toutedesuite ago

This is a minor detail, but did anyone else notice the leader of the Barbie Dance workout is wearing a pink leotard that is lit in such a way as to have some really disturbing “shadows” that make it look like an orifice opening & closing? I am not usually sensitive to visual inuendo, and I watched it with no sound, so perhaps it’s just me but looks obscene.

GD_Ridefort ago

You are correct @toutedesuite. The big pink diaper-with-a-crease that Barbie's "special friend" Kim is wearing isn't normal workout gear.

Also at 9:33, and all throughout the video, notice how there are 3 sets of crossed palm trees in the background.

Each pair of overlapping trees forms an 'X'...

There are three X's in a row, which we know signals 666

Luxxy ago

Hat's off to the researcher of this thread. THIS.

Gothamgirl ago

Swirls in the pizza sauce. This is very interesting I have recently found a connection to Pizza hut too. Don't forget George Takei.

The comments under the video

Seems like they're communicating something.

GD_Ridefort ago

As that clip shows, Takei already had a raunchy public persona by the time they hired him as spokesman. @Carmencita, please see the Taco Bell commercial with Takei:

  • 0:10 - He looks lustfully at the pizza boy, before giving him a tip that's attached to his 'head shot'
  • 0:17 - Holding a flesh-color baloon that looks both like a mask, and a penis
  • 0:18 - Literally playing ping pong...

carmencita ago

Yeah, holding that paddle.......they do love to paddle don't they. Takei is fishy as heck. Lust in his eyes.

carmencita ago

carmencita ago

In the Maleficent video at 1:25 a ball is up in the air with swirls at 3: 22 there is a car and smoke comes out in swirls. There is messaging all over these vids. Masks everywhere in this one and the whole thing is satanic with skulls and horns. A Big Huge Swirl Sucker at 7:29 as well. At 8:48 there are double heart balloons. All these videos have one aim in mind. Subliminal Brainwashing of Our Children. These are being shown to babies even, by their parents. GEEZE put them in a playpen with a few windup toys and get off the phone or laptop and play with your child. These Are Very Harmful.

GD_Ridefort ago

Check out the shirt on the black character, here

carmencita ago

Wow. Not even subliminal. Pushed right in the face over and over. The Blond Doll had a pink shirt on with tiny pizzas all over it. Also notice the Black & White Checkerboard Floor. They do not miss a trick.

new4now ago

What I know about Taco Bell is PepsiCo bought it from the original guy that came up with the concept

Pepsi in turn made an extension to handle The bell This extension had a name before the name it has now

That's why The Bell Carey's Pepsi products and the Baha Blast

Wasn't Pepsi involved in aborted baby tissue or something in their product?

Been so busy lately I don't know if I coming or going

Will try to look further on The Bell

I know a few people who work there

carmencita ago

There is talk about the tissue but I think it is scant. But even that is too much! I think what they did is lower the amount that is now reported and so they put in just a tad less. Skirting the Issue Again.

new4now ago

Well PepsiCo owns Taco Bell, as I see it

Anyone or anything that is making huge amount of money is connected

I think the commercial was truth done as a parody

Goes on the same stuff they did in the 80's during the " Satanic Panic"

This isn't like what happened to Procter and Gamble, although they might not have won their lawsuit if there had been internet then ,

But Taco Bell was blatant in there reference to the Illuminati

Been trying to catch up here and with the news, all I can say is WTF is going on?

The MSM is having a field day with Republicans, but not mentioning so much stuff

There's new strains of a lot of STD's that are in smaller news outlets

Is this why Cunningham died?

I've read where Rod Rosenstein's wife had represented Clinton's, Obama, Comey and Mueller over numerous times

Then I read those two FBI agents that were having an affair still have high clearance

So many Repubs leaving office and the cockroaches are digging in

I very proud of some of the posts here, very good reserch and connections

Far as I concerned, It's time Q shits or get off the pot

I went on Facebook to get phone numbers of family I needed to get a hold of

I couldn't believe what some of the die hard dems were sharing

I stressed out with family and wanting for a stop with these people

The are now turning Puerto Rico into a Haiti

They have to be stopped and soon

Sorry about rant, but I thinking others feel the same

GD_Ridefort ago

Besides Taco Bell being blatant, did you see this Pizza Hut commercial mentioned elsewhere in the comments? It features a raunchy gay spokesman playing 'ping pong' and flirting with a teen boy.

