carmencita ago Look at the logo in the left hand corner. Childcare Ctr. March AF Base Perris, Ca. I am going to be a little busy next couple days but I will keep at this as I can. This just won't let go of me. The logo is obvious to me. @Gothamgirl @SoldierofLight @Cc1914

Gothamgirl ago

Looks questionable. Sorry I haven't been very helpful lately. Vegas and personal stuff quieted me down a bit.

carmencita ago

There are things that quiet me down too. Your mind and your body need time to adjust to what just happened. It takes a while to process such evil and carnage. The problem is, just when we process one, up pops another. We have had to deal with so much. There is talk about something possibly coming up that I don't even want to think about. I am praying.

Gothamgirl ago

Same here praying.

SoldierofLight ago

I think that website ( simply lists child care centers around California, and it includes March AF Base among them. It's definitely a pedo-themed logo, but the website owner may or may not have any actual connection to that particular AF base.

fogdryer ago

I am getting so tired of this happening in our site. do we really live in a bubble????

good post

carmencita ago

I am going to throw up. I just saw on the news that Tom Hanks is going to play Mr. Rogers in a movie. There will surely be a lot of Children as well. We know they love to make movies to be near children. I am going to be sick. @millennial_vulcan @Gothamgirl @SoldierofLight @new4now @migratorypatterns What in the world can we do to stop this, I am so frustrated.

fogdryer ago

contact the parents.

carmencita ago

Parents now are oblivious. Caught up in I don't know what. Everything except what is really important. Too busy drinking craft beer and hanging out. Then there is homework with the kids. This has all been going on and no one paid attention now they think we are crazy. The Cabal new they wouldn't.

migratorypatterns ago

I wonder who the director will be. RR?

Bryan Singer? Just disgusting.

carmencita ago

SS. Maybe. Who knows. I never expected him to do ThePost. Totally out of his realm. There will be children, of this we can be sure. If not I will be shocked.

Gothamgirl ago

One day we need to take a head count and just crash Pedowood lol. I want to puke to.

carmencita ago

I did read the article by Variety on it and I have the habit now of reading the comments. Not too many people are excited about him doing the movie and are not too crazy about him as an actor or playing Mr. Rogers. A lot of politics too. My favorite comment was the one about Hanks doing the Toddlers and Tiaras piece on Jimmy Kimmel. In case you have not seen Hanks in it. Ugh. @millennial_vulcan @new4now @SoldierofLight @migratorypatterns

migratorypatterns ago

You know what? Let them try to continue to have fun and I and over fifty percent of Americans know they're time is up.

PedoWood is going to jail.

carmencita ago

Somebody has to start the March of the Pedos. Any one of them will do at this point. SS would be my pick or DG.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I have seen, I was deeply disturbed. He is one I would've had faith in to, not after seeing that.

carmencita ago

Me too. My husband and I always watched him in Polar Express. How we loved that movie. They are wrecking all our memories they forced us to have. God I hate them more and more every day! Slimy Scumbags. I could write a whole page of disgusting words. There is no bottom to the hatred I have for them.

Gothamgirl ago

Same here.

carmencita ago

I felt really disgusted by all of them, but now after my thread with all the info on RR and knowing the movies made, I have a newfound hatred. I believe there are other small cities just like Perris and they are all involved in some way, somewhere. Disgusting.

Gothamgirl ago

My whole county, the kids are all sponsered and wearing pedo logo teeshirts, and I know there is at least 7 logo'd businesses all connected here, 2 are right next to a family court and the catholic church. The church has logos to.

The pizza place here was connected to Obama in the media, and the owners dad owned a pizza place up North. When I tracked the number for the dad, it lead to a strip in Alabama. It was a pizza place, across was bobs smoked nuts, a funeral home, a weiner place, and kids karate kung fu, with a Hurst parked right outside the door. I stopped looking because of Vegas.

carmencita ago

Both those places are a Pedo's Paradise. Good God. I know Obama's favorite place and I won't divulge, I don't want to out your location. Those places are all dead giveaways and no one but people that are Red Pilled will even notice. Even those that are somewhat awake, won't notice. They just won't believe that all of them would be placed together. Jeez Louise. What will it take. I am in shock over what you just wrote and I have been on here over a yr. now. Wow. Just Wow.

carmencita ago

I really wish it could have stayed on pg. It needed to be seen by others than the choir. The Normies would benefit from the education of the fact that there is a pocket of evilness that has been hiding away for decades. Thank you.

carmencita ago

OK This is Crazy. I have discovered 3 more Sky Diving Accidents. These two are from Colorado AND AND I have another one that I found mentioned, but not located yet. Also we seem to have mixed up info about the one killed this year in Jan. that one is the 28 yr old from Canada and then there was a Navy Seal 41 yrs. old killed the day before the LV Shooting (courtesy of @new4now ) THAT is very strange, imo. @migratorypatterns @dfens @think @Shizy @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

easy cover for hit. Deceased either knew too much or were disposable. Its the new "heart attack" !

@migratorypatterns @new4now

carmencita ago

Agree. They are disposable.

new4now ago

I think there's a skydiving thing there

Last year they had National Skydiving Championships

The Army has whats called The Golden Knights, maybe they do like a show

Still, thats a lot of accidents, way too many

carmencita ago

I read that planes were less available so they go to Perry’s. This could also be arranged. Don’t trust them one bit.

migratorypatterns ago

That is weird.

carmencita ago

OK This is Crazy. I have discovered 3 more Sky Diving Accidents. These two are from Colorado AND AND I have another one that I found mentioned, but not located yet. Also we seem to have mixed up info about the one killed this year in Jan. that one is the 28 yr old from Canada and then there was a Navy Seal 41 yrs. old killed the day before the LV Shooting (courtesy of @new4now ) THAT is very strange, imo. @SoldierofLight @new4now @Gothamgirl @Cc1914 @pby1000 @millennial_vulcan @Shizy @think @migratorypatterns

Cc1914 ago

Speaking of MMA .. remember Gracie Barras logo?

Gothamgirl ago

I know right off the top of my head there has been a few skydiving deaths in Vero Beach, Florida.

carmencita ago

This could be how they are getting rid of unwanted victims of MK Ultra or people that possibly witnessed things they should not have, etc. Yikes.

Dfens ago

I grew up in southern California and went to high school with a relatively large Mormon population. During senior year I became friends with a Mormon girl whom I’d known from afar all four years of high school, because she was from a prominent family of 13 children. -- (originally Huffpo)

Ok, this is weird and the rest of the article is about something not really relevant but here's a case of a prominent Mormon family with 13 children living in Southern California. It's not enough to say there's a trend, but it could be something.

carmencita ago

Oh, I really believe there is a trend alright. It is all about finding more of them though. They were probably hard to find already since we know how long the Turpins were flying under the radar. Now, they are all surely battening down the hatches even more so. Also, I have found a couple others that had 5 children and 7 children that were connected to Satanic practices or church backgrounds. They are listed in the thread. The FLDS has a foothold I believe in this area and others in Cali. Searching for Mormons and FLDS in So. Cal. would be a good way to go. I will look at your link.

Dfens ago

Hmm, here's another reference to a similar thing with a fundamentalist Mormon polygamist group that have 13 children:

Enoch Foster visits with several of his 13 children from two wives in their cave-home in Rockland Ranch, on November 2, 2012. --

The number 13 is very prominent in Mormonism, as you'd expect given their ties to Freemasons. Here's another FLDS family with 14 children. Maybe one of them didn't count for some reason yet unknown:

An obscure Mormon religious text has emerged as one of the central tenets influencing the anti-government ideology of Cliven Bundy, a militiaman accused of leading an armed standoff against federal agents near a ranch outside Las Vegas in 2014.

The Bundy family, which includes Cliven and his 14 children, is deeply influenced by its Mormon faith, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Book of Mormon. But researchers at the Southern Poverty Law Center have noted that the family and its supporters also follow a text called The Nay Book, allegedly compiled by Bundy’s friend and fellow rancher Keith Allen Nay, who died in 1997.

“The book is a scrapbook mix of letters, founding documents of both the United States and the Church of Latter-day Saints of Jesus Christ mixed with ideas that have existed in the antigovernment “Patriot” movement for decades,” the Southern Poverty Law Center writes. --

Dfens ago

Hmm, here's another reference to a similar thing with a fundamentalist Mormon polygamist group that have 13 children:

Enoch Foster visits with several of his 13 children from two wives in their cave-home in Rockland Ranch, on November 2, 2012. --

Also, the number 13 is very prominent in Mormonism, as you'd expect given their ties to Freemasons.

carmencita ago

OK, This is not a case of many children in a home. But this guy ran a Karate School out of his garage and was abusing children in Perris and his case was overturned after his conviction! WHAT? He was retried an convicted again. I have not followed up on it after that, but I think he is in jail. I notice that it is hard to find these cases in Perris, you have to be tricky with your wording when searching THIS should also lead to checking out Martial Arts places where they may be using the school to draw in children. There are places in Perris I believe that abuse children thus weakening them. Many do not tell their parents and suffer through this especially if they are latch key kids. It is all part of the plan. @Gothamgirl @pby2000 @SoldierofLight @Cc1914

Cc1914 ago

Remember this deleted sub too ?

carmencita ago

Yes! RR allegedly raped Haims. So this is pg related but mf always claims it’s not related because muh Russia. I am on phone laptop is down. So I may be off for awhile.

