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Shizy ago

Geffen can be connected to Rob Reiner and Stephen Spielberg. He went from working in the mailroom at The William Morris agency to "quickly" becoming a talent agent? Is that pretty typical for people working in the mailroom?

No way was I gonna click Ian's link, so I looked up the same article myself!

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EyeOfHorus ago

Rob Reiner "owns" his own public pre/primary school in Perris CA filled with little illegal children.

Do you suppose an illegal child and his single-mom have much recourse?

carmencita ago

Here is my former submission regarding Perris Ca. And a woman that was in the same type of family about 20 yrs. ago. We found info regarding R Reiner

ROB REINER AND @SoldierofLight @Gothamgirl

Wow. Rob Reiner has a daycare center. You can't make this stuff up. At the second link you provided, it lists Rob Reiner Children & Families Center as having a student total of minus 2. How does that happen?? The listings of student totals at other daycares range from 73 to 2,615.

According to this link, the students at Reiner's place is 100% Asian. Didn't you note earlier that the population of Perris is largely Mexican American? @Shizy

Shizy ago

Oh no, I just felt sick seeing he has a daycare center. That's awful!

carmencita ago

Yep. It's disgusting.

Shizy ago

Oh Robbie has a school too? Thanks for that info. Perris Ca is where the Turpin family lived. They didn't go to school, but if I remember correctly @carmencita found some other strange connections in that city.

No, an illegal mom, or a poor, substance using and struggling single mom wouldn't have much recourse if something happens to their child. That's why these sickos prey upon "at risk" kids.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Sometimes you make me giggle WAY too much.

Shizy ago

Really? I love hearing that! Thank you!