Hooliganscat ago

I came to same conclusion

AmishMechWarrior ago

Red heels were a sign of royal favor in France during renaissance times.....

Investigate1999 ago

He has a great looking wife.

That being said, here are my thoughts on the images.

1 of the people on reddit has been championing the idea that the Jesuits are controlling things behind the scenes. Therefore, he has been trying to expose the Jesuit connections. Perhaps it would be wise to see if any of the Podestas are high ranking Jesuits.

Another thing worth noting is that Podesta had pointy shoes in a photo, which seems different than the regular curved toe shoe.

Instead of thinking of the Catholics being perverted from outside sources, it might make more sense that the are the perverters of other things. Maybe they are Satanic as many people have said.

tehthu ago

Know your enemy.

tehthu ago

Who are you talking to ?

Cbradio ago

The butchering meat market in NYC, is full of their clubs, restaurants with outdoor seating by the slaughter, and designer stores. A killing fields poster, is in an entrance to one of the many warehouse buildings.

FuckReddit69 ago

meat market district? around 14st nd 10th. Yes very trendy area, many famous people visit the rooftop restaurants there.

Cbradio ago

Yes, there is a lot inside the warehouses, with a lot of top tier clubs, rooftop for members, designer stores, restaurants. I used to explore as we had band practice there..back in day..

Z11Mama ago

This might be laughable but...clowns. The recent deal of clowns scaring children. Some of us love clowns. A lot of us are totally creeped out by them. And what do clowns wear? Great big red noses and great big red shoes!

zzvoat ago

John Wayne Gacy

Z11Mama ago

Interesting. I couldn't find this creep already covered here so started a post.

fifibrindacier ago

Don't feed that troll. Just say expectro patronum.

Freemasonsrus ago

What. The. Fuck. Looking at the pics from Vatican is flat out creepy AF. No one accidentally makes architecture like that (that even has the snakes tongue coming out from the stage). As a former catholic, I can say the parishioners are naive for the most part, but the leaders are in their own cult.

srayzie ago

What video? I can't find the link

thezodiac ago

Three things:

  1. George Soros's son also had red shoes in a MARINA ABRAMOVIC presentation.
  2. In the first photo, is it just me or behind them there's an hologram with red shoes in it?
  3. You forgot the artist Podesta likes with all the girls wearing red shoes.

There's definitely something here.

notdivided ago

red shoes are a trigger for a specific level of cia mind control wizard of oz programming. I think pulling % certainties out of our asses is silly but definitely see more of a connection there than to the pope.

They are also associated w/ evil magic like in the hans christian andersen story "the red shoes" where a little girl wears evil red shoes that posses her to dance herself to death.

tehthu ago

Those percentages are my own, based on my own analysis and deduction. We're on the same page though.

Melitica ago

Oddly...the current Pope does not wear red shoes and has repeatedly refused to do so.

zzvoat ago

I know he hasn''t worn red shoes in photos but do you have a link/source for his refusing?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

So! Does pedophilia need to be stamped with an expiration date?


something about it triggers MKUltra victims - for what? who knows

Cbradio ago

There is a blogbof a male survivor, I found that puts on healing conventions for survivors. They will not allow ones to do hand gestures, stating it retraumatizes, triggers survivors.

Found it sometime back, but blog can be found by searching the known male satantist that goes by two names, and trued to get Fl gov, Rick scott, involved in some public satanic ritual.

JimALFixIt ago

Not gay. Stop trying to fuck me you queer.

JimALFixIt ago

So what, daddy diddled you and now you're mad at the world? Grow up asshole. LOL one bigot comforting another. GO FUCK YOURSELF BIGOT

JimALFixIt ago

And have still done more than you. Go play in traffic boy. Let the big people do grown up things. Xbox is more your speed.

0xFFF ago

Wow you are tough guy. But become a snowflake when it comes to critisism on christian stuff?

PresudentMcCheese ago

William Daniels posited that Podesta is a Catholic priest, so thus futs into that theory. This explains a lot.

JimALFixIt ago

LOL butthurt bro? GFY ya cunt

JimALFixIt ago

The fuck are you, white knight? Get lost.

happyme73db ago

Got to be a Wizard of Oz connection.... they love that for MK ultra stuff along with Alice in Wonderland....