Cc1914 ago

lol I've done all my research pretty much on my phone since dec 2016 when my pc was hacked at work . Talk about a pain in the donkey ! 😁

carmencita ago

Oh God. I had to do that this aft when my lap went down and I nearly went nuts. You are a Trooper! My condolences to your friend on her son's death. Something you never get over with. My husband always say, you never want to die before any of your children. So very sad. Now we know what is behind it. I had one flu shot and it made me sick. Never again. I don't believe that clap trap about you were just coming down with it before the shot. NOT.

Gothamgirl ago

Great find Carmencita.

carmencita ago

Thanks. I remember when researching St. Louis there was a guy that kidnapped 2 boys and held them for a long time. One was delivering papers. Well, at one point this guy had a Martial Arts School/Pizza Place in St. Louis. We have to remember they are Master Groomers, so also expect them to be extremely devious and very tricky. 2 of us are investigating the Sky Diver incident and I think that we have mixed up the dates and there are two separate victims from 2 different years, a 41 yr old Seal and a 28 yr old Canadian. I have also discovered 2 others and will send later. I am still looking for the one from Camp Pendelton. This is a Rabbit Hole of Huge Proportions, imo.

carmencita ago

HELP!! Warning!! I don't really know where or how to post this anywhere for I think it will be deleted Lickety-Split. I discovered this Very Frightening, what I call plan by the CDC to Scare the Living Hell out of us. They are not convincing enough people anymore to take the Flu Shot, so they need new Money Makers. What do you know or have you heard about this New Sickness? @darknight111 @millennial_vulcan @Cc1914 @migratorypatterns @Dressage2 @SoldierofLight

fogdryer ago

Oh just had my flu shot 😔

Pretty sickening to kill your own people

carmencita ago

I never had a flue shot. I pity the children in the future.

Cc1914 ago

I know this.. my friends 38 year old son just died of flu -like complications and I'm going to his funeral sat . 😔 My whole family was down for 2 weeks with something we never had before and still have lingering effects ..

migratorypatterns ago

I actually was going to do a thread on this, but again, figured that MF, our lovable moderator, would delete it.

Here are my thoughts:

(1) That this illness is the one described in the CDAN post about the church and the creation of a new virus. It fits the talking points described. (2) That this new illness is why fires were started on city streets. Remember that a Hepatitis epidemic already broke out from germs/feces left on streets. Those already toxic petry dishes would love to have a new host introduced to it and make a real lethal cocktail. Hence, the preventative means of starting fires.

carmencita ago

WOW. Its funny you bring up CDAN because when I saw this article completely by accident, I too thought of the new virus tie in, but I did not connect it to the fires. Truly an Epic Statement of yours. This is something to really worry about. But we already can fight this because we are already aware. What impresses me about all of us that how Awake we are. That is the biggest threat to their plans. We are finding things as they are happening. We can maybe come up with a way to combat this. Getting out in front of it now.

migratorypatterns ago

Absolutely. People have to wake up. But like I said, the biggest tell was the CNN poll that revealed that people placed blame on the dems for the shut down and that DACA was not an important enough issue to cause such action. You can imagine how heavily stacked that survey was against alt-right so for that to be the result was astonishing. And this morning's paper? The headline was actually not insulting to our POTUS. Just mentioned he was confident about his State of the Union speech. Another HUGE tell. We are winning ... the hypocrites of PedoWood and PedoMusic industry are helping because they're being shown for the hypocrits they are. Did you see Jay-Z hit that little girl in the face? I don't care what she said, a grown man does not hit a woman (don't know her age but I do know she was considerably smaller) in the face - TWICE!!! Yeah, rag on Trump, you miserable coward!

carmencita ago

OOH! Jay Z! He did not win any Grammys last night and had many noms. HA HA HA! He may be getting it from all sides now.

migratorypatterns ago

Hopefully ... couldn't happen to a nicer scumbag.

millennial_vulcan ago

wait till all his shit comes tumbling out now that noones scared anymore.

cough "CATHY WHITE" cough.... @carmencita

carmencita ago

Yeah. No one believes their fear mongering anymore. I heard they are moving the Atomic Clock forward because of Nuclear Threat. Report put out by the Atomic Scientists. Brrrrrrr.

migratorypatterns ago

I'm waiting for it ... seems like forever, but our POTUS only got in.

carmencita ago

Pleas also check this out: @pby1000 @fogdryer @new4now @jangles

pby1000 ago

Thank you! I think I will not be getting any more flu shots. LOL. I don't trust these fuckers.

carmencita ago

Yeah, no way and now I hear the Red Cross is asking for blood. Is there a False Flag coming up, something we don't know about yet? People lined up after the LV Shooting. Maybe we should be checking if they are hiring Crisis Actors.

pby1000 ago

People are talking about a Super Bowl false flag.

I am curious to see what sort of Illuminati show they have at halftime.

carmencita ago

That girl is a Savior Angel. She was bound and determined to save the brood from those torturing people. We don't even know yet whether the were their biological children. Maybe some were and some were not. Only time will tell. The other family I found had adopted children. From the frying pan into the fire.

pby1000 ago

I was just going to start researching "satan's castle crestline california", but I have to leave for a bit. Feel free to run with it.

I was looking at google earth and typing in different city names around Perris, Ca and adding satan. The results are interesting sometimes.

So I do not forget, I was going to look and see where the McMartin Preschool was located in relation to Perris, Ca.

carmencita ago

OK. I looked up Satan's Castle, but every video I tried to access would not open up. Every one. It took me about 45 min. to try it all and the written word was all kind of spooky stories that made the place sound hokey. But this small paragraph I thought was the best one. No embellished words just simple ones. Satan’s Castle foundation still exists today. It was owned by a local doctor, who had a tunnel to the neighboring Catholic Church. Satan’s Castle was burnt down after a Redondo Beach preschool came under investigation for transporting children to the house in a limousine for pedophiles to abuse. There are those that worship the spirit of Satan, but in demonology, Satan is the god of anger and there is no such thing just smoke and mirrors for sick people to get away with their crimes. THIS was the only mention of the word pedophiles. So possibly this is what they want to erase. The problem is, when they try to erase things, sometimes it all the more enforces it.

pby1000 ago

I thought it was connected to the McMartin Preschool case in some way. There were multiple preschools that were involved, not just the McMartin one. It has been a while since I read about it, but I recall they were taking kids to a place in the nearby mountains for satanic rituals. Maybe it is Satan's Castle. I think Ted Gunderson wrote about it, or discussed it in one of his videos.

carmencita ago

Yes, I think I did see Gunderson mentioned. I think there has been a concerted effort to erase info, so there must have been something going on out there.

carmencita ago

Oh God It's Endless. May they all Burn In Hell Forever and Ever.

pby1000 ago

The McMartin Preschool was in Manhattan Beach, which is much further away.

carmencita ago

That area is probably another Pedo Pit. God only knows how many more there are :(

pby1000 ago

This article is about an incident of child abuse in Moreno Valley, Ca., which is where Perris, Ca is located.

Jessica Banks, pastor to satanic cult, gets 2 life sentences for child abuse:

carmencita ago

A letter from one of the girls "Dear Mom, it was nice knowing you, and Mom, I know somewhere in your heart you were a nice person," the girl wrote. "It was not right what you did to me and my sisters. I mean, come on, we were little girls!!!" Good God Lord Help Them.

pby1000 ago

Freemason Lodges in or near Perris, Ca:

21400 Johnson St, Perris, CA 92570

24740 Sunnymead Boulevard, Moreno Valley, CA 92553

There are more further out...

carmencita ago

I am not surprised. I have said all day that the area is a Cesspool.

carmencita ago

This whole list of movies has ties to Perris Ca. Some part of every movie was filmed there. Also notice the Bucket List is Directed by Rob REINER. I checked randomly and it is true. I did not check them all but some were filmed at the Sky Diving School or Orange Empire Railway Museum there may be others. You may be shocked at how many movies there are,%20California,%20USA&ref_=ttloc_loc_10 Thanks to @Gothamgirl for Wising Me Up @SoldierofLight

Gothamgirl ago

Well that is interesting.

SoldierofLight ago

Lot of horror flicks in that list, including There's No Such Thing as Vampires which is currently in post production.

carmencita ago

Yes. I have found so many things today that would connect Reiner. I found a pdf but can't copy it. I will see what I can do. There are three names that are on 1 flyer that connect Reiner, The Perris School Board and the March of Dimes. They all take part in a Run Fundraiser. Do you remember the SUV Van accident that tried to run down parents and kids at a Railway Museum across from Reiner's Ctr? It was in Perris. I will have to find the time to read all the comments and write it down. My head is just Crammed. I have a feeling some of these movies are made just so they can bring in children to abuse in that town. I also feel this place has been a Cesspool for Decades.

millennial_vulcan ago

I remember reading some juicy March of Dimes scandal from about a decade ago but just can't remember what it was. Didn't really register at the time because, lol, none of us were 'woke' back then. Let me rattle my brain here....

carmencita ago

I am sure it will hit you. That happens to me and then all of a sudden the wackiest thing will bring it up :)

SoldierofLight ago

I was thinking the same thing about the child actors and movies being made that are simply an excuse to get kids on set. Something else to consider thought it's time consuming. Production companies are a dime a dozen. Sometimes they're just nothing companies, other times they're actually owned by a larger studio/production company. It's possible that one or more of the straight to video flicks that filmed in Perris are actually owned by somebody like a Spielberg. So in other words, it might be possible to connect some of the Usual Suspects to more than what we see on the surface.

Probably like you, I had to wonder if the hit and run was an attempt to tie up loose ends.

