think- ago

Ignore Esoteric's comment below. The video was deleted because Kevin Annett is a fraud.

He invented several 'Courts' and an 'International Tribunal' that he runs from his living room. It has nothing to do with @Vindicator possibly wanting to suppress this topic (sexual abuse and murder of Canadian children), as DeathTo and Esoteric keep insinuating.The issue is not the topic but Kevin Annett.

I suggested to DeathTo a long time ago that he could post any other YT vid about the topic - there are dozens of them. But he didn't. I suggested he could do a research post about the topic. He never did.

He only ever tried to post this specific video so that he could bitch about @Vindicator when he deleted it.

He said he wanted to drink a beer with our beloved shill Donkeyhote, who said raping women was ok, and sexual abuse of children wasn't harmful.

Go figure. He is a shill.

(And Esoteric, don't even try to argue that 'the victims are real'. Kevin Annett's MO is to hijack legit investigations, to push his own agenda. Maybe due to him being narcisstic or worse, maybe because he's a paid shill whose aim is to delegitimize investigations. I tend to think he's both. /end of discussion, Esoteric, on this subject matter).

auralsects ago

seems to me a shill would ingratiate himself and AVOID posting controversial things. but hey youre the 'expert' right, MOD who turned this sub into a carbon copy of the Q sub. well done btw, since Q has brought us so much new information that shills would seek to obscure: LOL

  1. "I would personally rape every fertile white woman around if it meant our race would survive" I stand by this statement, which doesn't say raping women in general is ok. it's just okayer than our race dying out.

  2. being a child of a single-mother is more harmful than being sexually abused because it alone ALSO ENTAILS a 1000% increase in likelihood to suffer sexual abuse. can your small female brain grasp compounding risk? nice try at casual lying+slander, cunt.

Blacksmith21 ago

I know. Fuck that noise @kevdude. I just like to play that card once in a while to see what it feels like. I'd just assume curb stomp @oralsex (@aurualsects). I bet he sucks a mean dick. Only a guilty, self-hating troll would take his position. We know.

ESOTERICshade ago

I know. Fuck that noise @kevdude. I just like to play that card once in a while to see what it feels like. I'd just assume curb stomp @oralsex (@aurualsects). I bet he sucks a mean dick. Only a guilty, self-hating troll would take his position. We know.

I think you may have curb stomped yourself on that interpretation of "auralsects" because I am fairly certain the user name means "sects or cults of light" which transfers into "the cult of lucifer" because Lucifer is known esoterically as "the light bringer." I'm fairly certain that all that went straight over your head.

Shizy ago

No, not over anyone's head, you would be right if this @auralsects person was anyone else, but since it's that woman hating dumbass Donkey hote, who loves to talk about his penis and has told just about every female here to suck it, I guarante oral sex is exactly the meaning behind his name.

ESOTERICshade ago

No, not over anyone's head, you would be right if this @auralsects person was anyone else, but since it's that woman hating dumbass Donkey hote, who loves to talk about his penis and has told just about every female here to suck it, I guarante oral sex is exactly the meaning behind his name.

I know its donkey. you knew I knew. donkey knew I knew. we all know. but donkey has been behaving himself better, and it trying to make more valid conversation that is not so racially volatile. So, I went with it. This is a comment by comment deal. I deal with comments, detail, and historical facts. I try to not get caught up in drama, and sometime I could fail, but I try not to fail. When I fail, call me out like a dog, and I will bark...ruff ruff

auralsects ago

Lies. I would never lessen racial volitility. Our motto is literally "gas the kikes; race war now." furthermore since women are incapable of accepting racial aspects of reality I will never stop pointing out that they're a liability and should gtfo.

My whole purpose is to wake these fools up to the fact that PG is a mere symptom of the JQ. You're a "not all Jews tho" fag and thus an enemy to progress, an idle theorist. And effectively a race traitor.

You can't show them how Trump and Q are stringing them along without providing the motive: killing time as whites become a minority, which benefits only the current racial minorities, of whom only Jews have any power or presence in PG. Third-grader logic.

ESOTERICshade ago

Donk, you blew the whole crew slap out of the water with this new name. It will take me three months just to teach them what that name means. god damn...

Shizy ago

Before you start acting superior like you"figured out the new name" you need to go look up what "aural" means. Hint: it's doesn't mean light like you wrote yesterday.

