carmencita ago

That steampowered picture says it all. The hand of a woman on another woman's breast and the Owl Mask, well that is enough for me. And, MAY not be appropriate, WTH does that mean. NO IT IS NOT APPROPRIATE. I don't need some Money Seeking GREEDY Bleephole telling me what a child should watch. That picture is worth a 1K Words. The reason this has gone this far is that people keep going back to the games and not realizing that each step has led to THIS one. Each step has taken them incrementally to this point. They have been brainwashed. A lot of the other games before this were made to get you hooked.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Also, famous 1st addition Dungeons and Dragons artist David Trampier had dispute with the Company which he was quoted by a friend as calling "evil", quit without notice, never contacted them again, and the checks they owned him kept returning to sender. He would not even acknowledge the money they owned him.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Dungeons and Dragons online has two of the pedo symbols on door entrances, and on clothes and other design. An overwhelming amount of the quest have cults, doing sacrifices underground and channeling demons. One even had a blood spattered pentagram on the ground while a witch is doing incantations. When I googled DDO and Satanism, there was a thread on their official forum. The thread asked why the pedo symbols were all over DDO. The responses were like script from the MSM...Pizzagate is a fake news conspiracy theory with real life consequences, etc etc. Shame, it is my favorite game. They are everywhere.


Look. AAA Gaming companies get their funding from Wall St banks who are too-big-to-fail. That means the banks can use the gaming industry to push whatever agenda they want through the psychology of video games.

The CIA and military are just the security arm of the same banks - they are not beholden to the public. They are using the psychology of games to replace your memories - games are much better than movies at this because because of the reward mechanism.

This would be OK if the agenda wasn't your own - and your family and community's destruction. You need to get off the video games and start using your time to research these agendas of paedophilia, murder, organ harvesting and slow death. Come on put these Wall St psyop gaming companies out of business.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

When you fools say you want to ban and censor video games what you really want is to all so confiscate our consoles and stop us playing all together and that's communism and wrong. When you talk like that it means you want us to go to jail and die.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

You Jack boot thugs want to go door to door confiscating video games and burning them like books and looking rather silly be my guest.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

You all decided to go full anti gamer and show your true colors at E3. Fuck you all. Comparing games to pizzagate? Really? Fucking trying to censor and ban games? Really? Political feminist dyke dicks.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Well Doom 5 aka Doom: Eternal has been revealed. You fucking tranny Christ cucks want Doom 5 banned?

darkknight111 ago

Be warned: disturbing. These clips are from the video game Dangan Ronpa: Ultra Despair Girls. Reveals in pieces the back story of an antagonist named Kotoko Utsugi.

Normally, Dangan Ronpa is a "black comedy", but this game turns dead fucking serious when it comes to the subject of child abuse, ESPECIALLY sexual abuse.

I believe the author was trying to red pill people with this segment of the game. Japan has a deeply rooted pedophile problem stemming from "cuteness idolation". It's also possible the author knows about Pedowood (Kotoko is a child actress) and was using this game to expose it, along with expose the pedo problem too (note that the culprits are depicted as vile monsters). Note that Kotoko is being manipulated by a sadistic sociopath (Kotoko turns on her the moment she realizes the truth).

A list of possible White Hat games:

Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2: Bluntly talks about how the world is being covertly run by a satanic cabal in banking, big pharma, the military, and religion.

Persona 5: Hard hitting cultural criticism piece attacking the dark side of Japanese culture (victim of sexual abuse being dirty, sexual abuse of women not being properly investigated, Japanese Work Culture, arranged marriage, the corrupt justice system, the dark side of public order).

Hell, the final act (starts at the Okumura Arc aka the Work Culture arc) starts talking about the Deep State and a false flag operation targeting the Phantom Thieves. The main antagonist (Shido) is an allegory for the Clintons given his mob connections, "public stance vs private stance, use of "suiciding" to remove enemies. Goro Akechi is pretty much an allegory to the CIA.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

You step on gamer's, you pick on gamer's, you fuck with gamer's, you mess with gamer's, and you will all get the horns of gamer's you feminist NCOSE fags.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Fuck y'all niggerfaggots fuck y'all. Niggers.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

