joe_hill ago

My investigation on red shoes :

Theyrekditalianfood ago

These shoes look very much like the red loafers favoured by Pope Benedict. There's a long tradition of red shoes in the Vatican

Yuser_Manuel ago

Red shoes or slippers (ruby) is mk ultra sex kitten beta programming wizard of oz.

openminded ago

red the granny cult that meets for coffee and plays bridge and wears red hats....except this one is for pompous elitist douchebags???


"In the XVII and XVIII centuries, under Louis XIV, only aristocratic men had the right to wear red heels. At the time, red ink came from grinding a red insect imported from Mexico, which made it extremely expensive. This clearly separated the haves and the have-nots. Naturally, red heels went out of fashion with the arrival of the French Revolution."

nomorepepperoni ago

Seems this answer favors Occam's Razor.

Somehow, I don't see their decision to separate themselves from American "have-nots" to be too wise...

openminded ago

it's arrogance


There ya go:

Louis IV is in the lineage of this power schema, which exists today.

bopper ago

This is an excellent piece that everybody should hang on to (I bookmarked it). Thanks.