biotech companies – Genzyme, Genentech and Amgen." It also represents Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics and Novo Nordisk. Business Week has labelled The Podesta Group as one of seven "Uber-influencers: The Lobbyists Likely to thrive in the New Washington."

The hiring of the lobbyist has drawn fire from at least one critic, John M. Simpson, stem cell project director of Consumer Watchdog of Santa Monica, Ca., who has called it an unnecessary, costly diversion from CIRM's stem cell research mission in California.

Scientists at the Eli and Edythe Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research at UCLA have been awarded a $12M grant from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine – also known as CIRM – to initiate a phase 1 clinical trial to test a novel cancer treatment for advanced-stage lung cancer.

“New immunotherapy drugs such as pembrolizumab are effective for approximately 20 percent of lung cancer patients, so new options are needed for combination therapies that improve these results,” said Dubinett, a professor of medicine, chief of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine and a member of the UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center.

Highly relevant comments in this link: Trump tweets about Tony Podesta. Maybe because of his connections with biotech companies like Genentech, the Bertarelli Foundation and their links with the Swiss Guard of the Vatican.


Don't forget the Geffen Playhouse

which leads to the Wasserman Foundation and Casey Wasserman > Jules Stein Eye Institute > UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

lamplight ago

Could Casey Wasserman be related to Debbie Wasserman Schultz?

Shizy ago

Excellent finds! Thank you so much! Weaseling his way into the UCLA med school didn't sit well with me because of these people's fascination with adrenochrome and life extension. I had no idea about the Haiti connection, but that makes total sense.

Shizy ago

Geffen can be connected to Rob Reiner and Stephen Spielberg. He went from working in the mailroom at The William Morris agency to "quickly" becoming a talent agent? Is that pretty typical for people working in the mailroom?

No way was I gonna click Ian's link, so I looked up the same article myself!

SearchVoatBot ago

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EyeOfHorus ago

Rob Reiner "owns" his own public pre/primary school in Perris CA filled with little illegal children.

Do you suppose an illegal child and his single-mom have much recourse?

carmencita ago

Here is my former submission regarding Perris Ca. And a woman that was in the same type of family about 20 yrs. ago. We found info regarding R Reiner

ROB REINER AND @SoldierofLight @Gothamgirl

Wow. Rob Reiner has a daycare center. You can't make this stuff up. At the second link you provided, it lists Rob Reiner Children & Families Center as having a student total of minus 2. How does that happen?? The listings of student totals at other daycares range from 73 to 2,615.

According to this link, the students at Reiner's place is 100% Asian. Didn't you note earlier that the population of Perris is largely Mexican American? @Shizy

Shizy ago

Oh no, I just felt sick seeing he has a daycare center. That's awful!

carmencita ago

Yep. It's disgusting.

Shizy ago

Oh Robbie has a school too? Thanks for that info. Perris Ca is where the Turpin family lived. They didn't go to school, but if I remember correctly @carmencita found some other strange connections in that city.

No, an illegal mom, or a poor, substance using and struggling single mom wouldn't have much recourse if something happens to their child. That's why these sickos prey upon "at risk" kids.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Sometimes you make me giggle WAY too much.

Shizy ago

Really? I love hearing that! Thank you!

Oh_Well_ian ago

oh.. this is totally Pizzagate related

This literally looks like a promotional ad for David Geffen being a very generous person followed by shallow speculation about supposed ulterior motives.

Can we get a flag on this @Vindicator?

Vindicator ago

Ian, what the hell are you talking about?

Shizy ago

So Geffen hasn't been repeatedly accused of being involved in pedophilia? And you have no problem with a highly suspected pedo starting a school and having access to school kids? Wow! Way to let being butt hurt cloud your feelers!

Oh_Well_ian ago

Knowing somebody is a pedo based on other evidence not related to this post does not make the post any more relevant.

How about making a definitive connection between the school and any nefarious Geffen activities associated with it?

Otherwise, it's just empty speculation.

Shizy ago

Geffen is associated with the school. That's nefarious enough to warrant bringing it to people's attention here on voat so they can be aware of it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

benjitsu ago

I don't think rich people funding self named jerk off "projects" for the poor is anything new. Anna Karenina was trying to do the same thing to overcome her drug addled guilt

derram ago :

David Geffen gives $100 million to build a school for the children of UCLA staff and others

This has been an automated message.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

geffenacademy -

laweekly -

insidephilanthropy -

Shizy ago

Thank you!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome.