neptunium1 ago

Minister of Labor: Bahrain is a living example of a culture of coexistence and tolerance

Minister of Labor and Social Development Jameel Humaidan said that the initiative of the Baha’i Social Society and the United Nations in Bahrain to mark the occasion of the International Day of Peace in Bahrain is a vivid example of Bahrain’s culture of coexistence and tolerance.

Under the patronage of the Minister of Labor and Social Development, the United Nations in Bahrain and the Bahá’í Social Society organized an evening on the occasion of the International Day of Peace, aimed at spreading and consolidating the concept of peace, coexistence and lofty human values in support of unity and brotherhood under the title “The role of civil society in action for peace”.

In his speech, Deputy Minister of Social Development Khaled Ishaq stressed the role of Bahrain in supporting the culture of peace and its achievements at the local and international levels and the importance of international efforts to end conflicts and bring about peace around the world.

Resident Coordinator for United Nations Activities and Resident Representative of the United Nations Development Program in Bahrain Amin Al-Sharqawi noted that the theme of this year’s Peace Day highlights the 17 goals of sustainable development.

“What was envisioned in the United Nations Charter for 72 years goes hand in hand with the 2030 Sustainable Development Plan and sustainable development goals.”

Chairman of the Baha’i Social Society, Dr. Badea Jaberi, affirmed that for the first time in history, every human being could look with one eye to this entire planet with all the different peoples of different colors and races. Global peace is not only possible but must be achieved.


Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

..And a Harvard psychiatrist who specializes in trauma and belonged to the UN Baha'i Faith just happened to move to Newtown shortly before the shooting. ..

HennyPenny ago

Meghan Markle came from nowhere to pull the brass ring on the royal merry go round. Makes me think of another nobody from Chicago that got propelled (with help) to the US presidency.

AgainstPedos ago

I wonder if just a part of what I've read online is really true.

AgainstPedos ago

Re this woman's role as matchmatker, Does she have a connection to London's Soho House? CDAN isn't 100% on the mark but sometimes they've accurate.

So why did Prince Harry's best bud date MM in Cannes before he did?

Also why does the exact date of the 1st blind date keep changing according to the many mainstream pap videos and articles online? Makeover after the fact? After all Fergie was far, far wilder.

neptunium1 ago

Me too.

AgainstPedos ago

There's a lot of speculation online of the truth behind the facade. See the Beard Club on Twitter. Did Prince Harry have to get married to avoid blackmail & scandal? He was papped repeatedly at "The Box" in London with Andrew's 2 daughters.

On a lighter note watch the following vid of lip readers decoding private conversations during the wedding & wonder why xanax & opoids played a big part according to some online posters familiar with these drugs. Sadly both were victims of extreme childhood sexual abuse.

neptunium1 ago

Was Prince Harry pressured to get married to avoid blackmail/sex tape & scandal?

People who ask that question are naive.

"The Box" in London

Hmm, that might be interesting.

MolochHunter ago

Are Wahhabists tied to the British Elite?

You think the warlords who made so much money off Yugoslavia are Yugoslavifying the demographics of EVERY European Nation dont know what they're doing?

They're dont bombing the deserts the REAL Prize Location for civil war is Continental Europe

Agenda 21, Balkanized Nations to write off the impossible debt load, and all that money in destroying and then rebuilding Europe

the native folks of Europe would never bring that upon themselves,right?

But Bring in 20 million migrants who have 6 kids each to the whites One or Two, give it a generation, and the fighting age male balance is favorable - especially when the disarmed white populace have to contend with Soros arms stockpiles in Wahhabist / Salafist mosques. Then when Euro ISIS breaks out, have the EU tell the army of the hapless host Nation to 'Stand Down- human rights dont you know'

....and SCENE

CheeseboogersGhost ago

her father is a Bahraini Jew

auralsects ago

you never venture to draw any conclusions from your posts. feminine timidity no doubt.

you also show over-compassion by not wanting to single out a group for blame.

when group blame is apparent but necessarily limited to a sub-section of it, you instinctively reject the logic that if a group BENEFITS AS A GROUP THEY CAN BE PUNISHED AS A GROUP; and we all know men's brains are more logical.

I am not trolling when I say womens involvement in policy-making is a huge problem. why do you think these NWO-NGOs prioritize womens "empowerment" in every single country? obviously to sink their birth-rates and introduce communism.

so even without a jewess 'setting them up' we already know its a jew psyop, because race-mixing is overall rare and unpopular and that's why jewish-dominated media & advertising agencies have to push it so heavily.

Why is it called Paddle8? Because it's the infinity sign, which features heavily in Kabbalah:

The Jewish family behind the Child Mind Institute even uses it as the logo for their family newsletter

and lol@ using a muslim source for an unnecessary conspiracy theory; it is no secret that since the end of the cold war the jews have depended on falsely pitting muslims and Christians against each other.

Vindicator ago

you also show over-compassion by not wanting to single out a group for blame.

In fact, N1's dispassionate, sourced approach to the potential role of Jews in Cabal machinations and his efforts to connect this person of interest to Abramovic is far more potent and potentially damaging research than any of the histrionic smear-mongering we usually see on this subject.

SchlongKeyhote ago

In fact, N1's dispassionate, sourced approach to the potential role of Jews in Cabal machinations

LEL. the word Cabal literally comes from the word Kabbala just like the word "con-man" literally comes from "Cohen"

pretending a link to a single celebrity avant-garde witch-artist is particularly damning is exactly the kind of gaslighting bullshit I expect from the likes of you. 'smear-mongering' LMAO such as, what, the historical documentation of Jewish communities the world over being involved in exactly the type of practices we see in PG?

SchlongKeyhote ago

i just said i don't give a shit about that. its redundant because abramovic is a hooknose. i did however love this inspirational photo

neptunium1 ago

Well, this is interesting. The ARC processor ??

neptunium1 ago

you never venture to draw any conclusions from your posts.

I let the facts speak for themselves.

I do intend one day to write about my conclusions. That will take a book :)

MolochHunter ago

if there's one thing the Pizzagate community loses most credibility over, its premature conclusivity

auralsects ago

oh ok, until then by all means continue to spam the board and watch half the folks here waste time with "Q" nonsense. has it escaped your notice that actual PG posts have been drastically crowded-out by that shit even in the PG sub?

Vindicator ago

Please show some examples of "actual PG posts" that have been "drastically crowded out". It's not happening, Donkey.

auralsects ago

that's not what crowding out means, dumbfuck. the artificial supply of Q posts inhibits the normal supply of PG posts from even forming by redirecting peoples time and attention. I thought you jew-rats studied economics??

Vindicator ago

Please show evidence of "artificial Q posts" proliferating, then.'s not happening.

neptunium1 ago

spam the board

? you mean, unlike you ??

watch half the folks here waste time with "Q" nonsense

You don't have to read posts which you think are a waste of time. I don't.

has it escaped your notice that actual PG posts have been drastically crowded-out by that shit even in the PG sub?

Hasn't escaped my notice. I've noticed too that you are still here :)

auralsects ago

? you mean, unlike you ??

bitch, every single one of my submissions are hand-polished gems featuring real people real places and justifying an explicit broader theme. that's called supporting a case, which is how investigations work

neptunium1 ago

UK royal wedding a monstrous lie: Academic

How the elite keep the public away from reality. On the 'fairy tale' that is the Royal Family.