BeezleyBillyBub ago

There is a picture of Tony Podesta with about a dozen of his pals all wearing red shoes. Each one of these pieces of shit should be investigated for kid fucking.

Jem777 ago

If you check out the YouTube "the outer dark" there is a great tutorial on this audience hall of Pope Francis. It not only looks like a serpent outside but inside as well. Including Frightening statue with some type of figure coming out of a possible calamity. It looks like pure evil. For those of you that have never studied the history of Catholicism You should. I don't want to get religious but just tell the truth. It is not what you think it is why do you think the Vatican has so many secrets? Does not allow anyone to investigate the astounding numbers of pedophile priests. The religion was formed out of the Roman Empire after they crucified Jesus. The first Christians were now in society and expanding because they had believed in their hearts that Jesus died for them and all of mans sins. Jesus had just preached that through him we would never have to go through another man or woman r anything to connect with God be forgiven and have eternal ice. The Romans were not pleased because as always in society the ruling class wants control. So Roman Catholicism was a hybrid of Christianity with extra rules, rituals etc.and of course would have to go through man again to get to God for forgiveness (Pope, priests,) This is false and a massive deception on people.


agreed, something is wrong when those who wrote the bible were the same that killed him.

I believe Jesus was a normal man who stood up to the pagan religions and the system at the time, was denounced by lies the Jews spread, and killed for his beliefs. Jesus became a martyr and the movement was birthed. the church along with the Jews, wrote the bible as a moral guide to keep people in control, and to offer the "sheep" a shepard in Jesus, all this so they could continue in the darkness under the guise of the catholic church while the people were pacified.

srayzie ago

Just because a certain religion, such as Catholicism, may be strange, the Bible is still real. A lot of that religions beliefs and rituals are man made. That doesn't mean that Jesus isn't the son of God. If Satan is real, then so is God. I think we should get off of this comparing Jesus and the Bible to sick catholic pedophiles. It's going to upset a lot of people.


agreed PG is not the place to discuss religious truths and deceits

Jem777 ago

This is not true. This is where things went horribly wrong. Jesus was the Son of God and sent for redemption, the Jews rejected this belief and gave him to the Romans to be crucified. His death and resurrection made it possible for everyone to reach out directly to God through prayer and repentance because Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for all. The only blood sacrifice that ever counts or counted. The Old Testament is hard to understand for many people but the stories most people know about such as DAVID and Goliath, Moses and the burning bush, the struggles of the Israelites to make it to the promised land etc. the stories are all about Mankind setting up governance that ruled them those rulers becoming corrupt, or abusing power, the religious leaders (Pharisees) being immoral but forcing morality on others, people developing their own cults and religions worshiping idols making sacrifices to their idols. Time and again again God with warn them to repent and then from their wicked ways (sin) but they would not so judgement would fall on them. God desperately wanted to connect with his creation this where the New Testament begins and the story of Jesus all the rest is his story. He told everyone be kind, love you neighbor as yourself, help the poor and needy, he went to the most judged people in society at that time (prostitutes, lepers) when they recognized him as Jesus the one who was crucified he touched them and told them they wee forgiven. The New Testament is all about his story and our story, ad this strory because it sad in revelations that evil through Satanic influence will be revealed but many will be deceived and believe that what is evil is good and what is good is evil. It also says Lucifer (Satan) the fallen angel who has been roaming the earth since the beginning when he was thrown out of heaven will manifest more for those who are not deceived. He above all wants to be worshiped, that is why he was thrown out f heaven. He also wants to destroy the very truth about Jesus because his crucfiction and blood sacrifice is the direct connection for you and I to God. So he will not only appear in pure evil he as used churches to do his bidding as the ultimate deception. As I the Roman Empire when it saw that Christianity in its purest form (non-judgmental, welcoming, gracious, forgiving,peaceful) was spreading in its people the rulers co-opted Christianity added rituals, laws, teachings, heiarchy, judiciary, to it which was a direct conflict to what Jesus had said in the New Testament. That is part of the story of the Vatican. I am not saying Catholics are bad or trying to preach. Not even close I come to this from a historical perspective. It is imperative that those investigating pizzagate realize that you are uncovering evil not just one pyschopath but the belief system itself. Satanism who wants t be worshiped and gain as many souls as possible, the ultimate injustice to God and pleasure for him would be the blood sacrifice of a child. These people are deceived in believing these evil acts will give them eternal life here. They are mistaken. Please just ask God to show each of you the truth so we can expose this sick evil perverted conduits of satans work.

tehthu ago

I'm beginning to understand that the coming events are going to make people decide what they believe or get swept aside.