I stand with my correct assumption that this weirdo degenerate made up a name that sounds like "oral sex"! You have given this douche too much credit

auralsects ago

No they're right it's about dicks to cloud the women's brains, u see how they jumped on it immediately whereas a man just thinks "I see. A pun."
If u wish feel free to explain to them how Illuminati phallc symbolism comes from jews worshipping donkey dicks with their menorahs

ESOTERICshade ago

before I go to bed tonight. i have to (hive) you shout on that new name because you grabbed the pussy on that one. touche

I get it. You know that i get it. nigga, b hav

Blacksmith21 ago

Say it out loud shithead. Maybe if you spoke to someone other than the voices in your head, you would see the obvious.

ESOTERICshade ago

What is my name? Figure out the definition of my name. Let me give you a clue, young lad, you are here. You are barely here. Now shut the fuck up, and I will lead you the rest of the way, because you aint no place out of this rabbit hole.

The Cave: An Adaptation of Plato's Allegory in Clay

Blacksmith21 ago

I was referring to @auralsects = oralsex. I guess you aren't as sharp as you think....

ESOTERICshade ago

What is the esoteric definition of the word "light"?

ESOTERICshade ago

Say it out loud shithead.


ESOTERICshade ago

Or did he ask you to tie those events from a century ago to the current goings on?

That was a legit Mil Falcon fuck up. Those victims are still alive. It is controversial because of how Kevin Arnett went about exposing it all. Arnett started an Internation Tribunal and the Crown refused to recognize the legitimacy of the tribunal. It is a thorny subject and the victims are real. If you watch this documentary you will see that its no joke. It is a hair raising deal. @vindicator gets butthurt when we talk about jews, catholics, jesuits, or zionists. His only targets are democrats. It wears me the fuck out to be honest.


pby1000 ago

I understand your concerns, and I respect your knowledge and ability to research. I am aligning myself against the people I despise- the pedo/Satanist politicians, the MSM, the Cabal, etc.

Even if Q is a LARP, people are waking up. I was at the sporting goods store yesterday to buy ammunition, and people were talking... It was very interesting to overhear it.

Yes, you are right. I thought that certain events would have happened by now, such as high level arrests. I was not happy to see Hillary in India, but then she came back and attended that event with a coven of witches. LOL.

I am not sure if Hillary still has that hole in her tongue from Kuru disease...

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you ventured into other subs on Voat?

I have to admit that the answer to that is not really. I have looked a little bit but pizzagate has obviously been my main focus. I don't have anything bad to say about voat. I'm just a little burned out right now bro. pizzagate is a tough subject and I have personal experience in real life with it. I won't labor you with it though. I have met some damn good people here on voat.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'll say this: either quit or don't, don't be one of those whining bitches who spends a year saying they are leaving.

Starting checking my comment history and notice my absence. It won't be difficult.

think- ago

@ESOTERICshade: I meant a link that is related to the post, not an arbitrary link.


Needs a link to the pics.

2) Headline: 'Anon find child in Epstein Island Tunnel'

Needs a link /w source.

3) Also Headline: 'BECAUSE Q SAID SO!!!!'

Needs a link w/ source.

@think- thank you for your consideration and your good mod dude skillz :)

I'm not impressed by flattery. I am impressed by members who know the rules and adhere to them.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Q Tards just inherited this place because i'm outta here. But you do a fair job.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not impressed by flattery. I am impressed by members who know the rules and adhere to them.

I'm cool with that. I think you do a good job. I consider myself a part time member rapidly becoming a maybe sometimes but not really member. I am getting ready to retire, for the most part. Carry on with it :)

think- ago

Thank you for wasting my time. Have a nice day.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thank you for wasting my time. Have a nice day.

You are welcome. I wish you well in all that you do. i mean that sincerely.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

David Seaman reported that it is over and he won't report about it anymore because we won. Trump saved the world and the cabal is going down. Sealed undictments are unsealed and he saw one of them names. Says far more than 18000 being arrested and major stars and politicians being arrested. Zuckerberg to resign and leave the country. Matt Damon is finished. Not making this up. Seaman is now going to dissapear. He knows he can't keep lying about arrest forever so he left one last stink bomb and will be going quiet. This garbage is pathetic.