In one night voat has been converged by right wing SJW MCHSJW left wing SJW MCHSJW anti gamer's who want to ban all games. Wow. You are all the anti Christ of gaming. We Reset Era now.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I see Gears of War 5 has been ruined and announced with a female lead. Now feminists have crossed the red line. No going back now. You ruined my favorite franchise of all time. Gears of War died at Gears of War 3. @NotmyGears. Feminists get your hands off my Gears and get your hands off my games. People keep your hands off my games you will never ban games i'm tired of you people trying to ban games, censor games, and bully gamer's i just want my games and gamer's and gamer's rights to be respected. And Microsoft and The Coalition have never respected gamer's. Not since the RROD red ring of death, not since the X Box One, not since ever. I will not allow matriarchal culture heritage social justice warriors to wipe out games or gamer's, to fake death threats and lie about gamer's sending death threats, and to bash games 24/7.

ponyfriend ago

This makes POSTAL and POSTAL 2 look tame by comparison.... this is really messed up stuff but I've noticed hollywood has been pushing it a bit too. Cannabalism, torture horror genre, etc.

Justin_TeroG8 ago

God only knows what MK Ultra/Subliminal messaging is in ALL video games.

bungled ago

When I played through Outlast 2 I felt the same horror I feel when I negotiate this subverse.

Blacksmith21 ago

Cut off the video games. They are pure programmed programming.

darkknight111 ago

I disagree, to an extent. Refer to my recent post in this thread. I was actually Red Pilled by a video game (When They Cry, though that also has an anime).

A video game also helped me figure out something important in the Chris Cornell case. ie why the body was destroyed.

Learned something from Danganronpa 2 about how the rope burn profile of a strangulation murder is actually different from a suicide. It came from a piece of commentary from Chihaki Namani during the 3rd murder case.

iceboob ago

yes, video games are just a tool. can be used for good or bad. Deus Ex (the first one) is hella redpilled and probably helped red-pill thousands of kids. there are plenty of other games as well.

GreenDell144 ago

Every element of our culture is susceptible. There is no room to get up on a high horse and defend video games, comics, star wars or whatever. Protecting kids and exposing pedos is a higher priority. Fan boys take a (far) back seat.

Let me add my 2 cents to your excellent post:

About 10(?) yeas ago, Skyrim included children in its game world. This game is made with the intention of inviting players to modify it. So, of course, there was no way to affect the children in the game or interact with them. They were decoration. However, when I first saw that, I knew sickos would make a mod to change that.

The skyrim/elder scrolls community is big, and they have many sites and message boards. I wonder if one leads to pefos that modded the game and submit their wares publicly. Maybe some are important folk.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I demand a federal investigation into people on social media with clearly anti video game beliefs. For too long political morality has been used, misused, abused as a weapon to bully video game makers, developers, studios, and video gamers. And social media has made political morality too extreme, too dangerous, too widespread. For too long the gaming industry, gamer's have suffered in suffering and silence. Well no more. Tonight in the dead still cold of the night at night in the middle of the night gamer's will all come out of the shadows like Werewolves and Vampires and take to the internet and social media and make our voices heard all through out the night. Society has tried to attempt to destroy video gaming for the last time. Well no more. You want to bully the gamer's? Fine expect gamer's to fight back harder gamer's only know how to fight and fight until gamer's win. You won't even know what's coming you anti gamer's. You won't know what hit you. You won't see us gamer's coming. Least of all me. You'll only be able to stare into the night before i turn your world into a battlefield tonight. You'll never see me coming like a thief in the night, like Jack The Ripper in the night, like Michael Meyers The Shape in the night, like the God Of Death Duo Maxwell cloaked under his cloak in the night in space. Well now people have gone and pissed off the gamer's now you animals have gone and done it. THE GOD OF DEATH IS BACK FROM HELL! We will own the whole internet all night long and use it to our advantage and as a battlefield as our battlefield. Never bully gamer's ever. Never pick on gamer's because they can use the social media, internet, and communicate with each other using multiplayer games and their headsets to fight back and organize and mock and ridicule the very society that has taken a dump on them. You picked a Sunday to do this and pick on and bully gamer's what a fatal mistake you see my face your dead. We will light up the night sky with our comments. We're just like the Mutants in X Men my brother gamer's we're the next step in human evolution and like all people who are different abled and unique the whole rest of the human race wants to control us and destroy and kill us. I think they want yo cure us my brotherhood of mutants and gamer's.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

You look at two games, and horror at that and apply it across an entire industry?

