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21yearsofdigging ago

I have lots to add to this idea that gaming companies are working with intelligence agencies and that they are dangerous beyond belief. It kills me that so many people are aware now about films and tv but completely ignore what the gaming industry is up to. I was the second lead voice in Deus Ex Human Revolution and yes, lots to add to what I found out. (my character was named David Sarif)

adaya ago

I'm IN! Please, let's discuss what you know!! I'm concerned about where we're headed & the lack of questioning it. I'm from Mario generation. A gamer by culture more than practice. So to speak, I don't go to church everyday, but like to game informer, mourn the loss of PlayStation 3 as a general platform for everything and love a couple arena style fighting games. I'm from the arcade, lol.
Anyway, point being, well into adulthood but still feel the US vs. THEM breakdown for video games. Don't think I'm Tipper Gore (Al Gore's wife lobbied to get parental warnings on Music & Frank Zappa, as well as others fought her in court) just b/c would like to discuss possible MKUltra issues with video games. Not into censorship, but do think this is the call for good guy developers to get out of their minds and put some code down. Remember this great idea /editorial that soon teachers will have to code to engage students. I sincerely wish this were the norm.

Also, TOYS, the 1992 movie a pretty hilarious almost red pill for this topic. it a pink pill: Toy Maker father dies, leaves factory to War General brother instead of Robin Williams the creative, fun son. R.Williams must stop being a cuck and take back factory b/c War General uncle is making DRONES and using kids as war pilots....the kids think they're playing video games. Upvoats & Thank Yous!!! @gamepwn thanks for bringing this up. @21yearsofdigging thanks for being here and not giving up.

darkknight111 ago

I had no idea we had someone like you on our side. My latest post in thread has my findings regarding possible good guys in the gaming industry.

21yearsofdigging ago

Shit, give them my name! Hell, if someone actually wrote and financed a game that speaks truth I would be willing to do it for free(well, close to free) haha!

ponyfriend ago

The voice actor who did David Sarif died and that is why in the sequel (which sucked IMO) the role was re-cast.

Okay wait I'm looking it up and now I'm seeing that they re-cast the person but the original actor didn't die. I could have sworn that was the reason given...

So if you're Stephen Shellen my apologies, for some reason in the run-up to the sequel I'm pretty sure people were saying you were dead or sick. Interesting now that I'm searching it says you had a falling out with the studio and basically became totally focused on conspiracy stuff.

If it really is you, DXHR is one of the few decent games of that decade and your voice acting was really great. I didn't even play the sequel, for a few reasons, one of which was because I was a bit disappointed at both the storyline and that they recasted you.

The first Deus Ex was a really fun game and I hope you played it at some point to get an idea of where the franchise started.

21yearsofdigging ago

Thanks. The truth is weirder than you can imagine. If you want check out my new film that I wrote and directed. It kinda touches on some stuff. Here's a review

ponyfriend ago

I will, thanks. Too bad you were not in the original Deus Ex. That game was really fun and PC-only so it was a different (more RPG like) experience than Deus Ex Human Revolution. But of course DXHR was more cinematic and amazing so it was a good prequel, just a lot less of the conspiracy world building that Deus Ex had. As for what is happening with the video game studios accepting these extra-weird or extra-depraved are going to say they are doing it just for money, but of course there could be other agendas involved.

Also you may or may not know this but over the past 10 years the video and computer game industry has gone through a lot of changes in both demographics and what people are allowed to say and do. I could call it just political correctness but I think it goes beyond that. Just look at the difference between Watch Dogs and Watch Dogs 2. Even though the second game had better graphics and everything, it also had lots of awkward/forced diversity. I'm not sure how sales were but the diversity agenda is pretty much reached its peak now (you can play as a black woman in Battlefield 1, or in world war 2, but you can't play as the german side of WW2 because that is too controversial.) 10 years ago this wasn't a problem at all, now USA feels more like the USSR.