A choice is coming: if supernatural Evil is real, then supernatural Good must also exist. The actions that we hear echoes of can only be described as proto Evil. Total inversion of everything positive and uplifting (for the atheists), and pure mockery and scorn for anything close to Divine Truth.

My instincts are saying strongly that something big is coming and its going to be that 'thief in the night' moment. Don't be anywhere close to the wrong side of this.


I was baptised, confirmed and went to Catholic school

I will stick with my beliefs of the bible being propaganda - thank you

rhy ago

While I think there is definitely something behind the red shoes, I don't think it's inversion at all. High ranking members of the Catholic church have often been pedophiles. One might even say non-pedos would be the exception, rather than the rule. And when you look at people in power all over the globe, a disturbing trend emerges. They are all ancient, and ugly, and somehow: HEALTHY. I believe what they are doing to these kids is a form of parabiosis that has been done for centuries in satanic rituals. Basically, by transfusing the blood of a very young organism into the blood of a very old organism, the older organism actually becomes more youthful and vigorous. Numerous studies were done on this in the 50s by the Rockefeller Foundation. Yes, THAT Rockefeller. The red shoes are not just symbolic. They are a means to avoid staining your white shoes with the blood of the children you are sacrificing in order to live longer and restore your own organs. This is what the spirit cooking / cannibalism shit is all about: Life extension. Since the 50s this has been scientifically proven to be possible, and it's no surprise that some sick fuck high in the church in the dark ages (or maybe even way before that, who knows) figured out a way to stress the fuck out of a child (rape is a good way, I'm sure), drain their blood, inject it into their own ageing body, and then also get the adrenochrome out of the adrenal glands of the child, and use that to get high as fuck. There is some evidence that all of this is what is occurring here. So the red shoes are really just a functional way to hide the evidence of probably the most fundamentally vile practice ever conceived by an animal: terrorizing a child, murdering them, consuming their blood and the powerful drugs the human adrenal gland creates under extreme stress.

SpikyAube ago

After all this madness this year and being completely uncertain as to what is true and what's not, I actually came to accept that it could actually be the case that David Icke is completely right and completely honest. How the hell would I know?! I thought I knew stuff, but I knew nothing! It seems like the only knowledge you can trust anymore is the stuff you see and feel and hear with your own body. And when you think about it that way, you realise how very very little you actually know for sure about anything.

SpikyAube ago

I feel as though most people intuitively know the Catholic Church is evil - otherwise why does it feature so heavily in horror movies and tales of depravity? I remember being in Rome and visiting several churches (and the Vatican of course) and I felt sickened by it. You'd go up the steps of a church and there'd be a homeless kid there, maybe 17 years old, tattered clothes, emaciated, little hat out for change. You go into the church, just one small church, not even one of the main must see ones featured in the tourist guide, and it was shining with gold, gold ornamentation everywhere, marble, rich luxurious materials, a statue of the virgin Mary on display in the centre, with gaudy Christmas lights around her head. And a priest solemnly crossing himself in front of the altar as he rose to walk out into a back room somewhere.

I was only 18 then, but I remember getting so upset and angry that I cried at the fact that people were suffering and starving and begging on the steps of a church that belonged to an organisation who had laid claim to morality and judgement for the world, who pretended to follow a law about being decent to one another, to put one another above all else - above riches, above false idols - to put other people above everything else except God. And these fucking people were luxuriating in their golden gaudy-lit splendour and seemed to genuinely think that making a cross like gesture or going to confession or saying some memorised lines was what was moral and pure and right, that they were superior to us atheists (I don't believe in the God of the Abrahamic tradition (the God of the Jews, Christians and Muslims) but am opened minded about some creative intelligent force etc) and all the while they let that teenage boy starve on the steps outside.

