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Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I seem to have made a wrong turn. I was trying to get to v/Pizzagate, but it looks as though I've stumbled into v/SoapOpera instead.

Oh, wait.

to distract you all and cause burnout on the mod team

Crensch ago

So, no defense of Gothamgirl? Just an attack on the outing of a liar and word-salad poster that certain other well-liked and respected users here seem to have an affinity for?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I've barely had any major interactions with GothamGirl to make a comment on anything about her or if she likes to bed married men or even if FlynnL1ve5 is in the middle of a divorce and looking for a night cap. The entire thing seems wierd as fuck to me that this is even in this sub. Although, this has given me the idea to start a dating site for Q believers. It would be a great way to avoid dating libs...

srayzie ago

Well I thought you knew me and the screenshots speak for themselves. She’s accusing me of crimes. She’s involved with Sarah. Sarah is giving death threats. You don’t have to know her to figure ouy of usa she’s lying.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I'm not taking a side in this. Simply engaging with any of this drama is a distraction. When Jem bought the farm, I stated that I wasn't believing any of it and moved on, which is what everyone needs to do regarding drama. It's not worth wasting the time and energy on. Distractions slow down research.

Crensch ago

which is what everyone needs to do regarding drama.

Kind of pertinent to the mods who have to deal with Sarah's alts constantly. It's nice you get this safe little bubble where you feel you can be such a pacifist, but it's pretty rude to tell those doing the work behind the scenes to allow such a thing that they should just move on.

If it were simply "drama", I would not be in on it. It's a coordinated effort between multiple accounts, some very well liked, some aged well, and some as personalities outside of Voat.

Distractions slow down research.

False leads and character assassinations and vectors of attacks on the mods that suggest to all kinds of people out there that "the pizzagate mods on voat caused the death of a researcher" and "one of the PG mods put CP on some poor girl's phone!" tend to do the same. Many here believing such stupid things, too, apparently. You think that doesn't slow the progress on the research?

When Jem bought the farm, I stated that I wasn't believing any of it and moved o

Must be nice to not have to worry about a mod here, the one with the most experience modding here, and one of the most knowledgeable users here, getting accused of being responsible for the supposed death. In a way that makes it look like legitimate accusations leveled against him due to manufactured consensus.

You've got some good perspectives on some things, and I thank you for your input, but you're not in a position to need to consider more.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You've got some good perspectives on some things, and I thank you for your input, but you're not in a position to need to consider more.

Thanks and I won't.

I have a good idea about what's going on around here and I don't take kindly to people who are attention whores who tell people something as though it's some special secret like srayzie likes to play as evidenced by her own hand, and I've seen her in action when she made the comment in a PM to me revealing that she is a PG mod and not to tell anyone.

Why doesn't she want anyone to know she's a mod on v/Pizzagate? Is there some sort of shame that accompanies this duty? Strange...

Crensch ago

I have a good idea about what's going on around here and I don't take kindly to people who are attention whores who tell people something as though it's some special secret like srayzie likes to play as evidenced by her own hand, and I've seen her in action when she made the comment in a PM to me revealing that she is a PG mod and not to tell anyone.

Revealing? It's not like it's some big secret. I don't know her intent here, and your bringing this up is highly suspicious. Why is any of this relevant?

Why doesn't she want anyone to know she's a mod on v/Pizzagate? Is there some sort of shame that accompanies this duty? Strange...

Screenshots? Verbatim quotes? Anything but you claiming she wrote something and ensuring that everyone thinks that either you're interpreting her words however you want, or that you're telling stories?

It is strange, isn't it?

Thanks and I won't.

I know you won't. There's either no need, and thus a happy Sesame Street-level black-and-white view on the subject is the efficient way forward, or there is another, more sinister reason for you not to.

I don't really want to think the latter, but your response here throws up quite a few red flags.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I just went to take a screenshot of her comment about her being a PG mod, and suddenly the PM she sent me is gone. How exactly does that happen? It happened, she said it, why is it now missing from my Inbox?

