think- ago

Ahem @neptunium1 - LOL - I will have to remove this vid per Rules 1 and 3.

neptunium1 ago

By the way, there is a serious issue here because we have people on this board who are encouraging perusing the dark web looking for nasty stuff. And I think you know who I'm pointing my finger at.

think- ago

You might want to consider reposting on v/pizzagatewhatever with a lengthy comment regarding the 'frizzledrip story'

The frazzledrip story:

and some thoughts about the risk of luring people into the dark web. You might want to add thoughts about who might be encouraging people to do so.

neptunium1 ago

You might want to add thoughts about who might be encouraging people to do so.

That bit I'll leave out. Too controversial.. but anyone with any sense will be able to pick up on that.

neptunium1 ago

I know. Don't mean to cause more work for you but couldn't resist. :-)

think- ago

....we all need a good laugh from time to time, especially the mods... ;-) ....BUT DON'T MAKE IT A HABIT. :-)

neptunium1 ago

I won't :-)

think- ago


derram ago :

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