Your husband will be a good barometer for this. When you come up with something and he says, Holy shit, I had no idea then you'll know you're well on your way, lol.

carmencita ago

Heh Heh. Yes. He is a good barometer, but sometimes his answers boarder or jealousy. So I have to dig it out of him as to whether it is a true feeling or he just wants me off the board. Yes, there could be a smaller operation going on there instead of a big co. Connections might be made when there are the same people showing up all the time in the town. Like the Horror Movies. I had a horrible thought about the SUV accident. I read the comments and most people thought the DUI charge was false, that they driver was very focused on what he was doing and that he was intent on killing people. He accelerated and headed right for them. I wondered if there is also an organ harvesting operation going on and they needed bodies as disgusting as it sounds. I always tend to travel to the most horrible thought where they are concerned.

SoldierofLight ago

My gut tells me the driver was an MK Ultra mind programmed assassin. The black market organ traffickers can get larger numbers of organ "donations" and in quieter ways just by pulling runaways off the street. I think the driver was focused on a target; someone or someones in the people he ran into.

carmencita ago

I had thought of the MK as well but you bring up a very good point. I wonder who was there that day that they wanted to eliminate. Another Hmmmm.

carmencita ago

I have now connected the Rob Reiner Ctr to a Family PESD Run sponsored by the Perris Elementary Schools and it is connected to the Orange Empire Railway Museum and the March of Dimes. They are all on this Flyer but I do not know how to do the link for the pdf. Maybe you can find it with my info I gave. It connects them. It says make checks payable to contacts and the Reiner Ctr. is listed. WOW. All on 1 page. @SoldierofLight @Gothamgirl @Cc1914 @srayzie Since the March of Dimes is connected now, I am wondering about that tie in to the San Bernardino Development Ctr. But at this point I am going to put that on a Back Burner. Perris is #1.

fogdryer ago

this is awful

carmencita ago

Yes. But the awful part is that I can't print it. A couple people have sent me help but I am a Box of Rocks when it comes to the tech world. I also just found that March of Dimes has space in the March Air Reserve Base
March of Dimes has 1,000 to 4,999 square footage of space with 10 to 19 employees. Categorized under charitable institutions, March of Dimes is an institution. March of Dimes is a public business located in March Air Reserve Base, CA. Why do they have between 1K and almost 5K sq ft in there? Worrisome @SoldierofLight @pby1000

srayzie ago

Which link leads to the pdf?

Gothamgirl ago

Not sure if this is helpful but you can use this site to upload pdf's.

carmencita ago

Yes TY. I have tried that before but I am a tech ditz.

carmencita ago Interesting info in this link plus Carol Jimenez as the Director of Rob Reiner Ctr. She lives in Parris w/Frank Jimenez who is her husband But look who just happened to appear in Perris during the Pres. Primary YEP. Hillary. at Casa Jimenez (have not connected the Casa to Carol & Frank yet) but here are a couple of names that showed up: Tony Burke City Councilman Virniecia Green-Jordan member of Perris School Board Diane Vaulner a Hemet Dem. Party Official an unexpected visitor. This was an invite only affair. @SoldierofLight @Gothamgirl

Dfens ago

This has many of the marks of Gnosticism. The prevalence of the number 13 (prevalent in Freemason symbols and rituals) and the forcing of asceticism on the children. It is possible that the parents thought that by forcing these harsh conditions on the children that it would allow them all to ascend to the "realm of light". Here is a description of one of the medieval ascetic sects of Gnosticism that seems relevant:

The Cathars apparently believed that people could be reincarnated. Reincarnation was not however a desired event. The goal of the Cathar was liberation from the realm of limitation and corruption identified with material existence. The way to escape was to live an ascetic's life, a life dedicated to standing apart as much as possible from the material world and its many evils.

Those that did live this life were called 'Perfects' (Parfaits). By virtue of their noble dedication, they had the power to aid others to break free of material enslavement so that they might upon death achieve liberation and return to the realm of light that was their true source and ultimate destination. The Perfects themselves lived lives of unimpeachable frugality (this due to their belief that the material world was evil). Commonly, the wiping away of sin, called the consolamentum, was performed on someone about to die. --

Also, as with many of these deranged Gnostic based religious groups, you'll notice that much of the blame is not being specifically alleged to be due to Christian beliefs, but it is certainly being implied by much of the news coverage. This is a common tactic used by Freemasons and Mormons. They say they aren't really Christian, but they kinda are. The concept that it is acceptable to lie or perform any kind of horrible act to promote "the greater good" is very prevalent in Gnostic beliefs.

carmencita ago

I can certainly believe they may have been Gnostics with a Morman/Mason background for they do believe that even the rape of children is for the greater good. It is all in the name of their religion/cult. We have now also found that The Rob Reiner Family Ctr. has a footprint here which is astonishing for such a small town and also that Hillary appeared here during the Primary. This is shocking. This little town sure has a lot of action for such a small place. Also another couple was arrested for running a Strip Joint in their bsmt and had 7 adopted children that were starved beaten and 1 reported sexual assault. I am in Mortal Shock but cannot give up on this place. It must continue searching. This is a Cesspool.

Dfens ago

Thanks for all you do!

carmencita ago

THANK YOU! What we must realize is that we must never discount anything. This whole area could be part of the Cesspool. I am getting sick of the possibilities, @SoldierofLight @Gothamgirl

new4now ago

Your hunch about Pete is is bearing fruit

Good Job

Will see what I can find

He served in Iraq but was just assigned to Special Ops Command Pacific in Hawaii

carmencita ago

Pete who? I am so mixed up today am going through the thread and my head is swimming. I also will be going to a meeting for a while but will be back on this again. Can't stay away.

new4now ago

Perris, damn auto correct

carmencita ago

I knew what you meant :)

Gothamgirl ago

Way to go @Carmencita you are on it. Sorry I haven't helped.

carmencita ago

It's OK. It's my post so........ I am hoping to make a difference finally with something. I cant believe Rob Reiner has a foot print in this small town of all places.

Gothamgirl ago

You make a difference everyday the kids are lucky to have someone like you.

SoldierofLight ago

Wow. Rob Reiner has a daycare center. You can't make this stuff up. At the second link you provided, it lists Rob Reiner Children & Families Center as having a student total of minus 2. How does that happen?? The listings of student totals at other daycares range from 73 to 2,615.

According to this link, the students at Reiner's place is 100% Asian. Didn't you note earlier that the population of Perris is largely Mexican American?

carmencita ago

I am in Mortal Shock. Even though it has the Moms Trusted Seal of Approval nothing comes up under Testimonials or Teaching Philosophy. This place is NOT a Safe Place for Children.

carmencita ago

Yes and the pop. of Asians is very low in Perris. I am shocked at the other numbers in relation to his. Bump.

carmencita ago

Another Possible Case from 5 years ago. Not 13 children but it sure looks like they were on their way. All children under the age of 11 and adopted and sexual assault beating and starving plus they were running a Strip Club out of their home in Perris @SolderofLight @pby1000 @new4now @Gothamgirl @Cc1014 @srayzie I feel there are more of these out there

Nongki2 ago

I can't even fathom how people could do that to children.

carmencita ago

Yes, it is truly sad and that they are not the only family there are many others I believe. It is possible that the CPS is handing out children to abusive people, like candy.

fogdryer ago

Ca gets paid for adoptions and fostering out kids don’t they ?

carmencita ago

Yes, if you mean the CPS in Cali. They have this rule. Sad.

Cc1914 ago

So sorry I didn't reply sooner . Sundays are busy for me .. I absolutely think this is another huge rabbit hole ! I will help you dig more asap!

carmencita ago

TY. I understand. It is Friends and Families day. I believe the March of Dimes is involved and I am almost afraid to go into it. I am having sick thoughts. They have space in the March AF Base and I am wondering which came first. The Base or M of D.

Cc1914 ago

Omg! That is very interesting . I wonder too. Both have the word " March " wow! Really makes the mind wonder , especially with all we've learned 😱

carmencita ago

I know, and today is the first it came to me. There use to be a tuberculosis Children's clinic in the March AF Base but I have not found any info as of yet.

carmencita ago

I did write about the tuberculosis ward somewhere in this thread and it really is a scary thought that it now became a dental clinic. I read about some really spooky things too that went on there and it brings to mind that sometimes these things may come from real happenings that get distorted after so many years. You know, like the game of telephone we used to play at parties. So, before people discount this stuff because, just a bunch of old ghost stories, I am keeping them in the back of my head for reference. While reading about March of Dimes last night I could see the change of the org. from when Pres. Roosevelt first started it because of his illness and to that of today. I believe that things started going bad during the time of the polio vaccine inception. Some really weird stuff about Cutter Laboratories in California that was suppose to manufacture the Salk vaccine. March of Dimes was wholly behind them so much that they were ready to discount Sabin's vaccine which was being used by someone in Russia that ended up eradicating polio in Russia and Easter Europe. Even then they wanted to stick with Salk. But they had to finally give up and use Sabin's since it proved much more effective. This already smacks of what they are doing today. Was the MOD already protecting investors? Eleven children died during the trials. This is really disgusting.

