ESOTERICshade ago

I have a small suggestion to think about. Sometimes the word "elite" in Rule 1 is problematic. A word like "organized" might be more flexible?

Altmight ago

This site is becoming very jew communist. Jews shut things down by nagging everyone to death. Then when people stop coming here, say "well I guess the people dont think pizzagate is very important after all" so sneaky. Next you will ask for our phone #s , and copy of picture ID to post here. Just like the jews are doing in EU. You have free speech as long as its not "hate speech" LOL Who decides what is "hate speech"? Jews decide that. Fuck those cunts.

think- ago

Ok, thanks for the headsup.

TrishaUK ago

I support the mods, always, I think you do a wonderful job and a lot of the time it is un-thanked, even criticised by people who would never dream of attempting the job. Grateful you all are willing to step up to the plate. 👍🏻👏👏👏

think- ago

Thank you Trisha, much appreciated! :-)

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @Honeybee_

TrishaUK ago

Yes I know that, was just thinking of a way to make everyone 'have to check them' :)

TrishaUK ago

Suggestion, Could VOAT construct a Standard Template 'Opening Statement' (simple check list) with blanks for people to input their link/info/finding etc., As long as each of these requirements are filled in/met, the VOAT Rules Criteria is covered. If they are not fill inthey get the 24 hour warning. This would be less confusing for people wondering what the Rules are and how to make up their own thoughts of what VOAT Rules mean. For example: RULES: 1: Relevance Direct link relevance to investigation of Pizzagate: 2: Empiricism EACH factual claim that is not common source link: 3: Clarity Does the title adequately describe post content (relevant to pizzagate) [..yes/no..] Explain EACH Link Description of how it relates to this post: 4: *Check that Indirect Posts are NOT posted here. (check Rule 4 if unsure)

Vindicator ago

I've long thought having a submission form to fill out would be awesome, Trisha. I don't know if that would work with the Voat codebase, since the submission buttons are Voat-wide. I have never gotten around to submitting a "would this be possible" post to v/voatdev.

There is a subset of users who would scream bloody murder about censorship if we made them fill out a form. LOL. :-)

TrishaUK ago

Hi, I never thought of it as being a 'Submission Form', I can see how that could be construed as 'official and controlling'. I see it more of a users help 'Tick List or user 'Help List'. After all the time and effort users spend compiling a submission, to have it deleted for something like forgetting to add a link or a short explanation, in order to meet Voat Rules, which are necessary, it would be much easier to have a check list. It would give peace of mind knowing that a users submission is not going to be deleted. In the beginning for me on voat I was so confused I stopped posting because I could not get the rules into my way of thinking. Actually, you @Vindicator know that you were the one helping me out along with @srayzie and @Carmencita lol. I have always thought, probably because I have worked years in primary schools, that people should make their wording/explanations/forms etc., so simple the least uneducated person can understand and the most educated has no excuse not to understand. haha Well thats my thoughts - as I said before, Well done Mods, you all do a great job and I hope more users are grateful and say it, than the haters you have to deal with. Thank God for VOAT a fantastic forum!

Vindicator ago

to have it deleted for something like forgetting to add a link or a short explanation, in order to meet Voat Rules, which are necessary, it would be much easier to have a check list. It would give peace of mind knowing that a users submission is not going to be deleted.

We've already solved this problem, though, Trisha, with the 24 Hour Edit flair. We no longer delete things immediately for those reasons -- we give people 24 hours to edit their post with the help of the community. It's resulted in far, far fewer deletions overall. :-)

TrishaUK ago

Just ignore me then, no good trying me suggesting to invent the wheel again haha

carmencita ago

Ha! Is Right! If I in any way helped you, it was a Miracle! Glad to know I helped out in some way.

TrishaUK ago

Aarrgh the above looked better as when I put it as a 'list' of 1,2,3,4 instead of looking all lumped together. lol

lamplight ago

I agree that organ trafficking be included. There are several politicians and wives who are on boards of hospitals that have connections to "charities" that are suspect of trafficking organs. I am referring to the Mayo Clinic.

ESOTERICshade ago

I am very tired. I have done a lot of crazy shit to protect our children. I used Voat to continue my mission. I really dont think I will live much longer. Ten years maybe? its been a good run. I have no regrets. I spent the last 20 years helping our children and I am not ashamed of that. I am more than certain that I will die pretty soon but I think this ship is good hands.

My ability to type is going below zero. I doubt I will be able to type in six months.

ESOTERICshade ago

I think the rules are pretty good the way they are. I would not change anything. Just my opinion.

ESOTERICshade ago

@think- and @vindicator and @kevdude do a great job. I have no complaints.

