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letsdothis2 ago

In 2013, the Walk Free Foundation joined with Humanity United

2016 Humanity United - A part of The Omidyar Group.

Founder Pierre Omidyar, ebay creator

Why Pierre Omidyar decided to join forces with Glenn Greenwald for a new venture in news

At Poynter, John Temple, who was editor of Omidyar’s Civil Beat when it launched, says: “He’s got a journalist’s sensibility.

$1mil funding from Craig Newmark (craigslist), Poynter Journo School, Tampa Bay times, Politifact, Omidyar, Democracy now, Clinton Foundation, scrubbed news,

"The International Fact Checking Network" Initiated by Facebook and spear-headed by Poynter, IFCN, is funded by the above-mentioned, but is also funded by Open Society Foundations, a George Soros' Funding operation. And, it's been well established that Soros is a Clinton Foundation funder.