I just couldn't understand how so many people were oblivious to the blatant hypocrisy and I remember thinking how frightening it was that so many people could be so easily told and so easily blind. And now I'm even more terrified for that same reason!

bopper ago

Welcome to the whore of Babylon.


The Exorcist was filmed at Georgetown :)

JimALFixIt ago

I feel as though most people intuitively know the Catholic Church is evil.

I feel as though you're a bigot with stupid opinions.

Freemasonsrus ago

I think people should differentiate between the leaders of the church and the parishioners. Just like Scientology, lots of great people join but the "leaders" are rotten to the core.

SpikyAube ago

I feel as though your feeling that I'm a bigot with stupid opinions is a strange thing to waste your feelings on.

You don't need to feel offended by my feelings because they don't affect anything one way or another! It's just how I feel. You feel differently and that's okay and that's that. There's no need to be mean is there?

JimALFixIt ago

I'm not feeling anything, I'm calling out your bigotry. Sorry, that's what it is. You may wish to consider your blanket hate smear of 1.2 billion people because you had bad feefees when you were a kid on vacation. Can you guess the biggest private charity in the world? You're entitled to your stupid opinion, not being mean.

SpikyAube ago

You didn't understand what I was saying, because I wasn't talking about 1.2 billion catholics, I was talking about the church, as in the powers that be. If I said the American government is evil would you accuse me of bigotry and hate smears against all American citizens? They aren't the same thing. The majority of catholics are really decent kind people, which I know well, having gone to a Catholic school and having many catholics and former catholics as friends.

The bad fee fees you're having now seem to entitle you to put words into my mouth and

JimALFixIt ago

Not a Catholic and again not expressing any feelings. Your analogy fails. A personal belief system and religious practices, entirely personal and voluntary decisions and activities, are in no way the same thing as representative government. I understand exactly what you're saying, and what I'm telling you is that you're a bigot, and you fail to understand that because reasons. What you're saying is. "I know you're a decent kind person, Mr. Catholic, but you worship evil and you're at best a fool for not seeing the blindingly obvious evilness of your deeply held intimate belief." When you insult an entire religion, as you've done, you're insulting it's people personally, because a church is nothing but its people. Grow up.

ArthurEdens ago

"Grow up" is the new pedo saying. Biden, Colbert, and you buddy.

SpikyAube ago

Ok you can think I'm a bigot that's your prerogative. You won't change my opinion about myself though I'm afraid, which is that I'm a nice person and I don't judge individuals on the basis of whatever categories they may fit into such as religion, nationality, gender, whatever, I decide what I think about people based on their actions and then I act according to the opinion. That's the opposite of a bigot. And it isn't bigoted to dislike an institution and what it stands for. If your dislike of the institution leads to you disliking all those who belong to it, and treating them badly solely on that basis, then that is bigotry. If you can't see that then you must have your mind caged in a very small box, to prevent yourself from disliking anything at all that other human beings may identify themselves with. Which is just stupid!

JimALFixIt ago

Now we're getting somewhere

elgindelta ago

I always took it as a slaughter house statement. Culling cattle for the benefit of the superior species is messy business sort of thing.

Kawksnahch ago

Came here for "Aaah! Real Monsters"


so you want to say that the roman church is the good guy? lol

Toogi23 ago

I suddenly have a desire to get rid of my red shoes. Gah, red WAS my favourite colour. I wonder what bowie was referring to in his song, Let's Dance. 'Put on your red shoes and dance the blues'? Given the alleged abuse claims against him in the past.

Yuser_Manuel ago

Original Bowie died in 1974. Original Bowie was also on the top of Pops singing Starman. The host of the show was Jimmy Savile.

Toogi23 ago

This is sounding like the main story in Fallout 4 Far Harbor dlc. (Notable persons are replaced with synths)

ada1989 ago

Interesting that Pope Francis refused to wear the red shoes from the beginning of his papacy out of "humility" - but Pope's red shoes symbolize the blood of the martyrs. He has been widely criticized for this choice by faithful Catholics. Would that mean he might be aware of the other use of the red shoes or is he sending out a message to this "culture"? Strange. I agree that satanism is mostly a mock of Catholic faith.

shillsmademeregister ago

Red is my favorite color, and it is just tragic that our perceived spectrum is as it is and I have to share my favorite color with the most abominable people in our current time due to a lack of colors in ''layman terms''.