Factfinder2 ago

I’d like a v/pizzagate where the following things were true:

  1. The block button works to block not just comments from an individual user but also submissions posted by that user.

  2. Users subscribe to one or more of the Pizzagate network subs, which are then integrated into a single feed customized to that user.

  3. More network subs are added, potentially to include things like child organ trafficking, Q-related pizzagate, undocumented (no links) for pizzagate brainstorming/speculation, etc.

  4. The primary duty of a mod is to assign each new submission to the relevant sub. One submission may be assigned to multiple subs.

  5. Users moderate their own feeds to fit their own “rules” by using the submission/comment block button.

think- ago

The block button works to block not just comments from an individual user but also submissions posted by that user.

I'm not sure whether this would be technically possible, Factfinder2. @heygeorge - this would have to be changed Voat wide - do you think it would be possible to introduce this? @PeaceSeeker

More network subs are added, potentially to include things like child organ trafficking, Q-related pizzagate, undocumented (no links) for pizzagate brainstorming/speculation, etc.

Child organ trafficking posts can be posted to v/pizzagate; Q-related pizzagate mainly go to v/GreatAwakening, and undocumented posts for pizzagate brainstorming go to v/pizzagatewhatever.

The problem is that people know v/pizzagate, and come here, if we would create a sub like v/childorgantrafficking, most people wouldn't go there.

The primary duty of a mod is to assign each new submission to the relevant sub. One submission may be assigned to multiple subs.

We have that basically now - when posts are speculative, we invite to repost to v/pizzagatewhatever, when they are Q posts, but don't cover pedophilia, submitters can repost to v/GreatAwakening, and other posts may go to v/politics or v/conspiracy.

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

Factfinder2 ago

See my wish list #2. The main idea is to integrate into one v/pizzagate feed the pizzagate network subs that a user subscribes to.

In other words, a user would subscribe to various pizzagate subs such as elite, brainstorm, etc., and when they sign in to v/pizzagate, the subscribed subs are integrated into one customized feed at v/pizzagate. This would eliminate what I consider to be a major problem, which is fragmentation of information among separate subverses. Most people do not visit the other subverses, as you know, and potentially important connections can therefore be missed.

I didn't say I thought this or a block submission button were doable with the current setup. I said I'd like to see v/pizzagate function this way.

think- ago

Thank you, @Factfinder2, I think I might have misunderstood your first comment. I can see now what you meant.

Yes, that would indeed be a good idea. Please see also @PeaceSeeker's reply - maybe it might be possible to implement the submissions of a user into the blocking system at some point in the future.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :-)

Oh_Well_ian ago

I wrote you an answer.

Unlike you, I take time for a well thought out response that took 20 minutes.

Now, how about an apology?

Oh_Well_ian ago

I have a perfect example of a post that was deleted over a year ago by the former main mod MF because he 'didn't think it was relevant'. Pure opinion. ( I made the post under my initial account that was locked out during the password reset fiasco. )

Are we autists or gatekeepers? It gets very frustrating to have hours of work deleted because of limited thinking by a gatekeeper mod. It's clear in this submission that I was way ahead of the Main Mod in understanding the bigger picture, the tactics of the Elite Cabal, and the scope and reach of Pizzagate.

Time after time, I attempted to broaden the investigation and help others see what I can see clearly. Time after time MF deleted my posts even after I PROVED they satisfied each and every rule. ( I was way ahead of everybody on his lack of credibility, too )

Pizzagate was always much, much bigger than the tiny outpost of Comet Pizza, Mr. Alefantis and John Podesta. Pizzagate has been left behind as the QAnon and the Great Awakening gather up followers that are more interested in the larger global conspiracy than individual stories about perverts and their victims.

Vindicator ago

We have been working hard to prevent this from happening over the past two months with the new mod team, Ian. Haven't you noticed a difference?

I agreed that thread shouldn't have been deleted and asked you to repost when I saw it. That wouldn't have necessarily been obvious a year and a half ago. Since you made it, there have been numerous revelations pointing to the idea that social media and TV outlets have been set up by the Cabal to further its nefarious ends, from Project Veritas busting Twitter for having a staff of a 100 saving people's DMs and dick picks, to Facebook trying to get people medical history. Falcon couldn't have known that stuff back when you first posted.

Those early prescient submissions haven't been lost...they are still available via We just need to do what good investigators do and go back through the trove of material we've accumulated and reexamine old info in light of new developments, and publish new pieces tying it all together. :-)

@think- @ben_matlock @Honeybee_ @EricKaliberhall

Oh_Well_ian ago

Research takes a hell of a lot of effort, time and commitment. The subject matter is disturbing and emotionally taxing. I have a business to run and a life outside PG that requires my time and focus. I have made sacrifices both personally and professionally so I could contribute. I do not do this for money, followers or respect.