darkknight111 ago

No, he's mentioning the "bad apples" in the industry. I'm gonna be posting about possible good apples soon.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I demand Battlefield 5 cancelled and i demand the NCOSE be abolished. I demand an apology from Dawn Hawkins. I demand a federal investigation against video game journalists and a federal investigation into video game journalsim. I demand that AO rated games be allowed to be sold on home consoles. I demand video games be made with fun in mind and not a political agenda in mind. I demand every US politician and every major television news program apologize to every video gamer and to the video games industry. And i demand every Lt Mary Sue on social media be ridiculed, mocked, and made fun of and laughed at.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

For too long gamer's have been shit talked by the government, our parents, the feminists, SJW's, the police, video game journalists, the mainstream media, actual real cyber bullies like Zoe Q, Anita S, screeching feminist SJW cultural marxist hapries, psychotherapists, psychologists, shrinks, teachers, doctors, big pharma, etc, well no more. You have shit talked us and ruined our fun, hobby, our lives, EVERYTHING! WE'VE EVER LOVED HAS BEEN PERVERTED AND MURDERED BY CULTURE WARRIORS WHO WANT YO KILL US! YOUR NOT MORAL AUTHORITY SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS YOUR MORAL AUTHORITY HERITAGE CULTURE WARRIORS AND YOU WANT YO SEE GAMING AND GAMER'S WIPED OUT AND DEAD! YOU WANT TO KILL GAMER'S HERITAGE AND CULTURE! YOU BELIEVE IN NOTHING BUT THOUGHT CONTROL, PUSHING GAMER'S AROUND, FUCKING WITH ANTI SOCIAL PEOPLE WHO CANT FIGHT BACK OR WON'T FIGHT BACK, PICKING ON SHY RECLUSIVE PEOPLE! You all believe you can pick on gamer's and not expect us to fight back against both the left and right wing SJW snowflake bullies who have thrown us around and abused us for decades, but your wrong and now you have finally fucked with a sleeping dragon you should've never fucked with. No more. I'm sick and tired of being called racist, sexist, violent, whatever. 10s of millions if not hundreds of millions of us are sick and tired of being called sexist, racist, violent. I first demand an apology from the president for his video game summit. Next i demand an apology from Anita Sarkeesian and for her to remove herself entirely from all of our hobbies that she so clearly hates and is trying to destroy. Finally i demand an apology from Zoe Quinn and for her to remove herself from entirely from all of our hobbies that she so clearly hates and is trying to destroy. I demand EA apologize for pandering in Battlefield 5 and apologize for it's history revisionism and it's clearly identity politics cultural marxism driven agenda. I demand every video game journalist be made a fool of until they are all forced to apologize for all the clearly organized and orchestrated attacks on gaming. I demand the curtain on whoever is orchestrating this massive orchestrated attack on gamer's and video games be pulled down this week now! You all thought you could shit talk and manipulate gamer's and manipulate everything to your advantage to shit talk gamer's without reprecussions? Well you fucked up and shit talked us to death for the last time. Get out of our room get out of our throat.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

You sound angry, bro. You should get outside more.

Immelda ago

I thought he was a parody account of that kid that kicks off because his parents cancel his WoW sub. 😂

Cc1914 ago

@think- @srayzie please read the death threats posted because of wanting a game banned that endorses the rape and murder of children . @vindicator

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I haven't threatened to kill anyone. Try harder liar liar pants on fire.

gamepwn ago

Can this be? A weapon to surpass Metal Gear? Weaponized Autism!!!!! :o

Conspirologist ago

Every profitable business is owned by satanists. Deal with it or start a revolution.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

This is my moment, this is gamer's moment.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Now you've gone and done it. By tonight KIA and One Angry Gamer will be ridiculing and mocking you and this thread. I'm sick of games being blamed for everything i'm sick of fun dies like you you have fucked with Gamer Gate, KIA, and One Angry Gamer. You have fucked with gamer's. The rebellion is here at last. My genocide crusade, my revolution, begins tonight. Gamer's have been taking society's shit talk for years, for too fucking long, well now that's going to change. Iv'e been waiting for something like this to push me over the edge, to use this song as an insult against shit talkers shit talking gamer's, video games, the video game industry. Well now talk shit! Get shot!