Not only is Pizza Hut Taco Bell's sister company, they also promote those weird YouTube videos where baby girls wear Lolita glasses and characters from ElsaGate make guest appearances...

carmencita ago

I have a link I found by accident and have thought ever since they created the storm that they would recreate Haiti so they could steal more children and more organs I knew when that Big Ship parked out in the waters and Chelsea Clinton visited it STDs are being created so that they can help out Big Pharma with Gardasil and help kill off more of our children and the next generation

new4now ago

It's going to be a bad season for hurricanes this season, no doubt

Wish Clinton would just croak off, take his wife and daughter too

I also keeping an eye out for the island of Barbuda

De Niro and Partners are taking prime land from the people for resorts

A lot of people don't want them there, but the hurricane really helped out

60% people were homeless and roughly between 1,400 to 1,800 people were evacuated to Antigua

Hardly anyone came back

I don't like DeNiro at all, I read where he and same partners, Trevor Horwell, Chef Nobu Matsushisa, James Packer, and producer meir Teper pose just opened a Casino called City of Dreams in Pasay City just south of Manillia, Phillipines

I know DeNiro dirty, gonna have to see what more he is up too

carmencita ago

OMG!!! The Pizza Party Video the doll with the dark hair making the Pizza has the Triangle BL symbol on her shirt! Also at about 1:22 on the video when she puts the sauce on the pizza there are swirls on the sauce. One of the dolls has Pink Lolita Glasses on and if that is not enough, there is a Red & White Checked Cloth on the Table!!! Good God this is Chock Full of Pizzagate!!! The rest of those vids are for sure just as loaded. UPVOAT!!!

Z11Mama ago

Your comment reminded me of a topic I think about quite a bit.

You mentioned the red and white checked table cloth. Of course it is there. As it is in a large percentage of pizza parlors and Italian restaurants and has been, for well over 100 years. It is symbolic with that kind of food.

I see many things like this tablecloth mentioned where people could see it ONLY as what I just described. Routine. My point? Has anyone made an effort to figure out how many routine things in life are also PG related? How many of them BEGAN with PG and how many of them had innocent beginnings?

My guess is that most of this had innocent beginnings and was stolen for dark use because it was more widely accepted.

carmencita ago

It i hard to know which came first, as in the chicken or the egg. Could be they stole the food and are hijacking it now for their perverted propaganda and symbolism. Who really knows. All we know is they are trying really hard to cram these things into the heads of Our Children. Sick and Perverted.

GD_Ridefort ago

You have to ask "WTF" when Taco Bell spends millions on commercials to show they are knowledgeable about evil Illuminati practices and symbols...

But if Taco Bell and Pizza Hut are basically the same company... under the umbrella of Yum! foods... this Barbie Pizza Hut crap is a new level of rubbing people's noses in their wickedness.

carmencita ago

Not only adults but their children. That is what they are after. This is all about Subliminal Brainwashing of Our Children Those Videos Are Evil!

Micheal84 ago

Thanks for this, upvoated!

About that website

I was wondering, why it has a membership option, and what are the benefits of being a paying member.

Again thanks for this post.

dicedtomatoes55-2 ago

There's apparently enough members to pay for the cost of the site so that they don't have to implement advertisements. Not having any idea what the paid membership is for by looking all around on the site makes this statement a bit fishy.

The people who are paying $20 a month, evidently knew what they were getting before they started their subscription, why else would they become a paid member? This is some weird shit.

GD_Ridefort ago

Another question would be whether Disney knows that such "secondary markets" exist for their products... and how much tacit approval they give for disturbing Elsa videos to be produced?

Also, was Mattel aware of such "markets" when they cast a Kids Inc victim to appear in their video... wearing that outfit and bouncing around like Jane Fonda for an hour?

Z11Mama ago

Such companies pay millions of dollars a year to make sure they don't make such mistakes. Remember, the criminals involved in all of this are often the people behind the scenes in this industry. For example: A group of pedos/entertainment people sitting around discussing the upcoming commercial they are putting together for Taco Bell. "Hey Joe! Why don't we use the same kid for the commercial that Mo (Taco Bell exec) liked so well at the last shindig we put together?" Evil laughter follows as the group remembers. They know their clever idea will be a winner. And no one outside of the room and the exec will ever know EXACTLY why the exec liked that kid.

Perhaps something like that? These people stick together and get off on keeping it in our faces. Because they can.

GD_Ridefort ago

For example, the actor they cast as the "pizza boy" in this ad I mentioned to @gothamgirl? Bear in mind, the star of the commercial George Takei is alleged to have abused a young actor while the boy passed out drunk:

"The next thing I remember I was coming to and he had my pants down around my ankles and he was groping my crotch and trying to get my underwear off and feeling me up at the same time, trying to get his hands down my underwear..."

derram ago :

Dance! Workout with Barbie - YouTube :

Barbie Pizzeria Toy Review Pizza Playset with Frozen Anna Doll - YouTube :

Halloween Special! Elsa as Maleficent, Spiderman as Mummy and many more! - YouTube :

Halloween Special! Elsa as Maleficent, Spiderman as Mummy and many more! - YouTube :

Barbie Pizza Hut Restaurant Playset - Playing with Dolls , Toys for Kids - YouTube :

Barbie Pizza Hut Restaurant Playset - Playing with Dolls , Toys for Kids - YouTube :



Dance! Workout with Barbie - YouTube

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