Cc1914 ago

lol I didn't get your ping because you typo' 🙂

pby1000 ago

Where the fuck where those seven children adopted from? Haiti?

carmencita ago

Look at this Record. WTH does this mean? All those children listed under Race and Gender and then there is a -2 for the total for Rob R Ctr. I am not a brain when it comes to math, but something is wrong here. @SoldierofLight noticed it too. I have done some more looking into different connections. If you guys are ready to move on I will understand. Or maybe pick up at another time. This is another one of those Rabbit Holes that may just go on and on. You have all been great and gone beyond what I expected. @Gothamgirl @Cc1914 @millennial_vulcan @think @Shizy Perris is a Gold Mine as far as researching but knowing where and who to dig into is the problem. The March of Dimes has space in the March AF Base. There are so many things tied to one another where do you begin.

fogdryer ago

Yea I miss the director Wisconsin-iscorrupt

carmencita ago

Yes, I believe Perris and Racine have much in common.

pby1000 ago

All this stuff is interconnected with previous happenings, I believe. It does go on forever. It is hard to decide what is important to research and look at now to make the most difference. The SOTU will be Tuesday, so I think people will be distracted by that.

I will need to go back and review what Ted Gunderson said about Satan's Castle. I recall he tried to introduce a bunch of evidence into the trial, but the judge quashed it. I think the castle and the tunnels were not allowed.

new4now ago

Was that in Colorado?

pby1000 ago

No, Satan's Castle is in California. Search "satan's castle crestline california".

Is there a similar place in Colorado?

I think they destroyed the building in Crestline after the McMartin Preschool case broke. They probably just moved everything somewhere else. It would not surprise me if it is in the mountains near Perris, Ca.

pby1000 ago

Now that you mention it, I think I have heard of that before. It may have been while researching the Franklin Scandal or when reading Cathy O'Brien's book.

Thank you! I will look into it more. @carmencita

carmencita ago

Wow. What a frightening experience for a child. How could you ever get something like that out of your head. Never forgetting is the problem. Pappy Bu$h the one in the closet that allegedly raped a boy in a closet. They are a horrid family.

carmencita ago

Yes, I do remember reading something about it being quashed. There was also information about the Children being picked up and dropped off with Limos to the elites. Just like with the Boy Scouts. Some of their MOs never change. They are just good at covering them up. If it had not been for that woman that came out and told her story, we would never have known their little Shangrila existed.. I so very much dislike RR and can't wait for him to be taken down. Not to mention his father as well. I am trying to research the Teen Production Co. and something someone mentioned. Was it you? About a connection with the San Bernardino shooting at the Mentally Challenged Ctr. This would be right up RR's Alley. God I hate him.

carmencita ago

They are either getting them from however they are shipped in or from CPS. They must have hot and cold running children in that town. Haiti is a thought. OMG. I hate RR with every fiber of my body.

new4now ago

My heart breaks for those kids

carmencita ago

Some of us think there are other houses in Perris with many children, possibly more with 13. This house only had 7 but possibly they were going to eventually adopt 13. Same MO. Starvation, Beatings. Tying Up. Amazing. Also someone discovered there were at least 5 large distribution centers in the area. One being Ama$on. I believe Ama$on is caught up in trafficking.

fogdryer ago

We all know, even trump said Amazon was dirty Poor poor kids We have to help !

carmencita ago

It's a big job. But to not help and turn our backs, how can we live with ourselves. Yes, we have to help.

new4now ago

The swamp is coast to coast

It makes me sick

Children should be loved and taken care of

There needs to be a mass extermination of people like this....seriously

carmencita ago

I agree. Seriously is right.

fogdryer ago

all of this right under our noses!

carmencita ago

Yes, unfortunately it is just under OUR noses. No one else suspects except some other people that don't know what to do with it either. We have all this evidence and it is going no where. Have we not compile it all? What even is the purpose of that, and can we submit it to the FBI or Some other Letter Org.. I have a feeling that if we submitted this thread for a Lead, that it would be denied just because, the Rob R Ctr. is involved. I also believe there is a lot more going on under our noses in other places as well. A Mess of Rabbit Holes.

SoldierofLight ago

There are sure a lot of distribution centers there: Amazon, Ross, Home Depot, Walgreens, Lowes, etc.

carmencita ago

I found something else related to Sky Diving Accidents in Perris. Things keep happening in numbers. Two men die in 1 accident and then notice what it says at the bottom of the page. 2 more.

SoldierofLight ago

After they investigate an accident, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) makes a recommendation to the FAA about what, if anything, can be done to prevent future aviation related accidents similar to what happened. They can't make or enforce aviation laws-- that's up to the FAA to decide if they want to act on a recommendation from the NTSB. If you're up for it, search the NTSB reports for the Perris skydiving deaths and see if they came up with anything interesting. In this article, those seem like legit accidents to me. However, if the NTSB investigated the death of the sky diver who jumped from the hot air balloon, their report might provide you with more details that what the MSM produced.

carmencita ago

I found this article from Daily Mail What happened to the other diver. No mention at all, and I find that shocking since he/she crashed into him. There must have been some kind of injuries. Not one word. Idk, I just can't let it go. I tried to find info on NTSB but had problems because it was not a plane. Most of the questions did not apply. Then I found the DM article. The article is very detailed and even mentioned the Turpin home was 1/2 mile away.

millennial_vulcan ago

Top employers, according to Perris's 2014 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report,in the city are:

1 Ross Stores 1,400

2 Starcrest of California 1,000

3 Lowe's 900

4 Perris Union High School District 786

5 Hanesbrands 650

6 Perris Elementary School District 602

7 Eastern Municipal Water District of Southern California 580

8 Whirlpool 300

9 Walmart 250

10 Coreslab Structures 200,_California @carmencita

carmencita ago

Also there is talk that Vincent Price and Richard Boone at one time lived in the Rock Castle House that has a deep wine cellar and a mine down under.

carmencita ago

Well I know the Rob Reiner Ctr. is connected to the Paris High Schools and the Perris School Board and we know Walmart is caught up in it too. Disgusting and It is Endless.

SoldierofLight ago

I keep coming back to the distribution centers. When I first saw them on the map I immediately thought of trafficking. What if the kids are taken to Perris in large numbers via one of the commercial trucks, such as those from Walmart? There are several videos out there of Walmart trucks being used to transport freight via the underground tunnels and D.U.M.B.s that run all the way across the country, and which most Americans know nothing about because it's secret, secret, secret. The idea that those trucks might be involved in trafficking children isn't new. And now we can't rule out that they might have something to do with the kids in Perris.

carmencita ago

I agree there has to be some very orchestrated operation to move the children. I have seen maps of military tunnels that connect all over the USA. I was flabbergasted when I first saw the map. Now I am no longer surprised, I guess. But all across boggles the mind. Yes, I agree it can't be ruled out. Also the shore is not that far and they can be brought by boat and then transferred to whatever method in use. I just watched an interesting video. I really did not think I would see anything, but wanted to watch the Thomas Train at the Railway Museum. I wanted to see what that area looked like. I wonder if we can find an map that way we can see the Reiner Ctr. There does not seem to be anything going on there, I remember you said there was a total of -2 children. How in the world can that be. New Math.

millennial_vulcan ago

Human Trafficking central, those places are...

All depicted in movie "End Of Watch".

Film set in those same shithole (irony of Trump calling other countries 'shitholes' when the real one are right here, LMAO) counties surrounding LA and just a few miles from Mexican border.....

SoldierofLight @GothamGirl @new4now @srayzie

carmencita ago

I have to laugh at these movies that are sold off as documentaries but have pedowood actors in them. The only thing we prob can believe in this movie is the rotten hoods. People get so caught up in them they don't think about whether they are really truthful or not. Fact or Fiction. The movie The Post comes to mind. How do we know it is all true? I started thinking like that about the religious movies. How do we know they didn't just throw in a bunch of stuff for aesthetics? I never watch them or documentaries. All those years I though Ch. 11 was telling us the truth. My Grandmother used to tell us Only believe half of what you see and Nothing of what you hear.

new4now ago

And what do our shitholes all have in common?

As for shitholes outside the US, what do they have in common?

srayzie ago


millennial_vulcan ago

@SoldierofLight (forgot the '@' part, above....apparently if you go in a 'edit' post, it doesn't ping you)

carmencita ago

Good Lord. Such a small town. There has to be some kind of operation they are running there. There are satanic people in the area as well. Also just found out Disneyland is about 40 mi. away. They took those 13 children there, did they leave them with others? I sent you the article about the other couple with adopted children and their eyes had dark circles around them. Sick. There is also The Rock Castle which is a very expensive house in a town like that and I read there might be a mine under the house. This town is beyond belief.

new4now ago

With it being less than 2 hrs from the border, I would expect a high count of Hispanics there

If they are illegal, they will keep their noses to themselves, they don't want to deal with Police or any agency

Bet Turpin knew that

carmencita ago

71.8 Hispanic. I find this really high. I know it is extremely close to Mexico but, Jeepers.

millennial_vulcan ago

totally normal Carm, for that part of the world...

fogdryer ago

Too many coincidences——— same sheriff too. This is so sickening to have happened We as a community need to pay more attention

millennial_vulcan ago

Sheriffs, DA office, local cops every in on it and getting paid....