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Gamepwn your a dumb ass fucker like HRC, ZQ, AS, JL, JT, etc. Video games like these and video games will never be banned and any one who wants games banned or these games banned or who want to keep them away from kids are fucking NCOSE SJW retards. You voat claim to be for free speech but you spam 24/7 anti sex, anti porn, anti game threads and boss adults around about how it ought to be. You are all right wing SJW's. We formed voat to get away from you SJW censoring reddit cunts. Shut the fuck up fuck you cunt kiss my ass and go back to reddit. All of you. Your not gamer's.

gamepwn ago

Sexual Assault, pedophilia, rape and torture of children is NOT and will NEVER be ok. It shouldn't be in our lives. It shouldn't be in our movies. Our shows. Our games. Our whole fucking world. Fuck you I hope you enjoy my content as you eat shit. I'll keep standing up and fighting for this worlds children, and pieces of shit like you who think it's freedom of speech to promote sick pedophilia. I bet your one of the fucks I called out months ago coming out of your hives pedophile trash.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I don't want anything like that in the real world but you don't tell me or gamer's or society what's acceptable and what's not acceptable in a fake entertainment product with polygons, pixels, digits, code, and 1s and 0s were no one was really harmed in the making of said entertainment product.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

haha shut up you moron

21yearsofdigging ago

I have lots to add to this idea that gaming companies are working with intelligence agencies and that they are dangerous beyond belief. It kills me that so many people are aware now about films and tv but completely ignore what the gaming industry is up to. I was the second lead voice in Deus Ex Human Revolution and yes, lots to add to what I found out. (my character was named David Sarif)

adaya ago

I'm IN! Please, let's discuss what you know!! I'm concerned about where we're headed & the lack of questioning it. I'm from Mario generation. A gamer by culture more than practice. So to speak, I don't go to church everyday, but like to game informer, mourn the loss of PlayStation 3 as a general platform for everything and love a couple arena style fighting games. I'm from the arcade, lol.
Anyway, point being, well into adulthood but still feel the US vs. THEM breakdown for video games. Don't think I'm Tipper Gore (Al Gore's wife lobbied to get parental warnings on Music & Frank Zappa, as well as others fought her in court) just b/c would like to discuss possible MKUltra issues with video games. Not into censorship, but do think this is the call for good guy developers to get out of their minds and put some code down. Remember this great idea /editorial that soon teachers will have to code to engage students. I sincerely wish this were the norm.

Also, TOYS, the 1992 movie a pretty hilarious almost red pill for this topic. it a pink pill: Toy Maker father dies, leaves factory to War General brother instead of Robin Williams the creative, fun son. R.Williams must stop being a cuck and take back factory b/c War General uncle is making DRONES and using kids as war pilots....the kids think they're playing video games. Upvoats & Thank Yous!!! @gamepwn thanks for bringing this up. @21yearsofdigging thanks for being here and not giving up.

darkknight111 ago

I had no idea we had someone like you on our side. My latest post in thread has my findings regarding possible good guys in the gaming industry.

21yearsofdigging ago

Shit, give them my name! Hell, if someone actually wrote and financed a game that speaks truth I would be willing to do it for free(well, close to free) haha!

ponyfriend ago

The voice actor who did David Sarif died and that is why in the sequel (which sucked IMO) the role was re-cast.

Okay wait I'm looking it up and now I'm seeing that they re-cast the person but the original actor didn't die. I could have sworn that was the reason given...

So if you're Stephen Shellen my apologies, for some reason in the run-up to the sequel I'm pretty sure people were saying you were dead or sick. Interesting now that I'm searching it says you had a falling out with the studio and basically became totally focused on conspiracy stuff.

If it really is you, DXHR is one of the few decent games of that decade and your voice acting was really great. I didn't even play the sequel, for a few reasons, one of which was because I was a bit disappointed at both the storyline and that they recasted you.

The first Deus Ex was a really fun game and I hope you played it at some point to get an idea of where the franchise started.

21yearsofdigging ago

Thanks. The truth is weirder than you can imagine. If you want check out my new film that I wrote and directed. It kinda touches on some stuff. Here's a review

ponyfriend ago

I will, thanks. Too bad you were not in the original Deus Ex. That game was really fun and PC-only so it was a different (more RPG like) experience than Deus Ex Human Revolution. But of course DXHR was more cinematic and amazing so it was a good prequel, just a lot less of the conspiracy world building that Deus Ex had. As for what is happening with the video game studios accepting these extra-weird or extra-depraved are going to say they are doing it just for money, but of course there could be other agendas involved.