Yes, there is a difference. EK and HB are people I respect because they have skin in the game and so do you. KD, on the other hand, is an arrogant shitbag who does not deserve any say in this sub, whatsoever. He just clearly demonstrated that by coming unhinged when I asked him a simple question. I took the time to give him a thoughtful answer and he didn't even bother to reply. But he made sure he insulted me. Shades of MF for sure and indicative from someone who sits on the sidelines and uses his mod status as a power trip rather than demonstrating an understanding that we are all on the same team.

I'm not a big fan of increasing the number of rules. The 24 hr flag was a good addition, though, and should not be eliminated. One thing about linked posts: People are generally lazy and linked posts to videos or quick articles allow access to information for those without the time or attention span to sort through complicated and/or wordy submissions. Subscribers to PG can be the ultimate arbitrators on submissions if they speak with their upvoats and downvoats. Perhaps submissions can be downvoated off the board, like comments. Although, I'm not sure about programming complications that would arise.

think- ago

Pizzagate was always much, much bigger than the tiny outpost of Comet Pizza, Mr. Alefantis and John Podesta.

Agree. This is why we have posts now that discuss e.g. organ trade.

I think it is good that info in research posts have to be sourced, and speculative posts can go to v/pizzagatewhatever (or v/conspiracy for that matter).

Their is so much disinfo out there, I feel it is adamant to vet info, if we want to be taken seriously and redpill normies.

think- ago

@Blacksmith21: please see parent.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Curious... . how many submissions have you made to this subverse?

Oh_Well_ian ago

Just don't call this an INVESTIGATION when intelligent speculation is not permitted.

I wonder how effective Police investigations would be if Investigators were not permitted to brain storm and speculate. There has been so much information scrubbing by Black Hats, requiring mandatory links from the fully compromised MSM is a garbage in, garbage out proposition.

think- ago

Ian, the problem is that everybody has different conceptions of 'intelligent speculation'. We would be overrun by shills in no time when we wouldn't vet posts anymore, requiring sources.

@Vindicator @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @factfinder2 @Tanngrisnir

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop harassing the posters, get rid of the shills, then all you gatekeepers need to walk.

MolochHunter ago

i like the 24 hours grace

i also think the mods should give me an hours grace before Deleting my absolute guff like this for people to have a chance at titter before it's deservingly axed

think- ago

Maybe we should create a new sub - v/pizzagatehumour? ;-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, "We" should. You and the mods need to stay away from that one. Why would we make a new one and bring you guys with it?

think- ago

LOL. See? We definitely need a sister sub! ;-)

think- ago

I will DM you.

joanofsrc ago

this is why this subverse wont grow hahahhaah

Blacksmith21 ago

I can see chivalry is dead in the Dude household.

lovely1 ago

i am leaving this subverse because of thslese bs rules and especially @ think who has no life and detracts more than contributes. this is why the truth wont spread. brava think!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It's backfiring. They need us here where they can control the narrative. But many continually leave. This is a ghost town now.

lovely1 ago

yep!! they are either traitors or idiots

Blacksmith21 ago

Borderline. I take it you don't have too many women in your life @kevdude

srayzie ago

@Vindicator @Think- @Crensch @ben_Matlock @EricKaliberhall

I AM NOT ok with this shit. I want no part of it. Rape isn’t funny.

srayzie ago

Donkey tells me he wishes I was raped. There is a fuckin limit Kev.

srayzie ago

I can’t believe this.

SchlongKeyhote ago

I can't believe women will spread their legs for any reason EXCEPT to save their own race. THAT'S not funny. But here we are.

srayzie ago

You think that because women don’t want to spread their legs for your nasty little noodle. The truth is, women desire real men.

SchlongKeyhote ago

i think women will spread their legs for anything because they wont spread them for me? huh?

you cant even conjure up a one-line reply without embarrassing yourself. stick to compiling other peoples tweets. I said when you were modded that if someone links me to a SINGLE piece of original research of yours I will leave for good. OFFER STILL STANDS!

srayzie ago

I’ve posted my own research several times.

Maybe some crackwhore would spread her legs for anyone. That’s about all you would get. Enjoy!

srayzie ago

It’s not funny if you’re a woman who has been raped.

SchlongKeyhote ago

women raped or otherwise have no sense of humor to begin with, so that's a tautology.

srayzie ago

That doesn’t even make sense retard

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I think you should include body parts trafficking, all relevant implications thereof, all uses of the pedo code words, etc.