The human and drug trafficking in that part of the world has muchos dineros.... @carmencita

carmencita ago

I remember all the drug cartel tunnels they discovered that were discovered in San Diego, down the road a piece from Perris. This could be what funds their pedo pits in Ca. Remember than Huma was shacking up with Emma , Mrs. El Chapo Guzman. I also have been thinking that N Pelo$i could be deep into this since her father was tied to the mob when he was in office. They pretty much ran his campaigns. I think her last name was D'Alessandro or something like that. Once in the mob, always in the mob.

carmencita ago

Yeah, 2 or us are still working on it. This may unfortunately be another huge evidence hiding in plain sight that we may just lose because of lack of time and attention. @pby1000 and I are still digging. I think this is Really Big.

carmencita ago

Pretty Fancy Lodging at a Base

fogdryer ago

absolutely, that's for the uppercrust...

carmencita ago

Obama had to land during a rain storm and it was right after Trump's Inaugural. Wonder if he stayed at the base.

carmencita ago

Found another version of the SkyDiver story. Actually nothing in this story says that he was seen crashing into the roof. Was this a forced crash? A guy at the nearby airport said he crashed and they did not have info regarding whether or not he had registered as a participant in the upcoming event. Something does not sit right with this, at least not to me. @Gothamgirl @SoldierofLight

carmencita ago

I just had to post this here. Has nothing to do with this post. But a bit of news: David Copperfield accused of drugging a 17 year old. He says do not rush to judgement. Ha. Too late David.

new4now ago

After learning Sandy Hook was full of CIA families, not much surprises me when it comes to communities

Odd,strange and coincidences have takin new meanings thanks to that red horse pill

pby1000 ago

Does anyone know the address or the coordinates of the Turpin home? It must have been published online. If not, then nevermind... I just want to see if it is listed as a safe house or drop house in a document I found.

carmencita ago

Hey. I have looked through 3 articles and the closest thing I found to an address for them was on the 100 Block of Muir Woods Rd. Very hard finding specific info. A lot of terrible things the children suffered, but not much info on the past lives of the parents.

pby1000 ago

That should be close enough to estimate coordinates. I will see if anything is listed that is nearby. It would be crazy if there are a bunch of drop houses or safe houses in that area. This situation is too much like the Finders.

SoldierofLight ago

I think there was a guy on 4chan who tracked down the house. He reposted it here on PG along with Google map coords. You might check the comments sections on earlier posts about the Turpins.

pby1000 ago

OK. I will look.

carmencita ago

I agree there may be safe or drop houses in the area, at least we should all admit that there is something weird about the whole place. That guy that allegedly landed on that roof is also suspect. Was it supposed to start a fire, or crash him into the house so they would have to go inside to retrieve him? Then they would be able to destroy evidence once inside? I just want to know why all of a sudden we are discovering so many bazaar happenings here. Yes, it could have the same MO as the Finders or at least a smaller op. But I have a feeling it is something on a larger scope.

carmencita ago

The Moreno Valley and Perris region recovered from two economic slumps each in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, especially after the closure and reassignment of March Joint Air Reserve Base and the later usage of the airfield by DHL corporation for its warehouse distribution center. HOW was the Base reassigned and why was a DHL Corp Ctr. Distribution Center added. Great for shipping all kinds of things, imo. Possibly trafficking as well.

fogdryer ago


carmencita ago

Exactly. Very much so.

pby1000 ago

It would be easy to have a front company there. Maybe DHL is the front...

carmencita ago

Also there is this site which I found after you mentioned something odd about Lake Elsinore Now, notice the mention of large caves. Also scroll down and the comments are from people from the area that tell some very interesting things. You were on to something when about Lake E.

carmencita ago

I know some of this may be spooky crap but when reading between the lines you can imagine that sometimes people may hear voices coming from some where which may be real, then that is how stories start, changing over time. Possibly there are children kept somewhere. But also notice it says there was a former children's ward. WHAT? At the Base?

carmencita ago

DHL in connection to CIA and maybe Dyncorp. That could be how they are bringing in trafficked children. Shipping crates or even on airplanes. Remember this is not some foreign country, they have all the right necessities at their disposal. If Obama landed here, no telling what happened while he was here. Did you see the Lodging I posted at the Base? Amazing for an Air Base. It never said he stayed overnight, but it implied because of the downpour it said Wednesday and he left DC right after the Inauguration of Trump on his way to Rancho Mirage. Also the Politicians involved in this area should also be looked at. Mark Takano and others. He is either involved or looking the other way.

pby1000 ago

Yes, I saw that Lodging. I am still not sure what to make of it. Obama was staying with two men in Palm Springs. I am wondering what their deal is. I will see what I can dig up today.

carmencita ago The weather forced the plane to divert to March Air Reserve Base near Riverside just before 6 p.m., about two and a half hours after they were scheduled to land in Palm Springs.California greeted the Obamas with the second of a trio of thunderstorms expected to strike the region this week. The first thunderstorm arrived in the area Wednesday night, with a second storm raining down upon the city this afternoon, when the National Weather Service predicted the heaviest rains were to fall. DOES this mean he stayed overnight? Of all places. March AF Base. Right nr. Perris. @pby1000 @SoldierofLight

SoldierofLight ago

Sketchy as F all the way around. I read that article, but we don't know how much was accurate and what was left out. If Perris is a town that incubates children for the elite pedos, it would make sense for those with military connections to have the children delivered to them at the base because it would be secure from prying eyes. I've lost track of how many military bases are part of the network, and frankly, I assume they all are even though many soldiers stationed there are oblivious to that.

carmencita ago

I am in agreement on the military involvement. I wonder how long all of this has been in operation. The Rock Castle House had rumors in articles about Richard Boon and also possibly Vincent Price living there.With a wine cellar and a mine underneath that could play in as well. Also Loma Linda is not far away. Very close and that is where Richard Nixon had a home. Don't know if you know, but there was a Sky Diving movie made in Perris as well. Starring Morgan Freeman Jack Nicholson. This place is a Cesspool imo.I

SoldierofLight ago

Why do I have the feeling we haven't even scratched the surface of this place yet?

carmencita ago

I have felt that from the very beginning Since I found this post. When I first saw it on the news I nearly feel off my sofa, but my husband who is less aware, said So What it is just another sad story. Nope.

carmencita ago

Exactly how I feel. I know there are innocent soldiers. But the elites have things perfectly designed to cater to their disgusting whims. Also I don't know if you saw the article on Lodgings avail. at the Base. Wow. How convenient. They are pretty nice too. Also there are a couple of links I posted to pby1000 about some related stories about haunting sounds in an area at the Base that used to be a children's ward A Children's Ward at the Base? That in itself is Sketchy.

carmencita ago

OMG. WTH. Now What. SkyDiver Killed Falling Onto Home's Roof in Perris. PERRIS, Calif. -- A skydiver was killed Monday after landing on the roof of a home in the city of Perris, officials say. CBS Los Angeles writes that Riverside County Firefighters along with Cal Fire responded to a report of a skydiver who went down.

Cc1914 ago

Wow just saw this!

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting these were flimed there:

The skydiving scenes in The Bucket List, starring Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson, were filmed near Perris.


The last scene of the film The Land of the Astronauts[24] (released as Black Limousine in 2010) was shot in Perris. The film stars David Arquette, Bijou Phillips and Vivica A. Fox.

carmencita ago

I found this site and wondered what you think. I think there might be a reason the pedos might be attracted to this place, especilaly RR Ctr which is connected not only to the Day Cares but to High Schools as well. Here is some info Teen Vision has also had phenomenal success with its after school “Movie Class”. Each year a short movie is created that pertains to a specific genre and drives home a “Good” message that is viable to today’s youth. For 8 consecutive years, our movies have won prestigious awards from the Panasonic KWN program. Mr. Del Campo, an instructor with Teen Vision and several students have gone to New York to receive their awards. In 2003, Mr. Del Campo and his team won the “Best Video of the Year” and went to Japan to receive their award from the president of Panasonic. They have also received awards from the “Student Multimedia and Media Film Festival of California and the T-Tauri Film Festival, Palm Springs student Film Festival, and the International Student Film Festival. We also have won the prestigious “CINE” Golden eagle Award. @SoldierofLight I am going to look into this a little today.

Gothamgirl ago

Mr. Del Campo just really looks suspect.

Media in schools was pointed out by Synt for using brainwashing ideology propaganda.

I believe film festivals were mentioned here before.

carmencita ago

YES. I think so too. I looked at him briefly but decided to take a break. I am going to let you all in on the latest CDAN Blind and it is the Biggest Doozy Yet. In it it releases all that we have expected. One of the members Lets Loose on all of the Stars and World Actors including Geffen and the Church in Arizona and all the Bioweapons and Africa and Apotex and the Clintons, etc. That is just for starters. This is a Must Read for All of You. Even my husband was amazed. Shocking. After I get over this back to research. @millennial_vulcan @new4now @SoldierofLight @nigratorypatterns @Cc1914 @srayzie @SecondAmendment @darknight111 @Blacksmith21 @think @Shizy @pby1000 Feel free to ping others.

millennial_vulcan ago

cant wait!

carmencita ago

I think there is more to the Sky Diving. Funny there is a movie about made, and then there is a Sky Diver that crashes on the roof. Another mind controlled guy to force a crash? We know of a few of these recently. Another Movie Message Maybe? We know they have Hidden Messages into their movies. I actually have a wild one in mind for The Shape of Water. I may just do a post in the whatever subberse. Anyway, my point is I think there is more to that connection.

fogdryer ago

That would mean checking out the dead man and background . He should not have died this way. When you skydive you are given instructions. Too many coincidences

carmencita ago

There were movies filmed there and at the Railway Museum. @SoldierofLight and I both think there was MK Ultra involved possibly. Could be someone they wanted dead. Also S of L thinks the SUV trying to run people down was on purpose that he was aiming at. So much going on there. One way would be to look into the life of the dead sky diver. Canadian.

new4now ago

The lives of innocents mean nothing to these people if they want someone dead

They just need some excuse and MMS will pound it in people's head

carmencita ago

Yes. With a Big Hammer!