Also you may or may not know this but over the past 10 years the video and computer game industry has gone through a lot of changes in both demographics and what people are allowed to say and do. I could call it just political correctness but I think it goes beyond that. Just look at the difference between Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2. Even though the second game had better graphics and everything, it also had lots of awkward/forced diversity. I'm not sure how sales were but the diversity agenda is pretty much reached its peak now (you can play as a black woman in Battlefield 1, or in world war 2, but you can't play as the german side of WW2 because that is too controversial.) 10 years ago this wasn't a problem at all, now USA feels more like the USSR.

21yearsofdigging ago

What is funny is I actually enjoyed doing the game but prior to doing this, I had had my children threatened and stolen and was blacklisted in the film industry. My ex wife has D.I.D. and it turns out she was a prostitute and likely a child trafficker. When I started digging down on her after my children told me of men hitting mommy and her actually admitting she was a hooker, all hell broke loose and I was surveillanced and harassed, death threatened, you name it.I was also at the time starting a film production company out of Vancouver. My partner, John A hardy , was adamant we call it LionsGate. So, by the time Human Revolution happened I had already been blacklisted as an actor. I think that game, (myself included) revieved too much publicity and God forbid, gamers started looking into the guy who voiced David Sarif, and would discover what had happened to him and why I was speaking out about ritual abuse and other no no's!! All they had on me was a comedy video where I made fun of myself or anyone else that takes conspiracies too far. Today, if you google my name, STILL, there are those couple of articles that were accusing me of being insane(always the same stupid tactics used to discredit someone.Have not worked since. Might do a A.M.A. one of these days.

adaya ago

I will check it out :)

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

You know what it's censorous zealots like you that got Gamer Gate formed in the first place by the end of the day i'm going to have dozens to hundreds of Gamer Gaters shitting up the pizza gate threads cause now your siding with SJW's and attacking games and accusing us Gamer's and Gamer Gator's of sexism, racism, pedophilia, Satan worship, etc. Clearly your Jack Thompson, Hillary Retard Clinton, Joe Libermen, Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, etc clearly you want me to check my privilege. Your a anti game pro feminist SJW loon. Dumb ass mafia police state thug with low IQ. Your a thot and a boob.


You're a fucking dunce.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Your a fucking feminist right wing SJW asshole Christan communist anti gamer.

gamepwn ago

Your Stephen Shellen? Really!? Oh my god! That was literally my favorite game when it came out at the time. I replayed it multiple times. The sequel was nothing compared to it and the replacement voice actor sucked. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Ive been a gamer so long and I'm starting to see the same trend that is in these sadistic torture porn and sick movies coming out.They are filling the game world with extremely disturbing satanic games.

21yearsofdigging ago

Thanks a lot!

21yearsofdigging ago

Yup! Hard to believe but man oh man, it is becoming glaringly obvious. just so you know, I took a real beating on doing that voice for Deus Ex. Just got crucified and Eidos was fucked. All over a comedy fucking video I put out. Man, you pay a huge price when you talk the truth and the powers that be will go WAY out of their way to take you down. Sure, would love to talk more about it. Also, if you have a chance, check out my film at Here is a review for it....

As you can see, I am not hiding, no point. Just living the life and trying(still) to expose the scum that run the planet. After a nomination for best voice in a videogame my career was killed. That's okay, happy with my film.If there were some 'good guys' making video games I would be all over it.

bungled ago

Oh wow I just checked and it's a full length feature! I will check this out.

bungled ago

Hey man, what's the running time of the flim?

gamepwn ago

Yeah Ill check it out! I can see that. They tried to do a hit piece on you and it had pissed me off.

When you are only of the only people to help us fight Pizzagate and stop this nightmare.

They kind of did something similar to me. For almost two years I ran a pretty popular YouTube page that had close to 10,000 subs and over 12,000,000 views. It wasn't Pizzagate related I just enjoy apocalyptic survival media so I would post clips from different movies, shows, and games etc. It was the same username as my Voat called gamepwn. I had promised this community I would red pill my growing fan base and had created a Pizzagate red pill video and posted it that got over 1000,000 views. They shut down my channel fast and copyrighted four of my videos from months back a week after I posted the pizzagate video. My old channel statistics are here.

I had to restart my page.