YogSoggoth ago

Yeah, like adremachrome. Not Empirical enough. Good start though.

YogSoggoth ago

Right on, just keeping it real and thanks for that.

auralsects ago

2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link.

totally abused, way too vague. add that 'common knowledge' is defined as what a 6-month lurker of the sub would know, which would include most of the big names/orgs/topics listed under rule 1.

PEOPLE ARE STILL MAKING LINK POSTS by merey adding one line of description for it. especially with "school teacher/priest in Bumfuck, Idaho/Chimichanga, Mexico arrested" <----a post has to have ANALYSIS OR CLEARLY DEMONSTRATED RESEARCH BEHIND IT, maybe 1/10 of Q posts pass this test.

since Q-fags maintain that everything political INCLUDING pizzagate is subsumed by Q they should stay in THEIR OWN SUB.

repeat offenders making way too many threads per week like @migratorypatterns should have their posts deleted, even arbitrarily

VoatisCIA ago

No FACTS are going to come from Qanon- 2 days ago was exposed as a completely and utter fraud!! By @0hour1 on twitter

think- ago

Rule 2: Empiricism: EACH factual claim that is not common knowledge must be sourced with a link.

Rule 2 is fine.

Reason: We have many newbies, and people from other subs who wouldn't have a clue what OPs are talking about, when claims needn't be sourced.

Also, many people share Pizzagate posts on Twitter, so that people without any background knowledge about Pizzagate will read them. They can't be redpilled when claims are not sourced properly.

I can understand though, why people who have been here from the beginning, and are here almost daily, assume that some stuff is 'common knowledge'.

IMO, posts should be written in a way that newbies will understand them. This way, they'll get more traction, and can be spread outside of v/pizzagate.

YogSoggoth ago

First we have to define Empirical. Greek based (common knowledge). Greece was a proto-Roman empire predated by the Estruscans (common knowledge). Somewhere along the line common knowledge became empire, which is a different term, even though it supposedly came from common roots. Does that clear the fog?

auralsects ago

as usual you misunderstand the criticism against you. I understand what sourcing is for. I say YOU LOT have proven yourselves to have zero judgement as to what demands it. do you even appreciate that "common knowledge" is subjective, jfc.

lovely1 ago

u r right these mods need to go

think- ago

Well, I know that you're still cross with me because I asked for sources in your lenghty post that came with many unsourced claims. But you were able to add them in no time. :-)

I won't go into the details, but I can totally see why you would like to abolish sourcing claims. :-)

auralsects ago

I won't go into the details, but I can totally see why you would like to abolish sourcing claims. :-)

I JUST said it, cunt: this mod team of women (of both sexes) don't know what "common knowledge" means. for example: if OP says "pedo swirl" does that require a source? no? how else would "newbies" be able to compare tho!!!

Well, I know that you're still cross with me because I asked for sources in your lenghty post that came with many unsourced claims.

I realize that youre not historically astute enough to know that "Ghetto" was coined for JEWISH neighborhoods and not black ones. This is what I mean by common knowledge being subjective; there are intelligent people like me, then there are also YOU

think- ago

I realize that youre not historically astute enough to know that "Ghetto" was coined for JEWISH neighborhoods and not black ones.

Well Donkey, IIRC, you talked about a 21st century neighbourhood that has been labeled 'ghetto', because many - but not all - shop or diner owners there are Jewish. And - IIRC - I asked you to provide evidence that the specific shop owners you talked about were Jewish. Which you couldn't provide, btw.

So you are the one now who suddenly starts talking about black neighbourhoods. I never did that.

Btw: Calling me 'cunt' twice means you are out - bye!

lovely1 ago

but you are

think- ago

repeat offenders making way too many threads per week like @migratorypatterns should have their posts deleted

LOL. So people who do many posts to expose pedos are 'repeated offenders'? But I can see why you would write that.

You said growing up without a father was worse than being sexually abused, and childless white women should be put in a dungeon and raped until they had given birth to three children.

So maybe people should keep this in mind when reading your proposals to change rules. LOL.

joanofsrc ago

get lost. u are why we wont win. dumbass

auralsects ago

So people who do many posts to expose pedos are 'repeated offenders'?

"CDAN posted this. I think its this. heres some articles about him." that is not exposing pedos, you silly cunt.

You said growing up without a father was worse than being sexually abused

...because that fact ALSO increases the odds of being sexually abused by a whopping 900% as I sourced in the comment.

childless white women should be put in a dungeon and raped until they had given birth to three children.


millennial_vulcan ago

MP is irritating the F out of me at the moment too.

think- ago

But they have the right to post as much as they like, millennial. I think everybody here is sometimes irritated by other users in a way, since we all have different opinions, political and religious backgrounds, different experiences etc.