SoldierofLight ago

I didn't know anything about the identity of the sky diver victim until just a few minutes ago. When you wondered out loud if it was a forced jump, it reminded of a horrific story told to me by a buddy who was an Army vet. He said that he knew of a fellow soldier who was really messed up. Several times the soldier had intentionally miss-packed parachutes which led to the deaths of other soldiers. The higher ups did an investigation and realized who was doing it. So did they court martial him? Nope. They took him on his own flight and made him wear a parachute that he knew was not properly packed. And then they made him jump.

Here's more on the victim of the Perris sky jump accident:

He was a highly decorated Navy Seal.

I believe that when those guys make their own jumps, they normally pack their own parachute. Even if he was diving as part of a commercial operation, wouldn't he probably have insisted on checking the parachute prior to going up in the air? This guy's chute was packed wrong. And why did he jump from the hot air balloon? Is that typical? I've only heard of them jumping from planes.

If your hunch is correct, Carm, why did they want to kill him? Was he going to talk about what's really going on in Perris?

new4now ago

Thinking maybe they drugged him ?

Seals do covert operations

Remember all those Seals going down in one helicopter?

They never, NEVER, put all their eggs in one basket

Stinks alright @carmencita

carmencita ago 28 yr. old Canadian and he collided with another diver. My question is, WHO is the other diver? That person must have also died or have severe life threatening injuries. We have heard nothing. This is the 41 Yr. Old Navy Seal. Notice the Date. Nov. 2017 This is a 3RD Accident! 29 YR. Old Navy Seal from Col. ended up dead in another accident. Notice at the end of the article it mentions another accident of a Seal from Camp Pendelton. Here is a sentence about it in another article but I have not found a full article of his death, AND in this sentence it mentions TWO not just one. I think there is something fishy about all these SEAL Sky Diving Accidents. "In 2013, a Marine from Camp Pendleton and a trainer of military skydivers from Arizona died in separate skydiving accidents in Perris."

new4now ago

There were 2 accidents Carmencita

One 7 dys ago and one day before LV shooting

Both Seals


carmencita ago

Yes, the LV Shooting. I am wondering if connected. A way to silence something perhaps.

new4now ago

The earliest accident said the parachute collided with an another jumper

It was in LA Times article

carmencita ago

I have seen two different reports on who the victim was. One was a Seal another was 28 and from Canada. I am getting confused and wonder if we have mixed messages, maybe from 2 different accidents. I am going to look them both up and send them to you. Also I got a comment about there being a large presence of the Mormons in So. Cal. Well this seems to be the case and Perris has 2 separate Churches! Two of these Churches in such a small town and of all things with such a high population of Hispanics, who are almost all Catholics. Very strange. They are also reaching out and sending people from the church into other areas, mainly Santa Ana presently. So there is huge pressure to convert these Catholics to Mormons. Very Scary Indeed.

new4now ago

Sry had wrong date

Cost Seth Stone died the day before LV shooting

SoldierofLight ago

Could still be connected. He might have helped set up the LV false flag but they determined he would be, or he already was, a problem.

new4now ago

The one I see is Cmdr Seth Stone

And it happen 2 dys after LV shooting

HE died on Oct 3, 2017

carmencita ago

The last time an accident of this kind happened was in 2010. This is an extreme rarity. He was Highly Decorated and had served in Iraq. This was not an Airman that was wet behind the ears. No. I have read the article 3 times and I come up with the same solution each time. I agree that he met an untimely death by the hand of another. Murder. First of all the article does not make it clear whether he was participating in the Event. Here is the last paragraph: The United States Parachute Association held the National Skydiving Championship in Perris over the last two weeks, but the accident was not related to that event, the organization said. The Army’s skydiving team, the Golden Knights, participated in the competition. What was he even doing in Perris? Was he one of the participants? Was he just there to enjoy the event? Either way, did he see something in Perris and that caused his death. Did they send him to Perris to investigate something? There are just too many unanswered questions. What was he doing during his time in Perris? And yes, you bring up a very good point that also occurred to me. What in the world made him jump from a hot air balloon. Was this something he just wanted to try or did someone at the School suggest it? This of course will not be known unless it comes out in an article, which I sincerely doubt. No one does journalistic investigation anymore. Ugh. Besides, if there is something sinister attached to this death, then they will do everything in their power to cover it up. This is just a really wild idea, but remember your idea that the SUV was aiming to kill a certain person, not just a random act? What if Stone was that person and they missed. What if he had been to Perris before. This time they wanted to finish the job. Just A Thought.

millennial_vulcan ago

Also Carm, in this day and age, I think its easier for Govt agencies to just 'dispose' of problems, before they occur.

As decorated as this guy probably was, could have been too that he was a violent pedo. Airforce Superiors knew or found out and rather than bring a spotlight to that issue, or afford another embarrassment/scandal, just got rid of the deadwood.

Its more common than you think.... @SoldierofLight

carmencita ago

Don't disagree. It is hard to think of anyone in our armed forces being a pedo, but they are everywhere. In all walks of life. Sad.

Cc1914 ago

I wanna hear your take on " the shape of water " I don't watch movies anymore but I saw the trailer for it and 😱

carmencita ago

I am thinking her love in the movie for a water creature is linked to whatever is in the Antarctic. I put this together the same day I saw it on TV, her in front of this pool of water with a creature emerging from it. Coming up out of it. That was the same day I was reading about Kerry's trip up there and I got really worked up when I though of whatever was in the waters up there. People are saying it may be some big creature, but we don't know the size actually. i am thinking they are sending us a message in the movie it is OK to fall in love and maybe even mate with one of those creatures. Are they going to release creatures here with us? Will they rape us? I don't know, but I have had a nightmare or two about this. What really is fueling the whole thing is how we know they have inserted messages in their movies. EEK. It scares me to even go there.

new4now ago

Beauty and the Beast?

carmencita ago

Yes, that one too. They are heading us for something. Could just be the Beastiality thing or something far more sinister. I am so proud of all of us being so awake!

Cc1914 ago

Same message I got!! Only I wasn't thinking specifically Antarctic . That was one of the most eerie movie trailers I've seen only it looks so appealing to those who have no idea what's really going on I bet .

carmencita ago

Oh yes, how wonderful if we could all get along, right? We could even get along with monsters? But it is wrong to get along with each other. Trumpers and Hillaryers can't. We have to hate her and They have to hate him. So Crazy. We all have to hate each other. So insightful if you Read Between The Lines. A Blind of Sorts.

new4now ago

Never happen

Since the killing of Abel by Cain, we have been marked

The 7 deadly sins have permeated our existence

Gothamgirl ago

If it was connected I wouldn't be surprised if the victim was dead before the flight, when it comes to these people.

new4now ago

Interesting concept

Some kind of remote parachute release

But something detectives would overlook

carmencita ago

Yes, possibly a remote controlled airplane from the Diving School? This can be done now especially with THEIR technology.

carmencita ago

Freeman raped his step grandaughter Nickolson & Hef some should look up the Arquette family. Cliff A the grandpa used the Casting Couch for young girls So this would be a fun area for them while filming.

fogdryer ago

Omg Why do I like creeps. Freeman a great actor! Raping your granddaughter——- omg !

carmencita ago

Yeah, and did you see that blurb about him talking to someone in the audience while at the Awards? I think he was not talking to Tomlin but answering possibly something about the raping That of course is my opinion only.

pby1000 ago

I am moving my comments over...

"Looks like they will run cocaine through March Air Force Base... Hmmmm..."

Search " "march air force base" CIA cocaine " .

"I did a quick search of " "march air reserve base" human trafficking ":

Strange coincidence that this ebook mentions human trafficking and March Air Force Base.

Promises Given, Promises Kept by Sean Sweeney:

It looks like a lot comes up if you search " "Moreno valley" human trafficking ".

Also, " "Riverside County" human trafficking ". "

Top Secret Data Dump- I found this. It has coordinates of different military bases, and some of the comments pertain to human trafficking and satanic ritual abuse. March Air Force Base is listed.

fogdryer ago

You guys are so smart I wish I could do what you’d do or I wish I had I higher IQ

carmencita ago

The Secret Data Dump if you look at it has a couple of odd pictures one being of Kek. If you go further down it has the same copy look of 4 or 8 chan. Also, I checked out the names and it has Al Gore, Bill Clinton Bianca Jagger George Soros Cheryl Mills and I think it lists there ph# and on some the address. The list I believe is from 2016 so some may still be relevant some not. We have to remember these people are older mostly and may be a little lax. Think HRC and JP.

carmencita ago

Thank You. I just posted a link to an accident regarding a SkyDiver that crashed onto a Roof in of all places PERRIS. I can't even find words anymore.

SoldierofLight ago

Repost from deleted thread: What if the 13 is because of Cabal significance? I wonder how many other "families" in that town have 13 children.

carmencita ago

Families is evidently the key, I guess. This woman says the guy had 13 and so did the Turpins. A Magick Number? I don't know if this has any bearing, but there was an actor many decades ago named Ben Turpin. Too many turns. The March AF Base seems to also be connected we believe. It is in the vicinity.

Dfens ago

The Freemasons are obsessed with the number 13.

Gothamgirl ago

The illuminati is 13 bloodlines, then we have apollo 13. Then Paddock with the #13 on his neck.

carmencita ago

Too many 13s. Today it hit me that with the Turpins and them this Woman and the SkyDiver there is something def going on here. Thee is no question in my mind now.

new4now ago

13 is also gang sign for MS-13

carmencita ago

Wow. Great catch. Evidently a very lucky # fort them.

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yes.