I know the powers that be HATE when you bring awareness and shut it down fast. I'm sorry they ruined your career. Your work was phenomenal and I had a few clips from the game on my original channel. I hope one day someone creates a "Red Pill" style game like the original Dues Ex games and Human Revolution dropped. There's a game coming out called "Ready or Not" that has you controlling a Swat Team and has a Human Trafficking rescue mission in the trailer. We need someone to create a game that wakes people up.

21yearsofdigging ago

That sounds cool. Yeah, they don't want us getting info out there. You are obviously one of the good guys and they shut you down for that. In a weird twist of fate it is kinda a badge of honor. Listen my film is pretty interesting and deals also with ritual abuse and programming. I KNOW you will really get it. I wish i still had my free private screener but too many people were watching for free and I poured my last dime into making this. Watch then send me a email, we can talk! Email me at my website. Cool to meet ya, sorry bout your channel but that's the thing, it almost legitimizes you! Like i said, badge of honor

Cc1914 ago

I can barely read this much less watch any of it . 🤢 These games need to be banned and never should our kids have access to them . Thank you for bringing this out. I hope you stay away from all the so called inncocent horror games yourself . This is sickening and I can't believe it's aloud to even be out there . It's there way of making this a lifestyle that's acceptable and there giving our children a chance to learn to be just like them by playing these games . It makes some want to go out and do the things they see in the games or it makes their moral radar go off and turn away from it . This is how they create their society of depraved , careless , freaks .

3141592653 ago

Right on

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Your a fucking NCOSE freak and have no right to have games banned fucking NCOSE freak. Your attempts at morallity will only cause another great depression if games are banned and more big government and more police state. We would then be criminalized and jailed for thought crime like 1984 and we were contributing to the economy before but now we would have to become the criminal underworld like the mafia. Prohibition never worked and it's never ever going to work. We tried with booze all ready it didn't work.

Cc1914 ago

Really ?? Games like this that endorse the murder and rape of infants / child / anyone should be banned and anyone else who endorses this type of criminal sadistic behavior should be locked up ! IMO , and I do have a right to my opinion .

gamepwn ago

Well the more normal tame ones I don't mind. It's when they start showing satanic and depraved content I start getting upset. It really is sickening and demented programming to turn people into sicko's.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

You want to hold a gun to my head? Fuck you. You woke the wrong dog and pissed of the wrong gamer and now there will be unholy hell to pay. All sorts of unholy hell. Wrong one to fuck with. Wrong one to fuck with. I have all ways watched violent and pornographic content and have never felt the need to go on a raping and killing spree just because i watched Elfen Lied, Hostel, Saw, play Hatred, Manhunt, God of War, whatever. I have a real bad side when you cunts try to get the government to tell me how to live my life instead of letting me live my life i thought you wanted less government and not more. Get out of my bedroom and stop trying to be the bedroom sex police you government NCOSE feminist faggot. Hell hath no fury like a bullied victimized video gamer scorned. Tries to think of the children, doesn't care about what the adults want and do = EPIC FAIL!

Blacksmith21 ago

"Pissed off the wrong gamer". Translation - "I'm going to throw my mom's basement at you".

Shillaxe ago

So your ok with children being hurt as long as its only in video game form, hmmm, apparently your job here is to make a case for censorship & not the other way around.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

I don't care if they put sick shit in all mediums of entertainment i just don't want real people hurt. Your the cry baby cyber bullies who want censorship cyber bully cry babies. Run back home too your mother Anita Sarkeesian little mini skirt wearing niggerfaggot.

Shillaxe ago

So you want to watch children being raped, as long as its animated, hmm, ok then.

awhiteguyuno ago

Theyre all fucked up, but holy shit Lust For Darkness is degenerate as fuck!! I don't know or care if you are religious but that game looks satanic as fuck, and not in a "neat" kind of way.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Your not going to censor the game industry and ban free speech you are not going to trample my rights. If you don't like it don't buy it but don't tell the game industry how it ought yo be. I'm an adult i'll make my own choices with out you bitching to daddy Trump or the government fuck you very much.

awhiteguyuno ago

Are you retarded? Who said anything about any of that?

derram ago :

I walked across a charred baby pit in Outlast 2 and didn’t like it much | PC Gamer :

Outlast 2 - "Jessica" Full Dialogue - YouTube :

Agony - Story Trailer - YouTube :

Lust for Darkness - Official Trailer (E3 2018) - YouTube

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