But beyond my personal perception of the color, let's talk about actual historical facts before spewing the dreaded ''REPTILIAN'' bullshit that lack any sort of scientific evidence to keep this cause rational.

I said this because sadly some people already invoked that trash here in the comments. Regardless of your actual intention please focus on scientific factual evidence that lack any sort of religious zeal so that onlookers won't pass this as nonsense, wherever they might come from.

Onto facts, if you look at any mural or painting from the Byzantine Era, you will notice the nobles wearing red shoes or socks. It is basic protocol. The eastern and western Roman Empires both depicted their nobility with red footwear. It is a very important detail. And this almost ritualistic protocol made it's way to the red carpets of today.

It is not happenstance that the carpets of hollywood life and higher echelons of politics is red velvet carpets. We take these things for granted and not think about them, practices that were already settled before we were born. Even the duped politician or celebrity that suffer from illusions of grandeur might not be aware of it.

The Venetian envy ransacked Constantinople in 1205, looting and pillaging that gorgeous city, but they also tried to imitate their customs. When they depicted their nobles in their murals with halos around their heads, they forgot one important detail. The red shoes and/or socks. It was forgotten then, but I guess not now.

Red shoes and socks are nothing but a imitation of higher order, nobility and class. Which is by definition alien to any constitutional republic on earth. These guys are just telling you that they are above you. This is what this is in the historical context. Let that reptilian talk go please. Unless you have video footage evidence of people morphing into some other creature form. Which I can assure you. You don't.

Cbradio ago

Area of scientific to look into, without using any phrases. Rh- blood. Also, affects on cannabil and human blood drinking on human body in medical research.

Also, human classification is very outdated. Does not even utilize mass research in many related fields of study: neurology, bio / medical anthropology, nervous system research, osteopathy and more.

How easy would it be to make a blood/plasma/ serum , or DNA lab test to discern consuming any human body parts.

And, just even humans crossing the Bering strait to a non lactose environment, changed DNA. ( bio medical anthro).

So, discarding any phrases of reptilian and such; are there DNA mutations IF generations are consuming human body parts and fluids?

SpikyAube ago

We should all wear red shoes and make red shoes go viral and ruin it for them. And then laugh at them.

fifibrindacier ago

Best idea EVER

Piscina ago

These are the symbols used by the Reptilian proxy group, the Reptoids (Illuminati, & Freemasons), collectively are known as Satanists or Luciferians. The signs of Evil. ... The symbols are their secret language, and you can see the connections down the years by the use of the same symbols, e.g. Freemasonry, the US Government, and Communism with the Hidden hand, the hidden hand of history


It's also a handy guide that people can look up when they're trying to figure out the symbology and their meanings.

Piscina ago

Hey, look what I just found: http://whale.to/b/symbols_h.html http://archive.is/ugCJP Red shoes signify Satanism, or Luciferianism.

redditsuckz ago

Blood Red...

Disclosure - Crimes Against Humanity - Transformation

One more little occult thing for you: The red carpet used at events, which the Royal Families always use - that red carpet represents ‘the blood of the Goyim’ - Goyim (wikipedia won’t tell you the true meaning of it to the Elites) is a word the Elites use - it is a word they use to refer to humanity. What it means to the Elites is something like: ‘useless eaters’ - that is how the Illuminati / The Cabal and The Royals etc refer to humanity - ‘useless eaters’. So when you see a Royal walking down that red carpet - or anyone for that matter, it represents walking over, through or on humanity’s blood. It is also related to genetic bloodline elitism.


Those Red Shoes are probably made of human flesh...The Hampstead Children mentioned that after they killed the babies they made shoes and clothing out of them

“Anonymous” document exposes Hampstead UK School & Municipality as ritual child sex & sacrifice hub

Everybody has skulls worn around the neck (4), on breast, front private, belly, knees, arms. All wear shoes made of baby skin by Felix, Daniel (owners of the shoe repair shop in Finchley Road underground station), Max (Sportec shop on Finchley road).