ESOTERICshade ago

David Seaman reported that it is over and he won't report about it anymore because we won. Trump saved the world and the cabal is going down. Sealed undictments are unsealed and he saw one of them names. Says far more than 18000 being arrested and major stars and politicians being arrested. Zuckerberg to resign and leave the country. Matt Damon is finished. Not making this up. Seaman is now going to dissapear. He knows he can't keep lying about arrest forever so he left one last stink bomb and will be going quiet. This garbage is pathetic.

I understand. There is a lot more that I could say about all this, but, I don't think I will. The Zionist bot army fake patriots have swarmed and they spend millions. You have always tried to maintain the balance and keep it from becoming partisan and I salute you for that. I'm sort of in the mood that "can't fight city hall" and packing my bags. I hate to be a quitter, but, maybe I am. I can't demod all these people so I guess it will be what it is. I have though, made some good buddies with REAL EYES along the way. I consider you to be one of those. Take care good buddy, we may talk again....

ArmyOfTruth ago

349 Monday

  1. What is Q's purpose and agenda?
  2. What countries have Nuclear, Chemical and Biological weapons, and why?
  3. What is the world's gateway?

ESOTERICshade ago

What is the world's gateway?

The new Silk Road. It goes from the British Isles to Bejing, China.

ArmyOfTruth ago

Valid answer. Now think beyond.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now think beyond.

Lets go. Take me on a tour. The globalist Neocon/Zionist/Chabadniks are carving up the world right before our eyeballs. Where do we go next?

ArmyOfTruth ago

Global trade and communications play an important role, and.the ultimate gateway is free will and death.

The only choice is to go directly to the people.

Why are nations united?

ESOTERICshade ago

Global trade and communications play an important role, and.the ultimate gateway is free will and death.

The only choice is to go directly to the people.

Why are nations united?

Q questions garble targets me directly. No shit sherlock. I'm not impressed. You ain't impressed me a bit. Speak your mind. Otherwise, we can just skip the bullshit. Obviously I am very awake and aware. I probably just taught you some shit you didn't even know. You are Q byte. You needed some education. Have a good day. If you have any other questions, real ones, I will answer them. Don't quizz me dude, i'm above it. :)

ArmyOfTruth ago

Why would Q be a deliberately untrustworthy source?

You are not the subject nor the enemy. Education is meaningless, virtue is knowledge.

Don't be so quick to judge.

ESOTERICshade ago

Education is meaningless

fo real tho? My humor is huge, it is even this big :)

ArmyOfTruth ago

Some answers are best phrased with a question. What does Jesus Christ look like?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why would Q be a deliberately untrustworthy source?

If you need me to answer that, then, well, naaaaa....

ArmyOfTruth ago

Q should answer it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Valid answer. Now think beyond.

My mind is always open for new data. This is what I know about the new Silk Road at the moment. Basically, its beginning and ending points. I understand that the geopolitical struggles we are witnessing are directed around trade. The flow of commerce is the flow of "currency" and it all goes hand in hand.

This is a Google Earth kmz file that I personally made myself while listening to a video of the route of the new silk road trading route. I made this file myself so I promise you that it is not dangerous. This is what we are witnessing in the world. This is why Yemen is in deep shit with Saudia Arabia and why Yemen is so important to the globalists, that, ahem...Trump is what it is. Pro tip, play the file in tour mode.

ArmyOfTruth ago

Trade is a means to a bigger end. What are the core currencies of life?

awake4646 ago


ArmyOfTruth ago

Exactly correct. Energy and water.

hojuruku ago

These Q News nutjobs banned me from their discord for hate speecha against pedophiles, then tracked down my skype afterwards and said ha ha ha (numerif the aussie gay pedo mod there). I wouldn't trust anything coming from Q, which I believe to be Robert David Steele who failed to start his own open-source intelligence agency until he re-branded it to Q.

Soulbrotha2 ago

Agreed. RDS was discredited when he said Podesta was in Guantanamo

ESOTERICshade ago

These Q News nutjobs banned me from their discord for hate speecha against pedophiles, then tracked down my skype afterwards and said ha ha ha (numerif the aussie gay pedo mod there). I wouldn't trust anything coming from Q, which I believe to be Robert David Steele who failed to start his own open-source intelligence agency until he re-branded it to Q.

