neptunium1 ago

The Freedom Fund's inaugural CEO, Nick Grono, has written articles on modern slavery for the Huffington Post,[16] Newsweek,[17] and The Guardian [18] as well as contributed to the Freedom Fund blog.[19] Grono previously served as Deputy President and COO of the Brussels-based International Crisis Group

The ICG garnered controversy in April 2013 as it awarded Myanmar President Thein Sein its "In Pursuit of Peace Award", with the award ceremony coinciding with the publication of a Human Rights Watch report of ethnic cleansing by Sein's administration.

The International Crisis Group gives advice to governments and intergovernmental bodies like the United Nations, European Union and World Bank on the prevention and resolution of deadly conflict. It combines field-based analysis, policy prescription, and advocacy, with key roles being played by senior management and board members.

Crisis Group raises funds from mainly western governments, charitable foundations, companies and individual donors. In the early stages of Crisis Group's history, funding was much less diverse, mainly from co-founder George Soros, chairman of the Open Society Institute. Crisis Group has an Advisory Council composed of three groups named the President's Council, the International Advisory Council, and the Ambassador Council, which includes corporations like Chevron and Shell, as well as some members listed on its website as 'Anonymous'.

neptunium1 ago


Crisis Group's "In Pursuit of Peace Award" was established in 2005, and is associated with a gala event in New York City. Recipients include U.S. Presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush;[why?] Hillary Clinton; Nobel Peace Prize laureates Martti Ahtisaari and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and financier and philanthropist George Soros

EricKaliberhall ago

I remember Nick Grono after the murder of Jo Cox... He is definitely part of the Global satanic pedophile cabal.

letsdothis2 ago

Omidyar looks very...very sketchy from all the stuff that I'm reading. Lot's of money, lot's of funding organizations, lot's of ties all over the place, good philanthropic front with a very dark side. And, he's got roots in Hawaii that seem pretty suspect - having attended the same school as Obama and AOLs Steve Case (also a big funder). Coincidence that there's been a lot of posts here on Voat and on 8ch/Infinichan to suspect Hawaii activity? Hawaii's location and challenging terrain make it a good place to secret things/people away.

letsdothis2 ago

In 2013, the Walk Free Foundation joined with Humanity United

2016 Humanity United - A part of The Omidyar Group.

Founder Pierre Omidyar, ebay creator

Why Pierre Omidyar decided to join forces with Glenn Greenwald for a new venture in news

At Poynter, John Temple, who was editor of Omidyar’s Civil Beat when it launched, says: “He’s got a journalist’s sensibility.

$1mil funding from Craig Newmark (craigslist), Poynter Journo School, Tampa Bay times, Politifact, Omidyar, Democracy now, Clinton Foundation, scrubbed news,

"The International Fact Checking Network" Initiated by Facebook and spear-headed by Poynter, IFCN, is funded by the above-mentioned, but is also funded by Open Society Foundations, a George Soros' Funding operation. And, it's been well established that Soros is a Clinton Foundation funder.

derram ago :

#FvnkS0u1™ - Kazakhstan BOT on Twitter: "Of course @NickGrono of the charity industrial complex whom support the pseudo NGO #WhiteHelmets would say this. @VanessaBeeley is a witness of the independent media, and you are a liar Grono.…" :

Nick Grono on Twitter: "Wonderful acknowledgement of the important and impactful work of The White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef in tremendously difficult circumstances.…" :

Nick Grono on Twitter: "Fascinating discussions at @McCainInstitute #SedonaForum. Last night CIA Director Pompeo, this morning Defence Sec Mattis. Other speakers incl @anneapplebaum @aplusk @ericschmidt. All set to magnificent red rock backdrop of Sedona.…"

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