If you go back and read her comments in the thread we're on now, you can see she states: I’ve been here since the beginning when pizzagate broke. All this time, I’ve worked and shown I have credibility. I have these people trying to tarnish my name, apply “pizzagate mod” to it. Do you want a mod on a board who's obviously embarrassed of her title? How great can a mod be when they seem to see it as a negative?

When she told me she was a PG mod on Aug. 3rd, I did go to v/Pizzagate and she wasn't listed as a mod, but I see that now she is. What is the deal with this, and why did she get all bent out of shape about being called a Pizzagate mod? I don't understand the reasoning for her feeling embarrassed or called out.

Now that I see she pulled the same kind of "Shh, don't tell" tactic with GothamGirl, I'm suspicious, too.

I'm also suspicious because it's easy to see from this thread that srayzie automatically takes offense if you don't side with her. I was trying to be as unbiased as possible until she started replying to me with this air of authority acting as though I had done something horribly wrong, then saying I'm not the same person she remembers speaking to? What? My "voice" doesn't change on here. I have no alts.

You can go ahead and see all the red flags you want with me, but I wouldn't want someone as a mod who is overly sensitive and expects everyone to agree with her, and seeks out and/or creates drama.

Here she is trying to stir up more drama by posting a thread titled "This mod sucks!"

This is a bit mean, too:

I'm here to do research. Trolls have always been a variable of "conspiracy theory" boards. It's always going to be that way. If people can't identify them on their own, that's their problem. Sure, trolls are here to play mind games and spread disinfo, so if you want to start labeling people you truly believe are trolls, or one's like me you determine are going against the grain, I have to wonder how many members are going to have their good reputations tarnished under the guise that you're trying to help people know who the trolls are.

If you see red flags with me except for what you're perceiving in this thread, bring it on.

Crensch ago

I just went to take a screenshot of her comment about her being a PG mod, and suddenly the PM she sent me is gone. How exactly does that happen? It happened, she said it, why is it now missing from my Inbox?

We got a live one, folks.

This doesn't happen, shill. If you belonged here, you would know that.

If you go back and read her comments in the thread we're on now, you can see she states: I’ve been here since the beginning when pizzagate broke. All this time, I’ve worked and shown I have credibility. I have these people trying to tarnish my name, apply “pizzagate mod” to it.

So, just like with the PMs, you won't support your claims here?

Do you want a mod on a board who's obviously embarrassed of her title? How great can a mod be when they seem to see it as a negative?

You haven't proven the former, so the latter is a bit silly of a question, don't you think?

When she told me she was a PG mod on Aug. 3rd, I did go to v/Pizzagate and she wasn't listed as a mod, but I see that now she is.

OMG someone h4x0ring your Voat? What horseshit are you even trying to pull here?

What is the deal with this, and why did she get all bent out of shape about being called a Pizzagate mod? I don't understand the reasoning for her feeling embarrassed or called out.

You haven't proved that she did. I don't understand why you keep asserting that it happened and that somehow things that don't happen on Voat are specifically happening to you.

Now that I see she pulled the same kind of "Shh, don't tell" tactic with GothamGirl, I'm suspicious, too.

Oh, gee, a woman with secrets. (((We can't have that now, can we, goyim?)))

I'm also suspicious because it's easy to see from this thread that srayzie automatically takes offense if you don't side with her. I was trying to be as unbiased as possible until she started replying to me with this air of authority acting as though I had done something horribly wrong, then saying I'm not the same person she remembers speaking to? What? My "voice" doesn't change on here. I have no alts.

Bought accounts are a thing. You didn't know that, either? Or are you pretending not to know that exists, just like you're pretending not to know that PMs don't suddenly get deleted?

You can go ahead and see all the red flags you want with me, but I wouldn't want someone as a mod who is overly sensitive and expects everyone to agree with her, and seeks out and/or creates drama.

Srayzie is extremely knowledgeable on PG and Q, and archives everything like an driven-mad autist. She might not be the best at explaining things, but if she hadn't made her posts about Jem and Sarah, I wouldn't really know much about them, and would not be able to see the patterns between them and their many, many alts. I don't mind taking all the info she has and paring it down for a submission about a username that very clearly has a link to the above disinfo shills.