My prediction is that the Q Tards will get this site shut down for hate speech cyber bullying. I am always honest, and I am right more often than I am wrong. I hope I am wrong this time, but I feel like I will be right. They are completely irresponsible and out of control.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Exactly what I said in a different thread re. bullying. I, too, hope we're wrong, but not holding my breath.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

I support this motion. Perhaps add a link to the post to have the flair removed.

Cc1914 ago

I think fishing sounds good ...🙂

ESOTERICshade ago

I think fishing sounds good ...🙂

I'm pretty sure that is where I getting ready to be. I love all my pizzagate buddies but I need to decompress. I have done this for years and I need to get some distance. I feel like an old pizzagate grandfather, and probably a grumpy one :)

pby1000 ago

What do you fish for? I want to go catch some trout soon. If I get really lucky, then I will go tuna fishing sometime this Summer.

ESOTERICshade ago

What do you fish for?

What do you fish for?

Its not so much what I catch that is important, its the art of, and the act of, fishing. Sitting beside the water and watching the wildlife. But, we have HUGE fucking catfish if a man is brave enough grab one by the mouth. They taste good too. We have knack for finding bottom feeders :) We ain't scared either :) Thank you my friend for all the things you taught me. Walter Veith being the most important. Veith is a beacon of light.

pby1000 ago

Cool! We have some nice sized catfish, too, but I prefer trout fishing. You are right, though, it is just great being out there doing something.

I am not sure I would want to catch them by hand. With my luck, I would find a snapping turtle.

No problem! I learned way more from you since I am relatively new to this.

If you really do leave, I hope you check back periodically to say hello and see how things are going. I suspect that The Cabal will not go down without a fight. That is my gut feeling. It will get much worse before it gets better.

Cc1914 ago

Haha 😂 na , I don't think grumpy just frustrated.. that's how I feel too . I moved literally off grid (except cell service .. sometimes ) and have not heard one television story since the 12th of March . I'm loving it ! I definitely had to decompress from the no end in sight PG saga !

ESOTERICshade ago

Haha 😂 na , I don't think grumpy just frustrated.. that's how I feel too . I moved literally off grid (except cell service .. sometimes ) and have not heard one television story since the 12th of March . I'm loving it ! I definitely had to decompress from the no end in sight PG saga !

My life was pizzagate before the internet was even invented. I'm tired. I'm just gonna say it like it is. I'm tired...

pby1000 ago

Shit! I started learning about this stuff in October 2016 with the Podesta email release, and I am fucking tired of it. I just want my normal life back, and I am sure that many people feel that way.

ESOTERICshade ago

Shit! I started learning about this stuff in October 2016 with the Podesta email release, and I am fucking tired of it. I just want my normal life back, and I am sure that many people feel that way.

Nope. Sorry. This is like the song "Hotel California." You can check in, but you can never leave. Because, once you know, you won't forget.

pby1000 ago

Damn you!!! LOL.

ESOTERICshade ago

Damn you!!! LOL.

You have been bitten by the vampire. Now you are fucked! Once you know, you can not unknow. You are now an alien. You just have to live with it :)

pby1000 ago

Nice! Just what I need.

Once I learned what is REALLY going on, I just can't ignore it. It is what draws us all together. We all have to leave a better world for future generations.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nice! Just what I need.

Once I learned what is REALLY going on, I just can't ignore it. It is what draws us all together. We all have to leave a better world for future generations.

you are my home bro. we have shared tons of info. PM on the way

pby1000 ago

Haha! You know about the esoteric stuff, and have been researching it a lot longer than I have. It is pretty scary just how important it is in order to explain world history and current events.

I think that Trump has to do something to put The Cabal out of its misery before the mid-term elections. I have a feeling that The Cabal will throw the mid-term elections in order to get enough votes to impeach Trump. Trump cannot wait that long.

I still believe that Trump, Wikileaks, and others have enough information to destroy The Cabal.

Feel free to PM me whenever you want.

Cc1914 ago

I understand my friend ... It's amazing what the outdoors and fishing can do to help . I hope you do that soon !

Cat_anon ago

Q only offered the link to Ray Chandler's Instagram! He did not provide the photos himself.

think- ago

Hi @EsotericShade - what is the premise of this post?