21yearsofdigging ago

What is funny is I actually enjoyed doing the game but prior to doing this, I had had my children threatened and stolen and was blacklisted in the film industry. My ex wife has D.I.D. and it turns out she was a prostitute and likely a child trafficker. When I started digging down on her after my children told me of men hitting mommy and her actually admitting she was a hooker, all hell broke loose and I was surveillanced and harassed, death threatened, you name it.I was also at the time starting a film production company out of Vancouver. My partner, John A hardy , was adamant we call it LionsGate. So, by the time Human Revolution happened I had already been blacklisted as an actor. I think that game, (myself included) revieved too much publicity and God forbid, gamers started looking into the guy who voiced David Sarif, and would discover what had happened to him and why I was speaking out about ritual abuse and other no no's!! All they had on me was a comedy video where I made fun of myself or anyone else that takes conspiracies too far. Today, if you google my name, STILL, there are those couple of articles that were accusing me of being insane(always the same stupid tactics used to discredit someone.Have not worked since. Might do a A.M.A. one of these days.

adaya ago

I will check it out :)

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

You know what it's censorous zealots like you that got Gamer Gate formed in the first place by the end of the day i'm going to have dozens to hundreds of Gamer Gaters shitting up the pizza gate threads cause now your siding with SJW's and attacking games and accusing us Gamer's and Gamer Gator's of sexism, racism, pedophilia, Satan worship, etc. Clearly your Jack Thompson, Hillary Retard Clinton, Joe Libermen, Anita Sarkeesian, Zoe Quinn, etc clearly you want me to check my privilege. Your a anti game pro feminist SJW loon. Dumb ass mafia police state thug with low IQ. Your a thot and a boob.


You're a fucking dunce.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Your a fucking feminist right wing SJW asshole Christan communist anti gamer.

gamepwn ago

Your Stephen Shellen? Really!? Oh my god! That was literally my favorite game when it came out at the time. I replayed it multiple times. The sequel was nothing compared to it and the replacement voice actor sucked. I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Ive been a gamer so long and I'm starting to see the same trend that is in these sadistic torture porn and sick movies coming out.They are filling the game world with extremely disturbing satanic games.

21yearsofdigging ago

Thanks a lot!

21yearsofdigging ago

Yup! Hard to believe but man oh man, it is becoming glaringly obvious. just so you know, I took a real beating on doing that voice for Deus Ex. Just got crucified and Eidos was fucked. All over a comedy fucking video I put out. Man, you pay a huge price when you talk the truth and the powers that be will go WAY out of their way to take you down. Sure, would love to talk more about it. Also, if you have a chance, check out my film at Here is a review for it....

As you can see, I am not hiding, no point. Just living the life and trying(still) to expose the scum that run the planet. After a nomination for best voice in a videogame my career was killed. That's okay, happy with my film.If there were some 'good guys' making video games I would be all over it.

bungled ago

Oh wow I just checked and it's a full length feature! I will check this out.

bungled ago

Hey man, what's the running time of the flim?

gamepwn ago

Yeah Ill check it out! I can see that. They tried to do a hit piece on you and it had pissed me off.

When you are only of the only people to help us fight Pizzagate and stop this nightmare.

They kind of did something similar to me. For almost two years I ran a pretty popular YouTube page that had close to 10,000 subs and over 12,000,000 views. It wasn't Pizzagate related I just enjoy apocalyptic survival media so I would post clips from different movies, shows, and games etc. It was the same username as my Voat called gamepwn. I had promised this community I would red pill my growing fan base and had created a Pizzagate red pill video and posted it that got over 1000,000 views. They shut down my channel fast and copyrighted four of my videos from months back a week after I posted the pizzagate video. My old channel statistics are here.

I had to restart my page.

I know the powers that be HATE when you bring awareness and shut it down fast. I'm sorry they ruined your career. Your work was phenomenal and I had a few clips from the game on my original channel. I hope one day someone creates a "Red Pill" style game like the original Dues Ex games and Human Revolution dropped. There's a game coming out called "Ready or Not" that has you controlling a Swat Team and has a Human Trafficking rescue mission in the trailer. We need someone to create a game that wakes people up.

21yearsofdigging ago

That sounds cool. Yeah, they don't want us getting info out there. You are obviously one of the good guys and they shut you down for that. In a weird twist of fate it is kinda a badge of honor. Listen my film is pretty interesting and deals also with ritual abuse and programming. I KNOW you will really get it. I wish i still had my free private screener but too many people were watching for free and I poured my last dime into making this. Watch then send me a email, we can talk! Email me at my website. Cool to meet ya, sorry bout your channel but that's the thing, it almost legitimizes you! Like i said, badge of honor