Add to that that she's one of the few users to have made a successful subverse through their own hard work, and dedication, and I think I can safely say I'm not the only one here happy to have her on our team. She's driven to do what's right, even if it makes her look exactly as you say to some. As I mentioned before, you have not been around enough of this, and you agreed; now you're making a value-judgment on my mods? Square that circle for me.

Here she is trying to stir up more drama by posting a thread titled "This mod sucks!"


Really? This is your claim that she's trying to stir up drama? Shitposting is a nearly sacred tradition here of blowing off steam when a goat starts getting battle fatigue.

This is a bit mean, too:

Literally two shitposting subverses you're linking here. SBBH? Nobody on this website doesn't know what that is by now. You're looking more and more like you really haven't been here 1.7 years. Did you not realize you created the subverse /v/CageFight?

I'm here to do research.

Not that I believe you anymore, but maybe you should stick to that?

Trolls have always been a variable of "conspiracy theory" boards.

And we've dealt with them normally for most things. My mods were not prepared to be murderers and CP-to-cellphone pushers.

It's always going to be that way. If people can't identify them on their own, that's their problem.

Until these trolls start sliding the forum, then the forum becomes unusable and people that would use it don't see the point because their shit is buried.

Sure, trolls are here to play mind games and spread disinfo, so if you want to start labeling people you truly believe are trolls, or one's like me you determine are going against the grain, I have to wonder how many members are going to have their good reputations tarnished under the guise that you're trying to help people know who the trolls are.

It's funny that you're worried about users having their reputations tarnished now, but you really don't give a shit if it's a mod's. Almost as if there's a different standard there just because one is a volunteer to enforce the rules.

What camp do you think you'd be put in when you accuse a mod of something, then when asked for evidence, claim "muh PMs were deleted somehow" as if we h4x0red into Voat just to fuck with you? Then you hand-wave us to her comments to prove it? Then use shitposts to prove other things about her?

If you see red flags with me except for what you're perceiving in this thread, bring it on.

I'm perceiving them with your responses right here. Why don't you explain why you made accusations against Srayzie, then lied about PMs disappearing?

@Vindicator @srayzie @shizy @think-

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You're a piece of work.

You call me a shill, then request that I stick to doing research? LOL! That doesn't even make sense. I thought the whole point of you wanting to flair shills is to prevent members from believing and trusting your work. Now, we have you, a trusted and distinguished mod encouraging trolls to present their research? OK...

Yes, go ahead and flair me as a shill. We'll see how it all pans out.

Crensch ago

You call me a shill

You act like one.

then request that I stick to doing research?

What did I write there, you dishonest sack of shit? Do you want me to quote it for you?

Not that I believe you anymore, but maybe you should stick to that?


That doesn't even make sense.

Just that one little string pulled on and you unravel like this? It never ceases to amaze me how quickly you paid fucks lose your cool when caught.

I thought the whole point of you wanting to flair shills is to prevent members from believing and trusting your work. Now, we have you, a trusted and distinguished mod encouraging trolls to present their research?

The level of stupid on this is just amazing.

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @shizy

Am I wrong in thinking this username is now really, really shady? Just a complete and utter lack of knowledge of how Voat works after 1.7 years of being here? Then completely misrepresenting what I say in a strangely-convenient way for them?

Yes, go ahead and flair me as a shill. We'll see how it all pans out.

Don't worry, I'll be making sure every one of you has your faults available to the mods at any given time whenever you show up.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Then SHILL FLAIR me, mother fucker! Put your money where your mouth is.

Crensch ago

Do you have reading comprehension issues?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

No, but I think you do. Isn't this whole discussion about who the mods can flair as shills and why? You said my character is questionable and that I'm acting like a shill, so use your powers. I'm begging you. Should I send you a formal invitation to give me the honor of having your highest and most discussed and controversial FLAIR?

Please, Crensch, flair me. I'm begging you. It would feel so good to be recognized by you for noticing my immature and unvoat-like behavior.

Crensch ago

No, but I think you do.