YingYangMom ago

I wish I could give 100 upvoats @redditsuckz ! Thank you for this beautiful link here http://archive.is/WsfvE :D

norobotono ago

Actually, Anonymous made the unusual step of releasing a statement saying they had nothing to do with that publication, that it was not released by them and that they wouldn't be so stupid as to accuse people they had no proof against.

redditsuckz ago

Looks like these video's back up the Hampstead childrens accounts of what happened to them;

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed


Shocking stuff. Queen Elizabeth. Satanic child abuse beyond belief.


Do they pay you in baby fetuses norobotono?

slickleg64 ago

Tony was molested by a priest i bet.

crystalclearme ago

Early in investigation I found link between the Podesta brothers and it was either an uncle or great uncle who was... wait for it... Monsignor John Podesta of Catholic Church ..

Cbradio ago

And Podesta bro parents are known for their parents to prepare dinners often, in the ec crowds. Roth's and Rocks, dinner events too; and from old pics that have come out the clothes and robes worn, the set up, the body art food on platters.

yousef1971 ago

and enjoyed it

Orange_Circle ago

Deray McKessen wears red shoes also.

Alex_A97 ago

Well of course, as leader of the most divisive organization in America designed to instigate a race war and created to diffuse attention from the Bureau of Land Management, DeRay definitely has to be well up there on the Satanists' payroll.

Orange_Circle ago

The funniest time so far in the Deray the gay scandal is when he and Netta figured out Shaun King is actually white.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

In my opion, the red shoes are a show of solidarity to the Vatican! Also, pizza is used as a code for the Vatican (Italy).

Yesterday defendants Pope Francis Bergoglio, Catholic Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were found guilty of rape, torture, murder and trafficking of children. Five judges of the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels determined that the crimes occurred as recently as 2010. Since last March over 48 eyewitnesses have come forward to testify before this ICLCJ Court about the defendants’ activities as members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult. http://childabuserecovery.com/pope-francis-found-guilty-of-child-trafficking-rape-murder/

SayWhatNOWAY ago

You have a right to your opinion!

Jem777 ago

The Pope was found guilty of horrendous crimes sexually assaulting young children at a school for the deaf. These children were also mostly mute so they could not hear or scream for help....sociopathaic. The reason these crimes for priests do not involve law enforcement is because the Vatican has always had its own judicial system. Investigate each other He convenient.

Cbradio ago

Ukraine children can now, not be adopted, unless have medical issues on a list. Deaf and blindness issues are all over that list.

Boystown research hospital, boasts that their main research is with deaf and vision blind and issues with children.

Vista maria/ boystown in Ukraine, bring many kids to Jerusalem.

srayzie ago

Wow I didn't know that

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yes, the Vatican, the church as a whole has had it's tentacles in the pedo cabal. Pure Evil!

SpikyAube ago

What is this court and how did it come to exist and why do we never hear about it? I'm guessing it doesn't have any power, it's just a symbolic and cathartic thing, so victims can be heard and so that at least some sort of investigation can be done (presumably? Do they do everything the same way a normal court does?) and so it can't be said that everyone ignored it or let it slide by unnoticed. It's a shame they don't have any way of enforcing anything!

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Not sure what court this is. However,the number of witnesses and the verdict given, says a lot. This pedo cabal is massive and goes to the highest levels. Pure Evil!

Wolftrail7272 ago

I don't want to sound partisan, but we really are making America great again. Making the world great again. Let's bring these fuckers to justice.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Hell Yeah!

JimALFixIt ago

FFS you cited a made up court with no legal authority to hold court or prosecute anyone in a meaningful or fair way. Way to diminish the legitimacy of your argument.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Spin it any way you want! The Catholic Church via the Pope(s) and preist are known for coveringup pedophilia, with millions of dollars being paid out to victims.

PresudentMcCheese ago

Made up? Like "fake news"? Shills gonna shill.

JimALFixIt ago

Made up, like a man and a blog. How fucking stupid and unable to use Google are you people? Confirmation bias much? Not everyone who disagrees with a stupid, factually incorrect point is a shill asshole.


See how easy that is? OR OMG R U SHILL?????