Shizy ago

It seems odd to me to have two cases like this in a town this size. Perris is not very large. I spent some time there as a kid. There is a lake/reservoir there (or there was) that we would go to. I remember Perris as a shithole and there wasn't a whole lot around it, not like other so cal cities that border each other so the city just goes on and on and on. I'm not sure what it's like now, but it's super strange that both stories include 13 children

carmencita ago

Don't know if you have any time to spend here, it not it's OK. Found Rob Reiner has a footprint here of all places. He has mostly Asian students when there are virtually no Asians listed on the population chart. Good God how does he manage that.

carmencita ago

I am thinking that the people that never saw the kids or the ones that did, either sensed or knew something sinister was going on and were either involved or too scared to talk. Also very strange is that the same Police Dept. was involved in both cases. Super Sketchy. The PD could also be suspect.

fogdryer ago

It’s not uncommon to have one police chief for decades in a small town. I’m stuck on the community, neighbors. Also you have to register kids for school. We’re they born in a hospital? Small town , small grocery bill. The kids were under fed. I don’t know What a mess

SoldierofLight ago

And how do you keep 13 children quiet all the time, especially if they were being tortured?

carmencita ago

Found another abused boy. This is only one child but again abused and starved and filth. From last Aug. Says condition was poor and may not survive. What is going on in this area? Satanic cult of some kind. Someone said yesterday possibly Gnostic. Found another one too. Too many. Very sad.

think- ago

Where did you find this info, Carmencita? Would you have a link? Thanks!

carmencita ago

Good thing I did not lose it, I looked at so many things last night, Wow. Here it is and it is so sad. What behooves humans, let alone their own child to do this? It was his son, not hers. I don't understand. Why did she marry him if she did not want the boy and why did he do that to his own son. We have someone in the extended family that has children like that and we all treat them as if they were our own. I cannot even go there. Children are Children. All they really want is Love. And minimal care is all that is needed, really. I think I will have to cry. This stuff is hard.

think- ago

Thank you, Carmencita. Yes, it is unbelievable what people do to children. :-(

Thank you for your research on this. I will later join you on the thread.

After some discussion, they have taken down the Hitler thread now.

carmencita ago

What is the point of even posting in the PG subverse anymore. We have over and over and over talked about moving and nothing is done. We can successfully notify people in the subverse for about one month that we have moved and people will know. We can still post a little but mainly post in the new one. This has got to stop. I am serious. Just mainly because of one person, our voices are silenced. And people just continue to put up with it. We stamp our feet but nothing comes of it. AARRGGHH. Thank you for your help. I will be out for a short while but back again. Hubby is demanding time. You must read the discussion between me and S of L regarding the Sky Diver Death. We think it was not an accident.

Dfens ago

This was the only site I could find that wasn't run by the Nazi buddies of Crensch, Millennial_Falcon, Honeybee, and heygeorge. Their approach, a common one, is to take over the mod positions and take over the site from there. So far I haven't heard from @wisdomtooth, the owner of this site. He seems pretty decent from his profile.

I won't subscribe to subs belonging to Nazis. I have too many friends that would be hurt if they found out I subscribed to a sub that was openly run by Nazis. The fact an affiliation like that would exist so I can help abused children would not be sufficient answer to those it would hurt.

millennial_vulcan ago

agree totally, Carm x

carmencita ago

I don't know. I think most of us don't even have answers for this stuff, because we can't even wrap our heads around it all. Do they stuff socks in their mouth, Oh God. This whole thing just makes me say, Jesus Christ, how can you let this happen to our children. I consider all children OUR children. They are in our hands to protect. This is so sickeningly horrid. I want to know how many more houses are there like this in Perris? How many? I just feel it in my bones, that there are more.

SoldierofLight ago

If there's a way for us to reverse engineer this, it might be a start. And by that I mean, how many homes have a large number of children? In today's world, most families have maybe three kids at most. We also have to assume local LE is probably part of the network, as they often are. Yes, they pursued this latest case, but their hands seem tied because one of the children notified somebody who probably wasn't going to let this go. And, it might be a message to the others that they need to control their children better to keep the dark secrets hidden.

carmencita ago

I am so very grateful for that woman to come out and tel her story. Otherwise we would never think there is more to this. Yes, that is a good idea , but how do we find those homes? Do you have an idea to achieve this? I am going to post the Census for the races and households in Perris. Will send soon.

millennial_vulcan ago

Those random tumbleweed Cali shithole towns (like Perris) are soooo weeeiirrrdddd. Specifically Riverside and San Bernardino Counties are THE worst.

I feel the desert out there is just loaded with dead bodies. And NOONE talks.

shudder @SoldierofLight

SoldierofLight ago

Can't argue with any of that.

carmencita ago

Someone mentioned that the San Berardino shooting at the Handicapped Ctr. could be connected and it makes me Shudder too. The living do not talk either, for they are frightened to death. They are either caught up in the crimes or to scared to talk. I think that may be why many said in the Turpin hood that they never saw anything. But there have been tons of movies made there in such a little town. Strange indeed. @SoldierofLight

SoldierofLight ago

The census info will be a good start. To test its veracity, see if the Turpin home registered 13 children. Short of a local giving us inside info, this might be our best bet to identify other potential victims.

srayzie ago

How bizarre! Same city

carmencita ago

Just had to tell you. I am so shocked. Rob Reiner has a footprint here. He has a Family Center and we are shocked. Of all places, Perris Ca. He has many Asian children, when there are an extremely low amt. on the Pop. Chart. I am Dumbfounded. @Cc1914 @millennial_vulcan

srayzie ago

Omg. You really think he’s a perv? I don’t usually go to that crazydaysandnights site.

carmencita ago

Here is proof he is a PEDO and that all the posts about the accident and Reiner always get deleted. Why? Covering for Reiner because he is a PEDO. If you read this ( a little long) it will explain his connection to DC and even Comet Ping Pong and his Charity will be listed. It is separate from Rob Reiner Ctr. Bill Gates made 1M donation to it. My head is on overload. @EyeofHorus @SoldierofLight @Gothamgirl @Cc1914 This was deleted over and over and over

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yes I remember that post.

millennial_vulcan ago

me too. You are correct Carm. He and his equally creepo pedo dad have 'connections'


carmencita ago

There are 4 on my list. The very top are in this order DG RR SS WA. I would have put SS second, but now knowing what I know about RR and what he is probably guilty of in Perris, he must be stopped. The center is right across from where that SUV tried to run down parents at the Railway. The one with the Thomas Choo Choo Event. God I can't even believe I am having to write this stuff. Yuck.

millennial_vulcan ago

WA? Do you man W-a-r-r Buf ??

carmencita ago

WA is Woo$y A$$en. But that is another one WB. God I think he is another Rabbit Hole. I think he would go deep just like RR.

millennial_vulcan ago

aha. Yes. You've hit nait...

STILL no stories ANYWHERE about WB. Incredible. How is he still flying under the radar?

I just know he's involved. It all goes back to that Omaha f-r-a-n-k-lin scene....

carmencita ago

DID YOU SEE THIS "Schroder is an active member of the National Rifle Association and is very active within children's charity circles. He is an auto racing enthusiast and a past winner of the Toyota Pro/Celebrity Race in Long Beach, California. He is also a supporter of Racing For Kids, in which celebrities race to raise money for children's health care. Schroder and his wife are active celebrity "Advocacy Ambassadors" for the child abuse prevention and treatment organization Childhelp. He is working with Paul Mitchell schools to build water wells in Guatemala via Wells of Hope. Schroder is active in support of the Cadet Youth Academy program.[citation needed]" @migratorypatterns PAUL MITCHELL

migratorypatterns ago

No, I did not see that!

Thanks for the heads up. Paul Mitchell, eh? Haven't had time to dumpster dive, but this is YUGE.

carmencita ago

It was on CDAN but from the looks of the write up I think it was from his Wiki. Alarm Bells immediately went off when I read it. So many tip offs it was shocking. I hope I am wrong but we know what all of it may point to. Sad.

migratorypatterns ago

A lot of things on CDAN turn out to be right. That Kristy McNichol thing is disgusting.

carmencita ago

Yes, but this one includes All The Red Pills. Organ Harvesting which is never mentioned, etc. Amazing. A must read for all researchers.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, that organ harvesting. Remember that CNN clip where those dumb asses actually found a bunch of organs in a Haitian clinic? They were like, what are these?

carmencita ago

Yes, And the most lucrative and nasty part of their business. Dealing in organs, who would ever think of it but them. They are some of s the most evil in history.

migratorypatterns ago

Absolutely. First they tried to destabilize the organ transplant program in the US. It was touted as being absolutely incorruptible as to who received transplants. But the Cannibal Elite went to work starting all these ridiculous lawsuits. The bad publicity followed. I don't know if the people running the program were replaced, but the rules changed.I'm also very interested in those medical conventions at Disney where they'd show medical students how to dissect bodies, etc. What else was going on at Disney? Also remember the outbreaks of Legionnaire's Disease at some of these convention centers? Was that tied into cutting up corpses in populated areas?

carmencita ago

OOPS! Forgot to Mention, that I remember an article a month or two ago about there being medical dissecting at hotels now. The article reported how their could be horrible unsanitary problems with children later crawling around on the carpets, etc. Other disgusting things as well. This is highly suspect and it Must Be Stopped.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, and it appropriately degrades society. Think of it ... people partying and getting having wedding receptions, etc., while in the next room people are being hacked apart.

carmencita ago

That is the fun part for them. That they are playing Sick Jokes on us. They are reprehensible. Disgusting. Horrid. I could go on, you get the picture. So very dangerous.

