ASolo ago

I think your observations are correct. Upvoated.

educate_yourself ago

thanks! that was the mainthing i wanted to get it on here to make sure i wasnt reading into it. i notice lots of shit like this but havent seen such direct references over and over and over in like a half hour span, really wanted to make sure thats how they intended it to come across. i dont really like not being able to tell these people things to their face and end up cursing at the tv lol

rooting4redpillers ago

This is good info to bring up here, so thanks op.

I expect to see a lot more jokes, not directed at pizzagate by name, but by association. Using pizzagate-related buzzwords, topics, on purpose. In TV shows, talk shows, standup comedy, movies, and in music and art. Hollywood can joke about practically anything (even pedophilia), if they pass it off as comedy - while portraying all scrutiny and criticism as "tinfoil hat; humorless; right wing hate speech"... you name it.

By doing this, they forward a process of making the general, entertainment/celebrity-loving population immediately associate serious issues - brought to light by Wikileaks and online pizzagate research - with JOKES. Obviously, the more this happens, the more effective it is.

RIDICULE IS A POWERFUL WEAPON. Politics-based ridicule is 99% of SNL-style comedy. I don't know when that became their "thing," but I noticed it after GWB was elected, and even throughout eight years of their beloved BHO, they were still at it. HRC's loss was a devastating surprise, an embarrassment to the Hollywood and big media elite, and they not only want revenge, they are desperate/dying to stay somehow relevant.

Thanks to independent media, pizzagate is getting A LOT of serious attention. Since that's unstoppable, celebrities have no choice, but to make it into dark, ridicule-based "comedy," to belittle and dismiss ALL accusations and opposition towards their political heroes.

ArthurEdens ago

I can't find the times, but Dana Carvey said some red flag stuff on Marc Maron's show. He said his dad was very abusive, and his dad and mom tried extorting money from him, which sounds like a satanist method. He also said he lived with Paula Poundstone, who had some child abuse accusations against her later. He said he played "ping pong" with Robin Williams. Only time he stuttered was when he said that. And lastly he said Lorne Michaels invited Dana to live at his beach house the summer before his first season, which had never been offered to any other cast member. And one more thing, Dana settled down in Mill Valley / Marin County which is said to be one of the child trafficking hubs of the west coast. (Napa, Sacramento, Beverly Hills, Portland, and Seattle being the others.)

It might amount to a hill of beans, but that ping pong comment really makes me thing he and Lorne and other snl people have pizza dust on their shoes.

Newfind ago

Thank you for the inclusion of JRM

kazza64 ago

and just to remind me that its a big club and we arent part of it ..... i stumbled across louie ck on stephen colbert calling trump a lying sack of shit.... colbert was just loving it . it makes me wonder if louie isnt part of the same elite pedo ring. some of his material on stage concerning his daughters sounds to me like children acting out that have been sexually abused. on the my kid is an asshole video at 4.11 he describes behaviours that i as a parent to two girls know is not normal behaviour. so i question everything about him now and the worst part is he is a brilliant comedian.

ArthurEdens ago

Louis CK used to work with Stephen Colbert on the Dana Carvey Show.

educate_yourself ago

fucking stephen colbert

duhiki ago

My ex has a son with Louis CK's sister, Gen. Described the family as incredibly fucked up; the mother a horrid bitch that offered the sister no comfort when in labor; that it was the most unfamily-like family he ever interacted with. My ex didn't mention them often, but when he did, it was always with a measure of "well, no wonder she was fucked up, she came from that family."

So, yeah. There could be some fucked up shit going on; CK's family (especially his mom) is fucked up and negligent. No empathy or consideration for others. Also important to note he was born in DC and grew up in Boston (after living in Mexico)

2013 pic of CK and his daughter

He has two daughters; Mary and Kitty.

Worked with Stephen Colbert writing for the Dana Carvey Show in 1996.

ArthurEdens ago

Anyone from DC is a major red flag now, not their fault but the place is a cesspit.

kazza64 ago

i just watched his latest series ' horace and pete ' and its good. he is a great writer and he is a dedicated comedian. some of his material about his daughters just has red flags for me. and now his recent appearances on snl and stephen colbert makes me think he may have joined the illuminati. the first story is the one that tipped me off that all may not be okay in louie land behind the scenes.

educate_yourself ago

yeah i actually really like horace and pete. had to watch it in doses tho bc its strange. that said id label him a pedo or pedo protector or some shit

kazza64 ago

i think he was probably approached by the illuminati as he worked his way up the money ladder but i like his work very much except for the really graphic stand up. makes me uncomfortable.

artfullyours ago

Sounds to me like they read Voit and are mocking the information found here and everywhere to make it seem fanatical. That's know you have their attention. I am proud of the hard work people are doing to bring the truth to light. I wish I could help but alas I am pretty helpless on computers! I do try and get the word out though!

educate_yourself ago

im also quite hamfisted with computers but it doesnt mean we cant be as committed or not do our part. thats all you gotta do is carry the message :)

artfullyours ago

That I am doing for sure!

rooting4redpillers ago

You bet. They're seeing and reading serious pizzagate support on voat, YouTube, and every social media site out there. They have nothing but mocking and ridicule to offer as pushback, and they HAVE to push back. Comedy is the safest, and most defensible, way of protecting their own. Great comment, all the way around.

madhatter67 ago

I thought the fool was allowed to speak truth to power.....Just like journalism it seems comedians are now bought and paid for and afraid to rock the boat

artfullyours ago

I never thought of that...that comedy and mocking is the safest way to hit back. Because I bet there is a ton of evil anger behind those jokes. And if they could...what would they really like to do?

kazza64 ago

i wanted to watch snl because louie ck was on .... but it is just so loaded with political propaganda... and louie ck's comedy is loaded with references to children.... it was on snl that he compared raping a child to eating a snickers .... so good that you would just keep going back for more .... that got him into trouble. snl is so anti trump i find it difficult to watch these days. they've actually had hillary on as a guest to show their support for her. lorne michaels has to be at the heart of it all its his show. on the louie ck show recently they were taking the piss out of pizzagate by mocking people that share stories on social media. it made me feel uncomfortable. i dont watch it anymore unless theres a guest i really want to see because clearly snl has an agenda.

3141592653 ago

I only saw one sketch from that episode. He starred in it and it seemed pro pedo

unbiased_researcher ago

I used to watch Louis CK and thought he was hilarious. I watched his 2017 special and I cringed through the whole thing knowing the agenda behind all of it. Sickening.

kazza64 ago

yes it appears there is no fame and fortune without selling your soul to the illuminati

educate_yourself ago

yeah i got through it and wasnt very happy. was mostly curious. in one of his episodes of his show he flashes 666 on his forehead lol

rooting4redpillers ago

I once thought, "Louis CK can be a tolerable, and even decent, actor," despite his leftist attitude. Then I watched his stand-up. 99.9% dependent on his audience's appreciation of depravity and filth.

V____Z ago

I can't watch it even if there's a guess I like. And i didn't even vote for Trump, but it's just too much. Gives me the gag response to even think about how they shill for Hillary and the establishment.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Speaking of gag response:

This was almost worse, like something you'd see in North Korea:

V____Z ago

That's it in a nutshell (just threw up in my mouth)

ArthurEdens ago

Those weirded me out too at the time. Snl has never tributed any politicians before obama and killery. They're supposed to be ripping them to shreds, it's a comedy show!

FuckReddit69 ago

they are pure propaganda. always have been. very subtle through comedy but its there. comedy is a great way to spew propaganda at the masses because they don't see the underlying message and/or think its just funny while it completely flys over their heads. its sad.

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