Examples of what I have not comprehended? You know, like you mistaking my sarcastic advice for a request?

Isn't this whole discussion about who the mods can flair as shills and why?

When did I threaten to flair you?

You said my character is questionable and that I'm acting like a shill, so use your powers.

I didn't need any mod powers to do what I did, and what I did will be far more effective than anything you can think of.

I'm begging you.

I know you are, because you've been found out, and flairing you will give you and your crew the ammunition you need to attack all the mods and get a decent amount of users on your side over it.

Should I send you a formal invitation to give me the honor of having your highest and most discussed and controversial FLAIR?

I already did what I'm going to do. I hope you come after the mods again someday.

Please, Crensch, flair me. I'm begging you. It would feel so good to be recognized by you for noticing my immature and unvoat-like behavior.

Shill-like behaviour. You have completely outed yourself, to my mind. I'm sure I won't be the only one agreeing.

srayzie ago

I'm begging you.

I know you are, because you've been found out, and flairing you will give you and your crew the ammunition you need to attack all the mods and get a decent amount of users on your side over it.

Isn’t that the truth!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Are you unable to have a conversation without replying to copied text?

So, have you flaired me, banned me, etc.? What is my punishment, oh great one?

Crensch ago

Are you unable to have a conversation without replying to copied text?

Are you able to respond to my words, or is it just strawmans and appeal to incredulity?

So, have you flaired me, banned me, etc.? What is my punishment, oh great one?

That's for me to know, and you not to know.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You're acting just like Millennial_Falcon. Any relation?

Crensch ago

Hooknose asking about relations. Kek.

Hello, JIDF.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

LOL! You wish. Why would I be creating a thread against Israel if I were Jewish. LOL! You're pathetic. Try again.

Vindicator ago

Actually, we get this all the time -- jew bashing threads that use Jewish-sounding sophistry. There's a whole contingent of fake anti-semite shills. I don't know if they post their crap to make Voaters look like alt-right extremists, or to chum up to the many on Voat who are not fans of Jews.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Ok, so prove I'm a regular Jew basher.

Vindicator ago

You missed my point. You said "Why would I be creating a thread against Israel if I were Jewish." I said it's a tactic we see used frequently by accounts that are probably JIDF so creating a thread against Israel doesn't prove you're not a Jew. I was pointing out the error in your argument, not stating an opinion about your ethnic or religious background.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for clarifying.

Crensch ago

Why would you be lying like a hooknose if you weren't?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Since you are afraid to ask me any questions and deciding immediately that I'm a shill based on your lame evidence, I'll throw you a bone: I went to Catholic Sunday school until I was 17.

Crensch ago

So you're a puppet of them. Mutilated if male. Congratulations, you've done nothing at all here because I don't believe you either way.

It's telling that you seem to want to reveal things about yourself to me, though.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

My research speaks for itself, fool.

Crensch ago

You'd better hope it does. Because if it doesn't, it gets added to my list.

Tread very carefully, because I'm very good at catching little bits of bullshit shills like to slip by in pretty wrapping.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Challenge accepted. I hope you like crow.

srayzie ago

Now that I see she pulled the same kind of "Shh, don't tell" tactic with GothamGirl, I'm suspicious, too.

That was when Gothamgirl and I talking about a guy she liked. I shared with her that he liked her. That’s I said to say quiet about. I didn’t want him to get mad that I told him he liked her too.

The date and times are on these...

My screenshots

Gothamgirl’s screenshot

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @Shizy

think- ago

Here she is trying to stir up more drama by posting a thread titled "This mod sucks!"

LOL - @Enigmatic_Continuum, THAT WAS A JOKE - she is teasing @MolochHunter, who created v/JellyPit4Mods - @srayzie is a mod there!! LOL!

All of us were just kidding around there....did you actually read what the subverse is about as explained by @MolochHunter in its sidebar?! LOL

Here you go:

@Srayzie is the best mod ever

trying not to break down laughing ;-)


srayzie ago

This bitch keeps talking shit. I tried to keep the peace the other day. Fuck that cunt!

MolochHunter ago

lol priceless

sucked in