Takeitslow ago

Many cases of orthodox rabbi pedos in NY. Not being prosecuted. Brooklyn DA was getting tons of heat because of it.

sunajAeon ago

I'm a big fan of Makow, and I also do not completely trust him; he seems to have come on the scene suddenly, he is a Jew, he has of late made attacks on Jeff Rense for his personal life, to the acrimony of David Icke-and Henry himself reveals the character and skill of Jews when it comes to infiltrating groups-I am wondering if any other researcher has similar doubts (and frankly, there is a balance in evaluating any newcomers/researchers, etc.-we don't want paranoia or witch hunts, just thorough vetting of reporters, writers, etc.)

tinytank ago

Makow has been writing about this stuff for many years.

garouwarrior ago

Don't really have a strong opinion of Jeff Rense.

However, there are numerous articles and Youtube videos out there on David Icke being controlled opposition and even Illuminati/Freemason:


garouwarrior ago

Henry Makow is a great resource. Many of my articles regarding Protestant/Evangelical freemasonry/sexual scandals have been from his site.

Although as a forewarning, he and many of the contributors there have a VERY LOW opinion of Zionists, of both the Jewish and "Christian" variety.

ASolo ago

I will not deny that Makow has shown an at times very antisemitic bent, it is an angle that I myself would like to try and avoid and I was going to use this thread to help correct possible perceptions, or misconceptions, about my beliefs. Please, believe me, I am not antisemitic and do not advocate even the death or harm to perpetrators in the cult, only justice. My aim with this material is to try and point out the psychological complexity it presents to the world when trying to explain a CULT HIDING INSIDE A RELIGION. It is one of the express reasons why the pyop aspect of the holocaust is so effective and why it was implemented the way it was, as to provide an iron clad insulation from criticism from the inside out. I do believe that even HenryMakow has come around to the fact that segments of Jews have and always will be 'used' as scapegoats to elevate other sections of Jews who call themselves Jews but are not into positions of power using alchemical magick. There was a formula used in world war II that was required in order to institute the state of israel, it required a one third sacrifice of the population in order to fulfill the demands of their god baal, I'm afraid it is going to take a whole hell of a lot more blood to make the current israel into proposed capitol of the religious and financial center of the world. The Black hat freemason hidden in the churches and cabalist lubavitch jews tasked at intentionally corrupting your churches are slated for INTENTIONAL EXPOSURE, so that a portion of them can be used as examples so that it can garner world wide hate and reform for the REAL NEW WORLD ORDER hiding in the CATHOLIC CHURCH.


garouwarrior ago

Being anti-Zionist and anti-semitic are two very different things.

Especially considering many Jews like Henry Makow, Michael Hoffman, James Perloff, Brother Nathanael, Benjamin Freedman, etc., are some of the strongest critics.

Pizzagate will never be taken seriously if the movement allows Christian Zionists to control the narrative.

It is as simple as that IMHO...

equineluvr ago

"This skit happens to blow the LID off of Pizzagate in the sense that in connects The Sandler Clan, George Soros, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, and of course the Clinton Foundation, among other major campaign contributors, not only to Pizzagate, but to the Franklin Scandal as well. - "

No, it does not.

It only demonstrates the powerful players involved in the financial shenanigans. There is not even a tenuous connection to pedophilia suggested in that skit. The ONLY connection to Franklin there is the presence of Barney Frank, and his pedo activities were never even hinted at either.

educate_yourself ago

last night had a lot of references to pizzagate imho https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1798051

ASolo ago

The fact of the matter is that it brings a perspective of THEM ALL TOGETHER as we all know they have been all along, each and every one of them cooking up fraud schemes and bypassing governmental oversight by controlling politicians like frank using extortion by the bush/clinton cartel. There does not need to be this 'tenuous connection' in the SNL skit as you suggest, especially in light of what we've known about frank for quite some time now, however, the skit implies that mental logical progression because of the peripheral knowledge of the pizzagate saga that we understand from our research here, from the Sandler clan to the handkerchief email to Podesta etc etc. Those valid conclusions to support my claim are drawn from the body of research that is pizzagate, your pseudointellectual critique is just simply that... superfluous, but thanks.

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