carmencita ago

WHAT? Med. Conv. at Disney? What could go wrong? I believe there are a lot of surprising things going on there. Also, the Leg. Disease has always made me wonder. Where did this come from all of a sudden. I also have heard or read that places where it is found are in Nursing Homes and Vet. Homes which brings me to possible bone harvesting. Ugh. Remember that we had countries that respected and took care of the young and the old? That no longer exists. They have hijacked all of the Children's Charities and many Veteran's Charities and they have Children Hawking for their own care. Double Ugh.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, senior citizens are thought of as burdens. No respect at all as far as the dems go. They can hype and wave banners strewn with ideal, but when it comes down to it, they'd rather see them dead and make a profit from their corpses.

carmencita ago

They are all sick. All of the Cabal want to kill the vets and the old and then create money makers out of our children. The organs are too old from the seniors, so they use the bones, and the elderly vets fall in that camp as well. When people slowly start realizing this, there will be pandemonium, at least that is my hope. People are waking about some things, but other things are just too evil and disgusting for them to imagine. It needs to happen in steps. Double Ugh.

millennial_vulcan ago

carm I don't know what to think of dancing boy blind. The answers are usually revealed on this website but even on here, there is no name:

Paul Mitchell guy (DeJoria) tangled in a lot of stuff. Very deep hole. Problem is, as you say, all us researchers spend hours posting this stuff only for it to buried and forgotton about in a week. VERY VERY FRUSTRATING....

carmencita ago

I agree. But there was a piece about Ricky Schroeder and it had all the makings of his being involved in many charities and working with Paul Mitchell.

carmencita ago

Did you see this on CDAN The Dancing Boy There is also a continuing Dancing Boy thread as well.

carmencita ago

He has been involved for decades. He has been protected by his pedo friends and LE. We know how horrid it is in Omaha after that post about the missing girl and her "BF" last week. Also remember the guy that saw kids in a restaurant in Neb. and he reported it and they showed up at his house with Dogs and Rifles? He was put in a mental place for moths. He was posting on here. God I feel awful for not remembering his name. I think one of these two might know @srayzie @Cc1914

Cc1914 ago

Right here! And I was the OP lol

carmencita ago

Dipsy Doodle Me. Sorry. I will pass that link on. TY!

Cc1914 ago

Haha 🙂

carmencita ago

:) Looking at that thread now and the original post. It's sad about what he saw. I am sure it is still going on. They have a good thing going for themselves. Hope he is OK after all he has been though. A real American Hero in my book.

Cc1914 ago

Yes! I know who ! I have to look through my archives.

millennial_vulcan ago

wait what! I don't know that place? Does anyone have a link!

carmencita ago

I just went over that old thread I sent you. Oh my. What memories. That poor guy Jeremy. He tried so hard to save those kids or get help to take that place down. We fight and fight and they keep winning. It just isn't fair. A True Warrior, he is.

carmencita ago

Here. Courtesy of Cc1914

carmencita ago

Oh Yes. Very much so. Remember the post about an accident at the Rob Reiner Ctr. in or near LA? It was deleted by MF. I should look it up.

srayzie ago

No I don’t remember

carmencita ago

I had it in mind to find it anyway so if I do will send. Someone just reminded me that the Regional Ctr for Develop. Disabled is in San Bernardino where the Muslim guy shot up the place. It is nearby. I am getting sick again. May have to cry.

millennial_vulcan ago

Don't cry Carm. You are doing the work of angels. We're here for you.

carmencita ago

Oh God, Now I will cry. Thank you all for the work you are doing. We are a team.

srayzie ago

Oh Carmencita. Try to calm down. Take a little break. It’s not good for you to get like this.

carmencita ago

I can't. I went to make some tuna salad and now am back. I can't stop. It is consuming me. I keep finding stuff. Look at this SUV tries to run down parents and children across from the Rob Reiner Ctr. in PERRIS, Ca. Everything crazy happens here. Hillary stopped here, BO stopped here, the Reiner Ctr. student amts. do not add up. I can't even list it all. Cesspool Alert.

pby1000 ago

The Rob Reiner Center in Perris, Ca? You have to be kidding me.

carmencita ago

Nope I kid you not. The Ctr is right across from the Railway where that SUV tried to run down parents and kids at the Thomas Choo Choo Event. It is horrid to think about.

millennial_vulcan ago

So Carm, essentially, bumfuck middle of nowhere Perris, CA, is actually pretty significant and not too different from those seeming middle of nowhere wacko churches in Az we've all been reading about on CDAN??

This is beyond huge. And its really tugging on the head of a very large snake that has been sleeping for decades. Those So Cal dustbowl towns hide many many sordid secrets. The WORST kind. I will try and hunt down some RR stuff now.

carmencita ago

TY I too believe this is not some new op this imo, has as you say, been going on for Decades. Shovels Are Needed.

srayzie ago

Gosh that’s crazy. I live in California and never even heard of that city.

carmencita ago

It's been Flying Under The Radar. The Turpin Family brought all this out if people just went one step further. There are now 3 families with same MO The Sky Diving Incident, BO stop, Hillary visit, Rob Reiner, Amazon location and now the Accident at Railway Museum. Unbelievable.

Cc1914 ago

Omg what !? Is it just me or does this sound way weird ? Your baby's early emotional progression may greatly be susceptable through the participation of lots of people, not limited to family, daycare centers, as well as educators. Many think that early education specialists and aides harbor a big opening to ignite this important development. It's good to make sure that each and every educator have adequate training in their field of study and enjoy engaging the schooling of little boys and girls. Child care services will support your younsters plan to enter school by teaching them school routines from the time they are babies through the end of their prekindergarten year.

Praise God I never believed in having strangers raise my kids ! I was always ridiculed for being too protective ! It seems this daycare stuff is really rampant and I think it's all part of the bigger PG picture . They are all perfect fronts . I think it's safe to say that anyone working with kids nowadays should be investigated . It's obviously not because they really care about children .

carmencita ago

I believe they have been feverishly trying to infiltrate as many schools as possible with teachers and caretakers and sports coaches that have sex abuse arrests. Also they are putting in Principals that will look the other way. There are so many stories on the news about teachers and coaches now. We had a few years ago but this is turning into an Epidemic. The Rob Reiner Ctr has the Moms Trusted Seal of Approval but there are no Testimonials which I find Strange. Also years ago at the March AF Base there use to be a Teburculosis Children's Ward. I have not found any info on it but I am scared to even go there. Ugh this is making me sick. Remember when we had a post up about an accident at the Rob Reiner Ctr in the LA Area? Amazing. I believe it was deleted by MF. Hmmmmmmmm.

Cc1914 ago

Holy wow! Your right there are a lot of huge distribution centers out there . 😱 This is less than an hour from me and I have heard those same stories about MAB . How is this possiblly ever going away? It's everywhere we turn . And it's been going on since forever .. I'm with you on taking a step back . I need to do the same 😔

carmencita ago Look where this accident took place. Perris Ca. the SUV rammed into parents and children by the Thomas Choo Choo across the street from the Rob Reiner Ctr. You can't makethis stuff up. the comments are epic that he was focused and wanted to kill.

srayzie ago

Me too! There’s no way in hell I would be sending my kids to strangers like that.

Cc1914 ago

Omg! Great find girl!! This is nuts ! Wonder how he is hooked up with Asian countries?

carmencita ago

Idk. This is upsetting my tummy. I may have to step away for an hr. or two. My brain will explode with all this horrid stuff. Sometimes you look up things that no one would connect, but knowing what it could hold makes your mind see things you don't want to. There are many distribution ctrs. here including Amazon. I have felt quite a while that they are involved.

carmencita ago

Yes. Funny name too. Perris. Not Paris.

carmencita ago

@srayzie @Cc1014 @Shizy @new4now SolfdierofLight

srayzie ago

@SoldierOfLight Carmencita tried pinging you

SoldierofLight ago

Thanks for the heads up, @srayzie. I'll repost my comment in this new post.

carmencita ago

Thanks so much! There is a new link I posted about a SkyDiver now crashing into a roof in PERRIS! Shocked. Evidence Clearing possibly? That town is a Bed of Problems.

SoldierofLight ago

I saw that. And I'm also noticing that the PG sub is getting hit hard by one of our favorite shillers. What posts are they trying to bury? The Olympics doctor is mainstream news now so I doubt it's about that. However, your mentions of what's actually going on in Perris, aren't mainstream yet. You might have caught their attention, Carmencita. Good job.

millennial_vulcan ago

Voat really IS on this shit. No other website anywhere other than the CDAN comments section, comes close to unearthing buried scandal. @carmencita @srayzie

Its so boring + frustrating to read through the naivety in other comment sections, sometimes! C'mon sheeple...wake up!

carmencita ago

Yes, really. Even though we sometimes are Gagged, we still are the only ones covering these horrors. We are the Journalists of Today. Citizen Journalists.

srayzie ago

It is good most of the time.

carmencita ago

TY :) Going out be back.

srayzie ago

You’re welcome

Shizy ago


carmencita ago

I am going to be on my phone and maybe can't get back til tonight. See what you guys can do I will jump on later. I don't know what I would do with out you guys. Just Plain Fab.

carmencita ago

OK. I have not even wrapped my head around this yet. Absolutely Bazaar. She has a Radio Show now helping Survivors. Good God. She and her child were kept prisoner and she showed a lady in the Post Off. a letter. OMG. She said the guy is in prison but that he also had 13 children. Jeepers!