If you would like to discuss recent 'Q leaks' and argue that you think they are invalid, as indicated in your headline, please actually discuss what the anon alleged and show why you disagree with it (citing the anon and the Q posts in question, with links).

If you would like to propose a discussion about banning 'Q posts', please do a post in v/pizzagatemods, where all posts about the subverse itself go.

Please review the rules in the sidebar and edit your post.

I will flair this post 'Edit Warning', you'll have 24 hours to edit, otherwise we will have to remove the post.

Thank you.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

How about how nothing Q says comes true? All the arrest Q said were going down but never happens. Q lying about the way things work and acts like the cabal is finished when they are in full control. Stop it with this bullshit.

ESOTERICshade ago

Actually, I just expected this to get deleted. But, a poster here wants to talk about the Silk Road, which is the child trafficking route, too. What sort of link do i need for the post to live. I am willing to educate about the Silk Road.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hi @EsotericShade - what is the premise of this post?

My premise is obvious. Q is not a valid source of information. That is obvious. If it not obvious, then, perhaps, I will have to go fishing this summer instead of continue to help v/pizzagate.

auralsects ago

It was clear to me long ago that @vindicator was a shill and I made a thread to that effect. I'd be a little more sympathetic to you if you had been half as vocal in calling them out before -- particularly since they installed a whole crew of Q-followers as mods, especially the egregious shill @Blacksmith21

The wider problem here is that to consider Q a damage control psyop you'd have to also doubt Trump, which few want to do. They don't want to accept Trump is controlled opposition par excellence. Things could not be going better for The Tribe.

Even among a subset like truthers most people are naive lemmings.

Vindicator ago

It was clear to me long ago

LMAO. You've only been here 8 weeks.

ESOTERICshade ago

LMAO. You've only been here 8 weeks.

I wouldn't laugh so loud if I were you. You been a whole year and you don't jack shit about Jesuits, fake jews, secret societies, Freemasons, or nothing. You need to STFU and learn some shit. That is my advice to you, Mr. Know It All Nothing But Hillary Clinton.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Keep defending the Vatican you fraud. Told me to stop posting about the Vatican mass murder of children in Canada. The native peoples are lying and so is Annett is what you said. You are scum. Get the hell out ad go join MF and abortionburger in exile.

ArmyOfTruth ago

Time is but relative.

You have no idea how long they have been here.

This is not a comedy.

Blacksmith21 ago

You're an idiot @auralsects If I was a shill, why would I be having open discussions with other mods regarding leaving posts up that technically should be deleted? You don't do your homework very well, post uncited bullshit, and have a very obvious agenda - that of the true shill.

Most of us are well versed in the ways of the shill and your tactics are very obvious, albeit pathetic in nature.

A quick look of your history shows that you are NOT an original contributor of any content on this sub, but your misogyny and racism shines through clearly. Hallmark of a true shill. How much per hour do you get paid?

So, you think you're hot shit? Call me out. If I'm a shill, demonstrate why. Otherwise go fuck yourself.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Go fuck yourself with yourQ and Trump pushing bulllshit. Trump is one of them and Q is bullshit. Nobody is being arrested or will be. Almost 2 years of this garbage already. Fuck yourself and drop dead, in that order.

Blacksmith21 ago


How do you keep a shill in suspense?

ESOTERICshade ago

It was clear to me long ago that @vindicator was a shill and I made a thread to that effect. I'd be a little more sympathetic to you if you had been half as vocal in calling them out before -- particularly since they installed a whole crew of Q-followers as mods, especially the egregious shill @Blacksmith21

For my own sense of gravity I have been more willing to believe that vindicator is just naive but I have to admit that patience with that is wearing thin. I continue to believe that blacksmith21 has good intentions because, I want to....

The wider problem here is that to consider Q a damage control psyop you'd have to also doubt Trump, which few want to do. They don't want to accept Trump is controlled opposition par excellence. Things could not be going better for The Tribe.

I can't argue with that. Trump just gave Saudia Arabia 100 Billion dollars to further devastate the Middle East and crush Iran, Yemen, and everybody else that disagrees with Israel. Its all about those oil pipe lines. The Q followers pretend not to know, or, more probably, really do not know about all the pipe lines. They do not understand global petro flow.