We can downvoat posts we don't like, or go to the thread and write comments, and point out why we don't agree. Or ignore posts we don't like.

Personally, I think @migratorypatterns posts are often brilliant - like the post they did about NXIVM and the Dalai Lama, or other NXIVM posts they submitted. Since I'm non-partisan, I don't necessarily agree with their views on Trump, but that's only natural.

I regard @migratorypatterns as a valuable member of the community, and I'm glad they post.

TL;DR: Everyone here is different, and has different priorities. We should respect that. Apart from the obvious shills of course, that only come here to D&C, and to spread their vitriol.

millennial_vulcan ago

stop sucking butt! Sure, everyone's great until you point out how incorrect they are then they turn into toddlers.

think- ago


think- ago

Well, you called out @migratorypatterns as someone who posts frequently. And I can't remember that they ever did a post about a CDAN blind.

you silly cunt

Pro-tip: People won't take you seriously when you try to insult them or other users.

But I'll forgive you, I'm generous today. :-)

SchlongKeyhote ago

you just called me a shill pedophile, filthy slag. and youre complaining about insults??

btw no one has named more pedos than me nor given as many concrete addresses. I struggle to think of anyone here whose research even competes with mine.

think- ago

P.S.: I only quoted you. When others think you're a pedo shill, based on your quotes, I can't help it. :-) :-)

think- ago

you just called me a shill pedophile

I think you are replying to the wrong user, Donkey.

You really should learn to be more accurate. But as I said, two strikes and you're out. You'll have to find a new discussion partner.

Bye-bye. :-) :-) :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

isnt the word 'cunt' what good friends call each other in the UK? I think the auralsects has a crush ;-) But I do agree with him re the highly irritating MP. Sorry.

think- ago

I think the auralsects has a crush ;-)

:-) grin

Blacksmith21 ago

You're nicer than I am. One of these days I will run across @oralsex. It always happens. And when it does:

SchlongKeyhote ago

I told you I live in south LA and you said youd come by since you travel so much. I'm guessing your forty lbs overweight and haven't fought in decades. it will be a DELIGHT, COME AT ME BRAH

srayzie ago


It’s funny how he’s guessing your 40 pounds overweight and you haven’t fought in decades.

Dudes in his 50’s. Engaged twice to MEN. But never married. His keyhote characters he used to play the younger role. His Equineluvr profile was his more authentic self. Of course, still an asshole.

SchlongKeyhote ago

So even after finally realizing everyone is as antisemitic as me you cling to this idea that I am Equine? Why don't you accept my offer to show months of DMs between Us? I know why:

That would force you to state a concrete logical standard of evidence, which you are utterly incapable of doing. One could believe I faked a few, perhaps a dozen, anticipating being called out some day. But months and months? Is that believable? Without first asking for OTHERS' opinions you will never offer Your Own.

Because you are a woman. Incapable of independent thought and insecure about that fact. It is really sad and I have often felt genuine pity for you, like watching the special Olympics.

srayzie ago

Between you and your Equine alt? Because there has never been an us.

SchlongKeyhote ago


srayzie ago

Obviously I don’t have the conversation. “Equine” told me. I don’t even care. Go away.

srayzie ago


That faggot does not live in LA. I won’t dox him but he knows that I know what state he lives in because of his alt Equineluvr.

SchlongKeyhote ago

I'm not equine, can't, and if I were it sure as shut wouldn't have been you to realize it. You could not find your own fat ass with a road map and both hands.

srayzie ago

Where did you learn that retarted term? You camel jockey’s don’t even make sense.

Blacksmith21 ago

; )

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh BTW - you responded from the wrong account @schlongkeyhote / @auralsects -- @vindicator @think- @srayzie @benmatlock @oh_well_ian

SchlongKeyhote ago

I don't hide, faggot. I'm limited to ten per alt per day. You know how sad it is to have to pretend you have outed me or caught me slipping Up? Sad like your erection @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

He knows I already outed him.

Alopix ago

Why are you mentioning all of your own alts?

See I can do jewish well-poisoning bullshit too.

Oh_Well_ian ago

their sloppiness will be their downfall


Blacksmith21 ago

I'm guessing you are very, very wrong.

think- ago

Kev, regarding Rule 4 you asked:

I am not sure when it was changed to remove the direct prohibition on meta posts.

I believe that was part of the discussion of this sticky by former mod 'sensitive':

There was a lot of frustration community-wide at the time about the meaning and complexity of the rules IIRC.