flyingcuttlefish ago

[sent in]

Lieberman seems affiliated with chabad. Not really clear how close but he spoke at 15th year memorial of his death and says he has been involved with chabad since college or law school. video of speech is linked to here:

Did you notice Mueller became director one week before 911?

Trump may be involved in something so big Mueller appt may be about surgical removal.

flyingcuttlefish ago

These items were sent to me -

Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has donated big to Chabad which had leaders involved in recent abuse case in Australia.

Found this in passing. Abuse seems to be almost everywhere. “Decades of sexual abuse at elite Connecticut school documented in report Posted:Fri, 14 Apr 2017 15:06:08 -0400 NEW YORK (Reuters) – Students at Choate Rosemary Hall, an elite boarding school in Connecticut, were sexually abused by at least 12 faculty members in incidents that date back to the 1960s, according to a report commissioned by the school and released on Friday. “ = = = = = = =

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[ **On Dershowitz - **] Must be the same one. He’s been at Harvard since forever and I think worked for OJ Simpson. Chabad is Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s religion but even Trump’s father was tied in with them via Bunny Lindenbaum. Some think that they act as Mossad safe-houses. They seem like a Jewish version of the Mormons. Both have their own prophet-messiah and book. = = = = = = =

Is that the lawyer-prof Dershowitz? I think he’s a member of Chabad Lubavitch. They’ve had scandals: [](

= = = = = = =
Must be the same one. He’s been at Harvard since forever and I think worked for OJ Simpson. Chabad is Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s religion but even Trump’s father was tied in with them via Bunny Lindenbaum. Some think that they act as Mossad safe-houses. They seem like a Jewish version of the Mormons. Both have their own prophet-messiah and book.

= = = = = = =
Is that the lawyer-prof Dershowitz? I think he’s a member of Chabad Lubavitch. 
They’ve had scandals: 

flyingcuttlefish ago

I posted this link over at 9-11 truth subverse so people can see it.