garouwarrior ago

The inverted cross in the title as well as throughout the game doesn't exactly inspire confidence.

Not to mention the many gruesome screenshots.

Wouldn't surprise me if there are Satanists and others in secret societies with in the video game industry unfortunately...

gamepwn ago

This is the cut rape scene audio....this is horrible Ive played every horror game but this crosses a line and is just too sick.

This should not be the future of video games...

kestrel9 ago

"After a while, it’s not shocking, it’s just in bad taste." The process of desensitization in action, meanwhile a certain subgroup of people playing the game won't concern themselves with 'bad taste' as the desire to play the game conditions them to find some type of satisfaction from the violence towards children. Even recently in the news there are increasing (so it seems), accounts of sexual violence towards children. The society is in a dehumanizing decay, by design, by those who create and profit from it.

Apparently the game was even worse before they released it: "Alright, so the ratings controversy for Red Barrels’ Outlast 2 is nothing new for those following the game. However, it appears that there was more cut content from the game that would’ve probably caused an even bigger sh*tstorm, and not just in Australia. Keep in mind that this next part potentially contains spoilers, so if you haven’t played the game, and don’t want to have a certain part ruined for you, well…

A user on the Outlast 2 Reddit recently discovered cut audio while browsing through the game’s files. The audio in question relates to the Father Loutermilch and Jessica Gray characters. It is implied during the game that Loutermilch is molesting Jessica, but it’s not explicitly stated. However, the discovered audio... confirms it. The files in question are separate dialogue tracks, but when pieced together and played at the same time, it depicts Loutermilch graphically raping Jessica.

Now obviously, a serious subject like rape is something that shouldn’t be avoided in media (since sadly it happens in real life), and should be handled in an appropriate manner. This gets into the whole discussion of what form of media is appropriate to tackle a subject like this, such as videogames. Is Outlast 2 the right game to discuss this? That would be up to the developers, and it appears that they made the decision to not have that in the game. Red Barrels hasn’t commented on why they made their decision, but perhaps they just didn’t want to have that in there to distract from the main story? We won’t know until someone from the team comments on it."

Takeitslow ago

If people understood psychology and how mammals learn and socialize we'd understand what's happening here. Humans and mammals learn from game play. It's a very important aspect of culture. The music, symbols in TV shows, weird games, someone is trying to change the morality of humans subconscious mind. It's so orchestrated on many fronts it's frightening.

edit: also a lot of research has shown that the brain is changed by images seen. It can also react to external stimulus as if the event was really happening. Example horror movie.

dmthirdeye ago

Not trying, succeeding... time to wake up world.

Asuryan ago

Was watching someone on Twitch play it there a week or so ago.....genuinely the most fucked up game I've ever seen. Like fuck, who actually gets any enjoyment out of those games?

YingYangMom ago

Yep, they're at it again, trying to desensitize our teenagers, programming their developing young brains into accepting the slaughter of children as an everyday normal thing to see or do. The only thing I can say here in that regard is that the only way for us to undo what these monster are trying to do, is to either forbid, warn against and/or constantly repeat, expose and vilify those narratives in our children's eyes and minds. What could potentially come out of it is something absolutely extraordinary. In fact, the harder TPTB push for the normalisation of taboo subjects (especially those that come against basic/natural human rights and moral values such as murder, incest and pedophilia), the more these teenagers will push back. I believe this is why so many teenagers are turning to Conservatism lately. It is fast becoming the new counter-culture and I don't believe I even saw that coming to be honest.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

It is fast becoming the new counter-culture and I don't believe I even saw that coming to be honest.

Watching Miley Cyrus, Britney Spears, etc growing up with us, always being sexualised .. Lots and lots of subliminal sexualisation in Disney .. A double endentre in most adverts thrown in our faces thousands of times a day .. The list goes on. Why? They told us it was because sex sells. Well now we know the real reason. They were conditioning us. We are in a cult and we don't even know it.

Bot117 ago

Thank you. Good research.